Rev. 0.6 Copyright © 2014 by Silicon Laboratories AN655
1. Introduction
The range evaluation demo provides an easy way to evaluate the link budget of EZRadio® and EZRadioPRO®
devices by performing a range test betwee n two nodes. The r ange test dem o implemen t s Packet Error Rate (PER)
measurement. PER is a commonly-used technique for measuring the quality of RF links in wireless systems under
particular conditions.
2. Supported Radio Types
The following RF ICs are supported by the range evalua tion demo:
Si4012 Transmitter
Si4355 Receiver
Si4455 Transceiver
Si4060 Transmitter
Si4063 Transmitter
Si4362 Receiver
Si4460 Transceiver
Si4461 Transceiver
Si4463 Transceiver
Si4464 Transceiver
Si4438 Transceiver
Si4467 Transceiver
Si4468 Transceiver
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3. Development Kits
The range evaluation demo can run on the development boards describe d in the following subsections.
3.1. Wireless Mother Board Hardware Platform
The wireless motherboard platform is a demo, evaluation, and developmen t platform for ra dio ICs. It co nsists of a
wireless motherboard and interchangeable MCU and RF Pico boards.
Figure 1. Wireless Motherboard Platform
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3.2. LCD Base Board Platform
The LCD Base Board is a development board that can be used with a conne cted RF Pico board.
Figure 2. LCD Base Board Platform
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4. Basics of the Packet Error Rate
The range test demo provides measured results regarding the quality of the RF link. The demo uses two RF nodes.
In the one-way link range test, one node is used as the “transmitter” (TX) and the other as the “receiver” (RX). The
transmitter sends packets to the receiver repeatedly. The packet includes the address of the transmitter and
number of the sent p acket. T he p acket numbe r increme nt s from packet to p acket. The receiver receives the packet
and checks its address. If their addresses match, the packet number is stored. In the two-way link range test, the
receiver can send an acknowledge packet (ACK) back to the transmitter. The ACK packet also includes the
address and packet num ber of th e re ce ive d packet.
Packet error rate can be calculated with the following equation:
4.1. Packet Structure
Figure 3. Packet Structure
5. Prerequisites for Code Development
The range test project has a unified structure and com mon driver set. This section provides a brief introduction of
the structure of the range test projects. This structure may be familiar to customers who have already used the
exportable example projects from WDS.
The settings in the sample project files assume that some Silicon Labs or third-party software tools are already
installed on the PC on which the sample project will be compiled. The tools that need to be installed depend on the
functionality to be used. The following list contains a complete set of such programs:
Silicon Laboratories IDE
Used to open the preconfigured project files and manage the build process.
Keil C51 v9.0 (or higher)
Compilers to use with the Silicon Laboratories IDE to manage build process.
Silicon Labs Flash Programming Utility (optional)
Needed only if programming outside the Silicon Labs IDE is necessary.
Make (optional)
This tool is neede d in case ano ther compiler is used or th e build pr ocess t ake s place ou t side of the SiLab s
IDE. The “Makefile” required by this tool is already included in the project. However, it is only
recommended for advanced users since it may require manual editing.
Packet Error Rate (%) PTX PRX
where PTX is the number of sent packets and PRX is the number of received packets.
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6. Deploying Code to the Silicon Labs IDE
The Silicon Labs integrated development environment (IDE) is a standard tool for program development for any
Silicon Labs 8-bit MCUs, including the C8051F93x and C 8051F91x that are used on the hardware platforms. The
Silicon Laboratories IDE integrates a project manager, source-code editor, source-level debugger, and an in-
system flash programmer. The IDE interfaces to thir d- p a rty deve lopm ent tool chain s to pr ovide system design er s a
complete embedded software developmen t environment.
The Range Test application is intended to be built via the Keil C51 toolchain. The project deployed from WDS
comes with a predefined project file that is already configured to use the Keil C51. The Keil Demonstration Toolset
includes a compiler, linker, and assembler and easily integrates into the IDE.
6.1. Workflow for Downloading and Running a Project
Perform the following steps to download and run a pr oject:
1. Connect the hardware platform to the PC accor ding to the description of the platform used.
2. Start Silicon Labs IDE (IDE 4.40 or higher required) on your computer.
3. Select Project
Open Project... to open the Range Test pr oje ct file .
4. Before connecting to the target device, several connection options may need to b e set.
a. Open the Connection Options window by selecting Options
Connection Options... in the IDE menu.
b. Select USB Debug Adapter in the Serial Adapter section.
c. If more than one adapter is connected, choose the appropriate serial number from the drop-down list.
d. Check Powe r target after disconnect if the target board is currently being powered by the USB Debug
Adapter. The board will remain powered after the software is disconnected by the IDE.
e. Next, the correct Debug Interface must be selected. Check the C2 Debug Interface.Once all the
selections are made, click the “OK” button to close the window.
5. Click the “Connect” button in the toolbar or select Debug
Connect from the menu to connect to
the MCU of the platform.
6. Erase the flash of the MCU in the Debug
Download object code
Erase all code sp ace menu item.
7. Download the compiled HEX file either by hitting the “Download code” (Alt+D) toolbar button or from the
Download object code menu item.
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7. Directory Structure of the Range Test Code
The range test code has a common directory structure with separate source and project files to ease
understanding of the individual modules. For every sample project, the following directories and files can be found
in the main directory:
Contains the SiLabs project files for Keil compiler and the Makefile if the make tool is used inste ad.
Doxygen-generated documentation based on comment s inside the source files in html format.
The outputs of the compilation process are sent to this folder. After a successful compilatio n, th is director y
contains files, such as the hex file, the linker output, and the OMF file.
Directories containing the source files.
a. Application
b. Common
c. Drivers
This file contains th e Doxygen documentation generator settings.
This is the batch file used to delete all files generated during the build process.
The individual software modules are organized into several source files. The sample projects contain one header
file (bsp.h) that is included in the source files and collects the individual headers that need to be included. Under
the “src” folder, the “application” folder contains application-related sources. The “common” directory contains
software modules that are intended to separate the hardware and radio-dependent drivers and low-level modules
and provide an independent API to the application layer. These middle-layer modules are dependent on the
services provided by the low-level drivers, and their compiled object files are highly dependent on the actual
defined platform and radio. The low-level driver modules (e.g., handlers, drivers) are located under the “driver”
Rev. 0.6 7
8. Software Layers
Like all of our sample projects, the layered software approach is followed. There is a distinct scope for each
software module, and all modules can communicate through each other's API functions. The sof tware modules are
separated and focused to cover one specific task. The following figure shows the software layers and its relations.
Figure 4. Software Layers of the Range Test
8.1. Application Layer
The application layer is located at the top of the modules hierarchy. It logica lly co nt ro ls th e wh ole ra ng e te st demo .
Functionally, it is independent of the hardware peripherals and the radio, and its logical operation can remain
unchanged even if the layers below have been modified later. It can be adapted to any device without difficulty.
Generally, it can control the radio to work as a transmitter, a receiver, or a transceiver. It calculates the moving
average packet error rate based on the transmitted and received packets. It maintains the graphical menu on the
LCD screen and supervises the interaction of the user. In the menu, the preloaded radio settings generated by the
WDS can be configured. The radio settings are located in the sRadioConfig.h header. This header file contains the
custom and preloaded radio configurations according to the actual RF Pico board and the host platform. This file
has been automatically generated and is not allowed to be modified manually.
Figure 5. Application Layer Related Files
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8.2. Common Layer
In the modules hierarchy, the common layer works between the low-level driver and the application layer.
Functionally, it is dependent on the hardware peripherals and the radio. It is responsible for showing the
dynamically changing menu that is updated on the LCD screen. It can store and load the actual configuration from
and to the FLASH memory. It can send log information about packet error rate to the UART interface that can be
processed by a monitoring computer. If any errors are encountered during the range test demo, it can provide
helpful information about the sources of these errors. It can contro l the radio RFIC to se nd and receiv e packets. It
can request information from the radio about its internal state, such as the current RSSI value during reception,
and it can check whether or not a packet transmission has successfully occurred.
Figure 6. Common Layer Related Files
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8.3. Low-Level Driver
In the modules h ierarchy, the low-level drive r is located betwee n the com mon layer a nd th e hardwar e. It consist s of
a set of interfaces that provide possible options for controlling various peripherals on modular HW platforms.
Registers can be initialized with preconfigured settings, and peripherals can be enabled to start/stop their own
processing. The major tasks of these software modules are to initialize the hardware elements and control their
behaviors. The principle of their installation is to provide a façade for the upper layers. Functionally, the application
layer at the top of the hierarchy can be independent of the hardware, and its logical operation can remain
unchanged even if the hard ware has been modi fied later. All the modules are primarily r esponsible for handling the
dedicated internal peripherals, such as the IO, timers, SPI and PCA, SMBUS, UART, and LCD.
Figure 7. Low Level Driver Related Files
More detailed information about the radio drivers can be found in the following application notes:
AN692: Si4355/Si4455 programming guide
AN633: Programming Guide for EZRadioPRO® Devic es.
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9. Menu System
After running the demo, the first screen is the welcome screen. It shows the Silicon Laboratories logo as long as
any of the buttons are pressed. If the motherboard cannot recognize the type of RF Pico board, then it shows an
error message. In this case, it is recommended that the user follow the instruction displayed on the screen.
Figure 8. RF Pico Board Identification
The on-screen menu system is designed for easy configuration. For accurate range testing, the demo measures
the actual packet error rate (PER) of the radio link. The RF settings of the radio can be configured based on data
rate, modulation, and frequency settings, output power, packet count, and payload length. It is also possible to
change the self- an d remote-IDs of the p articip an ts . The menu also provides an op tion to select how the strength of
the received signal (RSSI) is shown on the screen. It can be represented as a moving graph if “Icon” is selected, a
decimal number if “Number” is selected, or a decibel value if “dBm” is selected. The signal strength of the incoming
packet is measured during packet reception. If the RSSI is presented as a graph on the screen, the dynamic
change in RSSI value can be observed accurately by configuring the moving average window size. The actual
RSSI value is latched and shown when the sync word of the packet is received. The RSSI is typically used to
qualify the link: a higher number or greater level shows a better link quality. For more information about how the
decimal number relates to actual received strength value, refer to the EZRadio/EZRadioPRO data sheet. The log
functionality can be enabled to provide information about the transmitted and received packets.
Figure 9. Configuration Menu
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Figure 10. Menu System
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Figure 11. Range Test Information
Four push buttons are used to navigate the menu system; soft labels describe the current function of the given
buttons. In general, push buttons 1 and 2 ar e used to nav igate do wn and up th rough th e menu item s. Push butto ns
3 and 4 are used to configure the menu item selected by the pointer. The demo can be configured through several
menu items. After the menu items are configured, the range test can be started.
During the test, all of the measured information can be observed on the LCD screen. It is also possible to switch to
the “RSSI graph” and the “runtime info” screens.
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10. Range Test
Perform the following steps to conduct the range test:
1. Connect RF Pico boards to the two hardware platforms.
2. Put batteries into the de vice s an d swit ch the de vice s on .
3. Connect the hardware platforms to the Wireless Development Suite.
4. Select the Range Test project and configure your custom settings through the “Frequency and Power”, “RF
parameters” (etc… ) tabs. None the l ess, WDS also appends additional RF “canned settings” that are
optimized to the RF Pico board. Deploy project either by “Download Project” or “Generate Source”.
5. Configure both devices to be in TRX mode or one of them to be RX and the other to be in TX mode. Note
that Si4355-based devices can only be receivers, and Si4012-based devices can only be transmitters.
6. Configure the ra ng e test thro ug h the m en u items. Select either from the “canned settings” or the custom
7. Confirm that the transm itter sends packet s and that the receiver answers. The range test can be performed
inside a building if indoor propagation is tested. However, it is advised to perform the test outside the
building, line-of-sight, to get the best possible range result.
8. If PER>1%, rese t the PER on the transmit ter and try to walk further in the area. Propagation conditions
usually improve if the user distances himself from a possib ly shadowed area.
11. Radio Configuration Settings to Test
The Wireless Development Suite provides several optimized radio configurations and one additional custom
configuration to test. Basically, the modulation type can be OOK, 2FSK, 2GFSK, 4FSK, or 4GFSK. According to
the RF matching network of the connected RF Pico board, WDS determines the frequency band and offers three
different frequency options in the given band by default. Given the modulation type and the concrete center
frequency, WDS offers four different data rate options. As a result, the maximum combination of automatically-
generated configurations can be up to 60. They are stored in a linked list. The custom radio configuration is
appended to the end of the list. WDS automatically generates the list and puts it into the range test project.
Figure 12. Predefined Configurations and the Custom Setting Provided
by the WDS as a Linked List
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12. Test Modes
12.1. Bidirectional Communication
The range test can also be performed by means o f two-wa y radi o communication. Transmission can be initiated by
selecting “TRX” in the “MODE” menu item. The originator transmits a ping packet for the other node. If it receives
the packet correctly, it transmits back an acknowledgment pa cket. Each p ing packet has a serial nu mbe r incr eased
by the orig inator after every packet tran smission, which is transmitted back by the acknowledgment packet. If the
originator receives the ackn owledgment within a predefined tim eout, then it considers the link fun ctional; otherwise,
it increases the number of missed packets by one. The originator also stores the number of transmitted ping
packets so the demo can calculate the Packet Error Rate based on this information.
12.2. One-Way Communication
The range test can also be performe d by means of o ne-way radio com munication. Transmission can be initiated by
selecting “TX” and “RX” in the “MODE” menu item. In this case, one end of the link must be set up as a transmitter
(this will be the originator as described in the bidirectional link), and the other end of the link must be a receiver.
The test needs to be started at the transmit side by pressing “TX ON”. The demo runs as long as the number of
transmitted or received packets reaches the predefined number or until the demo is interrupted by Button 1. The
user can follow the number of transmitted packets on the LCD screen. The one-way range test demo works the
same as the bidirectional range test; h owever, the number of lost packe ts and th e packet erro r rate are defined only
at the receive side and are based on the first and last received packet IDs.
Silicon Laboratories Inc.
400 West Cesar Chavez
Austin, TX 78701
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Silicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or
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parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Labs reserves the right to make changes
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Silicon Laboratories Inc.® , Silicon Laboratories®, Silicon Labs®, SiLabs® and the Silicon Labs logo®, Bluegiga®, Bluegiga Logo®, Clockbuilder®, CMEMS®, DSPLL®, EFM®,
EFM32®, EFR, Ember®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember®, EZLink®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®,
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