For more information www.linear.com/LTC2376-20
1. However, less gain is sufficient if the amplifier’s gain
characteristic is known to be (mostly) linear. An ampli-
fier’s offset versus signal level must be considered for
amplifiers configured as unity gain buffers. For example,
1ppm linearity may require that the offset is known to
vary less than 5μV for a 5V swing. However, greater offset
variations may be acceptable if the relationship is known
to be (mostly) linear. Unity-gain buffer amplifiers typically
require substantial headroom to the power supply rails for
best performance. Inverting amplifier circuits configured
to minimize swing at the amplifier input terminals may
perform better with only little headroom than unity-gain
buffer amplifiers. The linearity and thermal properties
of an inverting amplifier’s feedback network should be
considered carefully to ensure DC accuracy.
The LTC2376-20 requires an external reference to define
its input range. A low noise, low temperature drift refer-
ence is critical to achieving the full data sheet performance
of the ADC. Linear Technology offers a portfolio of high
performance references designed to meet the needs of
many applications. With its small size, low power and high
accuracy, the LTC6655-5 is particularly well suited for
use with the LTC2376-20. The LTC6655-5 offers 0.025%
(max) initial accuracy and 2ppm/°C (max) temperature
coefficient for high precision applications.
When choosing a bypass capacitor for the LTC6655-5, the
capacitor’s voltage rating, temperature rating, and pack-
age size should be carefully considered. Physically larger
capacitors with higher voltage and temperature ratings tend
to provide a larger effective capacitance, better filtering
the noise of the LTC6655-5, and consequently producing
a higher SNR. Therefore, we recommend bypassing the
LTC6655-5 with a 47μF ceramic capacitor (X7R, 1210
size, 10V rating) close to the REF pin.
applicaTions inForMaTion
The REF pin of the LTC2376-20 draws charge (QCONV) from
the 47µF bypass capacitor during each conversion cycle.
The reference replenishes this charge with a DC current,
IREF = QCONV/tCYC. The DC current draw of the REF pin,
IREF, depends on the sampling rate and output code. If
the LTC2376-20 is used to continuously sample a signal
at a constant rate, the LTC6655-5 will keep the deviation
of the reference voltage over the entire code span to less
than 0.5LSBs.
When idling, the REF pin on the LTC2376-20 draws only
a small leakage current (< 1µA). In applications where a
burst of samples is taken after idling for long periods as
shown in Figure 12, IREF quickly goes from approximately
0µA to a maximum of 0.3mA at 250ksps. This step in DC
current draw triggers a transient response in the reference
that must be considered since any deviation in the refer-
ence output voltage will affect the accuracy of the output
code. In applications where the transient response of the
reference is important, the fast settling LTC6655-5 refer-
ence is also recommended.
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) techniques are used to test
the ADC’s frequency response, distortion and noise at the
rated throughput. By applying a low distortion sine wave and
analyzing the digital output using an FFT algorithm, the ADC’s
spectral content can be examined for frequencies outside the
fundamental. The LTC2376-20 provides guaranteed tested
limits for both AC distortion and noise measurements.
Signal-to-Noise and Distortion Ratio (SINAD)
The signal-to-noise and distortion ratio (SINAD) is the
ratio between the RMS amplitude of the fundamental input
frequency and the RMS amplitude of all other frequency
components at the A/D output. The output is band-limited
to frequencies from above DC and below half the sampling
Figure 12. CNV Waveform Showing Burst Sampling