LTC6812-1 15-Cell Battery Stack Monitor with Daisy Chain Interface DESCRIPTION FEATURES Measures Up to 15 Battery Cells in Series nn 2.2mV Maximum Total Measurement Error nn Stackable Architecture for High Voltage Systems nn Built-In isoSPITM Interface nn 1Mb Isolated Serial Communications nn Uses a Single Twisted Pair, Up to 100 Meters nn Low EMI Susceptibility and Emissions nn Bidirectional for Broken Wire Protection nn 245s to Measure All Cells in a System nn Synchronized Voltage and Current Measurement nn 16-Bit Delta-Sigma ADC with Programmable 3rdOrder Noise Filter nn Engineered for ISO 26262-Compliant Systems nn Passive Cell Balancing Up to 200mA (Max) with Programmable PulseWidth Modulation nn 9 General Purpose Digital I/O or Analog Inputs nn Temperature or Other Sensor Inputs nn Configurable as an I2C or SPI Master nn 6A Sleep Mode Supply Current nn 64-Lead eLQFP Package nn AEC-Q100 Qualified for Automotive Applications nn APPLICATIONS The LTC(R)6812-1 is a multicell battery stack monitor that measures up to 15 series connected battery cells with a total measurement error of less than 2.2mV. The cell measurement range of 0V to 5V makes the LTC6812-1 suitable for most battery chemistries. All 15 cells can be measured in 245s, and lower data acquisition rates can be selected for high noise reduction. Multiple LTC6812-1 devices can be connected in series, permitting simultaneous cell monitoring of long, high voltage battery strings. Each LTC6812-1 has an isoSPI interface for high speed, RF immune, long distance communications. Multiple devices are connected in a daisy chain with one host processor connection for all devices. This daisy chain can be operated bidirectionally, ensuring communication integrity, even in the event of a fault along the communication path. The LTC6812-1 can be powered directly from the battery stack or from an isolated supply. The LTC6812-1 includes passive balancing for each cell, with individual PWM duty cycle control for each cell. Other features include an onboard 5V regulator, nine general purpose I/O lines and a sleep mode, where current consumption is reduced to 6A. All registered trademarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Protected by U.S. patents, including 8908779, 9182428, 9270133. Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles nn Backup Battery Systems nn Grid Energy Storage nn High Power Portable Equipment nn TYPICAL APPLICATION Cell 15 Measurement Error vs Temperature 15-Cell Monitor and Balance IC 2.0 CELL 15 CELL 14 CELL 2 CELL 1 + + + * * * ISOLATED DATA WITH WIRE BREAK PROTECTION LTC6812-1 + MEASUREMENT ERROR (mV) 1.5 CELL VOLTAGE = 3.3V 5 TYPICAL UNITS 1.0 0.5 0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 68121 TA01a -2.0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (C) 100 125 68121 TA01b Rev. A Document Feedback For more information 1 LTC6812-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Features...................................................... 1 Applications................................................. 1 Typical Application ......................................... 1 Description.................................................. 1 Absolute Maximum Ratings............................... 3 Order Information........................................... 3 Pin Configuration........................................... 3 Electrical Characteristics.................................. 4 Typical Performance Characteristics.................... 9 Pin Functions............................................... 15 Block Diagram.............................................. 16 Improvements from the LTC6811-1..................... 17 Operation................................................... 18 State Diagram.......................................................... 18 Core LTC6812-1 State Descriptions......................... 18 isoSPI State Descriptions........................................ 19 Power Consumption................................................ 19 ADC Operation.........................................................20 Data Acquisition System Diagnostics......................25 Watchdog and Discharge Timer............................... 32 Reset Behaviors.......................................................34 S Pin Pulse-Width Modulation for Cell Balancing....35 Discharge Timer Monitor.........................................35 I2C/SPI Master on LTC6812-1 Using GPIOs.............36 S Pin Pulsing Using the S Pin Control Settings....... 39 S Pin Muting............................................................ 41 Serial Interface Overview......................................... 41 4-Wire Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Physical Layer........................................................................ 42 2-Wire Isolated Interface (isoSPI) Physical Layer.... 42 Data Link Layer........................................................ 52 Network Layer......................................................... 52 Applications Information................................. 69 Providing DC Power.................................................69 Internal Protection and Filtering............................... 70 Cell Balancing..........................................................73 Discharge Control During Cell Measurements......... 74 Digital Communications...........................................77 Enhanced Applications.............................................85 Reading External Temperature Probes..................... 87 Package Description...................................... 88 Revision History........................................... 89 Typical Application........................................ 90 Related Parts............................................... 90 Rev. A 2 For more information LTC6812-1 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PIN CONFIGURATION (Note 1) 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 IPB IMB SCK (IPA)* CSB (IMA)* V- V-** ICMP IBIAS WDT ISOMD SDO (NC)* SDI (NC)* DTEN VREF1 VREF2 DRIVE TOP VIEW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 65 V- VREG GPIO9 GPIO8 GPIO7 GPIO6 GPIO5 GPIO4 GPIO3 GPIO2 GPIO1 C0 S1 C1 S2 C2 S3 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 V+ NC NC C15 S15 C14 S14 C13 S13 C12 S12 C11 S11 NC NC C10 S10 C9 S9 C8 S8 C7 S7 C6 S6 NC NC C5 S5 C4 S4 C3 Total Supply Voltage V+ to V-.............................................................93.75V Supply Voltage (Relative to C10) V+ to C10...............................................................50V Input Voltage (Relative to V-) C0............................................................. -0.3V to 6V C15......................... -0.3V to MIN (V+ + 5.5V, 93.75V) C(n), S(n)........................-0.3V to MIN (8 * n, 93.75V) IPA, IMA, IPB, IMB............ -0.3V to VREG + 0.3V, 6V DRIVE....................................................... -0.3V to 7V All Other Pins............................................ -0.3V to 6V Voltage Between Inputs C(n) to C(n-1), S(n) to C(n-1)................... -0.3V to 8V C13 to C10.............................................. -0.3V to 21V C8 to C5.................................................. -0.3V to 21V C3 to C0.................................................. -0.3V to 21V Current In/Out of Pins All Pins Except VREG, IPA, IMA, IPB, IMB, C(n), S(n)............................................................... 10mA IPA, IMA, IPB, IMB..............................................30mA Specified Junction Temperature Range LTC6812I-1...........................................-40C to 85C LTC6812H-1........................................ -40C to 125C Junction Temperature............................................ 150C Storage Temperature Range................... -65C to 150C Device HBM ESD Classification Level 1C Device CDM ESD Classification Level C5 LWE PACKAGE 64-LEAD (10mm x 10mm) PLASTIC eLQFP TJMAX = 150C, JA = 17C/W, JC = 2.5C/W EXPOSED PAD (PIN 65) IS V -, MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB *THE FUNCTION OF THESE PINS DEPENDS ON THE CONNECTION OF ISOMD: ISOMD TIED TO V-: CSB, SCK, SDI, SDO ISOMD TIED TO VREG: IPA, IMA, NC, NC **THIS PIN MUST BE CONNECTED TO V- ORDER INFORMATION AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS** TRAY (160PC) TAPE AND REEL (1500PC) PART MARKING* PACKAGE DESCRIPTION MSL RATING SPECIFIED JUNCTION TEMPERATURE RANGE LTC6812ILWE-1#3ZZPBF LTC6812ILWE-1#3ZZTRPBF LTC6812LWE-1 64-Lead Plastic eLQFP 3 -40C to 85C LTC6812HLWE-1#3ZZPBF LTC6812HLWE-1#3ZZTRPBF LTC6812LWE-1 64-Lead Plastic eLQFP 3 -40C to 125C Contact the factory for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges. *The temperature grade is identified by a label on the shipping container. Tape and reel specifications. Some packages are available in 500 unit reels through designated sales channels with #TRMPBF suffix. **Versions of this part are available with controlled manufacturing to support the quality and reliability requirements of automotive applications. These models are designated with a #3ZZ suffix. Only the automotive grade products shown are available for use in automotive applications. Contact your local Analog Devices account representative for specific product ordering information and to obtain the specific Automotive Reliability reports for thesemodels. Rev. A For more information 3 LTC6812-1 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full specified temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25C. The test conditions are V+ = 49.5V, VREG = 5.0V unless otherwise noted. The ISOMD pin is tied to the V- pin, unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS ADC DC Specifications Measurement Resolution 0.1 mV/Bit 0.1 mV ADC Offset Voltage (Note 2) ADC Gain Error (Note 2) 0.01 % Total Measurement Error (TME) in Normal Mode C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 0 0.2 mV C(n) to C(n-1) = 2.0 1.6 mV l 1.8 mV C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 2.0, LTC6812H l 2.0 mV C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 2.0, LTC6812I C(n) to C(n-1) = 3.3 2.2 mV l 3.0 mV C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 3.3, LTC6812H l 3.3 mV C(n) to C(n-1) = 4.2 2.8 mV 3.8 mV 4.2 mV C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 3.3, LTC6812I C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 4.2, LTC6812I l C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 4.2, LTC6812H l C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 5.0 Sum of All Cells 1 0.05 l Internal Temperature, T = Maximum Specified Temperature Total Measurement Error (TME) in Filtered Mode mV 0.35 5 % C VREG Pin l -1 -0.15 0 % VREF2 Pin l -0.05 0.05 0.20 % Digital Supply Voltage, VREGD l -0.5 0.5 1.5 % C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 0 0.1 C(n) to C(n-1) = 2.0 C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 2.0, LTC6812I mV 1.6 mV l 1.8 mV C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 2.0, LTC6812H l 2.0 mV C(n) to C(n-1) = 3.3 2.2 mV l 3.0 mV C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 3.3, LTC6812H l 3.3 mV C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 3.3, LTC6812I C(n) to C(n-1) = 4.2 2.8 mV l 3.8 mV C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 4.2, LTC6812H l 4.2 mV C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 4.2, LTC6812I C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 5.0 Sum of All Cells 1 0.05 l Internal Temperature, T = Maximum Specified Temperature mV 0.35 5 % C VREG Pin l -1 -0.15 0 % VREF2 Pin l -0.05 0.05 0.20 % Digital Supply Voltage, VREGD l -0.5 0.8 1.5 % Rev. A 4 For more information LTC6812-1 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full specified temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25C. The test conditions are V+ = 49.5V, VREG = 5.0V unless otherwise noted. The ISOMD pin is tied to the V- pin, unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS Total Measurement Error (TME) in FastMode C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 0 MIN UNITS mV C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 2.0 l 4 mV C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 3.3 l 6 mV C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 4.2 l 8.3 mV Sum of All Cells 10 0.15 l Internal Temperature, T = Maximum Specified Temperature IL MAX 2 C(n) to C(n-1), GPIO(n) to V- = 5.0 Input Range TYP mV 0.5 5 % C VREG Pin l -1.5 -0.15 1 % VREF2 Pin l -0.18 0.05 0.32 % Digital Supply Voltage, VREGD l -2.5 -0.4 2 % C(n) n = 1 to 15 l C(n-1) C(n-1) + 5 V C0 l 0 1 V GPIO(n) n = 1 to 9 l 0 5 V nA Input Leakage Current When Inputs Are Not Being Measured C(n) n = 0 to 15 l 10 250 GPIO(n) n = 1 to 9 l 10 250 Input Current When Inputs Are Being Measured (State: Core = MEASURE) C(n) n = 0 to 15 1 GPIO(n) n = 1 to 9 1 Input Current During Open Wire Detection nA A A l 70 100 130 A l 3.0 3.15 3.3 V Voltage Reference Specifications VREF1 VREF2 1st Reference Voltage VREF1 Pin, No Load 1st Reference Voltage TC VREF1 Pin, No Load 3 ppm/C 1st Reference Voltage Thermal Hysteresis VREF1 Pin, No Load 20 ppm 1st Reference Voltage Long Term Drift VREF1 Pin, No Load 20 ppm/khr 2nd Reference Voltage VREF2 Pin, No Load VREF2 Pin, 5k Load to V- l 2.993 l 2.992 3 3.007 3 3.008 V V 2nd Reference Voltage TC VREF2 Pin, No Load 10 ppm/C 2nd Reference Voltage Thermal Hysteresis VREF2 Pin, No Load 100 ppm 2nd Reference Voltage Long Term Drift VREF2 Pin, No Load 60 ppm/khr General DC Specifications IVP V+ Supply Current (See Figure1: LTC6812-1 Operation StateDiagram) State: Core = SLEEP, isoSPI = IDLE VREG = 0V VREG = 0V l VREG = 5V VREG = 5V l 11 A 6.1 18 A 3 5 A 3 9 A l 9 6 14 14 22 28 A A l 0.4 0.375 0.55 0.55 0.8 0.825 mA mA l 0.65 0.6 0.95 0.95 1.35 1.4 mA mA State: Core = STANDBY State: Core = REFUP State: Core = MEASURE For more information 6.1 Rev. A 5 LTC6812-1 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full specified temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25C. The test conditions are V+ = 49.5V, VREG = 5.0V unless otherwise noted. The ISOMD pin is tied to the V- pin, unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL IREG(CORE) PARAMETER CONDITIONS VREG Supply Current State: Core = SLEEP, isoSPI = IDLE (See Figure1: LTC6812-1 Operation State Diagram) MIN VREG = 5V VREG = 5V ISOMD = 1, RB1 + RB2 = 2k ISOMD = 0, RB1 + RB2 = 20k ISOMD = 1, RB1 + RB2 = 20k VREG A 9 A l 60 65 A A l 0.4 0.3 0.9 0.9 1.4 1.5 mA mA l 14 13.5 15 15 16 16.5 mA mA READY l 3.6 4.5 5.2 mA ACTIVE l 5.6 6.8 8.1 mA READY l 4.0 5.2 6.5 mA ACTIVE l 7.0 8.5 10.5 mA READY l 1.0 1.8 2.4 mA ACTIVE l 1.3 2.3 3.3 mA READY l 1.6 2.5 3.5 mA ACTIVE l 1.8 3.1 4.8 mA 50 75 V+ Supply Voltage TME Specifications Met l 16 V+ to C15 Voltage TME Specifications Met l -0.3 V+ to C10 Voltage TME Specifications Met l V V 40 V C11 Voltage TME Specifications Met l 2.5 V C6 Voltage TME Specifications Met l 1 V VREG Supply Voltage TME Supply Rejection < 1mV/V l 4.5 5 5.5 V DRIVE Output Voltage Sourcing 1A l 5.4 5.2 5.7 5.7 5.9 6.1 V V l 5.2 5.7 6.1 V l 2.7 3 3.6 V 4 10 Sourcing 500A VREGD 6 35 35 State: Core = MEASURE Note: ACTIVE State Current Assumes tCLK = 1s, (Note 3) 3.1 UNITS 3.1 State: Core = STANDBY ISOMD = 0, RB1 + RB2 = 2k MAX 10 6 l State: Core = REFUP IREG(isoSPI) Additional VREG Supply Current if isoSPI in READY/ACTIVE States TYP Digital Supply Voltage Discharge Switch ON Resistance VCELL = 3.6V l Thermal Shutdown Temperature 150 C VOL(WDT) Watch Dog Timer Pin Low WDT Pin Sinking 4mA l 0.4 V VOL(GPIO) General Purpose I/O Pin Low GPIO Pin Sinking 4mA (Used as Digital Output) l 0.4 V Measure 15 Cells l 2077 s Measure 3 Cells l 352 407 432 s Measure 15 Cells and 2 GPIO Inputs l 2382 2753 2924 s ADC Timing Specifications tCYCLE (Figure3, Figure4, Figure6) Measurement + Calibration Cycle Time When Starting from the REFUP State in Normal Mode Measurement + Calibration Cycle Time When Starting from the REFUP State in Filtered Mode Measurement + Calibration Cycle Time When Starting from the REFUP State in Fast Mode 1692 1956 Measure 15 Cells l 145.2 167.8 178.2 ms Measure 3 Cells l 29.1 33.6 35.7 ms Measure 15 Cells and 2 GPIO Inputs l 203.2 234.9 249.5 ms Measure 15 Cells l 811 937 996 s Measure 3 Cells l 176 203 215 s Measure 15 Cells and 2 GPIO Inputs l 1149 1328 1410 s Rev. A 6 For more information LTC6812-1 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full specified temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25C. The test conditions are V+ = 49.5V, VREG = 5.0V unless otherwise noted. The ISOMD pin is tied to the V- pin, unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS tSKEW1 (Figure6) Skew Time. The Time Difference Between GPIO2 and Cell 1 Measurements, Command = ADCVAX Fast Mode Normal Mode tSKEW2 (Figure3) Skew Time. The Time Difference Between Cell 15 and Cell 1 Measurements, Command = ADCV tSKEW3 (Figure6) Skew Time. The Time Difference Between Cell 15 and GPIO1 Measurements, Command = ADCVAX tWAKE Regulator Start-Up Time Watchdog or Discharge Timer tSLEEP (Figure26) tREFUP (Figure3 for example) Reference Wake-Up Time. Added to tCYCLE Time When Starting from the STANDBY State. tREFUP = 0 When Starting from Other States. fS ADC Clock Frequency MIN TYP MAX UNITS l 168 194 206 s l 470 543 577 s Fast Mode l 162 187 198 s Normal Mode l 464 536 569 s Fast Mode l 127 147 156 s Normal Mode l 354 409 434 s VREG Generated from DRIVE Pin (Figure32) l 200 400 s DTEN Pin = 0 or DCTO[3:0] = 0000 l 2 2.2 sec 120 min 4.4 ms DTEN Pin = 1 and DCTO[3:0] 0000 tREFUP is Independent of the Number of Channels Measured and the ADC Mode 1.8 0.5 l 2.7 3.5 3.3 MHz SPI Interface DC Specifications VIH(SPI) SPI Pin Digital Input Voltage High Pins CSB, SCK, SDI l VIL(SPI) SPI Pin Digital Input Voltage Low Pins CSB, SCK, SDI l 2.3 V VIH(CFG) Configuration Pin Digital Input Voltage High Pins ISOMD, DTEN, GPIO1 to GPIO9 l VIL(CFG) Configuration Pin Digital Input Voltage Low Pins ISOMD, DTEN, GPIO1 to GPIO9 l 1.2 V ILEAK(DIG) Digital Input Current Pins CSB, SCK, SDI, ISOMD, DTEN l 1 A VOL(SDO) Digital Output Low Pin SDO Sinking 1mA l 0.3 V 2.1 V V 1.0 mA 22 24.5 mA/mA mA/mA 1.6 V 0.8 2.7 V V isoSPI DC Specifications (See Figure17) VBIAS Voltage on IBIAS Pin READY/ACTIVE State IDLE State l 1.9 IB Isolated Interface Bias Current RBIAS = 2k to 20k l 0.1 AIB Isolated Interface Current Gain VA = 1.6VIB = 1mA IB = 0.1mA l l 18 18 VA Transmitter Pulse Amplitude VA = |VIP - VIM| l VICMP Threshold-Setting Voltage on ICMP Pin 2.0 0 20 20 VTCMP = ATCMP * VICMP l 1.5 V ILEAK(ICMP) Input Leakage Current on ICMP Pin VICMP = 0V to VREG l 0.2 1 A ILEAK(IP/IM) Leakage Current on IP and IM Pins IDLE State, VIP or VIM, 0V to VREG l 1 A l 0.6 V/V ATCMP Receiver Comparator Threshold VoltageGain VCM = VREG/2 to VREG - 0.2V, VICMP = 0.2V to 1.5V 0.4 VCM Receiver Common Mode Bias IP/IM Not Driving RIN Receiver Input Resistance Single-Ended to IPA, IMA, IPB, IMB l 26 0.5 (VREG - VICMP/3 - 167mV) 35 45 V k isoSPI Idle/Wake-Up Specifications (See Figure26) VWAKE Differential Wake-Up Voltage tDWELL = 240ns l 200 mV tDWELL Dwell Time at VWAKE Before Wake Detection VWAKE = 200mV l 240 ns tREADY Start-Up Time After Wake Detection l tIDLE Idle Timeout Duration l 4.3 5.5 10 s 6.7 ms Rev. A For more information 7 LTC6812-1 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full specified temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25C. The test conditions are V+ = 49.5V, VREG = 5.0V unless otherwise noted. The ISOMD pin is tied to the V- pin, unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 120 150 180 ns isoSPI Pulse Timing Specifications (See Figure22) t1/2PW(CS) Chip-Select Half-Pulse Width Transmitter l tFILT(CS) Chip-Select Signal Filter Receiver l 70 90 110 ns tINV(CS) Chip-Select Pulse Inversion Delay Transmitter l 120 155 190 ns tWNDW(CS) Chip-Select Valid Pulse Window Receiver l 220 270 330 ns t1/2PW(D) Data Half-Pulse Width Transmitter l 40 50 60 ns tFILT(D) Data Signal Filter Receiver l 10 25 35 ns tINV(D) Data Pulse Inversion Delay Transmitter l 40 55 65 ns tWNDW(D) Data Valid Pulse Window Receiver l 70 90 110 ns SPI Timing Requirements (See Figure16 and Figure25) tCLK SCK Period l 1 s t1 SDI Setup Time before SCK Rising Edge (Note 4) l 25 ns t2 SDI Hold Time after SCK Rising Edge l 25 ns t3 SCK Low tCLK = t3 + t4 1s l 200 ns t4 SCK High tCLK = t3 + t4 1s l 200 ns t5 CSB Rising Edge to CSB Falling Edge l 0.65 s t6 SCK Rising Edge to CSB Rising Edge (Note 4) l 0.8 s t7 CSB Falling Edge to SCK Rising Edge (Note 4) l 1 s (Note 5) l 60 ns isoSPI Timing Specifications (See Figure25) t8 SCK Falling Edge to SDO Valid t9 SCK Rising Edge to Short 1 Transmit l 50 ns t10 CSB Transition to Long 1 Transmit l 60 ns t11 CSB Rising Edge to SDO Rising l 200 ns 375 425 ns 120 180 ns 300 ns (Note 5) tRTN Data Return Delay l tDSY(CS) Chip-Select Daisy-Chain Delay l tDSY(D) Data Daisy-Chain Delay l = [tDSY(D) + t1/2PW(D)] - [tDSY(CS) + t1/2PW(CS)] 325 200 250 l 0 35 tLAG Data Daisy-Chain Lag (vs Chip-Select) 70 ns t5(GOV) Chip-Select High-to-Low Pulse Governor l 0.6 0.82 s t6(GOV) Data to Chip-Select Pulse Governor l 0.8 1.05 s tBLOCK isoSPI Port Reversal Blocking Window l 2 10 s Note 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime. Note 2: The ADC specifications are guaranteed by the Total Measurement Error specification. Note 3: The ACTIVE state current is calculated from DC measurements. The ACTIVE state current is the additional average supply current into VREG when there is continuous 1MHz communications on the isoSPI ports with 50% data 1's and 50% data 0's. Slower clock rates reduce the supply current. See Applications Information section for additional details. Note 4: These timing specifications are dependent on the delay through the cable, and include allowances for 50ns of delay each direction. 50ns corresponds to 10m of CAT5 cable (which has a velocity of propagation of 66% the speed of light). Use of longer cables would require derating these specs by the amount of additional delay. Note 5: These specifications do not include rise or fall time of SDO. While fall time (typically 5ns due to the internal pull-down transistor) is not a concern, rising-edge transition time tRISE is dependent on the pull-up resistance and load capacitance on the SDO pin. The time constant must be chosen such that SDO meets the setup time requirements of the MCU. Rev. A 8 For more information LTC6812-1 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Measurement Error vs Input, Normal Mode Measurement Error vs Temperature 2.0 CELL VOLTAGE = 3.3V 5 TYPICAL UNITS, CELL 1 2.0 10 ADC MEASUREMENTS AVERAGED AT EACH INPUT 1.5 MEASUREMENT ERROR (mV) 1.5 MEASUREMENT ERROR (mV) Measurement Error vs Input, Filtered Mode 1.0 0.5 0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 1.0 0.5 0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (C) 100 125 -2.0 0.5 0 -0.5 -1.0 0 1 2 3 INPUT (V) 4 5 -2.0 10 ADC MEASUREMENTS AVERAGED AT EACH INPUT PEAK NOISE (mV) 0 -2 -4 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 -10 0 2 3 INPUT (V) 4 5 0 1 2 3 INPUT (V) 4 68121 G04 25 9 25 TA = 85C to 25C 20 NUMBER OF PARTS 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 INPUT (V) 4 5 Measurement Gain Error Thermal Hysteresis, Cold TA = -40C to 25C 20 NUMBER OF PARTS 8 7 0 68121 G06 Measurement Gain Error Thermal Hysteresis, Hot 10 PEAK NOISE (mV) 0 5 68121 G05 Measurement Noise vs Input, Fast Mode 5 0.5 -8 1 4 0.6 -6 0 2 3 INPUT (V) Measurement Noise vs Input, Filtered Mode PEAK NOISE (mV) 10 2 1 68121 G03 Measurement Noise vs Input, Normal Mode 4 0 68121 G02 Measurement Error vs Input, Fast Mode 6 1.0 -1.5 68121 G01 8 10 ADC MEASUREMENTS AVERAGED AT EACH INPUT 1.5 MEASUREMENT ERROR (mV) 2.0 MEASUREMENT ERROR (mV) TA = 25C, unless otherwise noted. 15 10 5 15 10 5 1 0 0 1 2 3 INPUT (V) 4 5 0 -50 -30 -10 10 30 CHANGE IN GAIN ERROR (ppm) 68121 G07 50 68121 G8 0 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 CHANGE IN GAIN ERROR (ppm) 75 68121 G9 Rev. A For more information 9 LTC6812-1 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 2.0 6 -10 1.5 5 4 3 2 MEASUREMENT ERROR (mV) 0 -20 -30 -40 -50 1 -60 0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 CHANGE IN GAIN ERROR (ppm) -70 10 100 0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 20 30 40 V+ (V) 0 -10 Measurement Error vs Common Mode Voltage 2.0 C15-C14 = 3.3V C15 = 49.5V 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 V+ (V) 68121 G13 -10 -20 -30 -30 -40 -50 0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 20 -70 68121 G16 30 35 40 C14 VOLTAGE (V) 45 50 68121 G15 0 V+DC = 49.5V V+AC = 5Vp-p 1BIT CHANGE < -90dB VREG GENERATED FROM DRIVE PIN, FIGURE 32 -10 -20 -40 -50 -60 -100 100 VCM(IN) = 5Vp-p NORMAL MODE CONVERSIONS -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 10M 25 Measurement Error CMRR vs Frequency -80 1M 0.5 68121 G14 -70 -60 10k 100k FREQUENCY (Hz) 1.0 -2.0 0 VREG(DC) = 5V VREG(AC) = 0.5Vp-p 1BIT CHANGE < -70dB 1k C15 - C14 = 3.3V V+ = 53.3V 1.5 Measurement Error Due to a V+ AC Disturbance Measurement Error Due to a VREG AC Disturbance -80 100 -1.0 68121 G11 -2.0 46.5 47.5 48.5 49.5 50.5 51.5 52.5 53.5 50 PSRR (dB) PSRR (dB) -20 -0.5 68121 G12 REJECTION (dB) 10 0 14kHz 27kHz 2kHz 3kHz 7kHz CELL15 MEASUREMENT ERROR (mV) TOP CELL MEASUREMENT ERROR (mV) MEASUREMENT ERROR (mV) 0.5 0 0.5 -2.0 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 VREG (V) 1M 2.0 MEASUREMENT ERROR OF CELL1 WITH 3.3V INPUT VREG GENERATED FROM DRIVE PIN, FIGURE 32 1.0 1.0 Top Cell Measurement Error vs V+ 2.0 -2.0 1k 10k 100k INPUT FREQUENCY (Hz) 26Hz 422Hz 1kHz Measurement Error vs V+ VIN = 2V VIN = 3.3V VIN = 4.2 V -1.5 68121 G10 1.5 Measurement Error vs VREG Noise Filter Response 7 NOISE REJECTION (dB) NUMBER OF PARTS Measurement Error Due to IR Reflow TA = 25C, unless otherwise noted. -90 1k 10k 100k FREQUENCY (Hz) 1M 10M 68121 G17 -100 100 1k 10k 100k FREQUENCY (Hz) 1M 10M 68121 G18 Rev. A 10 For more information LTC6812-1 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS GPIO Measurement Error vs Input RC Values Cell Measurement Error Range vs Input RC Values Measurement Time vs Temperature 20 0 -5 -10 100nF 10nF 1F -15 100 1k INPUT RESISTANCE, R () 8 4 0 -4 -8 C = 1nF C = 10nF C = 100nF C = 1F C = 10F -12 -16 1 7 6 3 5 15 25 35 45 55 V+ (V) 125C 85C 25C 0C -40C 65 75 10 100 1k INPUT RESISTANCE, R () 40 30 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 14.5 5 15 25 35 45 V+ (V) 75 1.2 68121 G25 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 68121 G24 3.005 5 TYPICAL UNITS 5 TYPICAL UNITS 3.004 3.003 3.002 VREF2 (V) 3.155 3.150 3.145 3.130 -50 125C 85C 25C 0C -40C 1.3 VREF2 vs Temperature 3.001 3.000 2.999 2.998 2.997 3.135 65 1.4 68121 G23 3.140 55 125 1.5 V+ (V) 3.165 16.5 15.0 100 1.6 VREF1 vs Temperature 3.170 125C 85C 25C 0C -40C 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (C) REFUP SUPPLY CURRENT = V+ CURRENT + VREG CURRENT 1.7 1.1 75 3.160 15.5 -25 REFUP Supply Current vs V+ 50 68121 G22 16.0 VREG=4.5V VREG=5V VREG=5.5V 68121 G21 1.8 V+ (V) VREF1 (V) MEASURE SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) 1.70 -50 10k 125C 85C 25C 0C -40C 60 20 MEASURE SUPPLY CURRENT = V+ CURRENT + VREG CURRENT 17.0 1.80 STANDBY SUPPLY CURRENT = V+ CURRENT + VREG CURRENT 70 Measure Supply Current vs V+ 17.5 1.85 REFUP SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) STANDBY SUPPLY CURRENT (A) SLEEP SUPPLY CURRENT (A) 80 8 4 1.90 Standby Supply Current vs V+ SLEEP SUPPLY CURRENT = V+ CURRENT + VREG CURRENT 5 1.95 68121 G20 Sleep Supply Current vs V+ 9 2.00 1.75 68121 G19 10 15 CELL NORMAL MODE CONVERSIONS 2.05 12 -20 10k 2.10 TIME BETWEEN MEASUREMENTS > 3RC 16 MEASUREMENT TIME (ms) GPIO MEASUREMENT ERROR (mV) 5 CELL MEASUREMENT ERROR (mV) TA = 25C, unless otherwise noted. 2.996 -25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (C) 100 125 68121 G26 2.995 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (C) 100 125 68121 G27 Rev. A For more information 11 LTC6812-1 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS IL = 0.6mA 320 125C 85C 25C -40C 240 CHANGE IN VREF2 (ppm) 100 160 60 0 -80 -160 20 0 -20 125C 85C 25C -40C -40 -60 -320 -80 4.75 5 5.25 VREG (V) 5.5 -100 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 V+ (V) 68121 G28 VREF2 Thermal Hysteresis, Hot 15 V+ = 49.5V VREG = 5V -200 -400 -600 125C 85C 25C -40C -800 85 95 -1000 0.01 0.1 1 IOUT (mA) 68121 G29 VREF2 Thermal Hysteresis, Cold 5 TA = -40C to 25C TA = 85C to 25C VREF2 Load Regulation 0 40 -240 -400 4.5 200 VREG GENERATED FROM DRIVE PIN, FIGURE 32 80 80 15 VREF2 V+ Line Regulation CHANGE IN VREF2 (ppm) VREF2 VREG Line Regulation CHANGE IN VREF2 (ppm) 400 TA = 25C, unless otherwise noted. 10 68121 G30 VREF2 Change Due to IR Reflow 10 5 NUMBER OF PARTS NUMBER OF PARTS NUMBER OF PARTS 4 10 5 3 2 1 0 -75 68121 G31 5.9 VDRIVE vs Temperature 25 5 TYPICAL UNITS NO LOAD CHANGE IN VDRIVE (mV) VDRIVE (V) 5.7 5.6 5.5 5.4 -50 -25 0 25 50 CHANGE IN VREF2 (ppm) 75 68121 G32 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (C) 100 125 68121 G34 -100 0 100 200 CHANGE IN VREF2 (ppm) 300 68121 G33 VDRIVE Load Regulation 125C 85C 25C 0C -40C -10 -20 10 5 0 V+ = 49.5V -30 -40 -50 -60 125C 85C 25C 0C -40C -70 -80 -5 -25 -200 0 15 -10 0 -300 100 VDRIVE V+ Line Regulation 20 5.8 -50 CHANGE IN VDRIVE (mV) 0 -125-100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 CHANGE IN VREF2 (ppm) -90 15 30 45 V+ (V) 60 75 68121 G35 -100 0.01 0.1 IOUT (mA) 1 68121 G36 Rev. A 12 For more information LTC6812-1 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 50 ON-RESISTANCE OF INTERNAL DISCHARGE SWITCH MEASURED BETWEEN S(n) AND C(n-1) 16 14 12 125C 85C 25C -40C 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 CELL VOLTAGE (V) 4 4.5 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 1 CELL DISCHARGING 6 CELL DISCHARGING 12 CELL DISCHARGING 15 CELL DISCHARGING 45 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 INTERNAL DISCHARGE CURRENT (mA/CELL) 68121 G37 VREF1 1V/DIV VREG: CL = 1F VREG GENERATED FROM DRIVE PIN VREF1 VREF2 VREF2 1V/DIV VDRIVE 2V/DIV CS 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -50 6.0 VDRIVE CS CS 5V/DIV 68121 G40 500s/DIV 6 -25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (C) 100 125 isoSPI Current (READY) vs Temperature VREG VREG 2V/DIV CS 5V/DIV 5 TYPICAL UNITS 8 68121 G39 VREG and VDRIVE Power-Up VREF1 and VREF2 Power-Up VREF1: CL = 1F VREF2: CL = 1F, RL = 5k 10 Internal Die Temperature Measurement Error vs Temperature 68121 G38 5.0 4.5 4.0 68121 G41 50s/DIV IB = 1mA 5.5 isoSPI CURRENT (mA) 18 INCREASE IN DIE TEMPERATURE (C) DISCHARGE SWITCH ON-RESISTANCE () 20 Internal Die Temperature Increase vs Discharge Current TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT ERROR (C) Discharge Switch On-Resistance vs Cell Voltage TA = 25C, unless otherwise noted. 3.5 -50 ISOMD = V - ISOMD = VREG -25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (C) 100 125 68121 G42 isoSPI Current (ACTIVE) vs isoSPI Clock Frequency ISOMD = VREG IB = 1mA 8 7 IBIAS PIN VOLTAGE (V) isoSPI CURRENT (mA) IBIAS Voltage vs Temperature 2.02 6 5 4 IB = 1mA 3 PARTS 2.01 2.00 1.99 2.005 2.000 1.995 WRITE READ 3 2 IBIAS Voltage Load Regulation 2.010 IBIAS PIN VOLTAGE (V) 9 0 200 400 600 800 isoSPI CLOCK FREQUENCY (kHz) 1000 68121 G43 1.98 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (C) 100 125 68121 G44 1.990 0 200 400 600 800 IBIAS CURRENT, IB (A) 1000 68121 G45 Rev. A For more information 13 LTC6812-1 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 23 22 22 21 20 0 200 400 600 800 IBIAS CURRENT, IB (A) 21 20 19 18 -50 1000 100 0.54 0.52 0.50 0.48 VICMP = 0.2V VICMP = 1V 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 RECEIVER COMMON MODE, VCM (V) 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 125 IB = 100uA IB = 1mA 0 0.5 1 1.5 PULSE AMPLITUDE, VA (V) 68121 G47 COMPARATOR THRESHOLD GAIN, ATCMP (V/V) COMPARATOR THRESHOLD GAIN, ATCMP (V/V) 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (C) 5.0 isoSPI Comparator Threshold Gain (Port A/Port B) vs ICMP Voltage 0.56 0.44 2.5 -25 68121 G46 isoSPI Comparator Threshold Gain (Port A/Port B) vs Receiver Common Mode 0.46 IB = 100uA IB = 1mA 5.5 0.56 3 PARTS 0.54 0.52 0.50 0.48 0.46 0.44 0 68121 G49 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 ICMP VOLTAGE (V) 2 68121 G48 isoSPI Comparator Threshold Gain (Port A/Port B) vs Temperature COMPARATOR THRESHOLD GAIN, ATCMP (V/V) 18 VA = 1.6V VA = 1V VA = 0.5V 5.5 DRIVER COMMON MODE (V) 23 19 isoSPI Driver Common Mode Voltage (Port A/Port B) vs Pulse Amplitude isoSPI Driver Current Gain (Port A/Port B) vs Temperature CURRENT GAIN, AIB (mA/mA) CURRENT GAIN, AIB (mA) isoSPI Driver Current Gain (Port A/Port B) vs IBIAS Current TA = 25C, unless otherwise noted. 1.4 1.6 68121 G50 0.56 0.54 0.52 0.50 0.48 0.46 0.44 -50 VICMP = 0.2V VICMP = 1V -25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (C) 100 125 68121 G51 Typical Wake-Up Pulse Amplitude (Port A/Port B) vs Dwell Time WAKE-UP PULSE AMPLITUDE, VWAKE (mV) 300 GUARANTEED WAKE-UP REGION 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 WAKE-UP DWELL TIME, TDWELL (ns) 600 68121 G52 Rev. A 14 For more information LTC6812-1 PIN FUNCTIONS C0 to C15: Cell Inputs. Serial Port Pins S1 to S15: Balance Inputs/Outputs. 15 internal N-MOSFETs are connected between S(n) and C(n-1) for discharging cells. ISOMD = VREG PORT B (Pins 57, 58, 63 and 64) V+: Positive Supply Pin. V-: Negative Supply Pins. The V- pins must be shorted together, external to the IC. PORT A (Pins 53, 54, 61 and 62) VREF2: Buffered 2nd Reference Voltage for Driving Multiple 10k Thermistors. Bypass with an external 1F capacitor. VREF1: ADC Reference Voltage. Bypass with an external 1F capacitor. No DC loads allowed. GPIO[1:9]: General Purpose I/O. Can be used as digital inputs or digital outputs, or as analog inputs with a measurement range from V- to 5V. GPIO[3:5] can be used as an I2C or SPI port. DTEN: Discharge Timer Enable. Connect this pin to VREG to enable the Discharge Timer. DRIVE: Connect the base of an NPN to this pin. Connect the collector to V+ and the emitter to VREG. VREG: 5V Regulator Input. Bypass with an external 1F capacitor. ISOMD: Serial Interface Mode. Connecting ISOMD to VREG configures pins 53, 54, 61 and 62 of the LTC6812-1 for 2-wire isolated interface (isoSPI) mode. Connecting ISOMD to V- configures the LTC6812-1 for 4-wire SPI mode. WDT: Watchdog Timer Output Pin. This is an open drain NMOS digital output. It can be left unconnected or connected with a 1M resistor to VREG. If the LTC6812-1 does not receive a valid command within 2 seconds, the watchdog timer circuit will reset the LTC6812-1 and the WDT pin will go high impedance. ISOMD = V- IPB IPB IMB IMB ICMP ICMP IBIAS IBIAS (NC) SDO (NC) SDI IPA SCK IMA CSB CSB, SCK, SDI, SDO: 4-Wire Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). Active low chip select (CSB), serial clock (SCK) and serial data in (SDI) are digital inputs. Serial data out(SDO) is an open drain NMOS output pin. SDO requires a 5k pull-up resistor. IPA, IMA: Isolated 2-Wire Serial Interface Port A. IPA(plus) and IMA (minus) are a differential input/output pair. IPB, IMB: Isolated 2-Wire Serial Interface Port B. IPB(plus) and IMB (minus) are a differential input/output pair. IBIAS: Isolated Interface Current Bias. Tie IBIAS to V- through a resistor divider to set the interface output current level. When the isoSPI interface is enabled, the IBIAS pin voltage is 2V. The IPA/IMA or IPB/IMB output current drive is set to 20 times the current, IB, sourced from the IBIAS pin. ICMP: Isolated Interface Comparator Voltage Threshold Set. Tie this pin to the resistor divider between IBIAS and V- to set the voltage threshold of the isoSPI receiver comparators. The comparator thresholds are set to half the voltage on the ICMP pin. NC: All pins identified with "NC" must be left unconnected. Exposed Pad: V-. The Exposed Pad must be soldered to PCB. Rev. A For more information 15 LTC6812-1 BLOCK DIAGRAM 64 1 2 IPB 63 IMB 62 61 SCK (IPA) CSB (IMA) 4 5 6 7 9 C14 NC 12 58 ICMP 57 IBIAS 14 15 16 WDT 55 ISOMD 54 SDO (NC) 53 VREGD SDI (NC) 52 DTEN 51 VREF1 50 49 VREF2 DRIVE VREG POR VREG 5-CELL MUX NC 16 ADC3 GPIO9 IPB SERIAL PORT B - M C11 IMB ICMP GPIO8 IBIAS C15 C10 C9 S15 6-CELL MUX C8 C7 C14 + P 16 ADC2 DIGITAL FILTERS - M GPIO7 CSB (IMA) LOGIC AND MEMORY SCK (IPA) SERIAL PORT A GPIO6 SDO (NC) SDI (NC) C6 GPIO5 S14 GPIO4 C13 C4 C2 GPIO AND I2C 16 ADC1 6-CELL MUX M C3 S13 + P GPIO2 C1 WDT ISOMD C0 S12 GPIO3 - 15 BALANCE FETs TEMP VREF2 SC VREG VREGD P S(n) GPIO1 GPIO[9:1] C0 AUX MUX C11 S1 M C(n-1) 13 56 + P C13 10 C12 11 V- C15 C5 8 59 V- VREF1 V+ C12 3 60 S11 C1 C15 DIE TEMPERATURE TEMP NC NC DISCHARGE TIMER DTEN C10 S10 17 C9 18 S9 19 V+ LDO2 C0 C8 20 S8 21 DRIVE V+ VREGD POR LDO1 C7 22 VREF2 1ST REFERENCE VREF1 S2 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 REGULATORS SC WATCH DOG TIMER WDT 2ND REFERENCE 48 S7 23 C6 24 S6 25 NC 26 S3 NC 27 C2 C5 28 S5 29 C4 30 S4 31 34 33 C3 32 68121 BD Rev. A 16 For more information LTC6812-1 IMPROVEMENTS FROM THE LTC6811-1 The LTC6812-1 is an evolution of the LTC6811-1 design. The following table summarizes the feature changes and additions in the LTC6812-1. ADDITIONAL LTC6812-1 FEATURES BENEFITS RELEVANT DATA SHEET SECTION(S) The LTC6812-1 Has 3 ADCs Operating Simultaneously vs 2 ADCs on LTC6811-1 3 Cells Can Be Measured During Each ConversionCycle ADC Operation In Addition to the 3 ADC Digital Filters, There Is a 4th Filter Which Is Used for Redundancy Checks That All Digital Filters are Free of Faults ADC Conversion with Digital Redundancy for a description and PS[1:0] bits in Table 10 Measure Cell 6 with ADC1 and ADC2 Simultaneously and then Measure Cell 11 with ADC2 and ADC3 Simultaneously Using the ADOLCommand Checks That ADC2 Is as Accurate as ADC1 and Also Checks That ADC3 Is as Accurate as ADC2 Overlap Cell Measurement (ADOL Command) A Monitoring Feature Can Be Enabled During the Discharge Timer. The Cell Balancing Can Be Automatically Terminated When Cell Voltages Reach a Programmable Undervoltage Threshold Improved Cell Balancing Discharge Timer Monitor The Internal Discharge MOSFETs Can Provide 200mA of Balancing Current (80mA if the die temperature is over 95C). The Balancing Current Is Independent of Cell Voltage Faster Cell Balancing, Especially for Low Cell Voltages Cell Balancing with Internal MOSFETs The C0 Pin Voltage Is Allowed to Range Between 0V and 1V Without Affecting Total Measurement Error (TME) C0 Does Not Have to Connect Directly to V- Input Range in Electrical Characteristics The MUTE and UNMUTE Commands Allow the Host to Turn Off/On the Discharge Pins (S Pins) Without Overwriting Register Values Greater Control of Timing Between S Pins Turning Off and Cell Measurements S Pin Muting Auxiliary Measurements Have an Open-Wire Diagnostic Feature Improved Fault Detection Auxiliary Open Wire Check (AXOW Command) Four Additional GPIO Pins Have Been Added for a Total of Nine Increased Number of Temperature or Other Sensors That Can Be Measured Auxiliary (GPIO) Measurements (ADAX Command) and Auxiliary Open Wire Check (AXOW Command) A Daisy Chain of LTC6812-1s Can Operate in Both Directions (Both Ports Can Be Master or Slave) Redundant Communication Path Reversible isoSPI Rev. A For more information 17 LTC6812-1 OPERATION STATE DIAGRAM The operation of the LTC6812-1 is divided into two separate sections: the Core circuit and the isoSPI circuit. Both sections have an independent set of operating states, as well as a shutdown timeout. CORE LTC6812-1 STATE DESCRIPTIONS SLEEP State The references and ADCs are powered down. The watchdog timer (see Watchdog and Discharge Timer) has timed out. The discharge timer is either disabled or timed out. The supply currents are reduced to minimum levels. The isoSPI ports will be in the IDLE state. The DRIVE pin is 0V. All state machines are reset to their default states. enters either the REFUP or MEASURE state. Otherwise, if no valid commands are received for tSLEEP, the IC returns to the SLEEP state if DTEN = 0 or enters the EXTENDED BALANCING state if DTEN = 1. REFUP State To reach this state, the REFON bit in Configuration Register Group A must be set to 1 (using the WRCFGA command, see Table 36). The ADCs are off. The references are powered up so that the LTC6812-1 can initiate ADC conversions more quickly than from the STANDBY state. If a WAKEUP signal is received (see Waking Up the Serial Interface), the LTC6812-1 will enter the STANDBY state. When a valid ADC command is received, the IC goes to the MEASURE state to begin the conversion. Otherwise, the LTC6812-1 will return to the STANDBY state when the REFON bit is set to 0 (using WRCFGA command). If no valid commands are received for tSLEEP, the IC returns to the SLEEP state if DTEN = 0 or enters the EXTENDED BALANCING state if DTEN = 1. STANDBY State MEASURE State The references and the ADCs are off. The watchdog timer and/or the discharge timer is running. The DRIVE pin powers the VREG pin to 5V through an external transistor. (Alternatively, VREG can be powered by an external supply). The LTC6812-1 performs ADC conversions in this state. The references and ADCs are powered up. When a valid ADC command is received or the REFON bit is set to 1 in Configuration Register Group A, the IC pauses for tREFUP to allow for the references to power up and then After ADC conversions are complete, the LTC6812-1 will transition to either the REFUP or STANDBY state, depending on the REFON bit. Additional ADC conversions can be initiated more quickly by setting REFON = 1 to take advantage of the REFUP state. CORE LTC6812-1 isoSPI PORT SLEEP WD TIMEOUT AND DTEN=0 (tSLEEP) WD TIMEOUT AND DTEN=0 (tSLEEP) REFON = 0 REFUP WD TIMEOUT AND DTEN=1 WAKEUP SIGNAL (tWAKE) STANDBY REFON = 1 (tREFUP) ADC COMM (tREFUP) ADC COMMAND CONV DONE (REFON = 1) MEASURE WD TIMEOUT AND DTEN=1 WAKEUP SIGNAL (tWAKE) EVERY 30s AND DTM=1 WAKEUP SIGNAL CONV DONE (tWAKE) (REFON = 0) IDLE IDLE TIMEOUT (tIDLE) DCTO REACHES 0 EXTENDED BALANCING WAKEUP SIGNAL (CORE = SLEEP) (tWAKE) WAKEUP SIGNAL (CORE = STANDBY) (tREADY) READY NO ACTIVITY ON isoSPI PORT CONV DONE DTM MEASURE TRANSMIT/RECEIVE ACTIVE NOTE: STATE TRANSITION DELAYS DENOTED BY (tX) 68121 F01 Figure1. LTC6812-1 Operation State Diagram Rev. A 18 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION Note: Non-ADC commands do not cause a Core state transition. Only an ADC Conversion or diagnostic commands will place the Core in the MEASURE state. EXTENDED BALANCING State The watchdog timer has timed out, but the discharge timer has not yet timed out (DTEN = 1). Discharge by PWM may be in progress. If the Discharge Timer Monitor is enabled then the LTC6812-1 will transition to the DTM MEASURE state every 30 seconds to measure the cell voltages. If a WAKEUP signal is received, the LTC6812-1 will transition from EXTENDED BALANCING state to STANDBY state. If there is no activity (i.e., no WAKEUP signal) on Port A or Port B for greater than tIDLE, the LTC6812-1 goes to the IDLE state. When the serial interface is transmitting or receiving data, the LTC6812-1 goes to the ACTIVE state. ACTIVE State The LTC6812-1 is transmitting/receiving data using one or both of the isoSPI ports. The serial interface consumes maximum power in this state. The supply current increases with clock frequency as the density of isoSPI pulses increases. POWER CONSUMPTION Discharge Timer Monitor MEASURE State The watchdog timer has timed out but background monitoring has been enabled (DTMEN =1 in Configuration Register Group B). The LTC6812-1 enters this state from the EXTENDED BALANCING state once every 30 seconds to measure the cell voltages. The LTC6812-1 is in the highest core power state and an A/D conversion is in progress. If a WAKEUP signal is received, the LTC6812-1 will transition from DTM MEASURE state to STANDBY state. isoSPI STATE DESCRIPTIONS Note: The LTC6812-1 has two isoSPI ports (A and B), for daisy-chain communication. IDLE State The isoSPI ports are powered down. When isoSPI Port A or Port B receives a WAKEUP signal (see Waking Up the Serial Interface), the isoSPI enters the READY state. This transition happens quickly (within tREADY) if the Core is in the STANDBY state. If the Core is in the SLEEP state when the isoSPI receives a WAKEUP signal, then it transitions to the READY state within tWAKE. READY State The LTC6812-1 is powered via two pins: V+ and VREG. The V+ input requires voltage greater than or equal to the top cell voltage minus 0.3V, and it provides power to the high voltage elements of the Core circuits. The VREG input requires 5V and provides power to the remaining Core circuits and the isoSPI circuitry. The VREG input can be powered through an external transistor, driven by the regulated DRIVE output pin. Alternatively, VREG can be powered by an external supply. The power consumption varies according to the operational states. Table 1 and Table 2 provide equations to approximate the supply pin currents in each state. The V+ pin current depends only on the Core state. However, the VREG pin current depends on both the Core state and isoSPI state, and can, therefore, be divided into two components. The isoSPI interface draws current only from the VREG pin. IREG = IREG(CORE) + IREG(isoSPI) In the SLEEP state, the VREG pin will draw approximately 3.1A if powered by an external supply. Otherwise, the V+ pin will supply the necessary current. Table 1. Core Supply Current STATE SLEEP The isoSPI port(s) are ready for communication. The serial interface current in this state depends on the status of the ISOMD pin and RBIAS = RB1 + RB2 (the external resistors tied to the IBIAS pin). IVP IREG(CORE) VREG = 0V 6.1A 0A VREG = 5V 3A 3.1A STANDBY 14A 35A REFUP 550A 900A MEASURE 950A 15mA Rev. A For more information 19 LTC6812-1 OPERATION mode. The increase in speed comes from a reduction in the oversampling ratio. This results in an increase in noise and average measurement error. Table 2. isoSPI Supply Current Equations isoSPI STATE ISOMD CONNECTION IREG(isoSPI) IDLE N/A 0mA VREG 2.2mA + 3 * IB V- 1.5mA + 3 * IB READY VREG ACTIVE V- 100ns *IB Write: 2.5mA + 3 + 20 * t CLK 100ns * 1.5 *IB Read: 2.5mA + 3 + 20 * t CLK 100ns *IB 1.8mA + 3 + 20 * t CLK ADC OPERATION Mode 26Hz (Filtered): In this mode, the ADC digital filter -3dB frequency is lowered to 26Hz by increasing the OSR. This mode is also referred to as the filtered mode due to its low -3dB frequency. The accuracy is similar to the 7kHz (Normal) mode with lower noise. Modes 14kHz, 3kHz, 2kHz, 1kHz and 422Hz: Modes 14kHz, 3kHz, 2kHz, 1kHz and 422Hz provide additional options to set the ADC digital filter -3dB at 13.5kHz, 3.4kHz, 1.7kHz, 845Hz and 422Hz, respectively. The accuracy of the 14kHz mode is similar to the 27kHz (Fast) mode. The accuracy of 3kHz, 2kHz, 1kHz and 422Hz modes is similar to the 7kHz (Normal) mode. There are three ADCs inside the LTC6812-1. The three ADCs operate simultaneously when measuring fifteen cells. Only one ADC is used to measure the general purpose inputs. The following discussion uses the term ADC to refer to one or all ADCs, depending on the operation being performed. The following discussion will refer to ADC1, ADC2 and ADC3 when it is necessary to distinguish between the three circuits, in timing diagrams, for example. The filter bandwidths and the conversion times for these modes are provided in Table 3 and Table 5. If the Core is in STANDBY state, an additional tREFUP time is required to power up the reference before beginning the ADC conversions. The reference can remain powered up between ADC conversions if the REFON bit in Configuration Register Group A is set to 1 so the Core is in REFUP state after a delay tREFUP. Then, the subsequent ADC commands will not have the tREFUP delay before beginning ADC conversions. ADC Modes Table 3. ADC Filter Bandwidth and Accuracy The ADCOPT bit (CFGAR0[0]) in Configuration Register Group A and the mode selection bits MD[1:0] in the conversion command together provide eight modes of operation for the ADC which correspond to different oversampling ratios (OSR). The accuracy and timing of these modes are summarized in Table 3. In each mode, the ADC first measures the inputs, and then performs a calibration of each channel. The names of the modes are based on the -3dB bandwidth of the ADC measurement. Mode 7kHz (Normal): In this mode, the ADC has high resolution and low TME (Total Measurement Error). This is considered the normal operating mode because of the optimum combination of speed and accuracy. -3dB FILTER BW -40dB FILTER BW TME SPEC AT 3.3V, 25C TME SPEC AT 3.3V, -40C, 125C 27kHz (Fast Mode) 27kHz 84kHz 6mV 6mV 14kHz 13.5kHz 42kHz 6mV 6mV 7kHz (Normal Mode) 6.8kHz 21kHz 2.2mV 3.3mV 3kHz 3.4kHz 10.5kHz 2.2mV 3.3mV 2kHz 1.7kHz 5.3kHz 2.2mV 3.3mV MODE 1kHz 845Hz 2.6kHz 2.2mV 3.3mV 422Hz 422Hz 1.3kHz 2.2mV 3.3mV 26Hz (Filtered Mode) 26Hz 82Hz 2.2mV 3.3mV Note: TME is the Total Measurement Error. Mode 27kHz (Fast): In this mode, the ADC has maximum throughput but has some increase in TME (Total Measurement Error). So this mode is also referred to as the fast Rev. A 20 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION ADC Range and Resolution The C inputs and GPIO inputs have the same range and resolution. The ADC inside the LTC6812-1 has an approximate range from -0.82V to +5.73V. Negative readings are rounded to 0V. The format of the data is a 16-bit unsigned integer where the LSB represents 100V. Therefore, a reading of 0x80E8 (33,000 decimal) indicates a measurement of 3.3V. 1.0 NORMAL MODE FILTERED MODE 0.9 PEAK NOISE (mV) 0.8 0.7 The specified range of the ADC is 0V to 5V. In Table 4, the precision range of the ADC is arbitrarily defined as 0.5V to 4.5V. This is the range where the quantization noise is relatively constant even in the lower OSR modes (see Figure2). Table 4 summarizes the total noise in this range for all eight ADC operating modes. Also shown is the noise free resolution. For example, 14-bit noise free resolution in normal mode implies that the top 14 bits will be noise free with a DC input, but that the 15th and 16th Least Significant Bits (LSB) will flicker. ADC Range vs Voltage Reference Value 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 For example, the total measurement noise versus input voltage in normal and filtered modes is shown in Figure2. 0 1 2 3 INPUT (V) 4 5 68121 F02 Figure2. Measurement Noise vs Input Voltage Delta-Sigma ADCs have quantization noise which depends on the input voltage, especially at low oversampling ratios(OSR), such as in FAST mode. In some of the ADC modes, the quantization noise increases as the input voltage approaches the upper and lower limits of the ADC range. Typical ADCs have a range which is exactly twice the value of the voltage reference, and the ADC measurement error is directly proportional to the error in the voltage reference. The LTC6812-1 ADC is not typical. The absolute value of VREF1 is trimmed up or down to compensate for gain errors in the ADC. Therefore, the ADC Total Measurement Error (TME) specifications are superior to the VREF1 specifications. For example, the 25C specification of the Total Measurement Error when measuring 3.300V in 7kHz (Normal) mode is 2.2mV and the 25C specification for VREF1 is 3.150V 150mV. Measuring Cell Voltages (ADCV Command) The ADCV command initiates the measurement of the battery cell inputs, pins C0 through C15. This command has options to select the number of channels to measure Table 4. ADC Range and Resolution PRECISION RANGE2 NOISE FREE RESOLUTION3 27kHz (Fast) 4mVP-P 10 Bits 14kHz 1mVP-P 12 Bits 7kHz (Normal) 250VP-P 14 Bits 150VP-P 14 Bits 100VP-P 15 Bits 1kHz 100VP-P 15 Bits 422Hz 100VP-P 15 Bits 26Hz (Filtered) 50VP-P 16 Bits 3kHz 2kHz FULL RANGE1 SPECIFIED RANGE MAX NOISE MODE -0.8192V to 5.7344V 0V to 5V 0.5V to 4.5V LSB 100V FORMAT Unsigned 16Bits 1. Negative readings are rounded to 0V. 2. PRECISION RANGE is the range over which the noise is less than MAX NOISE. 3. NOISE FREE RESOLUTION is a measure of the noise level within the PRECISION RANGE. Rev. A For more information 21 LTC6812-1 OPERATION tCYCLE tSKEW2 tREFUP SERIAL INTERFACE ADCV + PEC ADC3 MEASURE C11 TO C10 MEASURE C12 TO C11 MEASURE C15 TO C14 CALIBRATE ADC2 MEASURE C6 TO C5 MEASURE C7 TO C6 MEASURE C10 TO C9 CALIBRATE ADC1 MEASURE C1 TO C0 MEASURE C2 TO C1 MEASURE C5 TO C4 CALIBRATE t1M t0 t2M t4M t5M t5C 68121 F03 Figure3. Timing for ADCV Command Measuring All 15 Cells Table 5. Conversion and Synchronization Times for ADCV Command Measuring All 15 Cells in Different Modes CONVERSION TIMES (IN s) SYNCHRONIZATION TIME (IN s) MODE t0 t1M t2M t4M t5M t5C tSKEW2 27kHz 0 58 104 198 14kHz 0 87 163 314 244 937 187 390 1,083 303 7kHz 0 145 279 547 681 1,956 536 3kHz 0 261 2kHz 0 494 512 1,012 1,263 2,537 1,001 977 1,943 2,426 3,701 1,932 1kHz 0 960 1,908 3,805 4,753 6,028 3,794 422Hz 0 1,890 3,770 7,529 9,408 10,683 7,518 26Hz 0 29,818 59,624 119,238 149,044 167,774 119,227 tREFUP SERIAL INTERFACE ADCV + PEC ADC3 MEASURE C14 TO C13 CALIBRATE ADC2 MEASURE C9 TO C8 CALIBRATE ADC1 MEASURE C4 TO C3 CALIBRATE t0 t1M t1C 68121 F04 Figure4. Timing for ADCV Command Measuring 3 Cells Rev. A 22 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION and the ADC mode. See the section on Commands for the ADCV command format. Figure 3 illustrates the timing of the ADCV command which measures all fifteen cells. After the receipt of the ADCV command to measure all 15 cells, ADC1 sequentially measures the bottom 5 cells. ADC2 measures the middle 5 cells and ADC3 measures the top 5 cells. After the cell measurements are complete, each channel is calibrated to remove any offset errors. Table 5 shows the conversion times for the ADCV command measuring all 15 cells. The total conversion time is given by t5C which indicates the end of the calibration step. Figure4 illustrates the timing of the ADCV command that measures only three cells. Table 6 shows the conversion time for the ADCV command measuring only 3 cells. t1C indicates the total conversion time for this command. Table 6. Conversion Times for ADCV Command Measuring 3Cells in Different Modes CONVERSION TIMES (IN s) MODE t0 t1M t1C 27kHz 0 58 203 14kHz 0 87 232 7kHz 0 145 407 3kHz 0 261 523 2kHz 0 494 756 1kHz 0 960 1,221 422Hz 0 1,890 2,152 26Hz 0 29,818 33,570 Under/Overvoltage Monitoring Whenever the C inputs are measured, the results are compared to undervoltage and overvoltage thresholds stored in memory. If the reading of a cell is above the overvoltage limit, a bit in memory is set as a flag. Similarly, measurement results below the undervoltage limit cause a flag to be set. The overvoltage and undervoltage thresholds are stored in Configuration Register Group A. The flags are stored in Status Register Group B and Auxiliary Register Group D. Auxiliary (GPIO) Measurements (ADAX Command) The ADAX command initiates the measurement of the GPIO inputs. This command has options to select which GPIO input to measure (GPIO1-9) and which ADC mode to use. The ADAX command also measures the 2nd reference. There are options in the ADAX command to measure subsets of the GPIOs and the 2nd reference separately or to measure all nine GPIOs and the 2nd reference in a single command. See the section on Commands for the ADAX command format. All auxiliary measurements are relative to the V- pin voltage. This command can be used to read external temperatures by connecting temperature sensors to the GPIOs. These sensors can be powered from the 2nd reference which is also measured by the ADAX command, resulting in precise ratiometric measurements. Figure 5 illustrates the timing of the ADAX command measuring all GPIOs and the 2nd reference. All 10 measurements are carried out on ADC1 alone. The 2nd reference is measured after GPIO5 and before GPIO6. tCYCLE tSKEW tREFUP SERIAL INTERFACE ADAX + PEC ADC3 ADC2 MEASURE GPIO1 ADC1 t0 MEASURE GPIO2 t1M MEASURE GPIO5 t2M t4M MEASURE 2ND REF t5M MEASURE GPIO6 t6M MEASURE GPIO9 t7M t9M CALIBRATE t10M t10C 68121 F05 Figure5. Timing for ADAX Command Measuring All GPIOs and 2nd Reference Rev. A For more information 23 LTC6812-1 OPERATION Table 7. Conversion and Synchronization Times for ADAX Command Measuring All GPIOs and 2nd Reference in Different Modes CONVERSION TIMES (IN s) MODE t0 t1M t2M t9M SYNCHRONIZATION TIME (IN s) t10M t10C tSKEW 27kHz 0 58 104 431 478 1,825 420 14kHz 0 87 163 693 769 2,116 682 7kHz 0 145 279 1,217 1,350 3,862 1,205 3kHz 0 261 512 2,264 2,514 5,025 2,253 2kHz 0 494 977 4,358 4,841 7,353 4,347 1kHz 0 960 1,908 8,547 9,496 12,007 8,536 422Hz 0 1,890 3,770 16,926 18,805 21,316 16,915 26Hz 0 29,818 59,624 268,271 298,078 335,498 268,260 Measuring Cell Voltages and GPIOs (ADCVAX Command) Table 7 shows the conversion time for the ADAX command measuring all of the GPIOs and the 2nd reference. t10C indicates the total conversion time. The ADCVAX command combines fifteen cell measurements with two GPIO measurements (GPIO1 and GPIO2). This command simplifies the synchronization of battery cell voltage and current measurements when current sensors are connected to GPIO1 or GPIO2 inputs. Figure6 illustrates the timing of the ADCVAX command. See the section on Commands for the ADCVAX command format. The synchronization of the current and voltage measurements, tSKEW1 and tSKEW3, in Fast mode is within 194s and 147s, respectively. Auxiliary (GPIO) Measurements with Digital Redundancy (ADAXD Command) The ADAXD command operates similarly to the ADAX command except that an additional diagnostic is performed using digital redundancy. PS[1:0] in Configuration Register Group B must be set to 0 or 1 during ADAXD to enable redundancy. See the ADC Conversion with Digital Redundancy section. The execution time of ADAX and ADAXD is the same. tCYCLE tSKEW1 tREFUP SERIAL INTERFACE Table 8 shows the conversion and synchronization time for the ADCVAX command in different modes. The total conversion time for the command is given by t7C. tSKEW3 ADCVAX + PEC ADC3 MEASURE C11 TO C10 MEASURE C12 TO C11 MEASURE C13 TO C12 MEASURE C14 TO C13 MEASURE C15 TO C14 CALIBRATE ADC2 MEASURE C6 TO C5 MEASURE C7 TO C6 MEASURE C8 TO C7 MEASURE C9 TO C8 MEASURE C10 TO C9 CALIBRATE ADC1 MEASURE C1 TO C0 MEASURE C2 TO C1 MEASURE C3 TO C2 MEASURE C4 TO C3 MEASURE C5 TO C4 CALIBRATE t0 t1M t2M MEASURE GPIO1 t3M MEASURE GPIO2 t4M t5M t6M t7M t7C 68121 F06 Figure6. Timing of ADCVAX Command Rev. A 24 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION Table 8. Conversion and Synchronization Times for ADCVAX Command in Different Modes CONVERSION TIMES (IN s) MODE t0 t1M t2M t3M t4M t5M SYNCHRONIZATION TIMES (IN s) t6M t7M t7C tSKEW1 tSKEW3 27kHz 0 58 104 151 205 252 306 352 1,328 194 147 14kHz 0 87 163 238 321 397 480 556 1,531 310 235 7kHz 0 145 279 413 554 688 829 963 2,753 543 409 3kHz 0 261 512 762 1,020 1,270 1,527 1,778 3,568 1,008 758 2kHz 0 494 977 1,460 1,950 2,433 2,924 3,407 5,197 1,939 1,456 1kHz 0 960 1,908 2,857 3,812 4,761 5,717 6,665 8,455 3,801 2,853 422Hz 0 1,890 3,770 5,649 7,536 9,415 11,302 13,181 14,971 7,525 5,645 26Hz 0 29,818 59,624 89,431 119,234 89,427 119,245 149,052 178,866 208,672 234,899 DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM DIAGNOSTICS The battery monitoring data acquisition system is comprised of the multiplexers, ADCs, 1st reference, digital filters and memory. To ensure long term reliable performance there are several diagnostic commands which can be used to verify the proper operation of these circuits. Measuring Internal Device Parameters (ADSTAT Command) The ADSTAT command is a diagnostic command that measures the following internal device parameters: Sum of All Cells (SC), Internal Die Temperature (ITMP), Analog Table 9 shows the conversion time of the ADSTAT command measuring all 4 internal parameters. t4C indicates the total conversion time for the ADSTAT command. tSKEW tREFUP SERIAL INTERFACE Power Supply (VA) and the Digital Power Supply (VD). These parameters are described in the section below. All the 8 ADC modes described earlier are available for these conversions. See the section on Commands for the ADSTAT command format. Figure7 illustrates the timing of the ADSTAT command measuring all 4 internal device parameters. tCYCLE ADSTAT + PEC ADC3 ADC2 MEASURE SC ADC1 t0 MEASURE ITMP t1M MEASURE VD t2M t3M CALIBRATE SC t4M CALIBRATE ITMP t1C CALIBRATE VD t2C t3C t4C 68121 F07 Figure7. Timing for ADSTAT Command Measuring SC, ITMP, VA, VD Rev. A For more information 25 LTC6812-1 OPERATION Table 9. Conversion and Synchronization Times for ADSTAT Command Measuring SC, ITMP, VA, VD in Different Modes CONVERSION TIMES (IN s) MODE t0 t1M t2M t3M t4M t4C tSKEW 27kHz 0 58 104 151 198 742 140 14kHz 0 87 163 238 314 858 227 7kHz 0 145 279 413 547 1,556 402 3kHz 0 261 512 762 1,012 2,022 751 2kHz 0 494 977 1,460 1,943 2,953 1,449 1kHz 0 960 1,908 2,857 3,805 4,814 2,845 422Hz 0 1,890 3,770 5,649 7,529 8,538 5,638 26Hz 0 29,818 59,624 89,431 119,238 134,211 89,420 Sum of All Cells Measurement: The Sum of All Cells measurement is the voltage between C15 and C0 with a 30:1 attenuation. The 16-bit ADC value of Sum of All Cells measurement (SC) is stored in Status Register Group A. Any potential difference between the C0 and V- pins results in an error in the SC measurement equal to this difference. From the SC value, the sum of all cell voltage measurements is given by: Sum of All Cells = SC * 30 * 100 V Internal Die Temperature: The ADSTAT command can measure the internal die temperature. The 16-bit ADC value of the die temperature measurement (ITMP) is stored in Status Register Group A. From ITMP, the actual die temperature is calculated using the expression: Internal Die Temperature (C) = SYNCHRONIZATION TIME (IN s) Digital Power Supply Measurement (VREGD) = VD * 100 V The value of VREG is determined by external components. VREG should be between 4.5V and 5.5V to maintain accuracy. The value of VREGD is determined by internal components. The normal range of VREGD is 2.7V to 3.6V. Measuring Internal Device Parameters with Digital Redundancy (ADSTATD Command) The ADSTATD command operates similarly to the ADSTAT command except that an additional diagnostic is performed using digital redundancy. PS[1:0] in Configuration Register Group B must be set to 0 or 1 during ADSTATD to enable redundancy. See the ADC Conversion with Digital Redundancy section. The execution time of ADSTAT and ADSTATD is the same. 100 V ITMP * C - 276C 7.6mV ADC Conversion with Digital Redundancy Power Supply Measurements: The ADSTAT command is also used to measure the Analog Power Supply (VREG) and Digital Power Supply (VREGD). The 16-bit ADC value of the analog power supply measurement (VA) is stored in Status Register Group A. The 16-bit ADC value of the digital power supply measurement (VD) is stored in Status Register Group B. From VA and VD, the power supply measurements are given by: Analog Power Supply Measurement (VREG) = VA * 100 V Each of the three internal ADCs contains its own digital integration and differentiation machine. The LTC6812-1 also contains a fourth digital integration and differentiation machine that is used for redundancy and error checking. All of the ADC and self test commands, except ADAX and ADSTAT, can operate with digital redundancy. This includes ADCV, ADOW, CVST, ADOL, ADAXD, AXOW, AXST, ADSTATD, STATST, ADCVAX and ADCVSC. When performing an ADC conversion with redundancy, the analog modulator sends its bit stream to both the primary digital machine and the redundant digital machine. At the end of the conversion Rev. A 26 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION the results from the two machines are compared. If any result bit mismatch is detected then a digital redundancy fault code is stored in place of the ADC result. The digital redundancy fault code is a value of 0xFF0X. This is detectable because it falls outside the normal result range of 0x0000 to 0xDFFF. The last four bits are used to indicate which nibble(s) of the result values did not match. However, the user can choose an ADC redundancy path selection by writing to the PS[1:0] bits in Configuration Register Group B. Table 10 shows all possible ADC path redundancy selections. When the FDRF bit in Configuration Register Group B is written to 1 it will force the digital redundancy comparison to fail during subsequent ADC conversions. Indication of Digital Redundancy Fault Codes DIGITAL REDUNDANCY FAULT CODE 4 LSBs INDICATION 0b0XXX No fault detected in bits 15-12 0b1XXX Fault detected in bits 15-12 0bX0XX No fault detected in bits 11-8 0bX1XX Fault detected in bits 11-8 0bXX0X No fault detected in bits 7-4 0bXX1X Fault detected in bits 7-4 0bXXX0 No fault detected in bits 3-0 0bXXX1 Fault detected in bits 3-0 0b0000 The digital redundancy feature will not write this value of all zeros in the last 4 bits Measuring Cell Voltages and Sum of All Cells (ADCVSC Command) The ADCVSC command combines fifteen cell measurements and the measurement of Sum of All Cells. This command simplifies the synchronization of the individual battery cell voltage and the total Sum of All Cells measurements. Figure8 illustrates the timing of the ADCVSC command. See the section on Commands for the ADCVSC command format. The synchronization of the cell voltage and Sum of All Cells measurements, tSKEW4 and tSKEW5, in Fast mode is within 147s and 101s, respectively. Table 11 shows the conversion and synchronization time for the ADCVSC command in different modes. The total conversion time for the command is given by t6C. Since there is a single redundant digital machine, it can apply redundancy to only one ADC at a time. By default, the LTC6812-1 will automatically select ADC path redundancy. Table 10. ADC Path Redundancy Selection PS[1:0] = 00 PS[1:0] = 01 PATH SELECT REDUNDANT MEASURE Cells 1, 6, 11 ADC1 Cells 2, 7, 12 PS[1:0] = 10 PS[1:0] = 11 PATH SELECT REDUNDANT MEASURE Cell 1 ADC1 ADC2 Cell 7 ADC1 Cells 3, 8, 13 ADC3 Cell 13 ADC1 Cell 3 ADC2 Cell 8 ADC3 Cell 13 Cells 4, 9, 14 ADC1 Cell 4 ADC1 Cell 4 ADC2 Cell 9 ADC3 Cell 14 MEASURE PATH SELECT REDUNDANT MEASURE PATH SELECT REDUNDANT MEASURE Cell 1 ADC2 Cell 6 ADC3 Cell 11 Cell 2 ADC2 Cell 7 ADC3 Cell 12 Cells 5, 10, 15 ADC2 Cell 10 ADC1 Cell 5 ADC2 Cell 10 ADC3 Cell 15 Cell 6 (ADOL) ADC2 Cell 6 ADC1 Cell 6 ADC2 Cell 6 ADC3 N/A Cell 11 (ADOL) ADC2 Cell 11 ADC1 N/A ADC2 Cell 11 ADC3 Cell 11 GPIO[n]* ADC1 GPIO[n] ADC1 GPIO[n] ADC2 N/A ADC3 N/A 2nd Reference* ADC1 2nd Ref ADC1 2nd Ref ADC2 N/A ADC3 N/A SC* ADC1 SC ADC1 SC ADC2 N/A ADC3 N/A ITMP* ADC1 ITMP ADC1 ITMP ADC2 N/A ADC3 N/A VA* ADC1 VA ADC1 VA ADC2 N/A ADC3 N/A VD* ADC1 VD ADC1 VD ADC2 N/A ADC3 N/A *Note that the ADAX and ADSTAT commands are identical to the ADAXD and ADSTATD commands except that ADAX and ADSTAT will not apply any digital redundancy. Rev. A For more information 27 LTC6812-1 OPERATION tCYCLE tREFUP SERIAL INTERFACE tSKEW4 tSKEW5 ADCVSC + PEC ADC3 MEASURE C11 TO C10 MEASURE C12 TO C11 MEASURE C13 TO C12 MEASURE C14 TO C13 MEASURE C15 TO C14 CALIBRATE ADC2 MEASURE C6 TO C5 MEASURE C7 TO C6 MEASURE C8 TO C7 MEASURE C9 TO C8 MEASURE C10 TO C9 CALIBRATE ADC1 MEASURE C1 TO C0 MEASURE C2 TO C1 MEASURE C3 TO C2 MEASURE C4 TO C3 MEASURE C5 TO C4 CALIBRATE t1M t0 t2M MEASURE SC t3M t4M t5M t6M t6C 68121 F08 Figure8. Timing for ADCVSC Command Measuring All 15 Cells, SC Table 11. Conversion and Synchronization Times for ADCVSC Command in Different Modes CONVERSION TIMES (IN s) SYNCHRONIZATION TIMES (IN s) MODE t0 t1M t2M t3M t4M t5M t6M t6C tSKEW4 tSKEW5 27kHz 0 58 104 151 205 259 306 1,147 147 101 14kHz 0 87 163 238 321 404 480 1,322 235 159 7kHz 0 145 279 413 554 695 829 2,369 409 275 3kHz 0 261 512 762 1,020 1,277 1,527 3,067 758 508 2kHz 0 494 977 1,460 1,950 2,441 2,924 4,463 1,456 973 1kHz 0 960 1,908 2,857 3,812 4,768 5,717 7,256 2,853 1,904 422Hz 0 1,890 3,770 5,649 7,536 9,423 11,302 12,842 5,645 3,766 26Hz 0 29,818 59,624 89,431 119,245 149,059 178,866 201,351 89,427 59,621 Rev. A 28 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION Table 12 shows the conversion time for the ADOL command. t2C indicates the total conversion time for this command. Overlap Cell Measurement (ADOL Command) The ADOL command first simultaneously measures Cell6 with ADC1 and ADC2. Then it simultaneously measures Cell 11 with both ADC2 and ADC3. The host can compare the results against each other to look for inconsistencies which may indicate a fault. The result of the Cell 6 measurement from ADC2 is placed in Cell Voltage Register Group C where the Cell 7 result normally resides. The result from ADC1 is placed in Cell Voltage Register Group C where the Cell 8 result normally resides. The result of the Cell11 measurement from ADC3 is placed in Cell Voltage Register Group E where the Cell 13 result normally resides. The result from ADC2 is placed in Cell Voltage Register Group E where the Cell 14 result normally resides. Figure9 illustrates the timing of the ADOL command. See the section on Commands for the ADOL command format. Accuracy Check Measuring an independent voltage reference is the best means to verify the accuracy of a data acquisition system. The LTC6812-1 contains a 2nd reference for this purpose. The ADAX command will initiate the measurement of the 2nd reference. The results are placed in Auxiliary Register Group B. The range of the result depends on the ADC1 measurement accuracy and the accuracy of the 2nd reference, including thermal hysteresis and long term drift. Readings outside the range 2.990V to 3.014V (2.992V to 3.012V for LTC6812I) indicate the system is out of its specified tolerance. ADC2 is verified by comparing it to ADC1 using the ADOL command. ADC3 is verified by comparing it to ADC2 using the ADOL command. tREFUP SERIAL INTERFACE ADOL + PEC MEASURE C11 TO C10 ADC3 ADC2 MEASURE C6 TO C5 ADC1 MEASURE C6 TO C5 t0 CALIBRATE C11 TO C10 MEASURE C11 TO C10 CALIBRATE C6 TO C5 CALIBRATE C11 TO C10 CALIBRATE C6 TO C5 t1M t2M t1C t2C 68121 F09 Figure9. Timing for ADOL Command Table 12. Conversion Times for ADOL Command CONVERSION TIMES (IN s) MODE t0 t1M t2M t2C 27kHz 0 58 106 384 14kHz 0 87 164 442 7kHz 0 146 281 791 3kHz 0 262 513 1,024 2kHz 0 495 979 1,490 1kHz 0 960 1,910 2,420 422Hz 0 1,891 3,772 4,282 26Hz 0 29,818 59,626 67,119 Rev. A For more information 29 LTC6812-1 OPERATION This is why a delta-sigma ADC is often referred to as an oversampling converter. MUX Decoder Check The diagnostic command DIAGN ensures the proper operation of each multiplexer channel. The command cycles through all channels and sets the MUXFAIL bit to 1 in Status Register Group B if any channel decoder fails. The MUXFAIL bit is set to 0 if the channel decoder passes the test. The MUXFAIL is also set to 1 on power-up (POR) or after a CLRSTAT command. The self test commands verify the operation of the digital filters and memory. Figure 10 illustrates the operation of the ADC during self test. The output of the 1-bit pulse density modulator is replaced by a 1-bit test signal. The test signal passes through the digital filter and is converted to a 16-bit value. The 1-bit test signal undergoes the same digital conversion as the regular 1-bit signal from the modulator, so the conversion time for any self test command is exactly the same as the corresponding regular ADC conversion command. The 16-bit ADC value is stored in the same register groups as the corresponding regular ADC conversion command. The test signals are designed to place alternating one-zero patterns in the registers. Table 13 provides a list of the self test commands. If the digital filters and memory are working properly, then the registers will contain the values shown in Table 13. For more details see the Commands section. The DIAGN command takes about 400s to complete if the Core is in REFUP state and about 4.5ms to complete if the Core is in STANDBY state. The polling methods described in the section Polling Methods can be used to determine the completion of the DIAGN command. Digital Filter Check The delta-sigma ADC is composed of a 1-bit pulse density modulator followed by a digital filter. A pulse density modulated bit stream has a higher percentage of 1s for higher analog input voltages. The digital filter converts this high frequency 1-bit stream into a single 16-bit word. PULSE DENSITY MODULATED BIT STREAM MUX ANALOG INPUT 1-BIT MODULATOR DIGITAL FILTER 1 SELF TEST PATTERN GENERATOR 16 RESULTS REGISTER TEST SIGNAL 68121 F10 Figure10. Operation of LTC6812-1 ADC Self Test Table 13. Self Test Command Summary OUTPUT PATTERN IN DIFFERENT ADC MODES COMMAND CVST AXST STATST SELF TEST OPTION 27kHz 14kHz 7kHz, 3kHz, 2kHz, 1kHz, 422Hz, 26Hz ST[1:0] = 01 0x9565 0x9553 0x9555 ST[1:0] = 10 0x6A9A 0x6AAC 0x6AAA ST[1:0] = 01 0x9565 0x9553 0x9555 ST[1:0] = 10 0x6A9A 0x6AAC 0x6AAA ST[1:0] = 01 0x9565 0x9553 0x9555 ST[1:0] = 10 0x6A9A 0x6AAC 0x6AAA RESULTS REGISTER GROUPS C1V to C15V (CVA, CVB, CVC, CVD, CVE) G1V to G9V, REF (AUXA, AUXB, AUXC, AUXD) SC, ITMP, VA, VD (STATA, STATB) Rev. A 30 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION ADC Clear Commands LTC6812-1 has 3 clear ADC commands: CLRCELL, CLRAUX and CLRSTAT. These commands clear the registers that store all ADC conversion results. The CLRCELL command clears Cell Voltage Register Groups A, B, C, D and E. All bytes in these registers are set to 0xFF by CLRCELL command. The CLRAUX command clears Auxiliary Register GroupsA, B, C and D. All bytes in these registers, except the last four registers of Group D, are set to 0xFF by CLRAUX command. The CLRSTAT command clears Status Register Groups A and B except the REV and RSVD bits in Status Register Group B. A read back of REV will return the revision code of the part. RSVD bits always read back 0s. All OV and UV flags, MUXFAIL bit, and THSD bit in Status Register Group B and also in Auxiliary Register Group D are set to1 by CLRSTAT command. The THSD bit is set to 0 after RDSTATB command. The registers storing SC, ITMP, VA and VD are all set to 0xFF by CLRSTAT command. Open Wire Check (ADOW Command) The ADOW command is used to check for any open wires between the ADCs of the LTC6812-1 and the external cells. This command performs ADC conversions on the Cpin inputs identically to the ADCV command, except two internal current sources sink or source current into the two C pins while they are being measured. The pull-up(PUP) bit of the ADOW command determines whether the current sources are sinking or sourcing 100A. The following simple algorithm can be used to check for an open wire on any of the 16 C pins: 1. Run the 15-cell command ADOW with PUP = 1 at least twice. Read the cell voltages for cells 1 through 15 once at the end and store them in array CELLPU(n). 2. Run the 15-cell command ADOW with PUP = 0 at least twice. Read the cell voltages for cells 1 through 15 once at the end and store them in array CELLPD(n). 3. Take the difference between the pull-up and pull-down measurements made in above steps for cells 2 to 15: CELL(n) = CELLPU(n) - CELLPD(n). 4. For all values of n from 1 to 14: If CELL(n+1) <-400mV, then C(n) is open. If CELLPU(1) = 0.0000, then C(0) is open. If CELLPD(15) = 0.0000, then C(15) is open. The above algorithm detects open wires using normal mode conversions with as much as 10nF of capacitance remaining on the LTC6812-1 side of the open wire. However, if more external capacitance is on the open C pin, then the length of time that the open wire conversions are ran in steps 1 and 2 must be increased to give the 100A current sources time to create a large enough difference for the algorithm to detect an open connection. This can be accomplished by running more than two ADOW commands in steps 1 and 2, or by using filtered mode conversions instead of normal mode conversions. Use Table 14 to determine how many conversions are necessary: Table 14 NUMBER OF ADOW COMMANDS REQUIRED IN STEPS 1 AND 2 EXTERNAL C PIN CAPACITANCE NORMAL MODE FILTERED MODE 10nF 2 2 100nF 10 2 1F 100 2 C 1 + ROUNDUP (C/10nF) 2 Auxiliary Open Wire Check (AXOW Command) The AXOW command is used to check for any open wires between the GPIO pins of the LTC6812-1 and the external circuit. This command performs ADC conversions on the GPIO pin inputs identically to the ADAX command, except internal current sources sink or source current into each GPIO pin while it is being measured. The pull-up (PUP) bit of the AXOW command determines whether the current sources are sinking or sourcing 100A. Thermal Shutdown To protect the LTC6812-1 from overheating, there is a thermal shutdown circuit included inside the IC. If the temperature detected on the die goes above approximately 150C, the thermal shutdown circuit trips and resets the Configuration Register Groups (except the MUTE bit) and turns off all discharge switches. When a thermal shutdown event has occurred, the THSD bit in Status Register Group Rev. A For more information 31 LTC6812-1 OPERATION B will go high. The CLRSTAT command can also set the THSD bit high for diagnostic purposes. This bit is cleared when a read operation is performed on Status Register Group B (RDSTATB command). The CLRSTAT command sets the THSD bit high for diagnostic purposes but does not reset the Configuration Register Groups. Revision Code The Status Register Group B contains a 4-bit revision code (REV). If software detection of device revision is necessary, then contact the factory for details. Otherwise, the code can be ignored. In all cases, however, the values of all bits must be used when calculating the Packet Error Code (PEC) on data reads. WATCHDOG AND DISCHARGE TIMER When there is no valid command for more than 2 seconds, the watchdog timer expires. This resets Configuration Register bytes CFGAR0, CFGAR1-3 (if DTMEN = 0) and the GPIO bits in Configuration Register Group B in all cases. CFGAR4, CFGAR5, the S Control Register Group (including S control bits in PWM/S Control Register Group B) and the remainder of Configuration Register Group B are reset by the watchdog timer when the discharge timer is disabled. The WDT pin is pulled high by the external pullup when the watchdog time elapses. The watchdog timer is always enabled and it resets after every valid command with matching command PEC. The discharge timer is used to keep the discharge switches turned ON for programmable time duration. If the discharge timer is being used, the discharge switches are not turned OFF when the watchdog timer is activated. To enable the discharge timer, connect the DTEN pin to VREG (Figure11). In this configuration, the discharge switches will remain ON for the programmed time duration that is determined by the DCTO value written in Configuration Register Group A. Table 15 shows the various time settings and the corresponding DCTO value. Table 16 summarizes the status of the Configuration Register Groups after a watchdog timer or discharge timer event. LTC6812-1 DCTEN OSC 16Hz EN DISCHARGE TIMER CLK RST VREG TIMEOUT DCTO 0 1 DTEN 2 (POR OR WRCFGA DONE OR TIMEOUT) RST1 (RESETS DCTO, DCC) WDTRST && ~DCTEN RST2 (RESETS REFUP, GPIO, VUV, VOV) OSC 16Hz WDT WDTPD WATCHDOG TIMER CLK RST WDTRST (POR OR VALID COMMAND) 68121 F11 Figure11. Watchdog and Discharge Timer Rev. A 32 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION Table 15. DCTO Settings DCTO 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F TIME (MIN) Disabled 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 75 90 120 Table 16 WATCHDOG TIMER DISCHARGE TIMER DTEN = 0, DCTO = XXXX Resets CFGAR0-5, CFGBR0-1 and SCTRL When It Fires Disabled DTEN = 1, DCTO = 0000 Resets CFGAR0-5, CFGBR0-1 and SCTRL When It Fires Disabled DTEN = 1, DCTO != 0000 Resets CFGAR0, CFGAR1-3 (if DTMEN = 0) and GPIO Bits in CFGBR0 When It Fires Resets CFGAR1-3 (if DTMEN = 1), CFGAR4-5, SCTRL and Remainder of CFGBR0-1 (except MUTE Bit) When it Fires The status of the discharge timer can be determined by reading Configuration Register Group A using the RDCFGA command. The DCTO value indicates the time left before the discharge timer expires as shown in Table 17. Table 17 DCTO (READ VALUE) DISCHARGE TIME LEFT (MIN) 0 Disabled (or) Timer Has Timed Out 1 0 < Timer 0.5 2 0.5 < Timer 1 3 1 < Timer 2 4 2 < Timer 3 5 3 < Timer 4 6 4 < Timer 5 7 5 < Timer 10 8 10 < Timer 15 9 15 < Timer 20 A 20 < Timer 30 B 30 < Timer 40 C 40 < Timer 60 D 60 < Timer 75 E 75 < Timer 90 F 90 < Timer 120 Unlike the watchdog timer, the discharge timer does not reset when there is a valid command. The discharge timer can only be reset after a valid WRCFGA (Write Configuration Register Group A) command. There is a possibility that the discharge timer will expire in the middle of some commands. If the discharge timer activates in the middle of a WRCFGA command, the Configuration Register Groups and S Control Register Group (including S control bits in PWM/S Control Register Group B) will reset as per Table 16. However, at the end of the valid WRCFGA command, the new data is copied to Configuration Register Group A. The new configuration data is not lost when the discharge timer is activated. If the discharge timer activates in the middle of a RDCFGA or RDCFGB command, the Configuration Register Groups reset as per Table 16. As a result, the read back data from bytes CFGAR4 and CFGAR5 and CFGBR0 and CFGBR1 could be corrupted. If the discharge timer activates in the middle of a RDSCTRL or RDPSB command, the S Control Register Group (including S control bits in PWM/S Control Register Group B) resets as per Table 16. As a result, the read back data could be corrupted. Rev. A For more information 33 LTC6812-1 OPERATION RESET BEHAVIORS Power cycling, thermal shutdown, watchdog timeout and discharge timeout can cause various registers and circuitry to reset when they occur. The following summarizes the behaviors when these events occur: RESET EVENT Power Cycle (V+ and VREG both power cycled) Thermal Shutdown Watchdog Timeout (while Discharge Timer is Running) Watchdog Timeout (no Discharge Timer Running) Discharge Timeout (while Watchdog Timeout has Elapsed) Discharge Timeout (while Watchdog Timeout is not Elapsed) DEVICE BEHAVIOR Transition to STANDBY state. All registers and state machines are reset to default values. Cell discharge is disabled. Cell discharge is disabled, but S Control Register Group is not reset. All of Configuration Register Group A is reset. All of Configuration Register Group B is reset except the MUTE bit. The COMM Register Group is reset. Transition to EXTENDED BALANCING state. CFGAR0 of Configuration Register Group A is reset. If DTMEN (in Configuration Register Group B) = 0 then CFGAR1, CFGAR2 and CFGAR3 of Configuration Register Group A are reset. Bits [3:0] of CFGBR0 (the GPIO bits) of Configuration Register Group B are reset. Bit [7] of CFGBR1 (the MUTE bit) of Configuration Register Group B is reset. The COMM Register Group is reset. Transition to SLEEP state. Cell discharge is disabled. All state machines are reset. All of Configuration Register Group A is reset. All of Configuration Register Group B is reset. The PWM Register Group is reset. The S Control Register Group is reset. The PWM/S Control Register Group is reset. The COMM Register Group is reset. Transition to SLEEP state. Same behavior as the previous case above. Cell discharge is disabled. The PWM Register Group is reset. The S Control Register Group is reset. The PWM/S Control Register Group is reset. If DTMEN (in Configuration Register Group B) = 1 then CFGAR1, CFGAR2 and CFGAR3 of Configuration Register Group A are reset. CFGAR4 and CFGAR5 of Configuration Register Group A are reset. Bits [7:4] of CFGBR0 of Configuration Register Group B are reset. All of CFGBR1 of Configuration Register Group B is reset except the MUTE bit. Rev. A 34 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION S PIN PULSE-WIDTH MODULATION FOR CELL BALANCING For additional control of cell discharging, the host may configure the S pins to operate using pulse-width modulation. While the watchdog timer is not expired, the DCC bits in the Configuration Register Groups control the S pins directly. After the watchdog timer expires, PWM operation begins and continues for the remainder of the selected discharge time or until a wake-up event occurs (and the watchdog timer is reset). During PWM operation, the DCC bits must be set to 1 for the PWM feature to operate. Once PWM operation begins, the configurations in the PWM register may cause some or all S pins to be periodically de-asserted to achieve the desired duty cycle as shown in Table 18. Each PWM signal operates on a 30 second period. For each cycle, the duty cycle can be programmed from 0% to 100% in increments of 1/15 = 6.67% (2 seconds). Each S pin PWM signal is sequenced at different intervals to ensure that no two pins switch on or off at the same time. The switching interval between channels is 62.5ms, and 0.9375 seconds is required for all fifteen pins to switch (15* 62.5ms). The default values of the PWM control settings (located in PWM Register Group and PWM/S Control Register GroupB) are all 1s. Upon entering sleep mode, the PWM control settings will be initialized to their default values. DISCHARGE TIMER MONITOR The LTC6812-1 has the ability to periodically monitor cell voltages while the discharge timer is active. The host should write the DTMEN bit in Configuration Register Group B to1 to enable this feature. When the discharge timer monitor is enabled and the watchdog timer has expired, the LTC6812-1 will perform a conversion of all cell voltages in 7kHz (Normal) mode every 30 seconds. The overvoltage and undervoltage comparisons will be performed and flags will be set if cells have crossed a threshold. For any undervoltage cells the discharge timer monitor will automatically clear the associated DCC bit in Configuration Register Group A or Configuration Register Group B so that the cell will no longer be discharged. Clearing the DCC bit will also disable PWM discharge. With this feature, the host can write the undervoltage threshold to the desired discharge level and use the discharge timer monitor to discharge all, or selected, cells (using either constant discharge or PWM discharge) down to that level. During discharge timer monitoring, digital redundancy checking will be performed on the cell voltage measurements. If a digital redundancy failure occurs, all DCC bits will be cleared. Rev. A For more information 35 LTC6812-1 OPERATION Table 18. S Pin Pulse-Width Modulation Settings DCC BIT (CONFIG REGISTER GROUPS) PWMC SETTING 0 1 ON TIME (SECONDS) OFF TIME (SECONDS) DUTY CYCLE (%) 4'bXXXX 0 Continuously Off 0 4'b1111 Continuously On 0 100.0 1 4'b1110 28 2 93.3 1 4'b1101 26 4 86.7 1 4'b1100 24 6 80.0 1 4'b1011 22 8 73.3 1 4'b1010 20 10 66.7 1 4'b1001 18 12 60.0 1 4'b1000 16 14 53.3 1 4'b0111 14 16 46.7 1 4'b0110 12 18 40.0 1 4'b0101 10 20 33.3 1 4'b0100 8 22 26.7 1 4'b0011 6 24 20.0 1 4'b0010 4 26 13.3 1 4'b0001 2 28 6.7 1 4'b0000 0 Continuously Off 0 I2C/SPI MASTER ON LTC6812-1 USING GPIOs The I/O ports GPIO3, GPIO4 and GPIO5 on LTC6812-1 can be used as an I2C or SPI master port to communicate to an I2C or SPI slave. In the case of an I2C master, GPIO4 and GPIO5 form the SDA and SCL ports of the I2C interface, respectively. In the case of a SPI master, GPIO3, GPIO4 and GPIO5 become the CSBM, SDIOM and SCKM ports of the SPI interface respectively. The SPI master on LTC6812-1 supports SPI mode 3 (CHPA = 1, CPOL = 1). The GPIOs are open-drain outputs, so an external pullup is required on these ports to operate as an I2C or SPI master. It is also important to write the GPIO bits to 1 in the Configuration Register Groups so these ports are not pulled low internally by the device. COMM Register LTC6812-1 has a 6-byte COMM register as shown in Table 19. This register stores all data and control bits required for I2C or SPI communication to a slave. The COMM register contains three bytes of data Dn[7:0] to be transmitted to or received from the slave device. ICOMn[3:0] specify control actions before transmitting/ receiving each data byte. FCOMn[3:0] specify control actions after transmitting/receiving each data byte. If the bit ICOMn[3] in the COMM register is set to 1, the part becomes a SPI master and if the bit is set to 0, the part becomes an I2C master. Table 20 describes the valid write codes for ICOMn[3:0] and FCOMn[3:0] and their behavior when using the part as an I2C master. Table 21 describes the valid write codes for ICOMn[3:0] and FCOMn[3:0] and their behavior when using the part as a SPI master. Note that only the codes listed in Table 20 and Table 21 are valid for ICOMn[3:0] and FCOMn[3:0]. Writing any other code that is not listed in Table 20 and Table 21 to ICOMn[3:0] and FCOMn[3:0] may result in unexpected behavior on the I2C or SPI port. Rev. A 36 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION COMM Commands Three commands help accomplish I2C or SPI communication to the slave device: WRCOMM, STCOMM and RDCOMM. WRCOMM Command: This command is used to write data to the COMM register. This command writes 6 bytes of data to the COMM register. The PEC needs to be written at the end of the data. If the PEC does not match, all data in the COMM register is cleared to 1s when CSB goes high. See the section Bus Protocols for more details on a write command format. STCOMM Command: This command initiates I2C/SPI communication on the GPIO ports. The COMM register contains 3 bytes of data to be transmitted to the slave. During this command, the data bytes stored in the COMM register are transmitted to the slave I2C or SPI device and the data received from the I2C or SPI device is stored in the COMM register. This command uses GPIO4 (SDA) and GPIO5 (SCL) for I2C communication or GPIO3 (CSBM), GPIO4 (SDIOM) and GPIO5 (SCKM) for SPI communication. The STCOMM command is to be followed by 24 clock cycles for each byte of data to be transmitted to the slave device while holding CSB low. For example, to transmit Table 19. COMM Register Memory Map REGISTER RD/WR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 COMM0 RD/WR ICOM0[3] ICOM0[2] ICOM0[1] ICOM0[0] D0[7] D0[6] D0[5] D0[4] COMM1 RD/WR D0[3] D0[2] D0[1] D0[0] FCOM0[3] FCOM0[2] FCOM0[1] FCOM0[0] COMM2 RD/WR ICOM1[3] ICOM1[2] ICOM1[1] ICOM1[0] D1[7] D1[6] D1[5] D1[4] COMM3 RD/WR D1[3] D1[2] D1[1] D1[0] FCOM1[3] FCOM1[2] FCOM1[1] FCOM1[0] COMM4 RD/WR ICOM2[3] ICOM2[2] ICOM2[1] ICOM2[0] D2[7] D2[6] D2[5] D2[4] COMM5 RD/WR D2[3] D2[2] D2[1] D2[0] FCOM2[3] FCOM2[2] FCOM2[1] FCOM2[0] Table 20. Write Codes for ICOMn[3:0] and FCOMn[3:0] on I2C Master CONTROL BITS ICOMn[3:0] FCOMn[3:0] CODE ACTION DESCRIPTION 0110 START Generate a START Signal on I2C Port Followed by Data Transmission 0001 STOP Generate a STOP Signal on I2C Port 0000 BLANK Proceed Directly to Data Transmission on I2C Port 0111 No Transmit Release SDA and SCL and Ignore the Rest of the Data 0000 Master ACK Master Generates an ACK Signal on Ninth Clock Cycle 1000 Master NACK Master Generates a NACK Signal on Ninth Clock Cycle 1001 Master NACK + STOP Master Generates a NACK Signal Followed by STOP Signal Table 21. Write Codes for ICOMn[3:0] and FCOMn[3:0] on SPI Master CONTROL BITS ICOMn[3:0] FCOMn[3:0] CODE ACTION DESCRIPTION 1000 CSBM Low Generates a CSBM Low Signal on SPI Port (GPIO3) 1010 CSBM Falling Edge Drives CSBM (GPIO3) High, then Low 1001 CSBM High Generates a CSBM High Signal on SPI Port (GPIO3) 1111 No Transmit Releases the SPI Port and Ignores the Rest of the Data X000 CSBM Low Holds CSBM Low at the End of Byte Transmission 1001 CSBM High Transitions CSBM High at the End of Byte Transmission Rev. A For more information 37 LTC6812-1 OPERATION three bytes of data to the slave, send STCOMM command and its PEC followed by 72 clock cycles. Pull CSB high at the end of the 72 clock cycles of STCOMM command. During I2C or SPI communication, the data received from the slave device is updated in the COMM register. RDCOMM Command: The data received from the slave device can be read back from the COMM register using the RDCOMM command. The command reads back six bytes of data followed by the PEC. See the section Bus Protocols for more details on a read command format. Table 22 describes the possible read back codes for ICOMn[3:0] and FCOMn[3:0] when using the part as an I2C master. Dn[7:0] contains the data byte transmitted by the I2C slave. Table 22. Read Codes for ICOMn[3:0] and FCOMn[3:0] on I2C Master CONTROL BITS ICOMn[3:0] FCOMn[3:0] CODE DESCRIPTION 0110 Master Generated a START Signal 0001 Master Generated a STOP Signal 0000 Blank, SDA Was Held Low Between Bytes 0111 Blank, SDA Was Held High Between Bytes 0000 Master Generated an ACK Signal 0111 Slave Generated an ACK Signal 1111 Slave Generated a NACK Signal 0001 Slave Generated an ACK Signal, Master Generated a STOP Signal 1001 Slave Generated a NACK Signal, Master Generated a STOP Signal In case of the SPI master, the read back codes for ICOMn[3:0] and FCOMn[3:0] are always 0111 and 1111, respectively. Dn[7:0] contains the data byte transmitted by the SPI slave. Figure12 illustrates the operation of LTC6812-1 as an I2C or SPI master using the GPIOs. Any number of bytes can be transmitted to the slave in groups of 3 bytes using these commands. The GPIO ports will not get reset between different STCOMM commands. However, if the wait time between the commands is greater than 2s, the watchdog will time out and reset the ports to their default values. To transmit several bytes of data using an I2C master, a START signal is only required at the beginning of the entire data stream. A STOP signal is only required at the end of the data stream. All intermediate data groups can use a BLANK code before the data byte and an ACK/NACK signal as appropriate after the data byte. SDA and SCL will not get reset between different STCOMM commands. To transmit several bytes of data using SPI master, a CSBM low signal is sent at the beginning of the 1st data byte. CSBM can be held low or taken high for intermediate data groups using the appropriate code on FCOMn[3:0]. A CSBM high signal is sent at the end of the last byte of data. CSBM, SDIOM and SCKM will not get reset between different STCOMM commands. Figure13 shows the 24 clock cycles following STCOMM command for an I2C master in different cases. Note that if ICOMn[3:0] specified a STOP condition, after the STOP signal is sent, the SDA and SCL lines are held high and LTC6812-1 I2C/SPI SLAVE STCOMM RDCOMM GPIO PORT COMM REGISTER PORT A WRCOMM 68121 F12 Figure12. LTC6812-1 I2C/SPI Master Using GPIOs all data in the rest of the word is ignored. If ICOMn[3:0] is a NO TRANSMIT, both SDA and SCL lines are released, and the rest of the data in the word is ignored. This is used when a particular device in the stack does not have to communicate to a slave. Figure14 shows the 24 clock cycles following STCOMM command for a SPI master. Similar to the I2C master, if ICOMn[3:0] specified a CSBM HIGH or a NO TRANSMIT condition, the CSBM, SCKM and SDIOM lines of the SPI master are released and the rest of the data in the word is ignored. Rev. A 38 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION Timing Specifications of I2C and SPI Master The timing of the LTC6812-1 I2C or SPI master will be controlled by the timing of the communication at the LTC6812-1's primary SPI interface. Table 23 shows the I2C master timing relationship to the primary SPI clock. Table 24 shows the SPI master timing specifications. S PIN PULSING USING THE S PIN CONTROL SETTINGS The S pins of the LTC6812-1 can be used as a simple serial interface. This is particularly useful for controltCLK t4 ling Analog Devices LT8584, a monolithic flyback DC/ DC converter, designed to actively balance large battery stacks. The LT8584 has several operating modes which are controlled through a serial interface. The LTC6812-1 can communicate to an LT8584 by sending a sequence of pulses on each S pin to select a specific LT8584 mode. The S pin control settings (located in S Control Register Group and PWM/S Control Register Group B) are used to specify the behavior for each of the 15 S pins, where each nibble specifies whether the S pin should drive high, drive low, or send a pulse sequence of between 1 and 7 t3 (SCK) START NACK + STOP BLANK NACK START ACK SCL (GPIO5) SDA (GPIO4) SCL (GPIO5) SDA (GPIO4) SCL (GPIO5) SDA (GPIO4) STOP SCL (GPIO5) SDA (GPIO4) NO TRANSMIT SCL (GPIO5) SDA (GPIO4) 68121 F13 Figure13. STCOMM Timing Diagram for an I2C Master tCLK t4 t3 (SCK) CSBM HIGH LOW CSBM LOW CSBM (GPIO3) SCKM (GPIO5) SDIOM (GPIO4) CSBM LOW CSBM LOW HIGH CSBM (GPIO3) SCKM (GPIO5) SDIOM (GPIO4) CSBM HIGH/NO TRANSMIT CSBM (GPIO3) SCKM (GPIO5) SDIOM (GPIO4) 68121 F14 Figure14. STCOMM Timing Diagram for a SPI Master For more information Rev. A 39 LTC6812-1 OPERATION The S pin pulses occur at a pulse rate of 6.44kHz (155s period). The pulse width will be 77.6s. The S pin pulsing begins when the STSCTRL command is sent, after the last command PEC clock, provided that the command PEC pulses. Table 25 shows the possible S pin behaviors that can be sent to the LT8584. Table 23. I2C Master Timing TIMING RELATIONSHIP TO PRIMARY SPI INTERFACE TIMING SPECIFICATIONS AT tCLK = 1s 1/(2 * tCLK) Max 500kHz t3 Min 200ns tLOW tCLK Min 1s tHIGH tCLK Min 1s tSU;STA tCLK + t4* Min 1.03s tHD;DAT t4* Min 30ns tSU;DAT t3 Min 200ns tSU;STO tCLK + t4* Min 1.03s 3 * tCLK Min 3s I2C MASTER PARAMETER SCL Clock Frequency tHD;STA tBUF *Note: When using isoSPI, t4 is generated internally and is a minimum of 30ns. Also, t3 = tCLK - t4. When using SPI, t3 and t4 are the low and high times of the SCK input, each with a specified minimum of 200ns. Table 24. SPI Master Timing TIMING RELATIONSHIP TO PRIMARY SPI INTERFACE TIMING SPECIFICATIONS AT tCLK = 1s SDIOM Valid to SCKM Rising Setup t3 Min 200ns SDIO Valid from SCKM Rising Hold tCLK + t4* Min 1.03s SCKM Low tCLK Min 1s SCKM High tCLK Min 1s 2 * tCLK Min 2s SPI MASTER PARAMETER SCKM Period (SCKM_Low + SCKM_High) 3 * tCLK Min 3s 5 * tCLK + t4* Min 5.03s CSBM Falling to SCKM Falling t3 Min 200ns CSBM Falling to SCKM Rising tCLK + t3 Min 1.2s CSBM Pulse Width SCKM Rising to CSBM Rising SCKM Falling to SDIOM Valid Master Requires < tCLK *Note: When using isoSPI, t4 is generated internally and is a minimum of 30ns. Also, t3 = tCLK - t4. When using SPI, t3 and t4 are the low and high times of the SCK input, each with a specified minimum of 200ns. Rev. A 40 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION matches. The host may then continue to clock SCK in order to poll the status of the pulsing. This polling works similarly to the ADC polling feature. The data out will remain logic low until the S pin pulsing sequence has completed. may be helpful in reducing the diagnostic control loop time in an automotive application. While the S pin pulsing is in progress, new STSCTRL, WRSCTRL or WRPSB commands are ignored. The PLADC command may be used to determine when the S pin pulsing has completed. The S pins may be disabled by sending the MUTE command and re-enabled by sending the UNMUTE command. The MUTE and UNMUTE commands do not require any subsequent data and thus the commands will propagate quickly through a stack of LTC6812-1 devices. This allows the host to quickly (<100s) disable and re-enable discharging without disturbing register contents. This can be useful, for instance, to allow for a specific settling time before taking cell measurements. The mute status is reported in the read-only MUTE bit in Configuration Register Group B. If the WRSCTRL (or WRPSB) command and command PEC are received correctly but the data PEC does not match, then the S pin control settings will be cleared. If a DCC bit in Configuration Register Group A or Configuration Register Group B is asserted, the LTC6812-1 will drive the selected S pin low, regardless of the S pin control settings. The host should leave the DCC bits set to 0 when using the S pin control settings. The CLRSCTRL command can be used to quickly reset the S pin control settings to all 0s and force the pulsing machine to release control of the S pins. This command S PIN MUTING SERIAL INTERFACE OVERVIEW There are two types of serial ports on the LTC6812-1: a standard 4-wire serial peripheral interface (SPI) and a 2-wire isolated interface (isoSPI). The state of the ISOMD Table 25. S Pin Pulsing Behavior NIBBLE VALUE S PIN BEHAVIOR 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1XXX Rev. A For more information 41 LTC6812-1 OPERATION pin determines whether pins 53, 54, 61 and 62 are a 2-wire or 4-wire serial port. The LTC6812-1 is used in a daisy-chain configuration. A second isoSPI interface uses pins 57, 58, 63 and 64. 4-WIRE SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE (SPI) PHYSICAL LAYER External Connections The LTC6812-1 has 2 serial ports which are called PortB and Port A. Port B is always configured as a 2-wire interface. Port A is either a 2-wire or 4-wire interface, depending on the connection of the ISOMD pin. Timing When Port A is configured as a 4-wire interface, Port A is always the SLAVE port and Port B is the MASTER port. Communication is always initiated on Port A of the first device in the daisy-chain configuration. The final device in the daisy chain does not use Port B, and it should be terminated into RM. Figure18 shows the simplest port connections possible when the microprocessor and the LTC6812-1s are located on the same PCB. In this figure capacitors are used to couple signals between the LTC6812-1s. The 4-wire serial port is configured to operate in a SPI system using CPHA = 1 and CPOL = 1. Consequently, data on SDI must be stable during the rising edge of SCK. The timing is depicted in Figure16. The maximum data rate is 1Mbps; however the device is tested at a higher data rate in production in order to guarantee operation at the maximum specified data rate. When Port A is configured as a 2-wire interface, communication can be initiated on either Port A or Port B. If communication is initiated on Port A, LTC6812-1 configures Port A as slave and Port B as master. Likewise, if communication is initiated on Port B, LTC6812-1 configures PortB as slave and Port A as master. See the section Reversible isoSPI for a detailed description of reversible isoSPI. 2-WIRE ISOLATED INTERFACE (isoSPI) PHYSICAL LAYER Figure19 is an example of a robust interconnection of multiple identical PCBs, each containing one LTC6812-1 configured for operation in a daisy chain. The micropro- External Connections Connecting ISOMD to V- configures serial Port A for 4-wire SPI. The SDO pin is an open drain output which requires a pull-up resistor tied to the appropriate supply voltage (Figure15). The 2-wire interface provides a means to interconnect LTC6812-1 devices using simple twisted pair cabling. The interface is designed for low packet error rates when the cabling is subjected to high RF fields. Isolation is achieved through an external transformer. Standard SPI signals are encoded into differential pulses. The strength of the transmission pulse and the threshold level of the receiver are set by two external resistors. The values of the resistors allow the user to trade-off power dissipation for noise immunity. VDD CLK DAISYCHAIN SUPPORT For more information MOSI 5k MISO DAISY-CHAIN SUPPORT IPB IMB SCK CSB V- V- ICMP IBIAS Figure17 illustrates how the isoSPI circuit operates. A 2V reference drives the IBIAS pin. External resistors RB1 and RB2 create the reference current IB. This current sets the drive strength of the transmitter. RB1 and RB2 also form a voltage divider to supply a fraction of the 2V reference for the ICMP pin. The receiver circuit threshold is half of the voltage at the ICMP pin. 42 MPU CS ISOMD SDO SDI LTC6812-1 68121 F15 Figure15. 4-Wire SPI Configuration Rev. A LTC6812-1 OPERATION t1 t4 t2 t3 t6 t7 SCK SDI D3 D2 D1 D0 D7...D4 D3 t5 CSB t8 SDO D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D7...D4 PREVIOUS COMMAND CURRENT COMMAND D3 68121 F16 Figure16. Timing Diagram of 4-Wire Serial Peripheral Interface LTC6812-1 WAKEUP CIRCUIT (ON PORT A/B) Tx * 20 * IB Tx = +1 LOGIC AND MEMORY Tx = 0 SDO SDI SCK CSB IP IM Tx = -1 PULSE ENCODER/ DECODER Rx = +1 RM * * + Rx = 0 Rx = -1 IB - 1V * RB2 COMPARATOR THRESHOLD = RB1 + RB2 + - IBIAS 2V ICMP RB1 0.5X RB2 68121 F17 Figure17. isoSPI Interface Rev. A For more information 43 LTC6812-1 OPERATION cessor is located on a separate PCB. To achieve 2-wire isolation between the microprocessor PCB and the 1st LTC6812-1 PCB, use the LTC6820 support IC. The LTC6820 is functionally equivalent to the diagram in Figure17. In this example, communication is initiated on Port A. So the LTC6812-1 configures Port A as slave and Port B as master. IPB IMB IPA IMA V- LTC6812-1 V- GNDD ICMP Using a Single LTC6812-1 IBIAS ISOMD When only one LTC6812-1 is needed, it can be used as a single (non daisy-chained) device if the second isoSPI port (Port B) is properly biased and terminated, as shown in Figure20 and Figure21. ICMP should not be tied to GND, but can be tied directly to IBIAS. A bias resistance (2k to 20k) is required for IBIAS. Do not tie IBIAS directly to VREG orV-. Finally, IPB and IMB should be terminated into a 100 resistor (not tied to VREG or V-). VREG IMB IPA IMA V- LTC6812-1 GNDC NC VREG NC IPB IMB IPA IMA V- LTC6812-1 V- GNDB ICMP IBIAS GNDB ISOMD NC VREG As an example, if divider resistor RB1 is 2.8k and resistor RB2 is 1.21k (so that RBIAS = 4k), then: GNDC ICMP The isoSPI transmitter drive current and comparator voltage threshold are set by a resistor divider (RBIAS = RB1 + RB2) between IBIAS and V-. The divided voltage is connected to the ICMP pin, which sets the comparator threshold to half of this voltage (VICMP). When either isoSPI interface is enabled (not IDLE) IBIAS is held at 2V, causing a current IB to flow out of the IBIAS pin. The IP and IM pin drive currents are 20 * IB. R B1 + R B2 V- IBIAS ISOMD The adjustable signal amplitude allows the system to trade power consumption for communication robustness, and the adjustable comparator threshold allows the system to account for signal losses. 2V NC NC IPB Selecting Bias Resistors IB = GNDD NC IPB = 0.5mA IMB SCK CSB V- IDRV = IIP = IIM = 20 * IB = 10mA LTC6812-1 CS V- ICMP GNDA IBIAS ISOMD GNDA CLK MPU MISO MOSI VDD SDO VREG SDI 68121 F18 VDDA Figure18. Capacitive-Coupled Daisy-Chain Configuration Rev. A 44 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION IPB * * * * IMB IPA IMA V- LTC6812-1 V- GNDD ICMP IBIAS GNDD ISOMD VREG IPB * * * * IMB IPA IMA V- LTC6812-1 V- GNDC ICMP GNDC IBIAS ISOMD VDDA VREG MOSI MOSI IBIAS MISO MISO ICMP SCK CLK GND CSB CS IMB POL VCCO IPA PHA EN GNDA * IPB * IMA * GNDA * * * V- LTC6812-1 MPU LTC6820 MSTR V- IP SLOW IM VCC VDD GNDB ICMP IBIAS GNDB ISOMD VREG 68121 F19 Figure19. Transformer-Isolated Daisy-Chain Configuration Rev. A For more information 45 LTC6812-1 OPERATION VDDA GNDA IPB 100 IMB GNDA TERMINATED UNUSED PORT * IPA MOSI MOSI IBIAS MISO MISO ICMP SCK CLK GND CSB CS POL VCCO PHA * * * IMA MPU LTC6820 MSTR VDD EN IP SLOW IM VCC V- LTC6812-1 V- GNDB ICMP IBIAS GNDB ISOMD VREG 68121 F20 Figure20. Single Device Using 2-Wire Port A VDDA VDD MPU CLK TERMINATED UNUSED PORT MOSI 5k MISO CS REQUIRED BIAS GNDA 20k GNDA 100 IPB IMB SCK CSB V- V- ICMP IBIAS WDT ISOMD SDO SDI LTC6812-1 68121 F21 Figure21. Single Device Using 4-Wire Port A Rev. A 46 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION VICMP = 2V * R B2 R B1 + R B2 The receiver is designed to detect each of these isoSPI pulse types. For successful detection, the incoming isoSPI pulses (CSB or data) should meet the following requirements: = IB * R B2 = 603mV VTCMP = 0.5 * VICMP = 302mV In this example, the pulse drive current IDRV will be 10mA, and the receiver comparators will detect pulses with IP-IM amplitudes greater than 302mV. If the isolation barrier uses 1:1 transformers connected by a twisted pair and terminated with 120 resistors on each end, then the transmitted differential signal amplitude () will be: V A = IDRV * RM 2 = 0.6V (This result ignores transformer and cable losses, which may reduce the amplitude). isoSPI Pulse Detail Two LTC6812-1 devices can communicate by transmitting and receiving differential pulses back and forth through an isolation barrier. The transmitter can output three voltage levels: +VA, 0V and -VA. A positive output results from IP sourcing current and IM sinking current across load resistor RM. A negative voltage is developed by IP sinking and IM sourcing. When both outputs are off, the load resistance forces the differential output to 0V. To eliminate the DC signal component and enhance reliability, the isoSPI uses two different pulse lengths. This allows four types of pulses to be transmitted, as shown in Table 26. A +1 pulse will be transmitted as a positive pulse followed by a negative pulse. A -1 pulse will be transmitted as a negative pulse followed by a positive pulse. The duration of each pulse is defined as t1/2PW, since each is half of the required symmetric pair. (The total isoSPI pulse duration is 2 * t1/2PW). Table 26. isoSPI Pulse Types PULSE TYPE FIRST LEVEL (t1/2PW) SECOND LEVEL (t1/2PW) ENDING LEVEL Long +1 +VA (150ns) -VA (150ns) 0V Long -1 -VA (150ns) +VA (150ns) 0V Short +1 +VA (50ns) -VA (50ns) 0V Short -1 -VA (50ns) +VA (50ns) 0V 1. t1/2PW of incoming pulse > tFILT of the receiver and 2.tINV of incoming pulse < tWNDW of the receiver The worst-case margin (margin 1) for the first condition is the difference between minimum t1/2PW of the incoming pulse and maximum tFILT of the receiver. Likewise, the worst-case margin (margin 2) for the second condition is the difference between minimum tWNDW of the receiver and maximum tINV of the incoming pulse. These timing relations are illustrated in Figure22. A host microcontroller does not have to generate isoSPI pulses to use this 2-wire interface. The first LTC6812-1 in the system can communicate to the microcontroller using the 4-wire SPI interface on its Port A, then daisy chain to other LTC6812-1s using the 2-wire isoSPI interface on its Port B. Alternatively, the LTC6820 can be used to translate the SPI signals into isoSPI pulses. Operation with Port A Configured for SPI When the LTC6812-1 is operating with Port A as a SPI (ISOMD = V-), the SPI detects one of four communication events: CSB falling, CSB rising, SCK rising with SDI = 0 and SCK rising with SDI = 1. Each event is converted into one of the four pulse types for transmission through the daisy chain. Long pulses are used to transmit CSB changes and short pulses are used to transmit data, as explained in Table 27. Table 27. Port B (Master) isoSPI Port Function COMMUNICATION EVENT (PORT A SPI) TRANSMITTED PULSE (PORT B isoSPI) CSB Rising Long +1 CSB Falling Long -1 SCK Rising Edge, SDI = 1 Short +1 SCK Rising Edge, SDI = 0 Short -1 Operation with Port A Configured for isoSPI On the other side of the isolation barrier (i.e., at the other end of the cable), the 2nd LTC6812-1 will have ISOMD = VREG so that its Port A is configured for isoSPI. The slave isoSPI port (Port A or B) receives each transmitted pulse Rev. A For more information 47 LTC6812-1 OPERATION tWNDW MARGIN 2 +1 PULSE +VTCMP tFILT MARGIN 1 VIP - VIM tFILT t1/2PW -VTCMP MARGIN 1 tINV t1/2PW tINV t1/2PW -1 PULSE +VTCMP VIP - VIM tFILT t1/2PW tFILT -VTCMP MARGIN 1 MARGIN 1 MARGIN 2 tWNDW 68121 F22 Figure22. isoSPI Pulse Detail and reconstructs the SPI signals internally, as shown in Table 28. In addition, during a READ command this port may transmit return data pulses. Table 28. Port A (Slave) isoSPI Port Function RECEIVED PULSE (PORT A isoSPI) INTERNAL SPI PORT ACTION RETURN PULSE Long +1 Drive CSB High None Long -1 Drive CSB Low Short +1 1. Set SDI = 1 2. Pulse SCK Short -1 Pulse if Reading a 0 Bit Short -1 1. Set SDI = 0 2. Pulse SCK (No Return Pulse if not in READ Mode or if Reading a 1 Bit) The slave isoSPI port never transmits long (CSB) pulses. Furthermore, a slave isoSPI port will only transmit short -1 pulses, never a +1 pulse. The master port recognizes a null response as a logic 1. Reversible isoSPI When the LTC6812-1 is operating with Port A configured for isoSPI, communication can be initiated from either Port A or Port B. In other words, LTC6812-1 can configure either Port A or Port B as slave or master, depending on the direction of communication. The reversible isoSPI feature permits communication from both directions in a stack of daisy-chained devices. See Figure 23 for an example schematic. Figure24 illustrates the operation of reversible isoSPI. When LTC6812-1 is in SLEEP state, it will respond to a valid WAKEUP signal on either Port A or Port B. This is true for either configuration of the ISOMD pin. If the WAKEUP signal was sent on Port A, LTC6812-1 transmits a long +1 isoSPI pulse (CSB rising) on Port B after the isoSPI is powered up. If the WAKEUP signal was sent on Port B, LTC6812-1 powers up the isoSPI but does not transmit a long +1 isoSPI pulse on Port A. When LTC6812-1 is in READY state, communication can be initiated by sending a long -1 isoSPI pulse (CSB falling) on either Port A or Port B. The LTC6812-1 automatically configures the port that receives the long -1 isoSPI pulse as the slave and the other port is configured as the master. The isoSPI pulses are transmitted through the master port to the rest of the devices in the daisy chain. In ACTIVE state, the LTC6812-1 is in the middle of communication and CSB of the internal SPI port is low. At the end of communication a long +1 pulse (CSB rising) on the SLAVE port returns the part to the READY state. Although it is not part of a normal communication routine, the LTC6812-1 allows ports A and B to be swapped inside Rev. A 48 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION IPB * * * * IMB IPA IMA V- LTC6812-1 V- GNDD ICMP IBIAS GNDD ISOMD VREG * IPB * LTC6820 IMB IPA * IMA GNDA * V- LTC6812-1 V- GNDA GNDC ICMP GNDC IBIAS * * ISOMD MOSI IBIAS MISO ICMP SCK GND CSB POL VCCO PHA EN IP SLOW IM VCC MPU CS2 MOSI MISO CLK LTC6820 VREG GNDA * IPB * GNDA IMB * * * * V- V- MSTR MOSI IBIAS MISO ICMP SCK GND CSB POL VCCO PHA IPA IMA LTC6812-1 MSTR CS1 VDD EN IP SLOW IM VCC VDDA GNDB ICMP IBIAS GNDB ISOMD VREG 68121 F23 Figure23. Reversible isoSPI Daisy Chain Rev. A For more information 49 LTC6812-1 OPERATION AFTER WAKEUP, TRANSMIT CSB HIGH PULSE ON PORT B WAKEUP SIGNAL ON PORT A WAKEUP SIGNAL ON PORT B SLEEP STATE AFTER WAKEUP, DO NOT TRANSMIT CSB PULSE READY STATE CONFIGURE PORTS: PORT A SLAVE PORT B MASTER CSB LOW PULSE ON PORT A CSB LOW PULSE ON PORT B INTERNAL CSB IS HIGH PART IS READY TO ACCEPT CSB LOW PULSES CONFIGURE PORTS: PORT B SLAVE PORT A MASTER CSB HIGH PULSE ON SLAVE CSB HIGH PULSE ON MASTER NO ACTION ACTIVE STATE CSB LOW PULSE ON SLAVE CSB LOW PULSE ON MASTER (INSIDE tBLOCK) INTERNAL CSB IS LOW PART IS IN THE MIDDLE OF ACTIVE COMMUNICATION CSB LOW PULSE ON MASTER (OUTSIDE tBLOCK) SWAP PORTS AB 68121 F24 Figure24. Reversible isoSPI State Diagram the ACTIVE state. This feature is useful for the master controller to reclaim control of the slave port of LTC68121 irrespective of the current state of the ports. This can be done by sending a long -1 isoSPI pulse on the master port after a time delay of tBLOCK from the last isoSPI signal that was transmitted by the part. Any long isoSPI pulse sent to the master port inside tBLOCK is rejected by the part. This ensures the LTC6812-1 cannot switch ports because of signal reflections from poorly terminated cables (<100m cable length). Timing Diagrams Figure25 shows the isoSPI timing diagram for a READ command to daisy-chained LTC6812-1 parts. The ISOMD pin is tied to V- on the bottom part so its Port A is configured as a SPI port (CSB, SCK, SDI and SDO). The isoSPI signals of three stacked devices are shown labeled with the port (A or B) and part number. Note that ISO B1 and ISO A2 is actually the same signal, but shown on each end of the transmission cable that connects Parts 1 and 2. Likewise, ISO B2 and ISO A3 is the same signal, but with the cable delay shown between Parts 2 and 3. Bits WN-W0 refer to the 16-bit command code and the 16-bit PEC of a READ command. At the end of Bit W0, the three parts decode the READ command and begin shifting out data, which is valid on the next rising edge of clock SCK. Bits XN-X0 refer to the data shifted out by Part 1. Bits YN-Y0 refer to the data shifted out by Part 2 and bits ZN-Z0 refer to the data shifted out by Part 3. All this data is read back from the SDO port on Part 1 in a daisy-chained fashion. Waking Up the Serial Interface The serial ports (SPI or isoSPI) will enter the low power IDLE state if there is no activity on Port A or Port B for a time of tIDLE. The WAKEUP circuit monitors activity on pins 61 through 64. If ISOMD = V-, Port A is in SPI mode. Activity on the CSB or SCK pin will wake up the SPI interface. If ISOMD = VREG, Port A is in isoSPI mode. Differential activity on IPA-IMA (or IPB-IMB) wakes up the isoSPI interface. The LTC68121 will be ready to communicate when the isoSPI state changes to READY within tWAKE or tREADY, depending on the Core state (see Figure1 and state descriptions for details). Figure 26 illustrates the timing and the functionally equivalent circuit (only Port A shown). Common mode Rev. A 50 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION COMMAND CSB READ DATA t7 t6 t1 SDI t5 t2 tCLK t4 SCK t3 t8 tRISE SDO t11 Xn t10 Xn-1 Z0 t9 t10 Wn ISO B1 W0 Wn ISO A2 Yn W0 Yn-1 Yn Yn-1 tRTN tDSY(CS) Wn ISO B2 tDSY(CS) tDSY(D) W0 Wn ISO A3 0 1000 Zn W0 Zn 2000 3000 Zn-1 Zn-1 4000 5000 6000 68121 F25 Figure25. isoSPI Timing Diagram REJECTS COMMON MODE NOISE CSB OR IMA SCK OR IPA VWAKE = 200mV |SCK(IPA) - CSB(IMA)| tDWELL= 240ns WAKEUP STATE LOW POWER MODE tREADY < 10s CSB OR IMA SCK OR IPA LOW POWER MODE OK TO COMMUNICATE tDWELL = 240ns DELAY tIDLE > 4.5ms RETRIGGERABLE tIDLE = 5.5ms ONE-SHOT WAKEUP 68121 F26 Figure26. Wake-Up Detection and IDLE Timer Rev. A For more information 51 LTC6812-1 OPERATION signals will not wake up the serial interface. The interface is designed to wake up after receiving a large signal single-ended pulse, or a low-amplitude symmetric pulse. The differential signal |SCK(IPA) - CSB(IMA)|, must be at least VWAKE = 200mV for a minimum duration of tDWELL = 240ns to qualify as a WAKEUP signal that powers up the serial interface. Waking a Daisy Chain--Method 1 The LTC6812-1 sends a long +1 pulse on Port B after it is ready to communicate. In a daisy-chained configuration, this pulse wakes up the next device in the stack which will, in turn, wake up the next device. If there are `N' devices in the stack, all the devices are powered up within the time N * tWAKE or N * tREADY, depending on the Core state. For large stacks, the time N * tWAKE may be equal to or larger than tIDLE. In this case, after waiting longer than the time of N * tWAKE, the host may send another dummy byte and wait for the time N * tREADY, in order to ensure that all devices are in the READY state. Method 1 can be used when all devices on the daisy chain are in the IDLE state. This guarantees that they propagate the WAKEUP signal up the daisy chain. However, this method will fail to wake up all devices when a device in the middle of the chain is in the READY state instead of IDLE. When this happens, the device in READY state will not propagate the wake-up pulse, so the devices above it will remain IDLE. This situation can occur when attempting to wake up the daisy chain after only tIDLE of idle time (some devices may be IDLE, some may not). Waking a Daisy Chain--Method 2 A more robust wake-up method does not rely on the builtin wake-up pulse, but manually sends isoSPI traffic for enough time to wake the entire daisy chain. At minimum, a pair of long isoSPI pulses (-1 and +1) is needed for each device, separated by more than tREADY or tWAKE (if the Core state is STANDBY or SLEEP, respectively), but less than tIDLE. This allows each device to wake up and propagate the next pulse to the following device. This method works even if some devices in the chain are not in the IDLE state. In practice, implementing method 2 requires toggling the CSB pin (of the LTC6820, or bottom LTC6812-1 with ISOMD= 0) to generate the long isoSPI pulses. Alternatively, dummy commands (such as RDCFGA) can be executed to generate the long isoSPI pulses. DATA LINK LAYER All data transfers on LTC6812-1 occur in byte groups. Every byte consists of 8 bits. Bytes are transferred with the most significant bit (MSB) first. CSB must remain low for the entire duration of a command sequence, including between a command byte and subsequent data. On a write command, data is latched in on the rising edge of CSB. NETWORK LAYER Packet Error Code The Packet Error Code (PEC) is a 15-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) value calculated for all of the bits in a register group in the order they are passed, using the initial PEC value of 000000000010000 and the following characteristic polynomial: x15 + x14 + x10 + x8 + x7 + x4 + x3 +1. To calculate the 15-bit PEC value, a simple procedure can be established: 1. Initialize the PEC to 000000000010000 (PEC is a 15bit register group). 2. For each bit DIN coming into the PEC register group, set: IN0 = DIN XOR PEC[14] IN3 = IN0 XOR PEC[2] IN4 = IN0 XOR PEC[3] IN7 = IN0 XOR PEC[6] IN8 = IN0 XOR PEC[7] IN10 = IN0 XOR PEC[9] IN14 = IN0 XOR PEC[13] Rev. A 52 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION After a write command to daisy-chained LTC6812-1 devices, data is sent to each device followed by the PEC. For example, when writing Configuration Register GroupA to two daisy-chained devices (primary device P, stacked device S), the data will be sent to the primary device on Port A in the following order: 3. Update the 15-bit PEC as follows: PEC[14] = IN14 PEC[13] = PEC[12] PEC[12] = PEC[11] PEC[11] = PEC[10] PEC[10] = IN10 PEC[9] = PEC[8] PEC[8] = IN8 PEC[7] = IN7 PEC[6] = PEC[5] PEC[5] = PEC[4] PEC[4] = IN4 PEC[3] = IN3 PEC[2] = PEC[1] PEC[1] = PEC[0] PEC[0] = IN0 CFGAR0(S), ... , CFGAR5(S), PEC0(S), PEC1(S), CFGAR0(P), ... , CFGAR5(P), PEC0(P), PEC1(P) After a read command for daisy-chained devices, each device shifts out its data and the PEC that it computed for its data on Port A followed by the data received on PortB. For example, when reading Status Register Group B from two daisy-chained devices (primary device P, stacked device S), the primary device sends out data on port A in the following order: 4. Go back to step 2 until all the data is shifted. The final PEC (16 bits) is the 15-bit value in the PEC register with a 0 bit appended to its LSB. Figure27 illustrates the algorithm described above. An example to calculate the PEC for a 16-bit word (0x0001) is listed in Table 29. The PEC for 0x0001 is computed as 0x3D6E after stuffing a 0 bit at the LSB. For longer data streams, the PEC is valid at the end of the last bit of data sent to the PEC register. LTC6812-1 calculates PEC for any command or data received and compares it with the PEC following the command or data. The command or data is regarded as valid only if the PEC matches. LTC6812-1 also attaches the calculated PEC at the end of the data it shifts out. Table 30 shows the format of PEC while writing to or reading from LTC6812-1. While writing any command to LTC6812-1, the command bytes CMD0 and CMD1 (see Table 37 and Table 38) and the PEC bytes PEC0 and PEC1 are sent on Port A in the following order: CMD0, CMD1, PEC0, PEC1 STBR0(P), ... , STBR5(P), PEC0(P), PEC1(P), STBR0(S), ... , STBR5(S), PEC0(S), PEC1(S) See Bus Protocols for command format. All devices in a daisy-chained configuration receive the command bytes simultaneously. For example, to initiate ADC conversions in a stack of devices, a single ADCV command is sent, and all devices will start conversions at the same time. For read and write commands, a single command is sent, and then the stacked devices effectively turn into a cascaded shift register, in which data is shifted through each device to the next higher (on a write) or the next lower (on a read) device in the stack. See the Serial Interface Overview section. Polling Methods The simplest method to determine ADC completion is for the controller to start an ADC conversion and wait for the specified conversion time to pass before reading the results. If using a single LTC6812-1 that communicates in SPI mode (ISOMD pin tied low), there are two methods of polling. The first method is to hold CSB low after an ADC conversion command is sent. After entering a conversion command, the SDO line is driven low when the device is busy performing conversions. SDO is pulled high when Rev. A For more information 53 LTC6812-1 OPERATION O/P I/P XOR GATE I/P X PEC REGISTER BIT X DIN 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 68121 F27 Figure27. 15-Bit PEC Computation Circuit Table 29. PEC Calculation for 0x0001 PEC[14] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 PEC[13] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 PEC[12] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 PEC[11] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 PEC[10] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 PEC[9] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 PEC[8] 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 PEC[7] 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 PEC[6] 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 PEC[5] 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 PEC[4] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 PEC[3] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 PEC[2] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 PEC[1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 PEC[0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IN14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 PEC Word IN10 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 IN8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 IN7 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 IN4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 IN3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 IN0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 DIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Clock Cycle 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Table 30. Write/Read PEC Format NAME RD/WR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 PEC0 RD/WR PEC[14] PEC[13] PEC[12] PEC[11] PEC[10] PEC[9] PEC[8] PEC[7] PEC1 RD/WR PEC[6] PEC[5] PEC[4] PEC[3] PEC[2] PEC[1] PEC[0] 0 Rev. A 54 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION the device completes conversions. However, SDO will also go back high when CSB goes high even if the device has not completed the conversion (Figure28). A problem with this method is that the controller is not free to do other serial communication while waiting for ADC conversions to complete. The next method overcomes this limitation. The controller can send an ADC start command, perform other tasks, and then send a poll ADC converter status (PLADC) command to determine the status of the ADC conversions (Figure29). After entering the PLADC command, SDO will go low if the device is busy performing conversions. SDO is pulled high at the end of conversions. However, SDO will also go high when CSB goes high even if the device has not completed the conversion. If using a single LTC6812-1 that communicates in isoSPI mode, the low side port transmits a data pulse only in response to a master isoSPI pulse received by it. So, after entering the command in either method of polling described above, isoSPI data pulses are sent to the part to update the conversion status. These pulses can be sent using LTC6820 by simply clocking its SCK pin. In response to this pulse, the LTC6812-1 sends back a low isoSPI pulse if it is still busy performing conversions or a high data pulse if it has completed the conversions. If a CSB high isoSPI pulse is sent to the device, it exits the polling command. In a daisy-chained configuration of N stacked devices, the same two polling methods can be used. If the bottom device communicates in SPI mode, the SDO of the bottom device indicates the conversion status of the entire stack. i.e., SDO will remain low until all the devices in the stack have completed the conversions. In the first method of polling, after an ADC conversion command is sent, clock pulses are sent on SCK while keeping CSB low. The SDO status becomes valid only at the end of N clock pulses on SCK. During the first N clock pulses, the bottom LTC6812-1 in the daisy chain will output a 0 or a low data pulse. After N clock pulses, the output data from the bottom LTC68121 gets updated for every clock pulse that follows (Figure30). In the second method, the PLADC command is sent followed by clock pulses on SCK while keeping CSB low. Similar to the first method, the SDO status is valid only after N clock cycles on SCK and gets updated after every clock cycle that follows (Figure31). If the bottom device communicates in isoSPI mode, isoSPI data pulses are sent to the device to update the conversion status. Using LTC6820, this can be achieved by just clocking its SCK pin. The conversion status is valid only after the bottom LTC6812-1 device receives N isoSPI data pulses and the status gets updated for every isoSPI data pulse that follows. The device returns a low data pulse if any of the devices in the stack is busy performing conversions and returns a high data pulse if all the devices are free. Rev. A For more information 55 LTC6812-1 OPERATION tCYCLE CSB SCK SDI MSB(CMD) BIT 14(CMD) LSB(PEC) SDO 68121 F28 Figure28. SDO Polling After an ADC Conversion Command (Single LTC6812-1) CSB SCK SDI MSB(CMD) BIT 14(CMD) LSB(PEC) SDO CONVERSION DONE 68121 F29 Figure29. SDO Polling Using PLADC Command (Single LTC6812-1) Rev. A 56 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION tCYCLE (ALL DEVICES) CSB 1 SCK SDI MSB(CMD) 2 N LSB(PEC) SDO 68121 F30 Figure30. SDO Polling After an ADC Conversion Command (Daisy-Chain Configuration) CSB 1 SCK SDI MSB(CMD) 2 N LSB(PEC) SDO 68121 F31 CONVERSION DONE Figure31. SDO Polling Using PLADC Command (Daisy-Chain Configuration) Rev. A For more information 57 LTC6812-1 OPERATION Bus Protocols Protocol Format: The protocol formats for commands are depicted in Table 32 through 34. Table 31 is the key for reading the protocol diagrams. Table 31. Protocol Key CMD0 Command Byte 0 (See Table 35) CMD1 Command Byte 1 (See Table 35) PEC0 Packet Error Code Byte 0 (See Table 30) PEC1 Packet Error Code Byte 1 (See Table 30) n Number of Bytes ... Continuation of Protocol Master to Slave Slave to Master Table 32. Poll Command 8 8 8 8 CMD0 CMD1 PEC0 PEC1 Poll Data Table 33. Write Command 8 8 8 8 8 CMD0 CMD1 PEC0 PEC1 Data Byte Low 8 8 8 8 ... Data Byte High PEC0 PEC1 Shift Byte 1 8 8 8 8 ... Data Byte High PEC0 PEC1 Shift Byte 1 8 ... Shift Byte n ... Shift Byte n Table 34. Read Command 8 8 8 8 8 CMD0 CMD1 PEC0 PEC1 Data Byte Low 8 Command Format: The format for the commands is shown in Table 35. CC[10:0] is the 11-bit command code. A list of all the command codes is shown in Table 36. All commands have a value 0 for CMD0[7] through CMD0[3]. The PEC must be computed on the entire 16-bit command (CMD0 and CMD1). Table 35. Command Format NAME RD/WR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 CMD0 WR 0 0 0 0 0 CC[10] CC[9] CC[8] CMD1 WR CC[7] CC[6] CC[5] CC[4] CC[3] CC[2] CC[1] CC[0] Rev. A 58 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION Commands Table 36 lists all the commands and their options. Table 36. Command Codes COMMAND DESCRIPTION CC[10:0] - COMMAND CODE NAME 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Write Configuration Register Group A WRCFGA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Write Configuration Register Group B WRCFGB 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Read Configuration Register Group A RDCFGA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Read Configuration Register Group B RDCFGB 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 Read Cell Voltage Register Group A RDCVA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Read Cell Voltage Register Group B RDCVB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Read Cell Voltage Register Group C RDCVC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Read Cell Voltage Register Group D RDCVD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Read Cell Voltage Register Group E RDCVE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Read Auxiliary Register Group A RDAUXA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Read Auxiliary Register Group B RDAUXB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 Read Auxiliary Register Group C RDAUXC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 Read Auxiliary Register Group D RDAUXD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Read Status Register Group A RDSTATA 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Read Status Register Group B RDSTATB 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Write S Control Register Group WRSCTRL 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 Write PWM Register Group WRPWM 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Write PWM/S Control Register Group B WRPSB 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 Read S Control Register Group RDSCTRL 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 Read PWM Register Group RDPWM 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Read PWM/S Control Register Group B RDPSB 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 Start S Control Pulsing and Poll Status STSCTRL 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Clear S Control Register Group CLRSCTRL 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Rev. A For more information 59 LTC6812-1 OPERATION COMMAND DESCRIPTION CC[10:0] - COMMAND CODE NAME 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Start Cell Voltage ADC Conversion and Poll Status ADCV 0 1 MD[1] MD[0] 1 1 DCP 0 CH[2] CH[1] CH[0] Start Open Wire ADC Conversion and Poll Status ADOW 0 1 MD[1] MD[0] PUP 1 DCP 1 CH[2] CH[1] CH[0] Start Self Test Cell Voltage Conversion and Poll Status CVST 0 1 MD[1] MD[0] ST[1] ST[0] 0 0 1 1 1 Start Overlap Measurements of Cell 6 and Cell 11 Voltages ADOL 0 1 MD[1] MD[0] 0 0 DCP 0 0 0 1 Start GPIOs ADC Conversion and Poll Status ADAX 1 0 MD[1] MD[0] 1 1 0 0 CHG[2] CHG[1] CHG[0] Start GPIOs ADC Conversion with Digital Redundancy and Poll Status ADAXD 1 0 MD[1] MD[0] 0 0 0 0 CHG[2] CHG[1] CHG[0] Start GPIOs Open Wire ADC Conversion and Poll Status AXOW 1 0 MD[1] MD[0] PUP 0 1 0 CHG[2] CHG[1] CHG[0] Start Self Test GPIOs Conversion and Poll Status AXST 1 0 MD[1] MD[0] ST[1] ST[0] 0 0 1 1 1 Start Status Group ADC Conversion and Poll Status ADSTAT 1 0 MD[1] MD[0] 1 1 0 1 CHST[2] CHST[1] CHST[0] Start Status Group ADC Conversion with Digital Redundancy and Poll Status ADSTATD 1 0 MD[1] MD[0] 0 0 0 1 CHST[2] CHST[1] CHST[0] Start Self Test Status Group Conversion and Poll Status STATST 1 0 MD[1] MD[0] ST[1] ST[0] 0 1 1 1 1 Start Combined Cell Voltage and GPIO1, GPIO2 Conversion and Poll Status ADCVAX 1 0 MD[1] MD[0] 1 1 DCP 1 1 1 1 Start Combined Cell Voltage and SC Conversion and Poll Status ADCVSC 1 0 MD[1] MD[0] 1 1 DCP 0 1 1 1 Clear Cell Voltage Register Groups CLRCELL 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Clear Auxiliary Register Groups CLRAUX 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Clear Status Register Groups CLRSTAT 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 Poll ADC Conversion Status PLADC 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 DIAGN 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 Write COMM Register Group Diagnose MUX and Poll Status WRCOMM 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Read COMM Register Group RDCOMM 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Start I2C/SPI Communication STCOMM 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 MUTE 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 UNMUTE 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 Mute Discharge Unmute Discharge Rev. A 60 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION Table 37. Command Bit Descriptions NAME MD[1:0] DCP DESCRIPTION ADC Mode Discharge Permitted VALUES MD ADCOPT(CFGAR0[0]) = 0 ADCOPT(CFGAR0[0]) = 1 00 422Hz Mode 1kHz Mode 01 27kHz Mode (Fast) 14kHz Mode 10 7kHz Mode (Normal) 3kHz Mode 11 26Hz Mode (Filtered) 2kHz Mode DCP 0 Discharge Not Permitted 1 Discharge Permitted Total Conversion Time in the 8 ADC Modes CH CH[2:0] PUP Cell Selection for ADC Conversion Pull-Up/PullDown Current for Open Wire Conversions 000 All Cells 001 Cells 1, 6, 11 010 Cells 2, 7, 12 011 Cells 3, 8, 13 100 Cells 4, 9, 14 101 Cells 5, 10, 15 27kHz 14kHz 7kHz 3kHz 2kHz 1kHz 422Hz 26Hz 0.9ms 1.1ms 2.0ms 2.5ms 3.7ms 6.0ms 10.7ms 168ms 203s 232s 407s 523s 756s 1.2ms 2.2ms 34ms 422Hz 26Hz PUP 0 Pull-Down Current 1 Pull-Up Current Self Test Conversion Result ST[1:0] Self Test Mode Selection ST 27kHz 14kHz 7kHz 3kHz 2kHz 1kHz 01 Self Test 1 0x9565 0x9553 0x9555 0x9555 0x9555 0x9555 0x9555 0x9555 10 Self test 2 0x6A9A 0x6AAC 0x6AAA 0x6AAA 0x6AAA 0x6AAA 0x6AAA 0x6AAA Total Conversion Time in the 8 ADC Modes CHG CHG[2:0] GPIO Selection for ADC Conversion 000 GPIO 1-5, 2nd Reference, GPIO 6-9 001 GPIO 1 and GPIO 6 010 GPIO 2 and GPIO 7 011 GPIO 3 and GPIO 8 100 GPIO 4 and GPIO 9 101 GPIO 5 110 2nd Reference 27kHz 14kHz 7kHz 3kHz 2kHz 1kHz 422Hz 26Hz 1.8ms 2.1ms 3.9ms 5.0ms 7.4ms 12.0ms 21.3ms 335ms 380s 439s 788s 1.0ms 1.5ms 2.4ms 4.3ms 67.1ms 200s 229s 403s 520s 753s 1.2ms 2.1ms 34ms Total Conversion Time in the 8 ADC Modes CHST CHST[2:0]* Status Group Selection 000 SC, ITMP, VA, VD 001 SC 010 ITMP 011 VA 100 VD 27kHz 14kHz 7kHz 3kHz 2kHz 1kHz 422Hz 26Hz 742s 858s 1.6ms 2.0ms 3.0ms 4.8ms 8.5ms 134ms 200s 229s 403s 520s 753s 1.2ms 2.1ms 34ms *Note: Valid options for CHST in ADSTAT command are 0-4. If CHST is set to 5/6 in ADSTAT command, the LTC6812-1 ignores the command. Rev. A For more information 61 LTC6812-1 OPERATION Memory Map Table 38. Configuration Register Group A REGISTER RD/WR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 CFGAR0 RD/WR GPIO5 GPIO4 GPIO3 GPIO2 GPIO1 CFGAR1 RD/WR VUV[7] VUV[6] VUV[5] VUV[4] VUV[3] CFGAR2 RD/WR VOV[3] VOV[2] VOV[1] VOV[0] VUV[11] CFGAR3 RD/WR VOV[11] VOV[10] VOV[9] VOV[8] CFGAR4 RD/WR DCC8 DCC7 DCC6 DCC5 CFGAR5 RD/WR DCTO[3] DCTO[2] DCTO[1] DCTO[0] BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 REFON DTEN ADCOPT VUV[2] VUV[1] VUV[0] VUV[10] VUV[9] VUV[8] VOV[7] VOV[6] VOV[5] VOV[4] DCC4 DCC3 DCC2 DCC1 DCC12 DCC11 DCC10 DCC9 Table 39. Configuration Register Group B REGISTER RD/WR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 CFGBR0 RD/WR RSVD DCC15 DCC14 DCC13 GPIO9 GPIO8 GPIO7 GPIO6 CFGBR1 RD/WR MUTE FDRF PS[1] PS[0] DTMEN DCC0 RSVD RSVD CFGBR2 RD/WR RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 CFGBR3 RD/WR RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 CFGBR4 RD/WR RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 CFGBR5 RD/WR RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 RSVD0 Table 40. Cell Voltage Register Group A REGISTER RD/WR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 CVAR0 RD C1V[7] C1V[6] C1V[5] C1V[4] C1V[3] C1V[2] C1V[1] C1V[0] CVAR1 RD C1V[15] C1V[14] C1V[13] C1V[12] C1V[11] C1V[10] C1V[9] C1V[8] CVAR2 RD C2V[7] C2V[6] C2V[5] C2V[4] C2V[3] C2V[2] C2V[1] C2V[0] CVAR3 RD C2V[15] C2V[14] C2V[13] C2V[12] C2V[11] C2V[10] C2V[9] C2V[8] CVAR4 RD C3V[7] C3V[6] C3V[5] C3V[4] C3V[3] C3V[2] C3V[1] C3V[0] CVAR5 RD C3V[15] C3V[14] C3V[13] C3V[12] C3V[11] C3V[10] C3V[9] C3V[8] Table 41. Cell Voltage Register Group B REGISTER RD/WR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 CVBR0 RD C4V[7] C4V[6] C4V[5] C4V[4] C4V[3] C4V[2] C4V[1] C4V[0] CVBR1 RD C4V[15] C4V[14] C4V[13] C4V[12] C4V[11] C4V[10] C4V[9] C4V[8] CVBR2 RD C5V[7] C5V[6] C5V[5] C5V[4] C5V[3] C5V[2] C5V[1] C5V[0] CVBR3 RD C5V[15] C5V[14] C5V[13] C5V[12] C5V[11] C5V[10] C5V[9] C5V[8] CVBR4 RD C6V[7] C6V[6] C6V[5] C6V[4] C6V[3] C6V[2] C6V[1] C6V[0] CVBR5 RD C6V[15] C6V[14] C6V[13] C6V[12] C6V[11] C6V[10] C6V[9] C6V[8] Rev. A 62 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION Table 42. Cell Voltage Register Group C REGISTER RD/WR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 CVCR0* RD C7V[7]* C7V[6]* C7V[5]* C7V[4]* C7V[3]* C7V[2]* C7V[1]* C7V[0]* CVCR1* RD C7V[15]* C7V[14]* C7V[13]* C7V[12]* C7V[11]* C7V[10]* C7V[9]* C7V[8]* CVCR2** RD C8V[7]** C8V[6]** C8V[5]** C8V[4]** C8V[3]** C8V[2]** C8V[1]** C8V[0]** CVCR3** RD C8V[15]** C8V[14]** C8V[13]** C8V[12]** C8V[11]** C8V[10]** C8V[9]** C8V[8]** CVCR4 RD C9V[7] C9V[6] C9V[5] C9V[4] C9V[3] C9V[2] C9V[1] C9V[0] CVCR5 RD C9V[15] C9V[14] C9V[13] C9V[12] C9V[11] C9V[10] C9V[9] C9V[8] *After performing the ADOL command, CVCR0 and CVCR1 of Cell Voltage Register Group C will contain the result of measuring Cell 6 from ADC2. **After performing the ADOL command, CVCR2 and CVCR3 of Cell Voltage Register Group C will contain the result of measuring Cell 6 from ADC1. Table 43. Cell Voltage Register Group D REGISTER RD/WR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 CVDR0 RD C10V[7] C10V[6] C10V[5] C10V[4] C10V[3] C10V[2] C10V[1] C10V[0] CVDR1 RD C10V[15] C10V[14] C10V[13] C10V[12] C10V[11] C10V[10] C10V[9] C10V[8] CVDR2 RD C11V[7] C11V[6] C11V[5] C11V[4] C11V[3] C11V[2] C11V[1] C11V[0] CVDR3 RD C11V[15] C11V[14] C11V[13] C11V[12] C11V[11] C11V[10] C11V[9] C11V[8] CVDR4 RD C12V[7] C12V[6] C12V[5] C12V[4] C12V[3] C12V[2] C12V[1] C12V[0] CVDR5 RD C12V[15] C12V[14] C12V[13] C12V[12] C12V[11] C12V[10] C12V[9] C12V[8] Table 44. Cell Voltage Register Group E REGISTER RD/WR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 CVER0* RD C13V[7]* C13V[6]* C13V[5]* C13V[4]* C13V[3]* C13V[2]* C13V[1]* C13V[0]* CVER1* RD C13V[15]* C13V[14]* C13V[13]* C13V[12]* C13V[11]* C13V[10]* C13V[9]* C13V[8]* CVER2** RD C14V[7]** C14V[6]** C14V[5]** C14V[4]** C14V[3]** C14V[2]** C14V[1]** C14V[0]** CVER3** RD C14V[15]** C14V[14]** C14V[13]** C14V[12]** C14V[11]** C14V[10]** C14V[9]** C14V[8]** CVER4 RD C15V[7] C15V[6] C15V[5] C15V[4] C15V[3] C15V[2] C15V[1] C15V[0] CVER5 RD C15V[15] C15V[14] C15V[13] C15V[12] C15V[11] C15V[10] C15V[9] C15V[8] *After performing the ADOL command, CVER0 and CVER1 of Cell Voltage Register Group E will contain the result of measuring Cell 11 from ADC3. **After performing the ADOL command, CVER2 and CVER3 of Cell Voltage Register Group E will contain the result of measuring Cell 11 from ADC2 Table 45. Auxiliary Register Group A REGISTER RD/WR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 AVAR0 RD G1V[7] G1V[6] G1V[5] G1V[4] G1V[3] G1V[2] G1V[1] G1V[0] AVAR1 RD G1V[15] G1V[14] G1V[13] G1V[12] G1V[11] G1V[10] G1V[9] G1V[8] AVAR2 RD G2V[7] G2V[6] G2V[5] G2V[4] G2V[3] G2V[2] G2V[1] G2V[0] AVAR3 RD G2V[15] G2V[14] G2V[13] G2V[12] G2V[11] G2V[10] G2V[9] G2V[8] AVAR4 RD G3V[7] G3V[6] G3V[5] G3V[4] G3V[3] G3V[2] G3V[1] G3V[0] AVAR5 RD G3V[15] G3V[14] G3V[13] G3V[12] G3V[11] G3V[10] G3V[9] G3V[8] Rev. A For more information 63 LTC6812-1 OPERATION Table 46. Auxiliary Register Group B REGISTER RD/WR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 AVBR0 RD G4V[7] G4V[6] G4V[5] G4V[4] G4V[3] G4V[2] G4V[1] G4V[0] AVBR1 RD G4V[15] G4V[14] G4V[13] G4V[12] G4V[11] G4V[10] G4V[9] G4V[8] AVBR2 RD G5V[7] G5V[6] G5V[5] G5V[4] G5V[3] G5V[2] G5V[1] G5V[0] AVBR3 RD G5V[15] G5V[14] G5V[13] G5V[12] G5V[11] G5V[10] G5V[9] G5V[8] AVBR4 RD REF[7] REF[6] REF[5] REF[4] REF[3] REF[2] REF[1] REF[0] AVBR5 RD REF[15] REF[14] REF[13] REF[12] REF[11] REF[10] REF[9] REF[8] Table 47. Auxiliary Register Group C REGISTER RD/WR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 AVCR0 RD G6V[7] G6V[6] G6V[5] G6V[4] G6V[3] G6V[2] G6V[1] G6V[0] AVCR1 RD G6V[15] G6V[14] G6V[13] G6V[12] G6V[11] G6V[10] G6V[9] G6V[8] AVCR2 RD G7V[7] G7V[6] G7V[5] G7V[4] G7V[3] G7V[2] G7V[1] G7V[0] AVCR3 RD G7V[15] G7V[14] G7V[13] G7V[12] G7V[11] G7V[10] G7V[9] G7V[8] AVCR4 RD G8V[7] G8V[6] G8V[5] G8V[4] G8V[3] G8V[2] G8V[1] G8V[0] AVCR5 RD G8V[15] G8V[14] G8V[13] G8V[12] G8V[11] G8V[10] G8V[9] G8V[8] BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 Table 48. Auxiliary Register Group D REGISTER RD/WR BIT 7 AVDR0 RD G9V[7] G9V[6] G9V[5] G9V[4] G9V[3] G9V[2] G9V[1] G9V[0] AVDR1 RD G9V[15] G9V[14] G9V[13] G9V[12] G9V[11] G9V[10] G9V[9] G9V[8] AVDR2 RD RSVD1 RSVD1 RSVD1 RSVD1 RSVD1 RSVD1 RSVD1 RSVD1 AVDR3 RD RSVD1 RSVD1 RSVD1 RSVD1 RSVD1 RSVD1 RSVD1 RSVD1 AVDR4 RD RSVD RSVD C15OV C15UV C14OV C14UV C13OV C13UV AVDR5 RD RSVD1 RSVD1 RSVD1 RSVD1 RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD Table 49. Status Register Group A REGISTER STAR0 RD/WR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 RD SC[7] SC[6] SC[5] SC[4] SC[3] SC[2] SC[1] SC[0] STAR1 RD SC[15] SC[14] SC[13] SC[12] SC[11] SC[10] SC[9] SC[8] STAR2 RD ITMP[7] ITMP[6] ITMP[5] ITMP[4] ITMP[3] ITMP[2] ITMP[1] ITMP[0] STAR3 RD ITMP[15] ITMP[14] ITMP[13] ITMP[12] ITMP[11] ITMP[10] ITMP[9] ITMP[8] STAR4 RD VA[7] VA[6] VA[5] VA[4] VA[3] VA[2] VA[1] VA[0] STAR5 RD VA[15] VA[14] VA[13] VA[12] VA[11] VA[10] VA[9] VA[8] Rev. A 64 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION Table 50. Status Register Group B RD/WR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 STBR0 REGISTER RD VD[7] VD[6] VD[5] VD[4] VD[3] VD[2] VD[1] VD[0] STBR1 RD VD[15] VD[14] VD[13] VD[12] VD[11] VD[10] VD[9] VD[8] STBR2 RD C4OV C4UV C3OV C3UV C2OV C2UV C1OV C1UV STBR3 RD C8OV C8UV C7OV C7UV C6OV C6UV C5OV C5UV STBR4 RD C12OV C12UV C11OV C11UV C10OV C10UV C9OV C9UV STBR5 RD REV[3] REV[2] REV[1] REV[0] RSVD RSVD MUXFAIL THSD Table 51. COMM Register Group REGISTER RD/WR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 COMM0 RD/WR ICOM0[3] ICOM0[2] ICOM0[1] ICOM0[0] D0[7] D0[6] D0[5] D0[4] COMM1 RD/WR D0[3] D0[2] D0[1] D0[0] FCOM0[3] FCOM0[2] FCOM0[1] FCOM0[0] COMM2 RD/WR ICOM1[3] ICOM1[2] ICOM1[1] ICOM1[0] D1[7] D1[6] D1[5] D1[4] COMM3 RD/WR D1[3] D1[2] D1[1] D1[0] FCOM1[3] FCOM1[2] FCOM1[1] FCOM1[0] COMM4 RD/WR ICOM2[3] ICOM2[2] ICOM2[1] ICOM2[0] D2[7] D2[6] D2[5] D2[4] COMM5 RD/WR D2[3] D2[2] D2[1] D2[0] FCOM2[3] FCOM2[2] FCOM2[1] FCOM2[0] Table 52. S Control Register Group REGISTER RD/WR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 SCTRL0 RD/WR SCTL2[3] SCTL2[2] SCTL2[1] SCTL2[0] SCTL1[3] SCTL1[2] SCTL1[1] SCTL1[0] SCTRL1 RD/WR SCTL4[3] SCTL4[2] SCTL4[1] SCTL4[0] SCTL3[3] SCTL3[2] SCTL3[1] SCTL3[0] SCTRL2 RD/WR SCTL6[3] SCTL6[2] SCTL6[1] SCTL6[0] SCTL5[3] SCTL5[2] SCTL5[1] SCTL5[0] SCTRL3 RD/WR SCTL8[3] SCTL8[2] SCTL8[1] SCTL8[0] SCTL7[3] SCTL7[2] SCTL7[1] SCTL7[0] SCTRL4 RD/WR SCTL10[3] SCTL10[2] SCTL10[1] SCTL10[0] SCTL9[3] SCTL9[2] SCTL9[1] SCTL9[0] SCTRL5 RD/WR SCTL12[3] SCTL12[2] SCTL12[1] SCTL12[0] SCTL11[3] SCTL11[2] SCTL11[1] SCTL11[0] BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 Table 53. PWM Register Group REGISTER RD/WR BIT 7 PWMR0 RD/WR PWM2[3] PWM2[2] PWM2[1] PWM2[0] PWM1[3] PWM1[2] PWM1[1] PWM1[0] PWMR1 RD/WR PWM4[3] PWM4[2] PWM4[1] PWM4[0] PWM3[3] PWM3[2] PWM3[1] PWM3[0] PWMR2 RD/WR PWM6[3] PWM6[2] PWM6[1] PWM6[0] PWM5[3] PWM5[2] PWM5[1] PWM5[0] PWMR3 RD/WR PWM8[3] PWM8[2] PWM8[1] PWM8[0] PWM7[3] PWM7[2] PWM7[1] PWM7[0] PWMR4 RD/WR PWM10[3] PWM10[2] PWM10[1] PWM10[0] PWM9[3] PWM9[2] PWM9[1] PWM9[0] PWMR5 RD/WR PWM12[3] PWM12[2] PWM12[1] PWM12[0] PWM11[3] PWM11[2] PWM11[1] PWM11[0] Rev. A For more information 65 LTC6812-1 OPERATION Table 54. PWM/S Control Register Group B REGISTER RD/WR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 PSR0 RD/WR PWM14[3] PWM14[2] PWM14[1] PWM14[0] PWM13[3] PWM13[2] PWM13[1] PWM13[0] PSR1 RD/WR RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD PWM15[3] PWM15[2] PWM15[1] PWM15[0] PSR2 RD/WR RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD PSR3 RD/WR SCTL14[3] SCTL14[2] SCTL14[1] SCTL14[0] SCTL13[3] SCTL13[2] SCTL13[1] SCTL13[0] PSR4 RD/WR RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD SCTL15[3] SCTL15[2] SCTL15[1] SCTL15[0] PSR5 RD/WR RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD RSVD Table 55. Memory Bit Descriptions NAME DESCRIPTION VALUES GPIOx GPIOx Pin Control Write: 0 GPIOx Pin Pull-Down ON; 1 GPIOx Pin Pull-Down OFF (Default) Read: 0 GPIOx Pin at Logic 0; 1 GPIOx Pin at Logic 1 REFON References Powered Up 1 References Remain Powered Up Until Watchdog Timeout 0 References Shut Down After Conversions (Default) DTEN Discharge Timer 1 Enables the Discharge Timer for Discharge Switches Enable (READ 0 Disables Discharge Timer ONLY) ADCOPT ADC Mode Option Bit ADCOPT: 0 Selects Modes 27kHz, 7kHz, 422Hz or 26Hz with MD[1:0] Bits in ADC Conversion Commands (Default) 1 Selects Modes 14kHz, 3kHz, 1kHz or 2kHz with MD[1:0] Bits in ADC Conversion Commands VUV Undervoltage Comparison Voltage* Comparison Voltage = (VUV + 1) * 16 * 100V Default: VUV = 0x000 VOV Overvoltage Comparison Voltage* Comparison Voltage = VOV * 16 * 100V Default: VOV = 0x000 DCC[x] Discharge Cell x x = 1 to 15: x = 0: DCTO 1 Turn ON Shorting Switch for Cell x 0 Turn OFF Shorting Switch for Cell x (Default) 1 Turn ON GPIO9 Pull-Down 0 Turn OFF GPIO9 Pull-Down (Default) Discharge Time DCTO Out Value (Write) Time (Min) DCTO (Read) Time Left (Min) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F Disabled 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 75 90 120 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 2-3 3-4 4-5 Disabled or 0-0.5 0.5-1 1-2 Timeout 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-30 30-40 40-60 60-75 75-90 90-120 MUTE Mute Status (READ ONLY) 1 Mute is Activated and Discharging is Disabled 0 Mute is Deactivated FDRF Force Digital Redundancy Failure 1 Forces the Digital Redundancy Comparison for ADC Conversions to Fail 0 Enables the Normal Redundancy Comparison PS[1:0] Digital Redundancy Path Selection 11 Redundancy is Applied Only to ADC3 Digital Path 10 Redundancy is Applied Only to ADC2 Digital Path 01 Redundancy is Applied Only to ADC1 Digital Path 00 Redundancy is Applied Sequentially to ADC1, ADC2 and ADC3 Digital Paths During Cell Conversions and Applied to ADC1 During AUX and STATUS Conversions Rev. A 66 For more information LTC6812-1 OPERATION Table 55 (Continued). Memory Bit Descriptions NAME DESCRIPTION DTMEN Enable 1 Enables the Discharge Timer Monitor Function if the DTEN Pin is Asserted Discharge Timer 0 Disables the Discharge Timer Monitor Function. The Normal Discharge Timer Function Monitor Will Be Enabled if the DTEN Pin is Asserted VALUES CxV Cell x Voltage* GxV GPIO x Voltage* x = 1 to 9 REF 2nd Reference Voltage* SC Sum of All Cells Measurement* ITMP Internal Die Temperature* VA Analog Power Supply Voltage* 16-Bit ADC Measurement Value of Analog Power Supply Voltage Analog Power Supply Voltage = VA * 100V The Value of VA is Set by External Components and Should Be in the Range 4.5V to 5.5V for Normal Operation VD Digital Power Supply Voltage* 16-Bit ADC Measurement Value of Digital Power Supply Voltage Digital Power Supply Voltage = VD * 100V Normal Range is within 2.7V to 3.6V CxOV Cell x Overvoltage Flag CxUV Cell x Undervoltage Flag REV Revision Code Device Revision Code RSVD Reserved Bits Read: Read Back Value Can Be 1 or 0 RSVD0 Reserved Bits Read: Read Back Value is Always 0 RSVD1 Reserved Bits Read: Read Back Value is Always 1 x = 1 to 15 16-Bit ADC Measurement Value for Cell x Cell Voltage for Cell x = CxV * 100V CxV is Reset to 0xFFFF on Power-Up and After Clear Command 16-Bit ADC Measurement Value for GPIOx Voltage for GPIOx = GxV * 100V GxV is Reset to 0xFFFF on Power-Up and After Clear Command 16-Bit ADC Measurement Value for 2nd Reference Voltage for 2nd Reference = REF * 100V Normal Range is within 2.990V to 3.014V (2.992V to 3.012V for LTC6812I), Allowing for Variations of VREF2 Voltage and ADC TME as well as Additional Margin to Prevent a False Fault from Being Reported 16-Bit ADC Measurement Value of the Sum of All Cell Voltages Sum of All Cells Voltage = SC * 100V * 30 16-Bit ADC Measurement Value of Internal Die Temperature Temperature Measurement Voltage = ITMP * 100V/7.6mV/C - 276C x = 1 to 15 Cell Voltage Compared to VOV Comparison Voltage 0 Cell x Not Flagged for Overvoltage Condition; 1 Cell x Flagged x = 1 to 15 Cell Voltage Compared to VUV Comparison Voltage 0 Cell x Not Flagged for Undervoltage Condition; 1 Cell x Flagged MUXFAIL Multiplexer Self Read: 0 Multiplexer Passed Self Test; 1 Multiplexer Failed Self Test Test Result THSD Thermal Shutdown Status SCTLx[x] S Pin Control Bits Read: 0 Thermal Shutdown Has Not Occurred; 1 Thermal Shutdown Has Occurred THSD Bit Cleared to 0 on Read of Status Register Group B 0000 - Drive S Pin High (De-Asserted) 0001 - Send 1 High Pulse on S Pin 0010 - Send 2 High Pulses on S Pin 0011 - Send 3 High Pulses on S Pin 0100 - Send 4 High Pulses on S Pin 0101 - Send 5 High Pulses on S Pin 0110 - Send 6 High Pulses on S Pin 0111 - Send 7 High Pulses on S Pin 1XXX - Drive S Pin Low (Asserted) Rev. A For more information 67 LTC6812-1 OPERATION Table 55 (Continued). Memory Bit Descriptions NAME DESCRIPTION VALUES PWMx[x] PWM Discharge 0000 - Selects 0% Discharge Duty Cycle if DCCx = 1 and Watchdog Timer Has Expired Control 0001 - Selects 6.7% Discharge Duty Cycle if DCCx = 1 and Watchdog Timer Has Expired 0010 - Selects 13.3% Discharge Duty Cycle if DCCx = 1 and Watchdog Timer Has Expired ... 1110 - Selects 93.3% Discharge Duty Cycle if DCCx = 1 and Watchdog Timer Has Expired 1111 - Selects 100% Discharge Duty Cycle if DCCx = 1 and Watchdog Timer Has Expired ICOMn Initial Write Communication Control Bits Read I2C SPI I2C SPI 0110 0001 0000 0111 START STOP BLANK NO TRANSMIT 1000 1010 1001 1111 CSB Low CSB Falling Edge CSB High NO TRANSMIT 0110 0001 0000 0111 START from Master STOP from Master SDA Low Between Bytes SDA High Between Bytes 0111 Dn Data Transmitted (Received) to (from) I2C/SPI Slave Device I2C/SPI Communication Data Byte FCOMn Final Write Communication Control Bits I2C SPI 0000 1000 1001 Master ACK Master NACK Master NACK + STOP X000 1001 CSB Low Read I2C SPI CSB High 0000 0111 1111 0001 1001 ACK from Master ACK from Slave NACK from Slave ACK from Slave + STOP from Master NACK from Slave + STOP from Master 1111 *Voltage equations use the decimal value of registers, 0 to 4095 for 12 bits and 0 to 65535 for 16 bits. Rev. A 68 For more information LTC6812-1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION PROVIDING DC POWER Simple Linear Regulator The primary supply pin for the LTC6812-1 is the 5V (0.5V) VREG input pin. To generate the required 5V supply for VREG, the DRIVE pin can be used to form a discrete regulator with the addition of a few external components, as shown in Figure32. The DRIVE pin provides a 5.7V output, capable of sourcing 1mA. When buffered with an NPN transistor, this provides a stable 5V over temperature. The NPN transistor should be chosen to have a sufficient Beta over temperature (> 40) to supply the necessary supply current. The peak VREG current requirement of the LTC6812-1 approaches 35mA when simultaneously communicating over isoSPI and making ADC conversions. If the VREG pin is required to support any additional load, a transistor with an even higher Beta may be required. bypassed with a 1F capacitor. Larger capacitance should be avoided since this will increase the wake-up time of the LTC6812-1. Some attention should be given to the thermal characteristic of the NPN, as there can be significant heating with a high collector voltage. Improved Regulator Power Efficiency For improved efficiency when powering the LTC6812-1 from the cell stack, VREG may be powered from a DC/DC converter, rather than the NPN pass transistor. An ideal circuit is based on Analog Devices LT8631 step-down regulator, as shown in Figure 33. A 100 resistor is recommended between the battery stack and the LT8631 input; this will prevent in-rush current when connecting to the stack and it will reduce conducted EMI. The EN/UVLO pin should be connected to the DRIVE pin, which will put the LT8631 into a low power state when the LTC6812-1 is in the SLEEP state. 100 LTC6812-1 WDT DRIVE DZT5551 0.1F VIN 18V TO 100V 100 VREG 2.2F DTEN VREF1 1F VREF2 V- 1F 100pF 1F VIN EN/UV BST MODE SW PG IND TR/SS 25.5k 68121 F32 Figure32. Simple VREG Power Source Using NPN Pass Transistor GND 2.2F 0.1F 22H 5V VOUT 4.7pF LT8631 RT V- INTVCC 1M FB 68121 F33 VREG 22F 191k Figure33. VREG Powered From Cell Stack with High Efficiency Regulator The NPN collector can be powered from any voltage source that is a minimum 6V above V-. This includes the cells that are being monitored, or an unregulated power supply. A 100/100nF RC decoupling network is recommended for the collector power connection to protect the NPN from transients. The emitter of the NPN should be Rev. A For more information 69 LTC6812-1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION INTERNAL PROTECTION AND FILTERING Filtering of Cell and GPIO Inputs Internal Protection Features The LTC6812-1 uses a delta-sigma ADC, which includes a delta-sigma modulator followed by a SINC3 finite impulse response (FIR) digital filter. This greatly relaxes input filtering requirements. Furthermore, the programmable oversampling ratio allows the user to determine the best trade-off between measurement speed and filter cutoff frequency. Even with this high order low pass filter, fast The LTC6812-1 incorporates various ESD safeguards to ensure robust performance. An equivalent circuit showing the specific protection structures is shown in Figure34. Zener-like suppressors are shown with their nominal clamp voltage, and the unmarked diodes exhibit standard PN junction behavior. 64 IPB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 V+ 63 62 IMB 61 SCK CSB 60 V- 59 V- 58 57 ICMP 56 IBIAS 55 WDT 54 ISOMD SDO 53 52 SDI 51 DTEN 50 VREF1 49 VREF2 DRIVE 120V VREG NC GPIO9 NC GPIO8 C15 GPIO7 S15 GPIO6 24V C14 GPIO5 S14 GPIO4 C13 GPIO3 LTC6812-1 S13 GPIO2 C12 GPIO1 S12 C0 C11 24V S1 S11 C1 NC 24V 24V 24V NC 24V S2 C2 C10 S3 S10 C9 17 18 S9 19 C8 20 S8 21 C7 22 S7 23 C6 24 S6 25 NC 26 NC 27 C5 28 S5 29 C4 30 S4 31 C3 32 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 68121 F34 NOTE: ZENER VOLTAGE IS 8V UNLESS MARKED OTHERWISE. Figure34. Internal ESD Protection Structures of the LTC6812-1 Rev. A 70 For more information LTC6812-1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION transient noise can still induce some residual noise in measurements, especially in the faster conversion modes. This can be minimized by adding an RC low pass decoupling to each ADC input, which also helps reject potentially damaging high energy transients. Adding more than about 100 to the ADC inputs begins to introduce a systematic error in the measurement, which can be improved by raising the filter capacitance or mathematically compensating in software with a calibration procedure. For situations that demand the highest level of battery voltage ripple rejection, grounded capacitor filtering is recommended. This configuration has a series resistance and capacitors that decouple HF noise to V-. In systems where noise is less periodic or higher oversample rates are in use, a differential capacitor filter structure is adequate. In this configuration there are series resistors to each input, but the capacitors connect between the adjacent C pins. However, the differential capacitor sections interact. As a result, the filter response is less consistent and results in less attenuation than predicted by the RC, by approximately a decade. Note that the capacitors only see one cell of applied voltage (thus smaller and lower cost) and tend to distribute transient energy uniformly across the IC (reducing stress events on the internal protection structure). Figure35 shows the two methods schematically. ADC accuracy varies with R, C as shown in the Typical Performance curves, but error is minimized if R = 100 and C = 10nF. The GPIO pins will always use a grounded capacitor configuration because the measurements are all with respect to V-. 100 CELL2 C2 3.3k BSS308PE 33 LTC6812-1 10nF 100 CELL1 S2 C1 3.3k BSS308PE 33 S1 10nF 100 C0 10nF BATTERY V- V- (a) Differential Capacitor Filter 100 CELL2 C2 3.3k BSS308PE 33 100 CELL1 LTC6812-1 C1 3.3k BSS308PE 33 S2 C * C 100 S1 * C0 C BATTERY V- * V- *6.8V ZENERS RECOMMENDED IF C 100nF 68121 F35 (b) Grounded Capacitor Filter Figure35. Input Filter Structure Configurations Rev. A For more information 71 LTC6812-1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Using Nonstandard Cell Input Filters A cell pin filter of 100 and 10nF is recommended for all applications. This filter provides the best combination of noise rejection and Total Measurement Error (TME) performance. In applications that use C pin RC filters larger than 100/10nF there may be additional measurement error. Figure 36a shows how both total TME and TME variation increase as the RC time constant increases. The increased error is related to the MUX settling. It is possible to reduce TME levels to near data sheet specifications by implementing an extra single channel conversion before issuing a standard all channel ADCV command. Figure37a shows the standard ADCV command sequence. Figure37b and 37c show the recommended command sequence andtiming that will allow the MUX to settle. The purpose of the modified procedure is to allow the MUX to settle at C1/C6/C11 before the start of the measurement cycle. The delay between the C1/C6/C11 ADCV command and the All Channel ADCV command is dependent on the time constant of the RC being used. The general guidance is to wait 6 between the C1/C6/C11 ADCV command and the All Channel ADCV command. Figure36b shows the expected TME when using the recommended command sequence. 5 CELL MEASUREMENT ERROR (mV) CELL MEASUREMENT ERROR (mV) 5 0 -5 -10 -15 100 100nF 10nF 1F 1k INPUT RESISTANCE, R () 0 -5 -10 -15 100 10k 100nF 10nF 1F 1k INPUT RESISTANCE, R () 68121 F36a 10k 68121 F36b (a) Cell Measurement Error Range vs Input RC Values (b) Cell Measurement Error vs Input RC Values (Extra Conversion and Delay Before Measurement) Figure36. Cell Measurement TME (a) ADCV (all cells) Delay RDCVA-E (b) ADCV (C1/C6/C11) Delay 6 ADCV (all cells) CNV Time RDCVA-E (c) ADCV (all cells) CNV Time RDCVA-E ADCV (C1/C6/C11) Delay 6 68121 F37 Figure37. ADC Command Order Rev. A 72 For more information LTC6812-1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION but the filter resistor must remain small, typically around 10 to reduce the effect on the balance current. CELL BALANCING Cell Balancing with Internal MOSFETs With passive balancing, if one cell in a series stack becomes overcharged, an S output can slowly discharge this cell by connecting it to a resistor. Each S output is connected to an internal N-channel MOSFET with a maximum on resistance of 10. An external resistor should be connected in series with these MOSFETs to allow most of the heat to be dissipated outside of the LTC6812-1 package, as illustrated in Figure38a. The internal discharge switches (MOSFETs) S1 through S15 can be used to passively balance cells as shown in Figure38a with balancing current of 200mA or less (80mA or less if the die temperature is over 95C). Balancing current larger than 200mA is not recommended for the internal switches due to excessive die heating. When discharging cells with the internal discharge switches, the die temperature should be monitored. See the Thermal Shutdown section. Note that the anti-aliasing filter resistor is part of the discharge path, so it should be removed or reduced. Use of an RC for added cell voltage measurement filtering is OK RFILTER + LTC6812-1 C(n) RDISCHARGE 1k S(n) CFILTER RFILTER C(n - 1) (a) Internal Discharge Circuit BSS308PE + C(n) LTC6812-1 Cell Balancing with External Transistors For applications that require balancing currents above 200mA or large cell filters, the S outputs can be used to control external transistors. The LTC6812-1 includes an internal pull-up PMOS transistor with a 1k series resistor. The S pins can act as digital outputs suitable for driving the gate of an external MOSFET as illustrated in Figure38b. Figure35 shows external MOSFET circuits that include RC filtering. For applications with very low cell voltages the PMOS in Figure38b can be replaced with a PNP. When a PNP is used, the resistor in series with the base should be reduced. Choosing a Discharge Resistor When sizing the balancing resistor, it is important to know the typical battery imbalance and the allowable time for cell balancing. In most small battery applications, it is reasonable for the balancing circuitry to be able to correct for a 5% SOC (State of Charge) error with 5 hours of balancing. For example a 5AHr battery with a 5% SOC imbalance will have approximately 250mA Hrs of imbalance. Using a 50mA balancing current this could be corrected in 5 hours. With a 100mA balancing current, the error would be corrected in 2.5 hours. In systems with very large batteries, it becomes difficult to use passive balancing to correct large SOC imbalances in short periods of time. The excessive heat created during balancing generally limits the balancing current. In large capacity battery applications, if short balancing times are required, an active balancing solution should be considered. When choosing a balance resistor, the following equations can be used to help determine a resistor value: Balance Current = 3.3k %SOC_Imbalance * Battery Capacity S(n) RDISCHARGE Number of Hours to Balance Balance Resistor = C(n - 1) Nominal Cell Voltage 68121 F38 (b) External Discharge Circuit Balance Current Figure38. Internal/External Discharge Circuits Rev. A For more information 73 LTC6812-1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Active Cell Balancing Applications that require 1A or greater of cell balancing current should consider implementing an active balancing system. Active balancing allows for much higher balancing currents without the generation of excessive heat. Active balancing also allows for energy recovery since most of the balance current will be redistributed back to the battery pack. Figure39 shows a simple active balancing implementation using Analog Devices LT8584. The LT8584 also has advanced features which can be controlled via the LTC6812-1. See S Pin Pulsing Using the S Pin Control Settings in this data sheet and the LT8584 data sheet for more details. MODULE + 2.5A AVERAGE DISCHARGE + BAT 15 MODULE + * * MODULE - V+ ON OFF LT8584 2.5A AVERAGE DISCHARGE + BAT 2 S15 MODULE + * * MODULE - ON OFF LT8584 2.5A AVERAGE DISCHARGE + BAT 1 LTC6812-1 BATTERY STACK MONITOR S2 MODULE + MODULE - LT8584 If the discharge permitted (DCP) bit is high at the time of a cell measurement command, the S pin discharge states do not change during cell measurements. If the DCP bit is low, S pin discharge states will be disabled while the corresponding cell or adjacent cells are being measured. If using an external discharge transistor, the relatively low 1k impedance of the internal LTC6812-1 PMOS transistors should allow the discharge currents to fully turn off before the cell measurement. Table 56 illustrates the ADCV command with DCP = 0. In this table, OFF indicates that the S pin discharge is forced off irrespective of the state of the corresponding DCC[x] bit. ON indicates that the S pin discharge will remain on during the measurement period if it was ON prior to the measurement command. In some cases, it is not possible for the automatic discharge control to eliminate all measurement error caused by running the discharges. This is due to the discharge transistor not turning off fast enough for the cell voltage to completely settle before the measurement starts. For the best measurement accuracy when running discharge, the MUTE and UNMUTE commands should be used. The MUTE command can be issued to temporarily disable all discharge transistors before the ADCV command is issued. After the cell conversion completes, an UNMUTE can be sent to re-enable all discharge transistors that were previously ON. Using this method maximizes the measurement accuracy with a very small time penalty. Method to Verify Discharge Circuits * * DISCHARGE CONTROL DURING CELL MEASUREMENTS ON OFF S1 V-/C0 68121 F39 MODULE - When using the internal discharge feature, the ability to verify discharge functionality can be implemented in software. In applications using an external discharge MOSFET, an additional resistor can be added between the battery cell and the source of the discharge MOSFET. This will allow the system to test discharge functionality. Figure39. 15-Cell Battery Stack Module with Active Balancing Rev. A 74 For more information LTC6812-1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Table 56. Discharge Control During an ADCV Command with DCP = 0 CELL MEASUREMENT PERIODS CELL CALIBRATION PERIODS CELL 1/6/11 CELL 2/7/12 CELL 3/8/13 CELL 4/9/14 CELL 5/10/15 CELL 1/6/11 CELL 2/7/12 CELL 3/8/13 CELL 4/9/14 CELL 5/10/15 DISCHARGE PIN t0 - t1M t1M - t2M t2M - t3M t3M - t4M t4M - t5M t5M - t1C t1C - t2C t2C - t3C t3C - t4C t4C - t5C S1 OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF S2 OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON S3 ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON S4 ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF S5 OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF S6 OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF S7 OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON S8 ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON S9 ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF S10 OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF S11 OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF S12 OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON S13 ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON S14 ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF S15 OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF Rev. A For more information 75 LTC6812-1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Both circuits are shown in Figure40. The functionality of the discharge circuits can be verified by conducting cell measurements and comparing measurements when the discharge is off to measurements when the discharge is on. The measurement taken when the discharge is on requires that the discharge permit bit (DCP) be set. The change in the measurement when the discharge is turned on is calculable based on the resistor values. The following algorithm can be used in conjunction with Figure40 to verify each discharge circuit: 1. Measure all cells with no discharging (all S outputs off) and read and store the results. 2. Turn on S1, S6 and S11. 3.Measure C1-C0, C6-C5, C11-C10. 4. Turn off S1, S6 and S11. 6.Measure C2-C1, C7-C6, C12-C11. 7. Turn off S2, S7 and S12. ... 14.Turn on S5, S10 and S15. 15.Measure C5-C4, C10-C9, C15-C14. 16.Turn off S5, S10 and S15. 17. Read the Cell Voltage Register Groups to get the results of Steps 2 thru 16. 18. Compare new readings with old readings. Each cell voltage reading should have decreased by a fixed percentage set by RDISCHARGE and RFILTER for internal designs and RDISCHARGE1 and RDISCHARGE2 for external MOSFET designs. The exact amount of decrease depends on the resistor values and MOSFET characteristics. 5. Turn on S2, S7 and S12. LTC6812-1 C(n) RFILTER + RDISCHARGE 1k S(n) CFILTER RFILTER C(n-1) (a) Internal Discharge Circuit RFILTER RDISCHARGE1 + 3.3k RDISCHARGE2 RFILTER C(n) LTC6812-1 S(n) C(n-1) 68121 F40 (b) External Discharge Circuit Figure40. Balancing Self Test Circuit Rev. A 76 For more information LTC6812-1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS PEC Calculation The Packet Error Code (PEC) can be used to ensure that the serial data read from the LTC6812-1 is valid and has not been corrupted. This is a critical feature for reliable communication, particularly in environments of high noise. The LTC6812-1 requires that a PEC be calculated for all data being read from, and written to, the LTC6812-1. For this reason it is important to have an efficient method for calculating the PEC. The C code below provides a simple implementation of a lookup-table-derived PEC calculation method. There are two functions. The first function init_PEC15_Table() should only be called once when the microcontroller starts and will initialize a PEC15 table array called pec15Table[]. This table will be used in all future PEC calculations. The PEC15 table can also be hard coded into the microcontroller rather than running the init_PEC15_Table() function at startup. The pec15() function calculates the PEC and will return the correct 15-bit PEC for byte arrays of any given length. /************************************ Copyright 2012 Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) Permission to freely use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ADI DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ADI BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM ANY USE OF SAME, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF USE OR DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTUOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ***************************************/ int16 pec15Table[256]; int16 CRC15_POLY = 0x4599; void init_PEC15_Table() { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { remainder = i << 7; for (int bit = 8; bit > 0; --bit) { if (remainder & 0x4000) { remainder = ((remainder << 1)); remainder = (remainder ^ CRC15_POLY) } else { remainder = ((remainder << 1)); } } pec15Table[i] = remainder&0xFFFF; } } unsigned int16 pec15 (char *data , int len) { int16 remainder,address; remainder = 16;//PEC seed for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { address = ((remainder >> 7) ^ data[i]) & 0xff;//calculate PEC table address remainder = (remainder << 8 ) ^ pec15Table[address]; } return (remainder*2);//The CRC15 has a 0 in the LSB so the final value must be multiplied by 2 } Rev. A For more information 77 LTC6812-1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION isoSPI IBIAS and ICMP Setup The LTC6812-1 allows the isoSPI links of each application to be optimized for power consumption or for noise immunity. The power and noise immunity of an isoSPI system is determined by the programmed IB current, which controls the isoSPI signaling currents. Bias current IB can range from 100A to 1mA. Internal circuitry scales up this bias current to create the isoSPI signal currents equal to be 20 * IB. A low IB reduces the isoSPI power consumption in the READY and ACTIVE states, while a high IB increases the amplitude of the differential signal voltage VA across the matching termination resistor, RM. The IB current is programmed by the sum of the RB1 and RB2 resistors connected between the 2V IBIAS pin and GND as shown in Figure41. The receiver input threshold is set by the ICMP voltage that is programmed with the resistor divider created by the RB1 and RB2 resistors. The receiver threshold will be half of the voltage present on the ICMP pin. The following guidelines should be used when setting the bias current (100A to 1mA) IB and the receiver comparator threshold voltage VICMP/2: RM = Transmission Line Characteristic Impedance Z0 Signal Amplitude VA = (20 * IB) * (RM/2) VTCMP (Receiver Comparator Threshold) = K * VA VICMP (voltage on ICMP pin) = 2 * VTCMP Select IB and K (Signal Amplitude VA to Receiver Comparator Threshold ratio) according to the application: For lower power links: IB = 0.5mA and K = 0.5 For full power links: IB = 1mA and K = 0.5 For long links (>50m): IB = 1mA and K = 0.25 For applications with little system noise, setting IB to 0.5mA is a good compromise between power consumption and noise immunity. Using this IB setting with a 1:1 transformer and RM = 100, RB1 should be set to 3.01k and RB2 set to 1k. With typical CAT5 twisted pair, these settings will allow for communication up to 50m. For applications in very noisy environments or that require cables longer than 50m it is recommended to increase IB to 1mA. Higher drive current compensates for the increased insertion loss in the cable and provides high noise immunity. When using cables over 50m and a transformer with a 1:1 turns ratio and RM = 100, RB1 would be 1.5k and RB2 would be 499. The maximum clock rate of an isoSPI link is determined by the length of the isoSPI cable. For cables 10m or less, the maximum 1MHz SPI clock frequency is possible. As the length of the cable increases, the maximum possible SPI clock rate decreases. This dependence is a result of the increased propagation delays that can create possible timing violations. Figure42 shows how the maximum data rate reduces as the cable length increases when using a CAT5 twisted pair. Cable delay affects three timing specifications: tCLK, t6 and t7. In the Electrical Characteristics table, each of these specifications is derated by 100ns to allow for 50ns of cable RB2 = VICMP/IB RB1 = (2/IB) - RB2 ISOLATION BARRIER (MAY USE ONE OR TWO TRANFORMERS) ISOMD MASTER SDO SDI SCK CS IPB + VA IMB - LTC6812-1 SDI SDO SCK CSB IBIAS 2V RM RB1 * * * * TWISTED-PAIR CABLE WITH CHARACTERISTIC IMPEDANCE RM + IPA ISOMD RM VA LTC6812-1 - IMA RB1 2V VREG IBIAS ICMP ICMP RB2 RB2 68121 F41 Figure41. isoSPI Circuit Rev. A 78 For more information LTC6812-1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION 1.2 CAT5 ASSUMED DATA RATE (Mbps) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 10 CABLE LENGTH (METERS) 1 100 68121 F42 Figure42. Data Rate vs Cable Length delay. For longer cables, the minimum timing parameters may be calculated as shown below: tCLK, t6 and t7 > 0.9s + 2 * tCABLE (0.2m per ns) Implementing a Modular isoSPI Daisy Chain The hardware design of a daisy-chain isoSPI bus is identical for each device in the network due to the daisy-chain point-to-point architecture. The simple design as shown in Figure41 is functional, but inadequate for most designs. The termination resistor RM should be split and bypassed with a capacitor as shown in Figure43. This change provides both a differential and a common mode termination, and as such, increases the system noise immunity. IP 49.9 100H CMC 100pF 49.9 * 100pF 10nF * * LTC6812-1 XFMR * IM V- a) IP 100H CMC * 51 10nF IM V- 51 * * isoSPI LINK * LTC6812-1 CT XFMR isoSPI LINK The use of cables between battery modules, particularly in automotive applications, can lead to increased noise susceptibility in the communication lines. For high levels of electromagnetic interference (EMC), additional filtering is recommended. The circuit example in Figure43 shows the use of common mode chokes (CMC) to add common mode noise rejection from transients on the battery lines. The use of a center tapped transformer will also provide additional noise performance. A bypass capacitor connected to the center tap creates a low impedance for common mode noise (Figure43b). Since transformers without a center tap can be less expensive, they may be preferred. In this case, the addition of a split termination resistor and a bypass capacitor (Figure43a) can enhance the isoSPI performance. Large center tap capacitors greater than 10nF should be avoided as they may prevent the isoSPI common mode voltage from settling. Common mode chokes similar to those used in Ethernet or CANbus applications are recommended. Specific examples are provided in Table 58. An important daisy chain design consideration is the number of devices in the isoSPI network. Both the number of devices in a daisy chain and the length of wire between devices determines the serial timing and affects data latency and throughput. For a daisy chain, it is necessary to extend minimum required t5, the time from a rising chip select to the next falling chip select (between commands), from 0.65s to 2s (see Figure25). This timing for t5 is set by the MCU on the SPI interface of LTC6820 or the SPI interface of the bottom LTC6812-1 device if it is configured to operate in SPI mode. If necessary, LTC6812-1 will internally adjust the timing for t6 and t5 while transmitting on the Master isoSPI port such that t6 (Master port) > t6(GOV) and t5 (Master port) > t5(GOV). This satisfies the timing requirement for the Slave port of the next device. 10nF 68121 F43 b) Figure43. Daisy Chain Interface Components Rev. A For more information 79 LTC6812-1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION IPB LTC6812-1 49.9 10nF 49.9 GNDD IMB IBIAS ICMP 1k 1k GNDD IPA 49.9 10nF 49.9 V- GNDD GNDD 10nF* * IMA * GNDD 10nF* GNDC IPB LTC6812-1 49.9 10nF 49.9 GNDC IMB IBIAS ICMP 1k 1k GNDC IPA 49.9 49.9 V- IMA 10nF GNDC GNDC 10nF* * GNDC * 10nF* GNDB IPB LTC6812-1 49.9 49.9 IMB IBIAS ICMP 1k 10nF GNDB 1k GNDB IPA 49.9 49.9 V - IMA 10nF* 10nF GNDB GNDB * * IP LTC6820 49.9 10nF* GNDA 49.9 IBIAS ICMP 10nF GNDA IM 1k GNDA V- GNDA GNDB * IF TRANSFORMER BEING USED HAS A CENTER TAP, IT SHOULD BE BYPASSED WITH A 10nF CAP 1k 68121 F44 Figure44. Daisy Chain Interface Components on Single Board Rev. A 80 For more information LTC6812-1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION If the t5 requirement of 2s is satisfied on the SPI interface, there is no strict limitation on the maximum number of devices in the daisy chain. However, it is important to note that the serial read back time, and the increased current consumption, might dictate a practical limitation in the size of the network. Connecting Multiple LTC6812-1s on the Same PCB When connecting multiple LTC6812-1 devices on the same PCB, only a single transformer is required between the LTC6812-1 isoSPI ports. The absence of the cable also reduces the noise levels on the communication lines and often only a split termination is required. Figure44 shows an example application that has multiple LTC6812-1s on the same PCB, communicating to the bottom MCU through an LTC6820 isoSPI driver. If a transformer with a center tap is used, a capacitor can be added for better noise rejection. Additional noise filtering can be provided with discrete common mode chokes (not shown) placed to both sides of the single transformer. On single board designs with low noise requirements, it is possible for a simplified capacitor-isolated coupling as shown in Figure45 to replace the transformer. In this circuit, the transformer is directly replaced by two 10nF capacitors. An optional common mode choke (CMC) provides noise rejection similar to application circuits using transformers. The circuit is designed to use IBIAS/ICMP settings identical to the transformer circuit. Connecting an MCU to an LTC6812-1 with an isoSPI Data Link The LTC6820 will convert standard 4-wire SPI into a 2-wire isoSPI link that can communicate directly with the LTC6812-1. An example is shown in Figure46. The LTC6820 can be used in applications to provide isolation between the microcontroller and the stack of LTC68121s. The LTC6820 also enables system configurations that have the BMS controller at a remote location relative to the LTC6812-1 devices and the battery pack. Rev. A For more information 81 LTC6812-1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION ACT45B-101-2P-TL003 49.9 GNDB IMB IBIAS ICMP 1k * 49.9 10nF * IPB LTC6812-1 10nF 10nF 1k GNDB IPA 49.9 10nF 49.9 GNDB IMA IPB LTC6812-1 ACT45B-101-2P-TL003 49.9 10nF * GNDB 49.9 GNDA IMB IBIAS ICMP 1k * V- 10nF 10nF 1k GNDA IPA 49.9 10nF 49.9 V- GNDA IMA GNDA 68121 F45 Figure45. Capacitive Isolation Coupling for LTC6812-1s on the Same PCB Rev. A 82 For more information LTC6812-1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Transformer Selection Guide As shown in Figure41, a transformer or pair of transformers isolates the isoSPI signals between two isoSPI ports. The isoSPI signals have programmable pulse amplitudes up to 1.6VP-P and pulse widths of 50ns and 150ns. To be able to transmit these pulses with the necessary fidelity, the system requires that the transformers have primary inductances above 60H and a 1:1 turns ratio. It is also necessary to use a transformer with less than 2.5H of leakage inductance. In terms of pulse shape the primary inductance will mostly affect the pulse droop of the 50ns and 150ns pulses. If the primary inductance is too low, the pulse amplitude will begin to droop and decay over the pulse period. When the pulse droop is severe enough, the effective pulse width seen by the receiver will drop substantially, reducing noise margin. Some droop is acceptable as long as it is a relatively small percentage of the total pulse amplitude. The leakage inductance primarily affects the rise and fall times of the pulses. Slower rise and fall times will effectively reduce the pulse width. Pulse width is determined by the receiver as the time the signal is above the threshold set at the ICMP pin. Slow rise and fall times cut into the timing margins. Generally it is best to keep pulse edges as fast as possible. When evaluating transformers, it is also worth noting the parallel winding capacitance. While transformers have very good CMRR at low frequency, this rejection will degrade at higher frequencies, largely due to the winding to winding capacitance. IPB LTC6812-1 49.9 * * * * When choosing a transformer, it is best to pick one with less parallel winding capacitance when possible. When choosing a transformer, it is equally important to pick a part that has an adequate isolation rating for the application. The working voltage rating of a transformer is a key spec when selecting a part for an application. Interconnecting daisy-chain links between LTC6812-1 devices see <60V stress in typical applications; ordinary pulse and LAN type transformers will suffice. Connections to the LTC6820, in general, may need much higher working voltage ratings for good long-term reliability. Usually, matching the working voltage to the voltage of the entire battery stack is conservative. Unfortunately, transformer vendors will often only specify one-second HV testing, and this is not equal to the long-term ("permanent") rating of the part. For example, according to most safety standards a 1.5kV rated transformer is expected to handle 230V continuously, and a 3kV device is capable of 1100V long-term, though manufacturers may not always certify to those levels (refer to actual vendor data for specifics). Usually, the higher voltage transformers are called "high-isolation" or "reinforced insulation" types by the suppliers. Table 57 shows a list of transformers that have been evaluated in isoSPI links. In most applications a common mode choke is also necessary for noise rejection. Table 58 includes a list of suitable CMCs if the CMC is not already integrated into the transformer being used. 10nF* 10nF 49.9 IMB IBIAS ICMP 1k GNDB GNDB 1k IPA 49.9 10nF V- IMA GNDB GNDB LTC6820 49.9 10nF* 49.9 GNDB IP 10nF* GNDA IBIAS ICMP 10nF 1k 1k GNDA 49.9 GNDA IM * IF TRANSFORMER BEING USED HAS A CENTER TAP, IT SHOULD BE BYPASSED WITH A 10nF CAP V- GNDA 68121 F46 Figure46. Interfacing an LTC6812-1 with a C Using an LTC6820 for Isolated SPI Control Rev. A For more information 83 LTC6812-1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Table 57. Recommended Transformers SUPPLIER PART NUMBER TEMP RANGE Recommended Dual Transformers Bourns SM91501AL -40C to 125C Bourns SM13105L (AS4562) -40C to 125C Bourns US4374 -40C to 125C Jingweida S12502BA -40C to 125C Halo TG110-AE050N5LF -40C to 85/125C Sumida CLP178-C20114 -40C to 125C Sumida CLP0612-C20115 Pulse HM2100NL -40C to 105C Pulse HM2112ZNL -40C to 125C Pulse HX1188FNL -40C to 85C Pulse HX0068ANL -40C to 85C Wurth 7490140110 -40C to 85C Wurth 7490140111 0C to 70C Wurth 749014018 0C to 70C Recommended Single Transformers Bourns SM91502AL -40C to 125C Bourns SM13102AL (US4195) -40C to 125C Halo TD04-QXLTAW -40C to 85C Halo TGR04-6506V6LF -40C to 125C Halo TGR04-A6506NA6NL -40C to 125C Halo TDR04-A550ALLF -40C to 105C Jingweida S06107BA -40C to 125C Pulse HM2101NL -40C to 105C Pulse HM2113ZNL -40C to 125C Sumida CEEH96BNP-LTC6804/11 -40C to 125C Sumida CEP99NP-LTC6804 -40C to 125C Sumida ESMIT-4180/A -40C to 105C Sumida ESMIT-4187 -40C to 105C TDK TDK TDK Sunlord Wurth XFMRS VMT40DR-201S2P4 ALT4532V-201-T001 VGT10/9EE-204S2P4 ALTW0806C-C03 750340848 XFBMC29-BA09 -40C to 125C -40C to 105C -40C to 125C -40C to 125C -40C to 105C -40C to 85C VWORKING VHIPOT/60S 1000V 4.3kVdc 1600V 4.3kVrms 950V 4.3kVdc 1000V 4.3kVdc 60V (est) 1.5kVrms 1000V (est) 3.75kVrms 600Vrms 3.75kVrms 1000V 4.3kVdc 1600V 4.3kVdc 60V (est) 1.5kVrms 60V (est) 1.5kVrms 250Vrms 4kVrms 1000V (est) 4.5kVrms 250Vrms 4kVrms 1000V 800V 1000V (est) 300V 300V 1000V 1000V (est) 1000V 1600V 600V 600V 250Vrms >400Vrms (est) 600V (est) 80V 700V 300V (est) 250V 1600V (est) CT CMC H L W (W/ LEADS) PINS 5.0mm 5.0mm 4.9mm 5.0mm 6.4mm 9mm 5.7mm 3.5mm 3.5mm 6.0mm 2.1mm 10.9mm 8.4mm 8.4mm 15.0mm 15.0mm 15.6mm 14.8mm 12.7mm 17.5mm 12.7mm 14.7mm 14.7mm 12.7mm 12.7mm 24.6mm 17.1mm 17.1mm 14.7mm 27.9mm 24.0mm 14.8mm 9.5mm 15.1mm 9.4mm 15.0mm 15.5mm 9.7mm 9.7mm 17.0mm 15.2mm 15.2mm 12SMT 12SMT 12SMT 12SMT 16SMT 12SMT 16SMT 10SMT 12SMT 16SMT 16SMT 16SMT 12SMT 12SMT l 6.5mm 3.8mm 8.6mm 10mm 9.4mm 6.4mm 6.3mm 5.7mm 3.5mm 7mm 10mm 3.5mm 3.5mm 8.5mm 11.6mm 8.9mm 9.5mm 8.9mm 8.9mm 7.6mm 7.6mm 9mm 9.2mm 9.2mm 5.2mm 7.5mm 8.9mm 21.1mm 16.6mm 12.1mm 12.1mm 16.6mm 9.9mm 9.3mm 15.5mm 12.0mm 12.0mm 9.1mm 12.8mm 6SMT 6SMT 6TH 6SMT 6SMT 6TH 6SMT 6SMT 6SMT 4SMT 8SMT 4SMT 4SMT l 4.0mm 8.5mm 2.9mm 3.2mm 10.6mm 10.4mm 8.8mm 6.3mm 2.2mm 4.4mm 5.0mm 10.0mm 13.8mm 4.5mm 12.6mm 8.9mm 9.1mm 19.5mm 6SMT 6SMT 8SMT 6SMT 4SMT 6SMT l l l l l l l l l l l l l l - - l l l l l l l l l l - l l 4.3kVdc 4kVrms 5kVrms 3kVrms 3kVrms 5kVrms 4.3kVdc 4.3kVdc 4.3kVdc 2.5kVrms 2.5kVrms 3kVrms 2.5kVrms l l l l l l - - - - l l - l l l - - - - - 3.4kVdc ~1kV 2.8kVrms 3kVrms 3kVrms 2.9kVrms l l l l - - - - - - - - l l l l l AEC- Q200 - l l l - - l l - - - - - - - - l l - l l - l l l l l - l Table 58. Recommended Common Mode Chokes MANUFACTURER PART NUMBER TDK ACT45B-101-2P Murata DLW43SH101XK2 Rev. A 84 For more information LTC6812-1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION isoSPI Layout Guidelines Layout of the isoSPI signal lines also plays a significant role in maximizing the noise immunity of a data link. The following layout guidelines are recommended: 1. The transformer should be placed as close to the isoSPI cable connector as possible. The distance should be kept less than 2cm. The LTC6812-1 should be placed close to but at least 1cm to 2cm away from the transformer to help isolate the IC from magnetic field coupling. 2. A V- ground plane should not extend under the transformer, the isoSPI connector or in between the transformer and the connector. 3. The isoSPI signal traces should be as direct as possible while isolated from adjacent circuitry by ground metal or space. No traces should cross the isoSPI signal lines, unless separated by a ground plane on an inner layer. System Supply Current The LTC6812-1 has various supply current specifications for the different states of operation. The average supply current depends on the control loop in the system. It is necessary to know which commands are being executed each control loop cycle, and the duration of the control loop cycle. From this information it is possible to determine the percentage of time the LTC6812-1 is in the MEASURE state versus the low power SLEEP state. The amount of isoSPI or SPI communication will also affect the average supply current. Calculating Serial Throughput For any given LTC6812-1 the calculation to determine communication time is simple: it is the number of bits in the transmission multiplied by the SPI clock period being used. The control protocol of the LTC6812-1 is very uniform so almost all commands can be categorized as a write, read or an operation. Table 59 can be used to determine the number of bits in a given LTC6812-1 command. ENHANCED APPLICATIONS Using the LTC6812-1 with Fewer than 15 Cells Cells can be connected in a conventional bottom (C1) to top (C15) sequence with all unused C inputs either shorted to the highest connected cell or left open. The unused S pins can simply be left unconnected. Alternatively, to optimize measurement synchronization in applications with fewer than fifteen cells, the unused C pins may be equally distributed between the top of the third MUX (C15), the top of the second MUX (C10) and the top of the first MUX (C5). See Figure47. If the number of cells being measured is not a multiple of three, the top MUX(es) should have fewer cells connected. The unused cell inputs should be tied to the other unused inputs on the same MUX and then connected to the battery stack through a 100 resistor. The unused inputs will result in a reading of 0.0V for those cells. Current Measurement with a Hall-Effect Sensor The LTC6812-1 auxiliary ADC inputs (GPIO pins) may be used for any analog signal, including active sensors with 0V to 5V analog outputs. For battery current measurements, Hall-effect sensors provide an isolated, low power solution. Figure48 shows schematically a typical Hall-effect sensor that produces two outputs that proportion to the VCC provided. The sensor in Figure48 has two bidirectional outputs centered at half of VCC. CH1 is a 0A to 50A low range and CH2 is a 0A to 200A high range. The sensor is powered from a 5V source and produces analog outputs that are connected to GPIO pins or inputs of the Table 59. Daisy Chain Serial Time Equations COMMAND TYPE CMD BYTES + CMD PEC DATA BYTES + DATA PEC PER IC TOTAL BITS COMMUNICATION TIME Read 4 8 (4 + (8 * #ICs)) * 8 Total Bits * Clock Period Write 4 8 (4 + (8 * #ICs)) * 8 Total Bits * Clock Period Operation 4 0 4 * 8 = 32 32 * Clock Period Rev. A For more information 85 LTC6812-1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION NEXT HIGHER GROUP OF 12 CELLS 12-CELL MODULE NEXT HIGHER GROUP OF 12 CELLS V+ C15 S15 C14 S14 C13 S13 C12 S12 C11 S11 C10 S10 C9 S9 C8 S8 C7 S7 C6 S6 C5 S5 C4 S4 C3 S3 C2 S2 C1 S1 C0 V- LTC6812-1 12-CELL MODULE V+ C15 S15 C14 S14 C13 S13 C12 S12 C11 S11 C10 S10 C9 S9 C8 S8 C7 S7 C6 S6 C5 S5 C4 S4 C3 S3 C2 S2 C1 S1 C0 V- LTC6812-1 68121 F47 NEXT LOWER GROUP OF 12 CELLS NEXT LOWER GROUP OF 12 CELLS Figure47. Cell Connection Schemes for 12 Cells LEM DHAB CH2 VCC GND CH1 A B C D ANALOG GPIO2 5V ANALOG_COM V- ANALOG0 GPIO1 68121 F48 Figure48. Interfacing a Typical Hall-Effect Battery Current Sensor to Auxiliary ADC Inputs Rev. A 86 For more information LTC6812-1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION MUX application shown in Figure50. The use of GPIO1 and GPIO2 as the ADC inputs has the possibility of being digitized within the same conversion sequence as the cell inputs (using the ADCVAX command), thus synchronizing cell voltage and cell current measurements. 100 90 Expanding the Number of Auxiliary Measurements The LTC6812-1 has nine GPIO pins that can be used as ADC inputs. In applications that need to measure more than nine signals, a multiplexer (MUX) circuit can be implemented ANALOG1 ANALOG2 ANALOG3 ANALOG4 ANALOG5 ANALOG6 ANALOG7 ANALOG8 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 ANALOG9 ANALOG10 ANALOG11 ANALOG12 ANALOG13 ANALOG14 ANALOG15 ANALOG16 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 VTEMP NTC 10k AT 25C V- VDD GND A0 A1 SCL SDA D RESET 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 TEMPERATURE (C) 80 68121 F49 Figure49. Typical Temperature Probe Circuit and Relative Output to expand the analog measurements to sixteen different signals (Figure 50). The GPIO1 ADC input is used for measurement and MUX control is provided by the I2C port on GPIO 4 and 5. The buffer amplifier was selected for fast settling and will increase the usable throughput rate. ADG728 VDD GND A0 A1 SCL SDA D RESET ADG728 VTEMPx (% VREF2) 10k READING EXTERNAL TEMPERATURE PROBES Figure49 shows the typical biasing circuit for a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor. The 10k at 25C is the most popular sensor value and the VREF2 output stage is designed to provide the current required to bias several of these probes. The biasing resistor is selected to correspond to the NTC value so the circuit will provide 1.5V at 25C (VREF2 is 3V nominal). The overall circuit response is approximately -1%/C in the range of typical cell temperatures, as shown in the chart of Figure49. 80 VREF2 VREG V- 20k 20k LTC6812-1 1F GPIO5 GPIO4 - LTC6255 + 100 GPIO1 10nF 68121 F50 ANALOG INPUTS: 0.04V TO 4.5V Figure50. MUX Circuit Supports Sixteen Additional Analog Measurements Rev. A For more information 87 LTC6812-1 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION LWE Package 64-Lead Plastic Exposed Pad LQFP (10mm x 10mm) (Reference LTC DWG #05-08-1982 Rev A) 10.15 - 10.25 7.50 REF 1 64 49 48 0.50 BSC 5.74 0.05 7.50 REF 0.20 - 0.30 10.15 - 10.25 5.74 0.05 16 17 PACKAGE OUTLINE 33 32 1.30 MIN RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD LAYOUT APPLY SOLDER MASK TO AREAS THAT ARE NOT SOLDERED 12.00 BSC 10.00 BSC 5.74 0.10 64 49 SEE NOTE: 3 1 64 49 48 48 1 12.00 BSC 10.00 BSC A 5.74 0.10 A 33 16 33 16 C0.30 - 0.50 17 32 17 BOTTOM OF PACKAGE--EXPOSED PAD (SHADED AREA) 32 11 - 13 R0.08 - 0.20 1.60 1.35 - 1.45 MAX GAUGE PLANE 0.25 0 - 7 LWE64 LQFP 0416 REV A 11 - 13 0.50 BSC 0.09 - 0.20 1.00 REF 0.17 - 0.27 0.05 - 0.15 SIDE VIEW 0.45 - 0.75 SECTION A - A NOTE: 1. DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS 2. DIMENSIONS OF PACKAGE DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MOLD FLASH SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.25mm (10 MILS) BETWEEN THE LEADS AND MAX 0.50mm (20 MILS) ON ANY SIDE OF THE EXPOSED PAD, MAX 0.77mm (30 MILS) AT CORNER OF EXPOSED PAD, IF PRESENT 3. PIN-1 INDENTIFIER IS A MOLDED INDENTATION, 0.50mm DIAMETER 4. DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE Rev. A 88 For more information LTC6812-1 REVISION HISTORY REV DATE DESCRIPTION A 10/19 Added AEC-Qualification Indicator Order Information Updated Format Renamed Sum of Cells to "Sum of All Cells" Updated isoSPI related typical performance characteristics Note added regarding pin functions denoted as "NC" PAGE NUMBER 1 3 4, 5, 25-27, 65 13 15 Rewrite to section entitled "CORE LTC6812-1 STATE DESCRIPTIONS" 18-19 Rewrite to section entitled "ADC Conversion with Digital Redundancy" 27 Rewrite to section entitled "Thermal Shutdown" 31 Rewrite to section entitled "WATCHDOG AND DISCHARGE TIMER" 32 Added new section entitled "RESET BEHAVIORS" 33 Correction to Table 37, section CH[2:0], conversion times for All Cells 59 Rewrite to section entitled "Implementing a Modular isoSPI Daisy Chain" 77 Update to Table 57. Recommended Transformers 81 Rewrite to section entitled "Related Parts" 86 Rev. A Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license For is granted implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. more by information 89 LTC6812-1 TYPICAL APPLICATION 100 100nF 100 10 100nF 33 10 + C14 3.7V CELL3 TO CELL13 CIRCUITS + C2 3.7V 100nF 33 VREG S15 VREF1 1F 1F C14 VREF2 1F IPB LTC6812-1 10 100nF 33 100 C2 IMB IPA S2 100 100nF C1 3.7V C15 NPN S14 10 + DRIVE * * C15 3.7V V+ * * + 10nF 33 10 C1 IMA S1 IBIAS C0 ICMP - ISOMD V 1k 1k VREG 68121 TA02 RELATED PARTS PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION COMMENTS LTC6810-1/ LTC6810-2 4th Generation 6-Cell Battery Stack Monitor and Balancing IC Measures Cell Voltages for Up to 6 Series Battery Cells. Daisy-Chain Capability Allows Multiple Devices to Be Connected to Measure Many Battery Cells Simultaneously. The isoSPI Bus Can Operate Up to 1MHz and Can Be Operated Bidirectionally for Fault Conditions, Such As a Broken Wire or Connector. Includes Internal Passive Cell Balancing of up to 150mA. LTC6811-1/ LTC6811-2 4th Generation 12-Cell Battery Stack Monitor and Balancing IC Measures Cell Voltages for Up to 12 Series Battery Cells. Daisy-Chain Capability Allows Multiple Devices to Be Connected to Measure Many Battery Cells Simultaneously Via the Built-In 1MHz, 2-Wire Isolated Communication (isoSPI). Includes Capability for Passive Cell Balancing. LTC6813-1 4th Generation 18-Cell Battery Stack Monitor and Balancing IC Measures Cell Voltages for Up to 18 Series Battery Cells. The isoSPI Daisy-Chain Capability Allows Multiple Devices to be Interconnected for Measuring Many Battery Cells Simultaneously. The isoSPI Bus can Operate Up to 1MHz and can be Operated Bidirectionally for Fault Conditions, such as a Broken Wire or Connector. Includes Internal Passive Cell Balancing Capability of Up to 200mA. LTC6820 isoSPI Isolated Communications Interface Provides an Isolated Interface for SPI Communication Up to 100 Meters, Using a Twisted Pair. Companion to the LTC6804, LTC6806, LTC6811, LTC6812 and LTC6813. Rev. A 90 10/19 For more information ANALOG DEVICES, INC. 2018-2019