40 pe far7su7o ooooses 8 4775470 C 0 D I SEMICONDUCTOR INC soD 00589 a ded ed iceehtes for UHF tuning applications 1N5681,A,B,C thru 1N5695,A,B,C 6.8-100 pica farad CODI Semiconductor's BiTaxial, high Q, abrupt-junction Voltage Variable Capacitors are designed specifically for critical and sophisticated frequency control applications through the UHF range. The computer-aided:design and evaluation of these devices guarantees tight tolerance of capacitance- versus-voltage tracking over the complete range of tuning. A computer printout which includes the capacitance equation with calculated-values of the barrier-voltage and the exponent can be supplied at extra cost. CATHODE . (DO-7) PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS CODI Semiconductor Inc. HIGH O - MEDIUM TUNING RANGE VOLTAGE VARIABLE CAPACITORS SPECIAL FEATURES tr 1.0 MIN, e eh 1.0 MIN. 020 + .002 040 CODI Semiconductor Inc., 350 Hurst Street, Linden, N.J., U.S.A. (201)862-8484 TLX 844-796 D JT-07-/9 es HIGH Q VOLTAGE VARIABLE CAPACITORS -4N5681 thru 1N5695 High Q Medium Tuning Range Precision Tracking Low Leakage High Reliability Stable 096 + .010 90 pe ffarzsuzo0 oooosso 4 I m= 1775470 C O D I SEMICONDUCTOR INC 90D 00590 D 7-07-7119 fe 1N5681,A,B,C thru 1N5695,A,B,C HIGH @ VOLTAGE VARIABLE Specifications CAPACITORS 1N5681 thru 1N5695 MAXIMUM RATINGS (At Ta= 25 C unless otherwise specified) ee Reverse Breakdown Figure of Merit (Q) vs Reverse Bias Volt Voltage (BV) @ln= 10uAdc 45 volts 8 age Reverse Current (x) @Vr= 40Vde 0,02ua @ Va =40Vdc, Ta= 180C 20,00ua Series Inductance (Ls) @ f = 250MHz 6nH lead length = 1/16" Case Capacitance (Gc) ef = 1MHz 0,25 pft20% Diode Capacitance @ Vr = 4,0Vde, 300ppm/C 3 f =50MHz Temperature Coefficient (TC) @25C ~~ 10,000} TA = 25C 1N5681 Dissipation (Po): 400mw (Derate 2.65 mW/C above TA = 25C) E Operating Temperature Range (Ta): 65C to + 150C 2 Storage Temperature Range (Tsrc): -65C to + 200C o rc a 4,000 1N5695 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS n (At T, = 25C unless otherwise specified) Nominal Capacitance Figure of Capacitance * Tuning Ratio rit. 100 JEDEC |C, eV, =4Vde C2V/C30V Q @ Va= 4Vde 1 10 20 100 Type No. f = 1MHz = 1MH f= H ye f 2 SoMHz REVERSE BIAS VOLTAGE (VOLTS) (pf) (Min.) | (Typ.) (Min.) Nooo 6.8 3.1 3.3 600 i Neeoa iG a) a" goo 10,000 Figure of Merit (Q) vs Frequency 1N5684 12.0 3.2 3.4 550 1N5685 15.0 3.2 3.4 550 5.000 IN5686 18.0 3.2 3.4 00 ' 1N5687 22.0 3.3 3.5 500 1N5688 27.0 3.3 3.5 500 1N5689 33.0 3.3 3.5 500 1N5690 39.0 3.3 3.5 450 GS 1.000 1N5691 47.0 3.3 3.5 400 ~ 100 1N5692 56.0 3.3 3.5 300 ira 1N5693 68.0 3 3 ee 8 a ee 5 25 tNeoes 100.0 3.3 3.5 200 o Ww cc B 100 iz 1N5695 1NS5681 1N5687 COD! welcomes your inquiries concerning other Voltage Variable Capacitors 10 9 ap 10 . 100 500 1000 Higher Tuning ratio FREQUENCY (MHz) Ultra-Low Leakage JAN TX types Higher Capacitance , 4 * Available in the following tolerances: Micro miniature package No Suffix =+20% A +10% B x 5% Cc + 2% e@eoeee @ COD! Semiconductor inc., 350 Hurst Street, Linden, N.J., U.S.A. (201)862-8484 TLX 844-796