FREQUENCY PRODUCTS CLOCKS Features: * Frequency Range: 15 to 55 MHz * Able to Meet Stratum 3 Performance * Low Cost, High Performance * Small Size - Only 1.02" x 1.42" x .50" * Squarewave Output CRYSTALS Model 107 Low Cost OCXO CTS Reeves The Model 107 OCXO provides Stratum 3 performance in a package similar to a TCXO. Requiring about 1 watt of power when stabilized, it can provide temperature stabilities of less than 5 x 10-8. The Model 107 comes with a small footprint of 1.02" x 1.42" x .50", and is perfect for Telecommunication and Instrumentation Applications. VCXOs Electrical Specifications: Parameter Supply Voltage (Vdd) Maximum Operating Frequency Range (MHz) 15 to 55.0 MHz 15 Vdc 12 Vdc 5% (+5 Vdc Optional) 350 ma. Max. 90 ma. Typ. Output 3TTL Compatible (Sinewave Optional) Rise & Fall Time (.4 to 2.4 Volts) 10 ns Max. Oven Ready Indicator Logic 1 when Oven is within 3 of Temp. Warm-up (@ 25C) Ref. to Freq. at 1 hr. 1 x 10-7 / 5 Min. 1 x 10-8 / 30 Min. Offset Phase Noise (1 Hz Bandwidth) Level (dBc) 10 Hz -100 100 Hz -130 1 kHz -140 10 kHz -155 10 ppm to 15 ppm 0 to 10 Vdc, 10 k ohms Min. 400 REIMANN AVE. * SANDWICH, IL 60548 Phone: 815-786-8411 * Fax: 815-786-3600 * E-Mail: OCXOs Electrical freq. adjust (Positive slope) TCXOs Supply Current (@ 0C) Warm-up Steady State 101 Model 107 Low Cost OCXO CRYSTALS CTS Reeves FREQUENCY PRODUCTS Outline Drawing and Pin Connections: 1.42 MAX. (36.1) 3 .50 MAX (19.1) .700 (17.8) CLOCKS VCXOs 1.01 MAX. (25.7) 2 .350 (8.89) 1 .200 (5.08) MIN. TCXOs 4 5 .500 (12.7) .030 (.762) DIA. PIN, (5 PLACES) Pin Connections PIN 1 2 3 4 5 1.000 (25.4) FUNCTION Case/Ckt. Gnd. Freq. Adj. Oven Status Supply B+ Output Dimensions in inches (millimeters) Mechanical Specifications: Solderability: 95% solder coverage, using RMA flux 63 Sn / 37 Pb solder at +245C 5C Temperature: Operating: See chart Storage: -55 to 85C Vibration: 10 G's rms, 20 to 2000 Hz Mechanical Shock: 50 G's 5ms pulse (3 shock/plane) Case: CRS, Hot Tin Dipped Leads: Nickel plated with solder coating Seal: Solder seal Leak Test: Leak rate less than 5x10-5 atmosphere-cc/sec of helium Ordering Information: Model Type 107 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ OCXOs Temp. Range Stability Temp Stability 2 x 10-8 Temp Range Code C 0 to 50C A X 0 to 70C B -30 to 70C C Aging 5 x 10-8 D X X Freq. in MHz 1 x 10-7 E X X X 1st Year Aging Code 0.5 ppm A 0.3 ppm B 0.1 ppm C Note: Not all Options are Available at all Frequencies. Consult Factory for Details. 102 400 REIMANN AVE. * SANDWICH, IL 60548 Phone: 815-786-8411 * Fax: 815-786-3600 * E-Mail: