3-Wire (D4)
Write 1 to this bit when using a 3-wire RTD connection. In
this mode the voltage between FORCE+ and RTDIN+ is
subtracted from (RTDIN+ - RTDIN-) to compensate for the
IR errors caused by using a single wire for the FORCE-
and RTDIN- connections. When using 2-wire or 4-wire
connections, write 0 to this bit.
Fault Detection Cycle (D3:D2)
The master initiated fault detection cycle has two modes
of operation, manual and automatic mode timing. If the
external RTD interface circuitry includes an input filter with
a time constant greater than 100Fs, the fault detection
cycle timing should be controlled in the manual mode
operation. The fault detection cycle checks for three faults
by making the following voltage comparisons and setting
the associated bits in the Fault Status Register:
1) Is the voltage at REFIN- greater than 85% x VBIAS?
(Fault Status Register bit D5)
2) Is the voltage at REFIN- less than 85% x VBIAS when
FORCE- input switch is open? (Fault Status Register
bit D4)
3) Is the voltage at RTDIN- less than 85% x VBIAS when
FORCE- input switch is open? (Fault Status Register
bit D3)
Note: All voltages are referenced to GND1.
The Applications Information provides tables for decoding
possible causes of set fault status bits.
To enter the automatic fault detection cycle, write
100X010Xb to the Configuration register. The ADC is
now in “Normally Off” mode. The automatic fault detection
cycle inserts 100Fs delays before checking for faults,
thereby allowing the external input filter to settle. The
Fault Detect Cycle bits (D[3:2]) self-clear to 00b upon
To enter the manual fault detection cycle, first ensure that
VBIAS has been on for at least 5 time constants. Next,
write 100X100Xb to the Configuration register. The ADC
is now in “Normally Off” mode. The MAX31865 checks for
faults while the FORCE- input switch is closed, and when
the check completes, the FORCE-input switch opens. The
Fault Detect Cycle bits (D[3:2]), remain set to 10b. Again,
wait at least 5 time constants, and then write 100X110Xb
to the Configuration register. The MAX31865 now checks
for faults while the FORCE- inputs switch is open; when
the check completes, the FORCE- input switch closes
and the Fault Detect Cycle bits (D[3:2]) self-clear to 00b.
Note that if 1 is written to D5 (1-Shot) and D2 or D3 in a
single write, both commands are ignored. If 100X110Xb
is set without a prior initiation of the first manual step
(setting 100X100Xb), the automatic fault detection mode
is run instead.
Fault Status Clear (D1)
Write a 1 to this bit while writing 0 to bits D5, D3, and D2
to return all fault status bits (D[7:2]) in the Fault Status
Register to 0. Note that bit D2 in the Fault Register, and
subsequently bit D0 in the RTD LSB register may be set
again immediately after resetting if an over/undervoltage
fault persists. The fault status clear bit D1, self-clears to 0.
50/60Hz (D0)
This bit selects the notch frequencies for the noise
rejection filter. Write 0 to this bit to reject 60Hz and
its harmonics; write 1 to this bit to reject 50Hz and its
harmonics. Note: Do not change the notch frequency
while in auto conversion mode.
X = Don’t care
Table 3. Fault-Detection Cycle Control Bits
0 0 XXXX00XXb No action Fault detection finished
0 1 100X010Xb Fault detection with automatic delay Automatic fault detection still running
1 0 100X100Xb Run fault detection with manual delay
(cycle 1)
Manual cycle 1 still running; waiting for
user to write 11
1 1 100X110Xb Finish fault detection with manual delay
(cycle 2) Manual cycle 2 still running
MAX31865 RTD-to-Digital Converter
www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated