10K ECL Logic Buffered Delay 16-Pin Modules 5-Tap: DECL + Single: FECL + Triple: MECL Electrical Specifications at 25C Electrical Specifications at 25C 10K ECL Tap Delay Tolerances +/- 5% or 1.5ns (+/- 0.8ns <10ns) Tap-to-Tap Delay Single Triple 5 Tap P/N Tap 1 Tap 2 Tap 3 Tap 4 Total - Tap 5 (ns) (ns) 10K P/N 10K P/N DECL-6 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6+0.8 ae 1 +04 3+0.5 FECL-3 MECL-3 DECL-10 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10+1.0 240.6 4405 FECL-4 MECL-4 DECL-12.5 2.5 5.0 75 10.0 12.5+1.0 240.6 50.5 FECL-5 MECL-5 DECL-15 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15+1.5 340.8 6 +0.75 FECL-6 MECL-6 DECL-20 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20+ 1.5 4+1.0 7 +0.75 FECL-7 MECL-7 DECL-25 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 2541.5 5+1.0 8 +08 FECL-8 MECL-8 DECL-30 6.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 3041.5 6+1.5 941.0 FECL-9 MECL-9 DECL-35 7.0 14.0 21.0 28.0 3541.5 TH1.5 1041.0 | FECL-10 MECL-10 DECL-40 8.0 16.0 24.0 32.0 40 + 2.0 8+ 2.0 1141.0 | FECL-11 MECL-11 DECL-45 9.0 18.0 27.0 36.0 A5 + 2.25 9+2.0 12.54 1.0 | FECL-12.5 | MECL-12.5 DECL-50 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50+2.5 10+ 2.0 1541.5 | FECL-15 MECL-15 DECL-60 12.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 60 +3.0 12+ 2.0 2041.5 | FECL-20 MECL-20 DECL-75 15.0 30.0 45.0 60.0 75 +3.75 15+ 2.5 2541.5 | FECL-25 MECL-25 DECL-80 16.0 32.0 48.0 64.0 80+4.0 16+ 2.5 30+2.0 | FECL-30 MECL-30 DECL-100 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100 +5.0 20 + 3.0 4042.0 | FECL-40 MECL-40 DECL-125 25.0 50.0 75.0 100.0 125 + 6.25 25+ 3.0 5042.5 | FECL-50 MECL-50 DECL-150 30.0 60.0 90.0 120.0 150 +7.5 30+ 3.0 60+3.0 | FECL-60 MECL-60 DECL-200 40.0 80.0 120.0 160.0 200 + 10.0 40+ 4.0 75 +3.75 | FECL-75 MECL-75 DECL-250 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250 + 12.5 50+ 5.0 100+ 5.0 | FECL-100 | MECL-100 ** This part numbers does not have 5 equal taps. Specified Tap-to-Tap Delays are referenced to Tap 1. DECL Style Schematic FECL Style Schematic MECL Style Schematic Vec Tap1 Tap3 Tap5 Vcc OUT OUT Vec OUT, OUTs OUT3 te) [15] (ha) [13 | [16] |15 | [9] [re] |15) [14) [13 | 4) is} ia} [s) ef Ls Vcc Tap2 Tap4 IN Vee Vec IN Vee INo IN3 Vee Dimensions in Inches (mm) ; a. ; 16-Pin Package with Unused Leads Removed Per Schematic GENERAL: For Operating Specifications and Test Condi- tions, see Tables IV, V and VIl on page 5 of this catalog. 810 .400 Delays specified for the Leading Edge. }_ _ (20.57), __> } (10.16) +| MAX. MAX. Operating Temp. Range ............:cceceeeee -30C to +85C 4 Temperature Coefficient . < 300ppm/C typical 260 300 Min. Input Pulse Width, DECL ................ 40% of total delay (6.60) (7.62) Min. Input Pulse Width, FECL .........0...... 40% of total delay TYP. MAX. Min. Input Pulse Width, MECL. ............. 100% of total delay 5 Supply Current, |-. , DECL ........... 60 mA typ., 75 mA max. Supply Current, |-. , FECL............ 40 mA typ., 65 mA max. (3.05) (0.25) Supply Current, I-. , MECL........ 85 mA typ., 105 mA max. , MIN TYP. ._. a 2 050 100 020 (7.62) (1.27) (2.54) (0.51) TYP. TYP. TYP. Also Available in 1OKH ECL Versions: DECLH, FECLH & MECLH Series Specifications subject to change without notice. For other values & Custom Designs, contact factory. DECL_FM 1/98 Rhombus 15801 Chemical Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1595 m@ Industries Inc. 26 Tel: (714) 898-0960 Fax: (714) 896-0971