11/12/2012 Elo Touch Solutions1715L 17" Desktop Touchmonitor
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1715L 17-inch Desktop Touchmonitor
The 1715L touchm onitor is de signed, develope d and built to provide the m ost cost-e ffe ctive touch solutions for
system inte grators and VAR s. It pa cks Elo qua lity and reliability into an inte grate d, a ffo rdable touchm onitor.
The optional 3-track magne tic stripe reade r (MSR ), program m able to either HID or Keyboard Emulation (USB
only), is e asily installe d by the use r, providing an e le gant, integrated solution and e liminating the ne ed for
ex te rna l brackets or attachm ents.
OpenMotion P ress relea se NRF Pre ss release Com pare Elo touchmonitors.
Technology Interface Surface Treatment Part # (RoHS
A vailability
AccuTouch Dua l se rial/USB Antiglare E603162 Am ericas, EMEA
APR USB Antiglare E832132 Americas, EMEA
Inte lliTouch Dua l se rial/USB Antiglare E719160 Am ericas, EMEA
AccuTouch Dua l se rial/USB Antiglare E162119 Asia/Pa cific
Inte lliTouch Dua l se rial/USB Antiglare E783252 Asia/Pa cific
Projected Capacitive USB Clea r E230052 Worldwide
Optional Peripherals
Peripheral Interface Color Part #(RoHS Compliant)
Magne tic Stripe Re ader USB Da rk Gray E963462
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