LNBH221 Application information
Doc ID 9913 Rev 6 9/27
5 Application information
Basically, the LNBH221 includes two circuits that are completely independent. Each circuit
can be separately controlled and must have its independent external components. All the
below specification must be considered equal for each section.
This IC has a built in DC-DC step-up controller that, from a single supply source ranging
from 8 to 15 V, generates the voltages (VUP) that let the linear post-regulator to work at a
minimum dissipated power of 1 W typ. @ 500 mA load (the linear regulator drop voltage is
internally kept at: VUP - VOUT = 2 V typ.). An under voltage lockout circuit will disable the
whole circuit when the supplied VCC drops below a fixed threshold (6.7 V typically). The
internal 22 kHz tone generator is factory trimmed in accordance to the standards, and can
be controlled either by the I²C interface or by a dedicated pin (DSQIN) that allows immediate
DiSEqC™ data encoding Note 1. When the TEN (Tone ENable) I²C bit it is set to HIGH, a
continuous 22 kHz tone is generated on the output regardless of the DSQIN pin logic status.
The TEN bit must be set LOW when the DSQIN pin is used for DiSEqC™ encoding. The
fully bi-directional DiSEqC™ 2.0 interfacing is completed by the built-in 22 kHz tone
detector. Its input pin (DETIN) must be AC coupled to the DiSEqC™ bus, and the extracted
PWK data are available on the DSQOUT pin Note 1. To comply to the bi-directional
DiSEqC™ 2.0 bus hardware requirements an output R-L filter is needed. The LNBH221 is
provided with two output pins: the VOTX to be used during the tone transmission and the
VORX to be used when the tone is received. This allows the 22 kHz Tone to pass without
any losses due to the R-L filter impedance (see DiSeqC 2.0 application circuit on page 4). In
DiSeqC 2.0 applications during the 22 kHz transmission activated by DSQIN pin (or TEN I²C
bit), the VOTX pin must be preventively set ON by the TTX I²C bit and, both the 13/18 V
power supply and the 22 kHz tone, are provided by mean of VOTX output. As soon as the
tone transmission is expired, the VOTX must be set to OFF by setting the TTX I²C bit to zero
and the 13/18 V power supply is provided to the LNB by the VORX pin through the R-L filter.
When the LNBH221 is used in DiSeqC 1.x applications the R-L filter is not required (see
DiSeqC 1.x Figure 4 on page 8), the TTX I²C bit must be kept always to HIGH so that, the
VOTX output pin can provide both the 13/18 V power supply and the 22 kHz tone, enabled
by DSQIN pin or by TEN I²C bit. All the functions of this IC are controlled via I²C bus by
writing 6 bits on the system register (SR, 8 bits). The same register can be read back, and
two bits will report the diagnostic status. When the IC is put in stand-by (EN bit LOW), the
power blocks are disabled.
When the regulator blocks are active (EN bit HIGH), the output can be logic controlled to be
13 or 18 V by mean of the VSEL bit (Voltage SELect) for remote controlling of non-DiSEqC
LNBs. Additionally, the LNBH221 is provided with the LLC I²C bit that increase the selected
voltage value (+1 V when VSEL = 0 and +1.5 V when VSEL = 1) to compensate for the
excess voltage drop along the coaxial cable (LLC bit HIGH). By mean of the LLC bit, the
LNBH221 is also compliant to the American LNB power supply standards that require the
higher output voltage level to 19.5 V (typ.) (instead of 18 V), by simply setting the LLC=1
when VSEL = 1. In order to improve design flexibility and to allow implementation of new
coming LNB remote control standards, an analogic modulation input pin is available
An appropriate DC blocking capacitor must be used to couple the modulating signal source
to the EXTM pin. Also in this case, the VOTX output must be set ON during the tone
transmission by setting the TTX bit high. When external modulation is not used, the relevant
pin can be left open. The current limitation block is SOA type: if the output port is shorted to
ground, the SOA current limitation block limits the short circuit current (ISC) at typically 300
mA or 200 mA respectively for VOUT 13 V or 18 V, to reduce the power dissipation.