This X-Band waveguide limiter provides excellent protection from
unwanted signals. It features STC and Blanking capabilities plus an
integrated noise source for additional system flexibility.
X-Band Waveguide Limiter
with STC, Blanking and Integrated Noise Source
2011 Datasheet v1
The most important thing we build is trust
High Reliability
High power handling
Low insertion loss
Sensitivity Time Control (STC)
Blanking feature
Integrated Noise Source
European Manufacture.
Graphical Representation
X-Band Waveguide Limiter
with STC, Blanking and Integrated Noise Source
2011 Datasheet v1
Parameter Value Units
Min. typ. Max.
Frequency Band 9.0 9.6 GHz
Insertion Loss (Input power <= -10 dBm) 0.5 1.0 dB
Input / Output Return Loss (Input power <= -10 dBm) <1.29:1 1.38:1 Ratio
Normal Operating
Peak Power 500 W
Mean Power 15 W
Pulse width 40 μs
Duty cycle 25:1 Ratio
Fault condition, Peak power (40 μs Pulse Max., 25:1 duty cycle min.) 5000 W
Fault Duration 10 ms
Flat Leakage 50 mW
Spike Leakage (RF rise time >= 15ns) <250 500 mW
Recovery time, Normal Operating (To within 3dB of Insertion Loss) 650 - 750 1000 ns
Blanking Isolation 60 dB
STC Control (Input impedance approx. 3k) 0 5 V
STC Response (monotonic) 0 45 dB
Supply current, +15V Rail 30 100 mA
Supply Current, -15V Rail 45 100 mA
Noise Source Supply (-15V ±1V applied Pin 3, 9 Way MDM) 13 17 mA
Noise Source ENR (Blanking Active) 12 ±1.5 dB
(Applies over the frequency range, output and input characteristic impedance of stated waveguide. Unless otherwise stated limits
& conditions are indicated values.)
RF Performance
Pin Function
1 +15V Supply
3 Noise Source
5 -15V Supply
6 +15V Return (GND)
9 -15V Return (GND)
4, 7 Not Used
Operating Temperature -40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature -55°C to +90°C
RF Connections
Input / Output WG16
Pressure window fitted to front flange, 1.5 bar (gauge) Max.
Pin-out - 9 Way MDM Plug
Noise Source
Apply bias to 9 way MDM, Pin 3
Noise Source OFF : 0V Bias, Pin 3
Noise Source ON : -15V ± 1V Bias, Pin 3
Blanking Input
Single ended TTL
‘0’ = Insertion Loss
‘1’ = Blanking
STC Response
Mechanical Outline
For further information please contact:
Cobham MAL Ltd.
Featherstone Road
Wolverton Mill
Milton Keynes, MK12 5EW
Tel: +44 (0) 1908 574200
Fax: +44 (0) 1908 574300
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Cobham MAL Ltd
© Cobham plc, 2011. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this brochure, no responsibility
can be accepted for any errors and/or omissions. Descriptions and specifications of products are subject to change without notice.