132 Catalog 1654001 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA Cust. Svc.: 1-800-468-2023 www.corcom.com
Revised 05-07 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. CORCOM Prods: 1-847-680-7400 www.tycoelectronics.com
specified. Values in italics Specifications subject Germany: 49-89-6089-0
are metric equivalents. to change.
P Series
P Series
CORCOM Product Guide
The CHAMELEON Adaptable Module for General, High Performance or
Medical Applications
The P series power entry module offers fuller flexibility of
design in a more compact package.
As the first 10 amp module to provide all five power entry
functions in one compact design, the CHAMELEON
module readily adapts to its environment and the needs of
international markets.
• Snap-in or flange mounting
• IEC power line connector
• Both North American and European fusing capabilities
• Two voltage selections
• Optional DPST on/off switch
• Filtering options for general purpose, medical and
high-performance applications.
The CHAMELEON modules compact design and modular
construction will allow you to select the power entry
features you require — without altering the panel cutout.
And the Chameleon module, with adapters, will fit any
standard panel cutout.
The CHAMELEON module has four filter options.
S models offer protection for general purpose applica-
tions where line-to-ground and line-to-line noise must be
controlled. The filters are designed to meet low leakage
requirements of VDE portable equipment. They are
available in current ratings of 3, 6 and 10 amps.
H models provide susceptibility protection without leak-
age current associated with line-to-ground capacitors and
are designed to allow equipment to meet UL 544 for patient
care and non-patient care equipment.
Also available is an interconnection block, B models.
The block connects the voltage selection terminals of an
unfiltered CHAMELEON module with a switch and an IEC
connector to reduce external wiring.
L Models – High performance medical filter versions that
are designed to help bring most digital equipment (includ-
ing switching power supplies) into compliance with
EN55022, Level B (as well as FCC part 15J, Class B)
conducted emissions limits while additionally allowing
equipment to meet UL544, UL2601and EN60601 for patient
care equipment and non-patient care equipment. They are
available with current ratings of 6 and 10 amps. High
performance versions are available with horizontal mount-
ing ears, single voltage, complete can shield with options
for switch, fuses and current ratings only. Extenders are
not available.
Z Models – High performance filter versions are designed
to help bring most digital equipment (including switching
power supplies) into compliance with EN55022, Level B
(as well as FCC Part 15J, Class B) conducted emissions
limits. They are available with current ratings of 6 and 10
amps. High performance versions are available with
horizontal mounting ears, no extenders, single voltage,
complete can shield with options for switch, fuses and
current ratings only.
PS Unfiltered PS Filtered
PE Filter with "A" Shield
UL Recognized
CSA Certified
VDE Approved