MICROWAVE OSCILLATOR Microwave Oscillator (VCO) VCO for Mobile Telephones and Portable Telephones wr ~ ' ma, Ve Mie. sy * %* MOES70 Type: 3.0max . . MQE000 Type MQE500/600 Type MGES900 Type Gin mm} (A) (B,C) {D) * VCO for Analog Cellular Phone Systems | Lower Limit i Upper Limit Supply : Controt Voltage | Control Voltage Output i Power Application Part Number ofFreq. , ofFreq. | Voltage | Range ; Sensitivity | Level {Consumption GIN (*) | Type nn MHz max) (MH2min) | MM) MZ) | fmAmax) | (BOM) | MQE043-964A, 952.6 | 8.0 Rx. MQES71 267i 954.0 7.0 | 2105(30) | E-AMPS 952.0 70 | 210825) (B: | 824.0 8.0 | B110{25) | oe 824.0 70 | Z1os(25) | 1008.4 700 | B1t4iso) E-TACS | tote | 1000.0 70 | 2107025) A Tx MQE042-888 872.0 | 80 | Stories) tA (* 5 Separation (kHz} * VCO for Digital Cellular Phone Systems Lower Limit Upper Limit Supply { Control Voltage Control Voltage | Output | Power GIN (2) : Application Part Number of Freq. | of Freq. Voltage! Range . Sensitivity Level Consumption ' Type (MHz max) | (MHzmin) Mj) | MHZ) Bm) tmAmax) | (OBO) : 9820 0 9770 82 05-27 Cte -8t3 B14( 60) A: ex: MQES71-967 | 954.0 | 9800 36 | OP-24 | 20 fie ADC _MQE504-964 9520 | 9770 = 40 | 083.2 1943 | oBe 2, 914.0 _ /. 939.0 AS 1 3073.3 cj! | OD. mE | 849.0 (08-27 | mae __ MQES05-836 | 849.0 : ! 8B; TMQES51-1018 | 1001.0 |, 1036.0 CB: g, MQESO2-1171 1136.0 12060. (BL MQE902-19171 4480.0 21200 AO De GSM |__| MQE901-766. 74200. 790.0 | D! TtHPme], MQES50-902 885.0 | 9200 3B) | ' Tx MQE601-902 8900 918.0 ; B: _Rx/Tx MQE901-925 9900 960005 4.0 Do ) [2d Lo| MQE961-129 129.5. 129.5 23 0.7-2.2 CDs PDC800 | Rx/Tx MQE911-81 8100 ) 5 D> : Tx MQE911-1071 1054.5 1087.5, 22, 05-23 Di "Bnd Lo MQEQ63-129 1295 120.5 22. 07-22 CD poctsoo Tx = MQEQ6I-178*1 17801780 | 22, HBR . DI _Rx/Tx MQE924-1819%1 | 1607.0 1631.0 | 22 10-20 | : Di px Powe) MQES24-1747 | 1707.0 1788.0 3.8. 08-28 5 5 cB: ocsis0 Rx ' MQE920-1655 , 16140 =. 16970 S's ss 36 CSB (5425 YD: Fx | MQE920-1668 | 1627.0 17100 38 S31 aah OS 10.0 BO 10) pcs [Tx(HPovg) MQE624-1880_ | 18470 | 19180 38 | 08-28 50ES 10.5415 45.0 2118501 BD [Rx | MQE920-1774 | 17390 | 18090) 36-3. 3et4 | 15425 | 10.0 1214013000) (D: (*1)under development { * 2}= Separation (kHz) HEVCO for PHS Sg h : MQE900 Type ain mm, ' Lower Limit | Upper Limit Supply __| Control Voltage Control Voltage | Output : Power | Gay (*) Application Part Number of Freq. of Freq. Voltage | Range Sensitivity | Level Consumption (dBc/Hz) - tf, (MHzmax.) (MHz min} OM) __) _ (Maz) | dBm) (mA max) ; _MQEest-tes8 16512 16848 28 B21 | 95S 70 |B 1486150) i I | 1 PHS Rut -MOE964-1668 1651.0 | 16850 2 05-25 ore J 70 | i 1668, 1651.2 | 1684.8 | 3.0 0525 ) eBF6 1 28, Pe " MQE987-1668 1651.2 | 16848 28 06-23 | 3445 | 6.0 (* }=Separation (kHz) 191 MIVCO for The Other Systems ie MLS ay og ot ero ry me | MQE700 Type MQE570 Type MQG100 Type (in mm} (A) (B) {Cc} i : : Lower Limit | Upper Limit | Supply Control Voltage Control Voltage | Output | Power IN (K) | Application = Part Number of Freq. ofFreq. | Voltage Range | Sensitivity | Level Consumption ( oof Type bocce ov neue el (MHz max) | (MHzmin) | Mo (MAZM) | Bm) | (mA max.) _ | GPS _ i Rx, MQE570-1397 1308.7 1401.7 | 3.0 525 12H KS 10.0 2900 10) BE : 'Rxi MQE744-385 | 376.5 | 305.5 | 3.0 _ 05-27 ! tob2 fo 3b3 7.0 21031 12.5) (Ai i : peel DIME i EP ENP ak Jf5 Wo. woke EN, ' ; Radior |, MQE744-411 4005 | 4223 3.0 os-28 . tet25 | ~342 , 70 21021125), (A : Transceiver | Tx): - weep een od te : 4 7. | ! : L i MQE744- -430_ 421. 5 ! : 3.0 : . : 1242 343 7.0 '2103 12.5 che ; cee ce fo Jee TPs EN | ae MQG101- -2098 | 2058.0 | _ 3.00 12.0 | 90: 25) fC , MQG101-2120 | 2090.0, F 48 150 2105(100) | (C} i Rx/i MQG101- ~2145 ' 2122.0 : 48 105 ( (100; ren) LW-LAN ae bo - bow & 2100.0 | 33 : : cer ' | MQG101-2204 | 2184.0 ; 5.0 iC) E __, MQG101-2310 , 2270.0 5.0 (Ci (*)= Separation (kHz} HiTaping Specifications * MQE000/700 Type * MQE500/600 Type yoo -; 4 i | - gi a Lg \ fo PE! Cle] \B. Be Reena \ FL \ a am if Ab Gy" Direction oi | , Saal 288 | CRS \ o! \ ou | , fres| 388 | mee : = Py ! / / t bocce a cence we ee ID Feecing oe = POO, - to Direction _] COT C : ia (in mm} (in mm) a EMinimum Quantity (order in sets only) + HMinimum Quantity (order in sets onty) : 1,000 pcs./reel ( 330mm? 500 pes /reel (6 178mm? * MQE900 Type * MQG100 Type | i 8 , -, Feeding e Direction ' JY Feeding Direction (in mm} 0 (in mm) BMinimum Quantity (order in sets only) - WMinimum Quantity (order in sets only) 3.000 pcs./reel ( 330mm) 500 pes./reel ( 178mm) 192