Avantek Products HEWLETT" PACKARD LG Avanpak Cascaded Amplifier 0.1 to 4000 MHz Technical Data Features e Wide Frequency Range: 0.1 to 4000 MHz * Moderate Gain: 19.0 dB (Typ) Flat Gain Response: +0.5 dB (Typ) 'e Low Pulse Overshoot: <15% Low VSWR: <1.8:1 (Typ) Applications Fiber Optic System Amplifier Pulse Amplifier Instrumentation Broadband Bench Amplifier 5963-2438E Description The ACT-4032 utilizes three monolithic silicon ICs on a thin- film substrate containing interstage tuning, input/output matching and internal blocking capacitors. This provides excel- lent wideband response over the range of 100 kHz to 4 GHz witha gain variation of only +0.5 dB. It is packaged in a laser-welded, hermetically-sealed case with field replaceable/removable SMA. connectors. Without connectors, the unit is suitable for microstrip mounting. Maximum Ratings ACT-4032 Pin Configuration AS-2 (See Section 5 for detailed case drawings.) Parameter Maximum DC Voltage +17 Volts Continuous RF Input Power +17 dBm Operating Case Temperature -55 to +125C Storage Temperature 62 to +150C R Series Burn-In Temperature +125C Thermal Characteristics! Oi: 80C/W Active Transistor Power Dissipation 280 mW Junction Temperature Above Case Temperature 22C Note 1: For further information, see Reliability Screening, Section 6. Weight: (typical) 40 grams (with connectors), (typical) 31 grams (without connectors) 1-333 Electrical Specifications (Measured in 50 22 system @ +15 VDC nominal unless otherwise noted) Symbol Characteristic r ypical cnr Srarantece Tee 55 to 780 | Unit BW Frequency Range 0.1-4000 0.1-4000 0.1-4000 MHz GP Small Signal Gain (Min.} 19.0 18.0 17.0 dB Gain Flatness (Max.) +0.5 +1.0 +1.25 dB NF Noise Figure: 0.1-2000 MHz (Max.) 7.0 7.5 8.0 dB 2000-4000 MHz (Max.) 8.5 9.0 9.5 dB PiqB | Power Output @ +1 dB Compression: 0.1-2000 (Min.} 9.0 7.5 7.0 dBm 2000-4000 (Min.) 3.0 2.0 0.0 dBm _ Input VSWR (Max.) 1.8:1 2.0:1 2.2:1 Output VSWR (Max.) 1.8:1 2.0:1 2.2:1 _ IP3 Two Tone 3rd Order Intercept Point: _ _ 0.1-2000 (Min.) +19.0 dBm 2000-4000 (Min.) +10.0 _ dBm IP2 Two Tone 2nd Order Intercept Point +35.0 _ dBm HP2 | One Tone 2nd Harmonic Intercept Point; +40.0 _ dBm DC Voltage 15 Volts GD Group Delay 71 ns Ip DC Current 105 _ mA Typical Performance Over Temperature Key: +25C +85C Power Output @ 1 dB Gain Compression, dBm -55C o ,_ PN & 2 eoSow u SaSaSR IP, dBm 35 30 Power Output 5 1 1568 2 26 3 35 4 A Frequency, GHz Second-Order Intercept Point 1 2 3 4 5 Frequency, GHz +25C and -55C O41 10 1 100 Frequency, MHz Input VSWR OUT 123 4 5 6 7 Frequency, GHz Noise Figure, dB 1000 10000 IP,, dBm 8 9 10 Second-Harmonic Intercept Point Frequency, GHz 1-334 (@ +15 VDC unless otherwise noted) Gain Noise Figure A aen @ A 5 1 1502 25 Frequency, GHz 335 Third-Order Intercept Point AS 10615 2 25 Frequency, GHz 3 356 4 4 Automatic Network Analyzer Measurements (Typical production unit @ +25C ambient) Bias = 15.00 Volts, Current = 104 mA S-Parameters FREQ Su Sai S22 GHz Mag Ang dB Ang dB Mag Ang K - Factor .050 -35.30 -14.02 19.33 168.35 42.06 -21.25 179.83 6.83 .100 -35.85 29.60 19.27 158.11 43.34 21.31 177.96 7.96 .150 34.35 25.00 19.27 146.87 : -21.09 176.52 8.56 200 30.70 19.20 135.92 21.25 173.45 8.55 250 25.19 19.20 125.17 -21.48 174.09 8.79 300 27.14 19.15 113.71 21.61 175.19 8.59 350 13.66 19.14 102.50 88.05 -21.52 174.14 10.26 .400 12.61 19.20 91.81 64.01 21.30 174.66 7.16 450 -1.12 19.14 80.84 -76.96 21.28 173.96 8.01 500 4.40 19.17 70.01 ~78.79 21.15 174.70 8.64 .600 -15.21 19.12 48.26 92.25 20.52 173.20 8.20 .700 -28.71 19.17 26.44 ~108.76 -19.84 172.54 8.74 800 -39.14 19.17 4.45 ~131.97 -19.05 169.89 7.13 900 -52.42 19.20 18.13 -138.83 -18.05 165.54 7.68 1.000 60.31 19.13 -39.77 160.02 -17.17 160.77 8.86 1.100 70.60 19.13 61.48 170.89 -16.25 153.39 12.57 1.200 -83.44 19.17 -83.95 168.88 -15.48 145.53 9.60 1.300 94.82 19.17 -105.73 154.79 ~14.69 136.93 14.21 1.400 -106.58 19.25 -127.16 48.25 133.19 -14.10 128.28 13.08 1.500 -118.84 19.21 -149.56 -45.01 122.43 -13.44 118.43 8.92 1.600 -133.10 19.26 -171.89 45.46 114.50 -13.03 108.07 9.21 1.700 ~145.80 19.30 166.90 47.62 106.63 -12.62 97.41 11.60 1.800 -158.74 19.32 5. A729 101.56 -12.37 86.03 11.01 1.900 -170.37 19.40 Bi 45.65 58.09 12.20 74.52 9.03 2.000 173.44 19.46 ee 45.84 47.10 -11.89 62.58 9.05 2.100 160.48 19.55 78.43 46.79 34.52 -11.93 51.03 9.95 2.200 147.57 19.56 56.28 416.11 23.13 ~12.03 40.42 9.20 2.300 19.64 33.37 46.91 -12.03 12.23 28.42 10.05 2.400 19.67 10.84 45.66 15.27 -12.51 15.10 8.7 2.500 111.50 19.67 ~6.46 48.34 43.30 ~12.77 5.47 12.05 2.600 100.21 19.60 29.26 48.67 67.55 -13.18 -7.44 12.73 2.700 90.08 19.68 -5L.73 47.15 -108.68 -13.82 21.06 10.72 2.800 80.72 19.60 -74.51 44.73 -89.89 -14.34 -34.79 8.34 2.900 72.84 19.49 96.90 48.04 -123.01 14.85 46.81 12.46 3.000 65.60 1944 119.34 47.28 -124.20 ~15.35 ~59.57 11.53 3.100 59.05 -141.49 45.71 -149.91 -15.76 -73.30 9.83 3.200 51.91 -163.97 46.78 -136.20 -16.12 87.37 11.22 3.300 42.93 173.96 49.38 172.78 -16.36 ~102.19 14.99 3.400 34.35 151.40 51.50 171.28 -16.58 -117.05 19.05 3.500 25.20 128.20 45.98 153.50 -16.61 ~130.64 9.92 3.600 16.06 104.66 58.37 145.35 -16.70 -145.43 40.46 3.700 3.62 80.37 50.30 106.63 -16.58 -158.97 15.78 3.800 ~10.40 55.31 ~49.75 89.69 -16.18 -172.24 14.30 3.900 -23.90 19.96 29.94 52.82 84.46 -16.04 174.55 20.26 4.000 ~40.03 19.84 4.15 50.98 68.46 -16.06 161.09 16.52 4.250 82.93 19.26 62.74 53.67 24.14 -16.78 134.01 23.15 4.500 -126.30 17.76 -130.01 ~68.90 34.84 -17.13 124.96 99.99 4.750 5.78 -166.36 15.80 164.04 57.62 ~1.71 -15.10 120.92 44.06 5.000 4.27 155.73 12.87 99.54 -51.89 ~8.00 -11.22 104.00 26.00 5.250 3.52 121.84 9.43 41.99 -53.61 ~162.19 ~8.76 73.69 38.79 5.500 ~3.06 92.42 6.23 -10.69 -56.84 127.95 ~7.34 43.56 69.69 5.750 -2.87 65.08 3.12 -61.45 ~52.27 117.82 ~6.23 12.73 52.83 6.000 ~2.85 39.18 28 -109.34 52.06 10.70 -5.56 ~18.89 67.67 6.250 -3.18 14.38 -2.49 9 -155.71 58.17 187.71 ~4.96 51.59 99.99 6.500 -3.37 -10.36 4.77 158.73 -58.03 -167.71 ~4.52 84.89 99.99 6.750 ~3.89 -37.18 -7.29 114.14 66.57 152.89 ~4.04 -117.83 99.99 7.000 -4.60 ~65.14 ~9.65 71.17 -59.67 143.70 ~3.56 -149.89 99.99 7.250 6.39 91.90 -11.05 32.11 ~53.43 115.06 ~3.17 ~176.79 99.99 7.500 6.61 -128.19 13.08 -10.52 52.50 80.03 ~2.66 154.27 99.99 7.750 8.02 -171.35 -14.42 54.15 -56.17 -122.94 ~2.32 127.08 99,99 8.000 -8.67 139.19 -16.49 -104.59 ~60.51 18.17 ~1.95 101.59 99.99 8.250 ~8.24 89.38 -18.17 -150.65 51.81 -43.70 ~1.68 77.92 99.99 8.500 -7.01 40.26 20.44 162.79 65.98 112.20 ~1.42 55.66 99.99 8.750 6.17 1.59 -24.47 110.94 52.06 179.52 ~1.24 34.25 99.99 9.000 5.46 -33.82 27.64 5L7A 57.46 133.48 ~1.08 13.53 99.99 9.250 4.83 67.45 ~31.55 16.77 51.01 ~97.87 ~1.02 6.41 99.99 9.500 ~4.79 -98.88 31.89 -11.62 46.23 ~179.90 -95 -26.26 99,99 9.750 -6.06 128.94 -35.11 -127.70 47.38 106.40 -.87 44.56 99.99 10.000 5.67 -158.02 48.88 127.19 -57.68 141.48 -.86 63.01 99.99 1-335