Alle Rechte vorbehalten! Al rights reserved 8 | 7 | 5 4 | 3 2 1 Max. 10,5 _ 55,63? Max. 10,5 l Max. 6,5 al" qf arn . 3 > Il = | I Jwilel, 2 * } & ot 62,6 {III = a +0,3 _ ~N 2,54 x 19 = (48,26) Max. 7,9 59,94 . 66,04 _ wn PCB layout, component side ~ 1,27 3,81 x = -~ 1) = All holes | PoossvevcSboucvcaood & p 0,05 1st contact " TUCO UU UU U yee buUyUUY " } $oo oo oo 6 oo 6 O66 6 6 $OoG OGG GO GO OG OG GO Be Max. 70,4 _| ayo Obata wl] lo 62,6 5,2 . 2,54) x 19 = (48,26) . \ oO 59,94 r ; x 0 ) ! oe) = U U an @ |r A %, 7,4 1} Solder pins for PCB connections G1+0,1 according to IEC 60 326-3 Min. 4,1 ist contact 09 18 540 7901 3 4,9 Dat. Name 4O- SEK 18 Male Connector Standard | "pst 09 18 540 6901 2 4,5 34890 [30/01/08 PK | detail. 01/12/99 JB 40 poles 09 18 540 5901 0,76 pm Au 4,5 29753 {11/03/02} JB | Ins. ALL Dim, in om Angled pins 1534 09 18 540 7903 3 2,9 29739 (03/12/01 JB Stand, Orig. Size DINA 3 Long locking levers ye 09 18 540 6903 2 2,9 27931 |15/06/00| JB Blatt/ Page 09 18 540 5903| 0,76 wm Au 2,9 76554 1/12/99 JB | UARTING EURL TB 09 18 540 X90X uz P F-95972 Paris 2 art number Performance level a Mod. Dat. None Sub.