ola = = J a if SINGLE-OUTPUT DUAL-OUTPUT *OBR-SC05 (DCS5Y ) 29e46%10 mm DC 6V 4.5V-5V OBR IZ8005 S5m4 OBA OBR245005 *wOBR-SC12 (OC12v } SimA, 2o~46~10 mm EV 1.04 12V 0.54, 15 044 OBROSSC12 OBRIZ5C12 i2 1 *OBR-SC2d4a (DCA448 ) 15m 2omA 25m, BC 12V oV-1BY 29e46%10 mm 1 | 1A 1, 4eV-14mA, Wem, | BAVA | 2MvoRoS | aE, eq :7B% | SHAE 12ma, iamA | ma Following strong markel demands for distributed power" we have developed a new DC/DC converter, suitable for PCB mounting, The non-encapsulated DG/DC converter is very small, light and very competitive. The Input range varies from 4.5ViDC to 6VDC, SVDC to 18VDC, and 18VDC-7T2VDC. The pin layout is competible tothe OBS (10W) series. M@ Special Features Open board type: . Super small size, light weight . Wide range input (DC4.5V~6V, 9V~18V & DCIBV~T2V) . Output trimming. High eificiency (Single output only) . lsolation voltage : S00 min. . Wide operating temperature range . Low input current at no-load ~mm& & Rh = SONWERTER Super-small, high efficiency OBR-S C series OBR-WC series *OBR-WOOS (oCSY) 29x4610 mm hlcrctel input | Inpart current on marked Output Eficency OBRZeNO0s $| Oo Sv 3am A12V 025A, Fas OBR2SWC0S | 4.5-5V 45mA +15V O24 Ta% WwOBR-WC12 (DC12V ) 20x4610 mim Model Irgpul Ingzut current on nodoacd Quaput Eftaency OBRZ2WC12 | DO 1ZV aumnA. +12V C254 Ta% OBRAZIWGl? | Sv-1aV Br A15V O24 To, WOBR-WiGed48 (DCed/4aV } 29e4610 mm Motel Input | Input cunment on reload | Chuiput EMciency OBRREWCd | DOE) Savina | 4BVIEmA | HWE | Bev | AVEO CBRN | 1BNATeV | Baim | 4B | SOA | BB) AS, @ Applications Telecomunication, office equipment, industrial machines and electronics, automation, robotics, household equipment. @ Output Derating . (hay PSA] e 2 & 50 80 TT Prohib In use with input 62 over |-Sowczaeny 10 Ambient tomp cc L a) @ OBR-SC/WC Specification Model OBROSSC OBR125C OBR15S OBR245C OBRZ2 WC OBRZaWC _{ input voltage) os [12] 2448| o5 [iz] 244g] o5 [iz] e4aa| o5 [12] aaaa] 05 [12] 2aae] on [72] aaa Output Voltage 5M 12M 15 24V +12V +15 Voltage lorerance +0.1V MAX HO24 MAX +0.3V MAX +045 MAX +024 MAX 20.9 MAK Fipple Amoise 100m\p-p MAX Line regulation 25m MAX 60mv MAX Tomi MAX 12th MAS 60mV MAX Fem MAK Load regulation 25m MAX 60mv MAX 7omV MAX 120mV MAX | +480mV MAX " | 600m MAX 2! Temperatura coaticient O.00% / C (-20-471C) Dritt {Time effact (aWe5C) 4omvniax | 7emveax | gomvyMaAx [| ia5mv MAX | 75mVMAX | SOmv MAM Rize-up time 5mS Typical (SC244aw244a [t15mS Typical isolation withstand vollage input-output SOO AC 1 Minute (AL room temperature and humidity) tsolation rasistance Input-output SO0V OC SOME ilN (At room temperature and humidity} Environment Operating temperature -20-471C (50C 3.5% /C ) Storage temperatura 20-+86C Humidity 20-90%AH Vibration [5-10Hz) 1mm, (10~55Hz) 26 X,,2 Each 30 Minutes shock 0G Additional functions +250mV +250m +350m +650mv - - Outpul voltage trimming range 250m Dom 1,6 -4V = = . Drop type (Automatic recover) (SCO5 ! 12) River curren pratacacn Fold back protection (Automatic recover) So24aa / WC2aae Weight 12g 1 Lows condition 1~ LODE = Guiput varies co lower with resistor by connected 1 pin to 2 pin fe=/ rating 4 Of2 ! max variation) Cutpul varies to upper with resiater by conmecbed 2 pin bo 3 pin fo! rating 4 O02 | max variation} SC2d4R WiC 2448 Dimension (mm) Parts location > subject to change without noyice. (-SC 244 WC2448) | Block Diagram OBR-SC inp Oviput Fuse = Cpe L * | | ot sina n Facil 2 Tim o les Hr "| | Seen 1 nT = - Fipback Cone | rPAMOCr _ Tlie eo & SC244RWO2e4R Rare corbon| Lele] Jewor ar . ; OBFR-WC Terminal connection 3 a tim (Function) Sy el x J i Ls by No. | OBR-SC OBR-Wo | Racutyng |- Gam 1 | +our | + out a | fT zk | timmming | COM \ | | 3 | Vout 4 aul f [a | oVin oVin [Bs emer amp | | +in = Vin i a (PCB mounted drawing) 5 ge T Double-sided printed through hole 20.45 wiring Goan. @ Bakelite Vo to0.5 4 D109 Material - BsB 2700 tzH ma Processing : Copper-plated 1-3 pm Sokter-plated 3-6 pm