Application Note
March 2010 Remote On/Off Circuits
Design Guidelines for Power Module
Types of Remote On/Off Control (continued)
Isolated-Closure Remote On/Off (continued)
Isolated-closure positive-logic on/off is used in several
BMPM families including the 674, Fx020, SK025, and
ME025. Table 4 summarizes the electrical specifica-
tions for the ON/OFF pin and the switch for isolated clo-
sure positive-logic on/off.
In order to satisfy the requirements for the low-imped-
ance state, the closure must maintain a voltage less
than the maximum logic-low on/off voltage while sink-
ing the maximum logic-low on/off current. These speci-
fications, therefore, define the maximum saturation or
contact voltage of the switch and the current-sink
requirement. The logic-high on/off voltage defines the
maximum voltage to which the ON/OFF pin floats when
the isolated closure is in the high-impedance state. The
isolated closure must be rated to handle the logic-low
on/off current during its low-impedance state and with-
stand the logic-high on/off voltage during its high-
impedance state. The specified leakage current is the
maximum allowable Ion/off while the switch is in the high-
impedance state. The leakage current of the selected
switch must be less than this value over the required
application temperature range.
For example, consider the negative -logic specification
of Table 3. To activate the module, the user’s switch
must go to a low-impedance state and be capable of
sinking up to 1 mA while providing less than 1.2 V with
respect to VI(–). In particular, high-saturation voltage
switches such as Darlington output optoisolators need
to be checked carefully against this specification. To
turn the module off, the switch must go to a high-
impedance state and be able to withstand the 18 V on
the output of the ON/OFF pin. The leakage current
must be less than 50 µA while the switch is blocking a
Von/off of 18 V over the required temperature range.
For negative-logic applications that do not require
remote on/off, the ON/OFF pin can be shorted to VI(–).
For positive-logic applications not requiring remote
on/off, leave the ON/OFF pin open. control of the on/off
with positive logic may require particular care because
a falsely triggered switch can result in an undesired
shutdown of the BMPM. If noisy traces are routed near
the remote ON/OFF pin, it may be advisable to add fil-
tering with a small capacitor (≅100 pF) between the
ON/OFF pin and VI(–). the capacitor prevents high-
frequency noise from triggering the on/off circuit.
Level-Controlled Remote On/Off
Some power modules employ a voltage-level-controlled
remote on/off. Table 5 shows the specification for a
level-controlled remote on/off.
Von/off is defined as the voltage at the ON/OFF pin with
respect to the VI(–) pin. Ion/off is the current flowing into
the ON/OFF pin. For this type of module, the ON/OFF
pin is an input, since control is achieved by applying a
voltage and injecting a current.
Voltage level high is the voltage range that must be
maintained at the ON/OFF pin (Von/off) to turn the unit
off. The source current must be provided in order to pull
the ON/OFF pin high. From Table 5, between 2 V and
8 V must be provided at the ON/OFF pin to turn the
module off. The module draws between 25 µA and
160 µA. Exceeding 8 V may damage the module. The
minimum source current can be used as a guideline for
the maximum amount of noise current that can be toler-
ated before shutdown of the module.
Voltage level low is the voltage range that must be
maintained at the ON/OFF pin (Von/off) to turn the unit
on. Sink current is the amount of current that the supply
must be able to sink to maintain a logic low. The polar-
ity of this current is opposite the source current. Table 5
specifies a level control that maintains less than 1.25 V
while sinking 10 µA.
Figure 2 shows a TTL output control. In order to meet
the data sheet specification example in Table 5, the
TTL gate must be capable of sourcing 160 µA and sink-
ing 10 µA at an ouput-low voltage less than 1.25 V. The
logic voltage, Vcc, must not exceed 8 V. An open-col-
lector logic gate with a pull-up resistor could also be
used here. A Vcc of 5 V with a 10 kΩ pull-up would be
appropriate for the Table 5 specifications.
Figure 2. Level control Using TTL Output