winding. This re-configuration should make use of the spare pins of the transformer.
5. R24 should be deleted from the schematic completely, being replaced by a short connection for an isolated
application, or by an open for a non-isolated application.
6. Jumpers P5 and P6 (Figure 33) should be deleted from the schematic completely, being replaced by a short
connection for an isolated application, or by an open for a non-isolated application.
7. When the output is non-isolated, delete C20, C22, C25, R7, R11, R16, R17, R24, U2, and U3. Replace C28
with a short connection, and replace P5 and P6 with short connections.
8. One may also modify the number of input and output capacitors to achieve a more optimized design.
Consider the following when starting the PCB design:
1. Try to use both sides of the PCB for part placement to facilitate both layout and routing.
2. Place the power components in a pattern that minimizes the lengths of the high current paths on the PCB.
3. Place the LM5072 and its critical peripheral parts closely. Bypass capacitors and transient protection
elements should be near the LM5072.
4. Route the critical traces first, including both power and signal traces. Make the length of the trace as short as
possible, and avoid excessive use of via holes.
5. Pay attention to grounding issues. Each reference ground should be a copper plane or island. Use via holes
if necessary for direct connections of devices to their appropriate return ground plane or island. Identify the
following ground returns:
– Primary power return COM: C4, C5, C6, R14, R15, R29, C3, P4, J3-pins 2 and 3, U1-pin 8, C28, and
C29 are all returned to the COM ground plane.
– Primary control signal return, a ground return island: C19, T1-pin 2, C23, U2-pin 3, R24, C26, C21, and
U1-pin 16 are all returned to this island, and the island should be single point connected to the COM
ground plane.
– Secondary power return IGND: T1-pins 6 and 7, C7 through C10, C12 through C17, C28, Z4, J5, and
J7 are all returned to the IGND ground plane.
– Secondary control signal return, a ground return island: R18, U3 and C20 are all returned to this island,
and the island should be single point connected to the IGND ground plane.
Also consider the following during PCB layout and routing.
1. Place the following power components in each group as close as possible:
– C4, C5 (if used), the primary winding of T1, Q1, and R14/R15. The high frequency switching current
(pulse current) flows through these parts in a loop. The physical area enclosed by the loop should be as
small as possible.
– D5, C7 through C10, and the secondary winding of T1 for the main output. The high frequency
switching current for the main output rail flows through these parts in a loop. The physical area enclosed
by the loop should be as small as possible.
– D8, C12 and C13, and the secondary winding of T1 for the second output, if used. The high frequency
switching current for the second output rail flows through these parts in a loop. The physical area
enclosed by the loop should be as small as possible.
– L3, C15, C16, J4 and J5 (if posts are used). L3 should also be as close as possible to the capacitor
bank consisting of C7 through C10 in order to minimize the conduction losses on the PCB. Ceramic
capacitor C15 should be placed directly at the output port.
– L2, C14, C17, Z4, J6 and J7 (if posts are used) for the second output rail. L2 should also be as close
as possible to C12 and C13 in order to minimize the conduction losses on the PCB. Ceramic capacitor
C14 should be directly placed at the output port
2. U1 (LM5072) should be placed close to Q1 in the orientation such that the gate drive output pin (OUT, Pin 9)
is close to Q1’s gate.
3. Z2 and C27 must be placed directly across the VIN and VEE pins for best protection against input transients.
In a rear auxiliary application, C27 should be removed and C29 should be installed very close to the RTN
and VEE pins.
4. C19 should be placed directly across the VCC and ARTN pins.
5. C23 should be placed directly across the CS and ARTN pins.
6. R21 should be placed directly across the RT and ARTN pins.
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