Sep, 2003(Rev.3.2)
G-Link Technology Corporation
2701Northwestern Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95051, U.S.A.
G-Link Technology Corporation,Taiwan
6F, No. 24-2, Industry E. RD. IV, Science Based
Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan.
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AC Characteristics
TA = 0°C to 70°C , VCC = 5 V ± 10%, VIH/VIL = 2.4/0.8 V, VOH/VOL = 2.0/0.8V
An initial pause of 100 µs and 8
-only refresh cycles are required after power-up.
25 28 30 35 40 50
Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Unit Notes
Read or Write Cycle Time tRC 45 45 60 65 70 85 ns
Read Modify Write Cycle Time tRWC 67 67 79 86 91 106 ns
RAS Precharge Time tRP 15 15 25 25 25 30 ns
RAS Pulse Width tRAS 25 100k 28 100k 30 100k 35 100k 40 100k 50 100k ns
Access Time from RAS tRAC 25 28 30 35 40 50 ns 1,2,3
Access Time from CAS tCAC 8 8 10 11 12 14 ns 1,5,10
Access Time from Column Address tAA 13 13 16 18 20 25 ns 1,5,6
CAS to Output Low-Z tCLZ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ns
CAS to Output High-Z tCEZ 050537383838ns
RAS Hold Time tRSH 777888ns
RAS Hold Time Referenced to OE tROH 447888ns
CAS Hold Time tCSH 25 25 25 30 35 42 ns
CAS Pulse Width tCAS 4 4 4.5 568ns
RAS to CAS Delay Time tRCD 10 17 10 17 10 20 11 24 12 28 13 36 ns
RAS to Column Address Delay Time tRAD 8 12 8 12 8 14 9 17 10 20 11 25 ns 7
CAS to RAS Precharge Time tCRP 555555ns
Row Address Set-Up Time tASR 000000ns
Row Address Hold Time tRAH 446789ns
Column Address Set-Up Time tASC 000000ns
Column Address Hold Time tCAH 445667ns
Column Address to RAS Lead Time tRAL 13 13 16 18 20 25 ns
Column Address Hold Time Referenced to RAS tAR 19 19 25 30 34 35 ns
Read Command Set-Up Time tRCS 000000ns
Read Command Hold Time Referenced to CAS tRCH 000000ns 4
Read Command Hold Time Referenced to RAS tRRH 000000ns 4
Write Command Set-Up Time tWCS 000000ns 8,9
Write Command Hold Time tWCH 445666ns
Write Command Pulse Width tWP 445666ns
Write Command to RAS Lead Time tRWL 777888ns
Write Command to CAS Lead Time tCWL 556777ns