LXA10T600, LXA10FP600 QspeedTM Family 600 V, 10 A X-Series PFC Diode Product Summary IF(AVG) VRRM QRR (Typ at 125 C) IRRM (Typ at 125 C) Softness tb/ta (Typ at 125 C) 10 600 94 3.85 0.5 General Description A V nC A This device has the lowest QRR of any 600V Silicon diode. Its recovery characteristics increase efficiency, reduce EMI and eliminate snubbers. Applications * Power Factor Correction (PFC) Boost Diode * Motor drive circuits * DC-AC Inverters Pin Assignment K Features K K * * * * A A TO-220AC FullPak LXA010T600 LXA10FP600 A K Low QRR, Low IRRM, Low tRR High dIF/dt capable (1000A/s) Soft recovery FullPak Insulation = 2500VRMS Benefits * Increases efficiency * Eliminates need for snubber circuits * Reduces EMI filter component size & count * Enables extremely fast switching RoHS Compliant Package uses Lead-free plating and Green mold compound. Halogen free per IEC 61249-2-21. Absolute Maximum Ratings Absolute maximum ratings are the values beyond which the device may be damaged or have its useful life impaired. Functional operation under these conditions is not implied. Symbol Parameter VRRM Peak repetitive reverse voltage IF(AVG) Average forward current IFSM IFSM TJ(MAX) TSTG Non-repetitive peak surge current Non-repetitive peak surge current Maximum junction temperature Storage temperature Lead soldering temperature PD Power dissipation Conditions TJ = 150 C, TC = 118C (TO-220AC) TJ = 150 C, TC = 67C (FullPak) 60 Hz, 1/2 cycle 1/2 cycle of t=28 s Sinusoid, TC=25 C Leads at 1.6 mm from case, 10 sec TC = 25 C (TO-220AC) TC = 25 C (FullPak) Rating Units 600 10 V A 70 350 150 -55 to 150 300 89 35 A A C C C W W Rating Units 1.4 3.6 C/W C/W Thermal Resistance Symbol Resistance from: Conditions RJC RJC Junction to case Junction to case TO-220AC FullPak www.powerint.com January 2011 LXA10T600, LXA10FP600 Electrical Specifications at TJ= 25 C (unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units - 1.2 2.4 2.1 51 250 3.0 - A mA V V pF 54 3.2 - ns ns nC nC A A DC Characteristics IR Reverse current VF Forward voltage CJ Junction capacitance VR = 600V, TJ = 25 C VR = 600V, TJ = 125 C IF = 10A, TJ = 25 C IF = 10A, TJ = 150 C VR = 10V, 1 MHz Dynamic Characteristics tRR Reverse recovery time dI/dt =200A/s VR=400V, IF=10A QRR Reverse recovery charge dI/dt =200A/s VR=400V, IF=10A IRRM Maximum reverse recovery current dI/dt =200A/s VR=400V, IF=10A S t Softness factor = b dI/dt =200A/s VR=400V, IF=10A ta TJ=25 C TJ=125 C TJ=25 C TJ =125 C TJ =25 C TJ=125 C TJ =25 C TJ=125 C - 23 35 36 94 2.35 3.85 0.75 0.5 Note to component engineers: X-Series diodes employ Schottky technologies in their design and construction. Therefore, Component Engineers should plan their test setups to be similar to those for traditional Schottky test setups. (For additional details, see Application Note AN-300.) VR D1 DUT L1 tRR IF dIF/dt ta 15V Pulse generator tb + Rg Q1 0 0.1xIRRM IRRM Figure 1. Reverse Recovery Definitions Figure 2. Reverse Recovery Test Circuit 2 www.powerint.com Rev 1.1 01/11 LXA10T600, LXA10FP600 200 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 180 160 140 Tj=125C Cj (pF) IF (A) Electrical Specifications at TJ= 25 C (unless otherwise specified) Tj=25C 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0 20 40 60 80 250 50 140 160 180 dIF /dt=200A/us 45 dIF /dt=1000A/u 40 dIF /dt=500A/us 150 35 tR R (ns) Q R R (nC) 120 Figure 4. Typical Cj vs VR Figure 3. Typical IF vs VF 200 100 VR (V) VF (V) 100 dIF /dt=200A/us dIF /dt=500A/us 30 25 20 dIF /dt=1000A/us 15 10 50 5 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 22 2 4 6 8 10 14 16 18 20 22 Figure 6. Typical tRR vs IF at TJ = 125 C Figure 5. Typical QRR vs IF at TJ = 125 30 100 90 80 25 TO-220 TO-220 70 P (W) 20 IF(AV) (A) 12 IF (A) IF (A) 15 FullPak 10 60 50 40 FullPak 30 20 5 10 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 o Case Temperature, TC ( C) Figure 7. DC Current Derating Curve 150 25 50 75 100 125 150 o Case Temperature, TC ( C) Figure 8. Power Derating Curve 3 Rev 1.1 01/11 www.powerint.com duty cycle=10% 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 duty cycle=30% duty cycle=50% DC IF (PEAK) (A) IF (PEAK) (A) LXA10T600, LXA10FP600 25 50 75 100 T C(C) 125 duty cycle=10% 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 150 duty cycle=30% duty cycle=50% DC 25 Figure 9. IF(PEAK) vs TC, f=70 kHz, TO-220 50 75 100 T C(C) 125 150 Figure 10. IF(PEAK) vs TC, f=70 kHz, FullPak LXA10T600 1 D= 0.5 D = 0.3 D= 0.1 0.1 Zth(j-c)/Rth(j-c) D= 0.05 D= 0.02 D= 0.01 0.01 D=0.005 D=0.002 Single Pulse 0.001 1.E-06 1.E-05 1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02 1.E-01 1.E+00 t1(sec) Figure 11. Normalized Maximum Transient Thermal Impedance, TO-220 4 www.powerint.com Rev 1.1 01/11 LXA10T600, LXA10FP600 LXA10FP600 1 D= 0.5 D = 0.3 0.1 D= 0.1 Zth(j-c)/Rth(j-c) D= 0.05 D= 0.02 0.01 D= 0.01 D=0.005 D=0.002 0.001 Single Pulse 0.0001 1.E-06 1.E-05 1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02 1.E-01 1.E+00 1.E+01 t1(sec) Figure 12. Normalized Maximum Transient Thermal Impedance, FullPak 5 Rev 1.1 01/11 www.powerint.com LXA10T600, LXA10FP600 Dimensional Outline Drawings TO-220AC Millimeters Dim MIN MAX A 4.32 4.70 A1 1.14 1.40 A2 2.03 2.79 C 0.34 0.610 D 9.65 10.67 E 2.49 2.59 E1 4.98 5.18 F 0.508 1.016 F1 1.14 1.78 H 14.71 16.51 H1 5.84 6.55 H2 8.51 9.25 H3 3.53 3.96 H4 2.54 3.05 L 12.70 14.22 L1 - 6.35 FullPak A D H4 Millimeters A1 H3 H1 H H2 Dim MIN MAX A 4.54 4.80 A1 2.57 2.83 A2 2.51 2.62 C 0.42 0.58 D 10.25 10.72 E E1 F L1 F1 L F C A2 E E1 2.54 (BSC) 5.08 (BSC) 0.624 0.776 F1 1.10 1.65 H 15.86 16.12 H1 6.06 6.56 H2 9.55 9.81 H3 2.95 3.05 H4 3.15 3.25 L 13.33 14.18 L1 3.18 3.43 6 www.powerint.com Rev 1.1 01/11 LXA10T600, LXA10FP600 Mechanical Mounting Method Maximum Torque / Pressure specification Screw through hole in package tab Clamp against package body 1 Newton Meter (nm) or 8.8 inch-pounds (lb-in) 12.3 kilogram-force per square centimeter (kgf/cm2) or 175 lbf/in2 Soldering time and temperature: This product has been designed for use with hightemperature, lead-free solder. The component leads can be subjected to a maximum temperature of 300 C, for up to 10 seconds. See Application Note AN-303, for more details. Ordering Information Part Number Package Packing LXA10T600, LXA10FP600 TO-220, FullPak 50 units/tube The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. 7 Rev 1.1 01/11 www.powerint.com LXA10T600, LXA10FP600 Revision 1.0 1.1 Notes Released by Qspeed Converted to Power Integrations Document Date 06/10 01/11 8 www.powerint.com Rev 1.1 01/11 LXA10T600, LXA10FP600 For the latest updates, visit our website: www.powerint.com Power Integrations reserves the right to make changes to its products at any time to improve reliability or manufacturability. Power Integrations does not assume any liability arising from the use of any device or circuit described herein. POWER INTEGRATIONS MAKES NO WARRANTY HEREIN AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. PATENT INFORMATION The products and applications illustrated herein (including transformer construction and circuits external to the products) may be covered by one or more U.S. and foreign patents, or potentially by pending U.S. and foreign patent applications assigned to Power Integrations. A complete list of Power Integrations' patents may be found at www.powerint.com. Power Integrations grants its customers a license under certain patent rights as set forth at http://www.powerint.com/ip.htm. The PI Logo, TOPSwitch, TinySwitch, LinkSwitch, DPA-Switch, PeakSwitch, CAPZero, SENZero, LinkZero, HiperPFS, HiperTFS, Qspeed, EcoSmart, Clampless, E-Shield, Filterfuse, StackFET, PI Expert and PI FACTS are trademarks of Power Integrations, Inc. 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