D ATA S H E E T Intematix ChromaLit TM Remote Phosphor Light Source *Product Features * Unsurpassed flexibility, 110 - 27,500 lumens per foot available through various design formats * High CRI, up to 98 CRI available * 3 SDCM color consistency * Up to 30% higher system efficiency compared to white LED solutions Application Benefits * New colors with same blue light engine,streamlining supply and production of luminaires * Uniform illuminance and appearance, no reflections or pixelation * Consistency of lumens and color over life Horner Lighting - A200 Applications & Uses * Down lights * Spots and modules * Entertainment * Task lighting * Under cabinet * Panel lighting * High bay CINEO - TrueColor LS TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Product Nomenclature 3 Minor Product Change Policy 3 Optical Characteristics 4 Color Binning Information 4 Relative Spectral Power Distribution 5 Intensity Distribution Diagrams 6 Performance Characteristics Over Wavelength 7 Relative Conversion Efficacy Over Temperature 7 Absolute Maximum and Minimum Ratings 8 Mechanical Characteristics 8 Reliability and Environmental Ratings 10 Handling Considerations 10 Company Information 10 All rights reserved. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Last updated September, 2014. Product Nomenclature ChromaLit products are identified by the following product nomenclature: Product order code CL - ABC - DEFG - PC Where: CL - Designates the ChromaLit product family A - Designates first digit in CRI 8 = 80 CRI minimum BC - Designates the first two digits in CCT 30 = 3000K, 40 = 4000K, etc. DEFG - Designates dimensions R100 = 100mm Round PC - Designates the standard polycarbonate material for ChromaLit Example: CL-840-R75-PC: ChromaLit, 80CRI, 4000K CCT, 75mm Round, Polycarbonate Minor Product Change Policy The rigorous qualification testing of ChromaLit products ensures product performance. Slight cosmetic changes which do not affect the form fit or function of the product may occur as Intematix continues product optimization. All rights reserved. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Last updated September, 2014. Optical Characteristics ChromaLit White Light Source Portfolio and Optical Performance Characteristics1 Color Consistency3 Nominal CCT2 (K) SDCM CCT (K) CL-827 2700 3 CL-927 2700 CL-830 Min CRI4 Viewing Angle (deg) +70 80 3 +70 3000 3 CL-930 3000 CL-835 3500 Product ConversionEfficacy5 (Lm/Wrad) at 25oC Min. Typical 115 165 180 90 115 145 161 +90 80 115 185 202 3 +90 90 115 155 165 3 +110 80 115 190 210 CL-840 4000 3 +120 80 115 195 218 CL-750 5000 4 +170 70 115 215 230 Notes 1. Performance based on reference design. Please refer to application note for details on referene design. Intematix maintains a tolerance of +7% on luminous flux, radiant watt and CCT measurements. Intematix maintains a tolerance of 0.5 SDCM on color consistency measurements. 2. Correlated Color Temperature 3. Color Consistency is dependent on the average dominant wavelength of blue LEDs. ChromaLit will achieve the color consistency values indicated in the table above with uniform blue LED average dominant wavelength. 2.5nm (+1.25mm) of average blue LED wavelength variation will provide 4 SDCM of color consistency for 5000K products. 5mm (+2.5mm) of average blue LED dominant wavelength variation will provide 5 SDCM of color consistency. Values are approximate; please refer to the ChromaLit binning diagram for exact bin definition. 4. Minimum CRI rating is based on reference design using blue LEDs with average dominant wavelength of 455nm. Blue LED populations with an average wavelength shorter than 455nm may result in CRI's below specified values. 5. Conversion Efficacy is the luminous flux (white light) output per radiant watt of blue light input to ChromaLit. Wrad is the radiometric power measured in watts. Conversion efficacy is rated based on reference operation and dominant blue LED wavelength of 455nm (peak wavelength of 450nm) Color Binning Diagram Color Bin Center Points Nominal CCT (K) x y 3000 0.4338 0.4030 3500 0.4073 0.3917 4000 0.3818 0.3797 5000 0.3447 0.3553 All rights reserved. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Last updated September, 2014. Relative Radiant Power (%) Relative Spectral Power Distribution Relative Radiant Power (%) Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm) All rights reserved. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Last updated September, 2014. Intensity Distribution Relative Radiant Power (%) Luminous Intensity Distribution Diagram1 Wavelength (nm) 1. Intensity distribution pattern is characterized using CL-830-LR-PC products and reference design. Luminous Intensity Polar Distribution Diagram All rights reserved. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Last updated September, 2014. Performance Characteristics Over Wavelength Relative Conversion Efficacy Relative Conversion Efficacy Over Wavelength1 Average Dominant Wavelength (nm) 1. Relative conversion efficacy does not reflect performance of blue LED over dominant wavelength. Relative Conversion Efficacy Relative Conversion Efficacy Relative Conversion Efficacy over Temperature 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Operating Temperature C (oC) ChromaLit Temperature Relative CIE Chromaticity Shift Over Wavelength Average Dominant Wavelength CIE X Coordinate CIE Y Coordinate 450nm -0.003 -0.014 452.2nm -0.002 -0.007 455nm 0 0 All rights reserved. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Last updated September, 2014. 457.5nm 0.001 0.005 460nm 0.001 0.008 Absolute Maximum and Minimum Ratings Maximum and Minimum Values 95oC -40oC 95oC -40oC 10s Description Maximum operating temperature (Tmax1) Minimum operating temperature Maximum storage temperature Minimum storage temperature Response time to full light output Tmax is the maximum temperature measured on the inner surface of ChromaLit. Please consult application notes for additional information on measurement location. 1 Mechanical Characteristics ChromaLit Round Mechanical Diagram* Dimension Designation Diameter (mm)1 Diameter (in.) Example Application R23 22.5 0.9 Single LED 110-200 R34 34.0 1.3 Spot Lighting 220-400 SR 45.0 1.8 440-800 LR 61.5 2.4 730-1300 R75 75.0 3.0 Down Light Typical Lumen Output (lm)2 1100-2000 R100 100.0 3.9 2200-4000 R135 135.0 5.3 3600-6600 R215 215.0 8.5 High Bay 14000-16500 ChromaLit Square Mechanical Diagram* Dimension Designation Dimensions Dimensions Example LxW LxW Application (mm)1 (in.) S21 21.0 x 21.0 0.8 x 0.8 S40 40.0 x 40.0 1.6 x 1.6 440-800 S55 55.0 x 55.0 2.2 x 2.2 730-1300 S65 65.0 x 65.0 2.6 x 2.6 S95 95.0 x 95.0 3.7 x 3.7 2200-4000 S120 120.0 x 120.0 4.7 x 4.7 3600-6600 S200 200.0 x 200.0 7.9 x 7.9 All rights reserved. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Last updated September, 2014. Single LED Typical Lumen Output (lm)2 Down Light High Bay 110-200 1100-2000 14000-16500 ChromaLit Linear Mechanical Diagram* Dimension Designation Dimensions Dimensions Example LxW LxW Application (mm)1 (in.) L225 305.0 x 22.5 12.0 x 0.9 L125 305.0 x 12.5 12.0 x 0.5 Task/Linear/ Panel Lighting Typical Lumen Output (lm)2 950-2400 950-1400 ChromaLit Panel Mechanical Diagram* Dimension Designation P215 Dimensions Dimensions Example LxW LxW Application (mm)1 (in.) 305.0 x 215.0 12.0 x 8.5 Notes *Product performance based on reference design. Product specifications subject to change. 1. Typical dimension tolerances for length and width are +0.2mm. Typical dimension tolerances for round is +0.2mm for <100mm diameter. Typical dimension tolerances for round is +0.5mm for >100mm diameter. 2. Typical lumen output is estimated based on typical blue LED radiometric watts recommended. Additional Mechanical Characteristics Characteristic Thickness Orientation Off-State Color (Glossy side, representation using PANTONE color match system) Value 2.1mm +0.1mm Glossy side out, Matte side facing LED PANTONE 7403 (2700K, 90CRI) PANTONE 129 (3000K, 80CRI) PANTONE 106 (4000K, 80CRI) PANTONE 602 (5000K, 70CRI) Off-State Color All rights reserved. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Last updated September, 2014. Custom Typical Lumen Output (lm)2 15000-27500 Reliability and Environmental Ratings Description Temperature / Humidity (non-condensing) Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Flame Rating1 RoHS REACH Typical Values 60oC 90% RH 70 ppm / oC HB RoHS Compliant REACH Compliant Flame rating indicated based on UL rating of bulk material used for ChromaLit. Flammability is dependent on both material and geometry and ChromaLit has been tested to exceed higher flammability ratings in finished lighting products. V0 rated versions available upon request - please contact your Intematix sales representative for additional details. 1 Handling Considerations Since a dirty or damaged phosphor layer could result in alteration in product performance, ChromaLit should be handled similarly to most optical components. It is best to handle the parts at the edges and prevent mechanical abrasion. If epoxies are used, they must be kept off of the entrance or exit apertures of ChromaLit, since they could greatly impact performance. If parts require cleaning, use a lint free tissue, isopropanol (IPA), or mild detergent. Dry using compressed air (CDA). About Intematix Intematix develops essential phosphor materials to drive the LED lighting revolution. The company's comprehensive range of products and solutions can be used to build foundations for the world's LED lighting products and systems including general lighting, displays, automotive and many others. A broad selection of products and innovative delivery systems accelerate time-to-market, improve light quality and efficacy and reduce costs. For more information, please visit www.intematix.com. 46430 Fremont Boulevard Fremont, CA 94538 Tel: +1 510.933.3300 Fax: +1 510.668.0793 Sales@intematix.com j www.intematix.com/ChromaLit