RECOMMENDED PCB LAYOUT (COMPONENT SIDE VIEW) EMPFOHLENES LEITERPLATTEN-LAYOUT (BESTUECKUNGSSEITE) TOL. 0.05 [0.002] UNLESS NOTED RECOMMENDED PANEL CUTOUT EMPFOHLENER FRONTPLATTEN-AUSSCHNITT 1,27 0,050 0,635 0,025 3 ,2 5 2,54 0,100 0,0 7 0,0 7 1,60 0,07 0 ,0 3 0,12 0,06 5 0 8 0 ,003 ,003 3 0,0 03 X8 8 1 X2 X2 11,430,13 0,450 0,005 8 3,05 0,120 IMPROVED CONTACT DESIGN (PRE BEND) 13,63 0,537 1 3,20 0,20 0,126 0,008 15,88 0,625 8,89 0,350 0 ,8 9 2,54 0,100 PCB EDGE LP 14,72 0,580 21,59 0,850 MAX 0,38 0,10 0,015 0,004 16,66 0,656 11,43 0,450 15,49 0,610 10,89 0,429 1:1 NOTE 1: SIDE SHIELD PINS IN Front 3.05 mm (F) NOTE 2: PANEL GROUND FLAN GES BOTH SIDES AND TOP (GF5) NOTE 3: RoHS COMPLIANT PART NO. IDENT. NR. TRANSMISSION REQUIREMENT UBERTRAGUNGSANFORDERUNG PCB HOLE NUMBERING LP BOHRUNGSNUMERIERUNG CONTACT FINISH OBERFLACHENBEHANDLUNG T e chnical spe cif icat io ns 133172 Copyright by ERNI GmbH Proprietary notice pursuant to ISO 16016 to be observed. Mate ri al s & F i ni sh T e st Data Stand ard ap p l i c . Val u e Stan d ard ap p l i c . Val u e Insulation body Standard description PBT 30% Me c h ani c al p ro p e rti e s . Co ntact mate ri al Inse rti o n/ wi thdrawal fo rce IEC 603-7 Standard de scri pti o n C5210 (acc. JIS) max. 20 N Contact finish, mating zone Thickness of plating 30 in Au over 50 in Ni Mechanical operations IEC 512-5, 9a min. 1.000 Contact finish termination zone Thickness of plating 80 in matte Sn over 50 in Ni Effectiveness of connector She ll/ shie ld mate ri al co upling de vice IEC 512-8, 15f 50 N Standard de scri pti o n C2680 (acc. JIS) Shell/shield plating Thickness of plating 50 in Ni El e c tri c al p ro p e rti e s Cre e p ag e / c l e aran c e d i stan c e s a) Contact - contact IEC 807-3 0,52 mm A sse mb l y p ro c e ss b) Co ntact - she ll IEC 807-3 mi n. 1,0 mm P ackaging T ray 235C at 3-5s Vo l tag e p ro o f (D i e l e ctri c Wi th stan d Vo l tag e ) So lde r te mpe rature a) Co ntact - co ntact IEC 512-2, 4a Suitable asse mbly pro ce ss wave min. 1. 000 V AC/ DC b) Contact - shell/testpanel IEC 512-2, 4a min. 1.500 V AC/DC Current carrying capacity IEC 512-3, 5b 1,5 A @ 25 C A p p ro v al s V0 Co ntact re sistance IEC 512-2, 2a max. 30 mOhm UL insulati o n bo dy UL 94 E145613 IEC 512-2, 3a UL File N o . Insulati o n re sistance min. 500 MOhm Yes Ro HS co mpli ant Env i ro n me n tal p ro p e rti e s Ope rati o n te mpe rature 0 - 70 C CATEGORY 5, DUAL TWIST 2 4 6 1 3 5 7 8 Tolerances Information: 0,8m Au [30in], OVER Ni Scale 2:1 All Dimensions in mm[in] Designation All rights reserved. Only for Information. To insure that this is the latest version of this drawing, please contact one of the ERNI companies before using. C 04.07.2007 Index Date Subject to modification without prior notice. Drawing will not be updated. MOD JACK - MJR 8P8C, 1X1 133943 Class MJ I (1/1) A3