LCD Module Technical Specification First Edition Sep 25, 2007 Final Revision May 9, 2008 tye. T-91909GD019J-LW-ACN Customer : OPTREX STANDARD Customer's Product No: -*s=*=---- OPTREX CORPORATION Approved: Minoru Akatsuka QUALITY ASSURANCE DIVISION Checked: Toshiyuki Okamoto DESIGN 2T Prepared: Takashi Yuchi DESIGN 2T Table of Contents 1. General Specifications... cccccccceccccceesecceeseeeeeeeaeeseeeeeeeseeeaeeeseeeaeseeesseeeseeeaneeeeeeanes 3 Z. Electrical Specifications 2.0.00... cccccccccecccccceeesceeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeseeeseeeseeeaeeeeeteneeeeenes 4 3. Optical Specifications 2.0... cccccccccceeecceeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeseesseeeeeeeaeeseetsneeseetanees 7 A. WO Terminal ........... ccc ccccceeecee cece cca eeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaeeeeeeeeeeeecaaaaeeeeeeeeeeaaaaeeeeeeseeessaaceeeeeeeeeeesaes 8 5. TOSt oo eeeeeeeec cece ce eeeeeeeee cece cca e eee eeeeeeeeeecaaaeaeeeeeeeeeesaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaeeeeeeeeessaeaeeeeeeeeeeesaaaeeees 10 GB. Appearance Standards. ...........cccccccceccccccsseccceeeeeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeseeesseeeeeeeeeseetsneeseeeanaeees 11 7. Code System of Production LOt 2.0... cc ccccccccccsseceeeseeeeeeeeseeeeseeseseeeseeeeeeeaeeseetanaeees 16 8B. Type NUMDES........... ccc ccccccccccceeeeceee ee eeeee eee eeeee eee eeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeaeeseeeseeeeeeeaneeeensaeeseetanaeses 16 9. Precautions UNder Operation ...........cccccccccccccccesecceeceeeceeeseeeeeeeeeeceeeseseeeesaueeeetsaeeseetanaeees 16 10. Precautions Relating Product Handling..................ccccccccccceessceeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeseeeeeseneeseetes 17 11, Warranty... cece ccc ccc cee ee cece ee eeee eee e eee eA GHEE AAG HH EEEAAGHESEEEEGHSEEEAAG HO SSEEG EA SEeEE GEE EREEOEEOEEEEOS 19 T-51909GD019J-LW-ACN (AC) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 1/19 OPTREX ConfidentialRevision History Rev. Date Page Comment 1 May 9, 2008 17~19 Revise of Precautions Relating Product Handling and Warranty. T-51909GD019J-LW-ACN (AC) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 2/19 OPTREX Confidential1.General Specifications Operating Temp.: Storage Temp. : Resolution Dot pitch Pixel arrangement: Color depth Active Viewing Area Outline dimensions Weight LCD type Viewing angle TFT driver Interface Backlight Drawings Lead free min. -20C ~max. 70C min. -30C ~max. 80C 176 x 3 [R.G.B] (W) x 220 (H) dots 0.171 (W) x 0.171 (H) dots RGB-stripe 262,144 colors : 30.096 (W) x 37.62 (H) mm : 40.657 (W) x 49.3* (H) x 5.5max** (D) mm * Without FPC ** Without Conponent Parts Area and Hook 12.40max TFT / Normally white-mode / Transmittance 6:00 $1D19105 (Epson) 80 system 8bit/9bit/16bit/1 8bit parallel interface 68 system 8bit/9bit/16bit/18bit parallel interface Serial interface 6bit/1 6bit/18bit RGB interface(for Movie) 3 chip LED backlight / White Dimensional outline T-51909AC base Our product corresponds to lead free. Lead free is defined as below: The solder used in the LCD module. Electrical components (Terminal section) used in the LCD module. Any lead used within the electrical component does not apply to our module definition of lead free. T-51909GD019J-LW-ACN (AC) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 3/19 OPTREX Confidential2.Electrical specifications 2.1.Absolute Maximum Ratings GND=0V Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Max. Units Supply Voltage | Vpop1-GND - -0.3 3.3 V Supply for step- | Vppz -GND - -0.3 3.1 V up Voltage Input Voltage VIN - -0.3 Vpp1+0.3 V 2.2.DC Characteristics Ta=25C, GND=0V Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Supply Voltage | Vpop1-GND - 1.7 1.8 1.9 V Supply for step- | Vop2-GND - 2.5 2.6 2.7 V up Voltage High Level VIH - 0.8xVpp1 - Vbp1 V Input Voltage Low Level VIL - GND - 0.2xVpp V Input Voltage High Level VoH loH=0.06mA Vpp1-0.3 - Vop1 V Outpur Voltage Low Level Vou loL=0.06mA GND . Vpp1+0.3 Vv Output Voltage Still picture sumer |g, | MeeNmetey | | as | as | an (Note 1,2) Still picture See Setup loz ethout backlight " ns 11.3 mA (Note 1,2) Note1:The driving conditions are to be described. Note2:At all black pattern(262k color, Line inversion drive) T-51909GD019J-LW-ACN (AC) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 4/19 OPTREX Confidential2.3.AC Characteristics Shown in the $1D19105 and driver specifications. 2.4.Display screen 2.4.1.Correspondence of graphic memory data and display screen The software setting is to be determined. X-address _ Y-address T-51909GD019J-LW-ACN (AC) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 5/19 OPTREX Confidential2.5.Lighting specification 2.5.1.Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25C Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Foward Current IF - - - 30 mA Reverse Voltage VR - - - 15.0 V LED Power Dissipation Pp - - - 360 mW 2.5.2.Operating characteristics Ta=25C Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Foward Voltage VF lF=13mA/chip - 10.2 11.3 V Luminance of L lF=13mA/chip - 230 - cd/m? Backlight Surface Unevenness Luminance L Ir =13mA - 70 - % . (for one chip) of Backlight Surface Note 2 Note 1: The measurement is done with backlight center. Note 2: The measurement method is to be determined. ANODE Vu Vn Ve CATHODE 2.5.3.Color tone range (for LED chip only) Tolerance : +/- 0.02 0.32 (0.307, 0.315) 0.31 \ y 280 (0.287, me (0.311 0.294) 0.29 0.28 (0.296, 0.276) 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.32 x T-51909GD019J-LW-ACN (AC) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 6/19 OPTREX Confidential3.Optical Specifications Item Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Remarks Brightness - 230 - cd/m* Note 1 Transmittance - 6.5 - % Reflectance - 2.1 - % Note 2 Viewing Angle 6:00 Contrast ratio | Transmission 25C - 350 - Response time tr+Td 25C - 30 45 ms -20C - 400 600 ms Color area Transmission - 70 - Gamut White x - 0.30 - y - 0.32 - Red x - 0.60 - Color/ y - 0.35 - transmission Green x - 0.33 - y - 0.53 - Blue x - 0.14 - y - 0.14 - Note 1: 3 LEDs back light, 13mA/chip Note 2: Ring light measurement (15deg. incident light, detected at normal direction) The reflectance of white calibration plate is 100%. T-51909GD019J-LW-ACN (AC) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 7/19 OPTREX Confidential4.1/0 Terminal 4.1.Pin Assignment No. Symbol Function 1 GND Ground 2 Vbp1(1.8V) Power Supply for Logic 3 Vbp1(1.8V) Power Supply for Logic 4 Vpp2(2.6v) Power Supply LCD step-up circuit 5 Vpp2(2.6v) Power Supply LCD step-up circuit 6 SD Serial Data Input / Outout 7 SCL Serial Clock 8 ENABLE RGB Interface Enable 9 DOTCLK RGB Interface Dot Clock 10 HSYNC Horizontal Synchronization 11 VSYNCI Vertical Synchronization Input 12 VSYNCO Vertical Synchronization Output 13 ICS Chip Select Signal L: Active 14 RS Register Select Signal H:RAM Write/Read, L:Instraction 15 /RD 80 family CPU L: Active 16 WR 80 family CPU 17 DO Data Bus 18 D1 Data Bus 19 D2 Data Bus 20 D3 Data Bus 21 D4 Data Bus 22 DS Data Bus 23 D6 Data Bus 24 D7 Data Bus 25 D8 Data Bus 26 D9 Data Bus 27 D10 Data Bus 28 D11 Data Bus 29 D12 Data Bus 30 D13 Data Bus 31 D14 Data Bus 32 D15 Data Bus 33 D16 Data Bus 34 D17 Data Bus 35 /RES Reset Signal L: Active 36 IF 4 MPU Interface Switching Signal T-51909GD019J-LW-ACN (AC) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 8/19 OPTREX Confidential37 IF2 MPU Interface Switching Signal 38 IF3 MPU Interface Switching Signal 39 C86 MPU Interface Switching Signal H:68-series L:80-series 40 LEDA LED Anode Terminal 41 LEDA LED Anode Terminal 42 LED K LED Cathode Terminal 43 LED K LED Cathode Terminal 44 GND Power Supply (OV, GND) 45 GND Power Supply (OV, GND) IF3 IF2 IF1 Interface Low Low Low 16-bit parallel Low Low High 18-bit parallel Low High Low 8-bit parallel Low High High 9-bit parallel High High High 9-bit serial T-51909GD019J-LW-ACN (AC) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 9/19 OPTREX Confidential5.Test No practical problems caused by any change on display and in operation under the following test condition. Conditions: Unless otherwise specified, tests will be conducted under the following condition. Temperature: 20+5C Humidity : 65+5%RH Tests will be not conducted under operating state unless specified. No. Parameter Conditions Notes 1 High Temperature Operating | 70C, 96hrs (operation state) 1 2 Low Temperature Operating -20C, 96hrs (operation state) 2 3 High Temperature Storage 80C, 96hrs 3 4 Low Temperature Storage -30C, 96hrs 2,3 5 Damp Proof Test 40C, ,90%RH, 96hrs 2,3 6 Vibration Test Total fixed amplitude: 1.5mm 3 Vibration frequency: 10-55Hz (60 sec. sweep) Time duration: 15 minutes for each x, y, z direction 7 Shock Test To be measured after dropping from 60cm height 4 to the concrete surface with shipping package. Dropping method corner dropping | F A corner : once E , Edge droppin Gg PD C ig pping a | ZY B,C,D edge : once B A Face dropping | 60cm E,F,G face : once Concrete Surface Note 1: It should be checked at the actual driving condition under the high temperature. Note 2: No dew condensation is to be observed. Note 3: The functional test shall be conducted after 4 hours storage at the room temperature and humidity after removed from the test chamber. Note 4: Shock test will be conducted to the product itself without any actual set. T-51909GD019J-LW-ACN (AC) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 10/19 OPTREX Confidential6.Appearance Standards 6.1.Inspection The distance between the eyes and the sample shall be more than 30cm. All directions for inspecting the sample should be within 45against perpendicular line. (a) Operating Inspection The function and appearance shall be inspected in the condition of - under 750 Ix or over light ... Reflective Type. - using over Backlight unit ... Transflective Type , Transmissive Type. Condition of judgement In case of no gradation display. It judges by applied On/Off voltage or optimal contrast. In case of gradation display. It judges by contrast that the bad point is able to confirm best. (b) Appearance Inspection The appearance shall be inspected in the condition of - under 500 Ix or over light ... Reflective Type. - using over Backlight unit ... Transflective Type , Transmissive Type. (c) Inspection Environment Inspection environment is carried out with 250 Ix or less in principles. T-51909GD019J-LW-ACN (AC) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 11/19 OPTREX Confidential6.2.Definition of applicable Zones Xx Xx Xx A Zone BM Zone Xx C Zone X: Maximum Seal Line AZone_: Active display area BM Zone : Out of active display area ~ Maximum Seal line C Zone: Rest parts T-51909GD019J-LW-ACN (AC) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 12/19 OPTREX Confidential6.3.Standards No. Parameter Criteria 1 | GLine Nothing 2 | SLine Nothing Bright and The definition of bright pixel Dark dot Uneven Luminous , which is Single Color Display of Black, White, Halftone R,G,B, is brighter than circumstace Pixel. The definition of dark pixel Uneven Luminous , which is Single Color Display of Black, White, Halftone R,G,B, is darker than circumstace Pixel. Continuous bright spot Vertical Continuous bright spot 3 horizontal continuous bright spot or equivalent is NG. 2 horizontal continuous bright spot or equivalent of uneven luminous are considered as 1 bright spot. Zone Acceptable Number A Bright Dot 0 Dark Dot 0 BM Bright Dot 0 4 | Polarizer foreign material | (1) Round Shape Assemble foreign material Zone Acceptable Number Surface defective Dimension (mm A BM CF foreign material D<0.10 Disregard B/L foreign material other 0.102.0 - 0 W>0.03 0 X:Length Y : Width Limit sample shall be determined by the arising demand. T-51909GD019J-LW-ACN (AC) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 13/19 OPTREX ConfidentialNo. Parameter Criteria 5 Contrast Variation Not to be conspicuous defects. Limit sample shall be determined by the arising demand. 6 Color Variation Not to be conspicuous defects. Limit sample shall be determined by the arising demand. However,about the Color patches shall be two pieces or less which are same level as the limit sample. 7 Air Bubbles (between glass Zone Acceptable Number and polarizer) Dimension (mm) A BM D <0.10 Disregard 0.10