Accessories Front Panels Front Panels Description Front panels are available for 19" rack mounting of 3 U cassette type power supplies in Schroff system version (Intermas on request) and may be attached to the converter by means of countersunk screws. An assembly kit, consisting of a front panel and a support bracket, enables arrangement of two standard cassettes with up to six output voltages in 6 U configuration. All front panels are of colourless anodised aluminium and delivered with one or two grey plastic handles of 3 TE for easy pull-out and two or four hand-press insertable plastic retainers with captive screws for fixing to the rack. Note: Front panel mounting or custom specific front panels are available on request. Dimensions in accordance to DIN 41494-1 (IEC 60297): Width: 1 TE = 5.08 mm (0.20") Height: 1 U = 44.45 mm (1.750") (In Europa often HE instead of U is used.) Tolerances 0.2 mm, unless otherwise specified Table of Contents Page Page Description ....................................................................... 1 Schroff System for 3 U Rack ............................................ 2 Intermas System for 3 U Rack ......................................... 4 Schroff System Kit for 6 U Rack ...................................... 5 REV. NOV. 29, 2003 Page 1 of 5 Accessories Front Panels Schroff System for 3 U Rack 2.50.1 6.4 0.1 Q-, PC-, P- Series Front Panels in 4, 5 or 6 TE 9.5 12002 This front panel available in three versions fits to all DC-DC converters of the Q- and P-Families and to the AC-DC converters of the PC Series with case size Q. 4 20.0 Q01 Q G04-Q01 Q03 PC Q04 P G04-Q04 Q01 Q G05-Q01 Q03 PC 6 25.1 30.2 Q04 P G05-Q04 Q01 Q G06-Q01 Q03 PC Q04 P G06-Q04 Note: For use of several units next to each other, we advise to pack them not too densely in order to assure good thermal management (see also relevant data sheet). Delivery contents: Front panel, grey plastic handle, three countersunk screws, set of two plastic retainers with captive screws and assem- X 9.2 0.1 5 4 13 Q04 only Type Part no. 104 0.1 Converter series 20.6 Case size 13 mm 0.2 X 128.4 122.4 TE 50 Table 1: Q01 case front panel selection Fig. 1 Front panel for Q case size bly instructions. H- and M Series Front Panel in 8 TE This front panel fits to all 50 Watt DC-DC and AC-DC converters of the 12,...,LH Series with case size H02 as well as to all AM to LM- and CMZ to LMZ Series versions with case size M02. 2.5 0.1 31.5 0.1 9 12003 4.4 0.1 40.3 Case size Converter series Type Part no. M02 M G08-M02 H02 H 4 26 94.5 0.1 8 mm 128.4 122.4 TE 50 Table 2: H02 and M02 case front panel selection 0.2 18.2 0.1 Delivery contents: Front panel with grey plastic handle, two countersunk screws, set of two plastic retainers with captive screws and assembly instructions 40.3 (8 TE) Fig. 2 Front panel for H02 and M02 case size REV. NOV. 29, 2003 Page 2 of 5 Accessories Front Panels PSL Series Front Panel in 8 TE 18.4 0.1 2.5 0.1 12004 This front panel fits to all Switching Regulators of the PSL Series with case size L04. 40.3 L04 Converter family Type Part no. PSL 1 G08-L 12.2 26 128.4 122.4 Exception: PSL with option D is part no. G08-L04-D 100 0.1 8 1 Case size 50.5 mm 85 TE 7 Table 3: L case front panel selection Note: This front panel is a compatible replacement for all earlier versions of the same size, published in any previous front panel data sheet. Option D 1 40.3 (8 TE) 11.7 0.1 0.2 Delivery contents: Front panel with grey plastic handle, two countersunk screws, set of two plastic retainers with captive screws and assembly instructions. Fig. 3 Front panel for L01 and L04 case size PSS and S Series Front Panels in 12 TE PSK and K Series Front Panels in 16 TE This front panel fits to all Switching Regulators of the PSS and PSK Series with case size S01 or K01 as well as to all 100 to 150 Watt DC-DC and AC-DC converters of the AS,...,LS and AK to LK Series with case size S02 or K02 according to the selection table below: 2.5 0.1 27.4 0.1 9 12005 4.4 0.1 Case size Converter series Type Part no. 12 60.6 S01 PSS G12-S S02 S 16 81.0 K01 PSK K02 K 4 29 103 0.1 mm G16-K 0.2 Delivery contents: Front panel with grey plastic handle, two countersunk screws, set of four plastic retainers with captive screws and assembly instructions. X 9.7 0.1 X 128.4 122.4 TE 50 Table 4: S and K case front panel selection Fig. 4 Front panel for S01, S02, K01 and K02 case size REV. NOV. 29, 2003 Page 3 of 5 Accessories Front Panels T Series Front Panel in 28 and 26 TE 26.2 0.1 81.8 0.1 56.7 29 2.5 0.1 12006 This front panel fits to all 500 Watt AC-DC converters of the T Series with case size T01. 141.9 Series Type Part no. T G28-T01 T01 Delivery contents: Front panel with two grey plastic handles, three countersunk screws, set of four plastic or metal retainers with captive screws and assembly instructions. 103 28 Case size 50 mm 128.4 122.4 X TE 9 Table 5: T case front panel selection G28-T01 met with metal screw retainers G28-T01 plas with plastic screw retainers 0.2 G28-T01-blank met, with metal screw retainers G28-T01-blank plas, with plastic screw retainers 9.7 0.1 Blind plates: to close a non fully equipped 19" rack (only one or two LTs mounted). Power-One offers 28 TE wide blind plates without hole. X Fig. 5 Front panel for T01 case size Intermas System for 3 U Rack The major differences between the Intermas and the Schroff system front panels are the thickness (2 mm instead of 2.5 mm), the hole size for the plastic retainers and a small cut-out on each side (see figure: Intermas system front panel). All other dimensions are given in the relevant Schroff front panel drawings. 12007 16.5 2 0.1 0.6 The following Intermas front panels are available on request: Table 6: Intermas front panel selection X mm Case size Converter series Type Part no. 8 40.3 H02 H F08-M02 M02 M 8 40.3 L01 PSL 1 F08-L 12 60.6 S01 PSS F12-S S02 S K01 PSK K02 K 16 1 81.0 Option D1 16.5 TE X F16-K Fig. 6 Intermas system front panel (various case sizes) Exception: PSL with option D is type/part no. F08-L04-D Delivery contents: Front panel with grey plastic handle, two countersunk screws and assembly instructions. REV. NOV. 29, 2003 Page 4 of 5 Accessories Front Panels Schroff System Kit for 6 U Rack 2.5 0.1 12008 To configure Power-One Power Supplies for use in 6 U racks a special assembly kit has been created consisting of a double height front panel together with a support bracket for two converters as shown in figure 7. All other dimensions are given in the relevant 3 U front panel drawings according to their case size. The assembly kit is available with the type designation according to the following table: TE X mm Case size Converter series Type Part no. 5 25.1 Q01 Q Kit G05-6HE-Q01 Q03 PC H02 H M02 M S01 PSS S02 S K01 PSK K02 K 8 12 16 40.3 60.6 81.0 Kit G08-6HE-M02 261.8 255.8 Table 7: 6 U assembly kit selection Support bracket Kit G12-6HE-S Kit G16-6HE-K Delivery contents: Double height front panel with two grey plastic handles, four countersunk screws, set of two plastic retainers with captive screws, a support bracket and assembly instructions. 0.2 Fig. 7 Front panel for 6 U configuration (various case sizes) REV. NOV. 29, 2003 Page 5 of 5 X