XC9235B(C)(E)(G)18Cxx/XC9236B(C)(E)(G)18Cxx/XC9237B(C)(E)(G)18Cxx, VOUT=1.8V, fOSC=1.2MHz, Ta=25℃
Output Voltage VOUT When connected to external components,
VIN=VCE=5.0V, IOUT=30mA 1.764 1.800 1.836 V ①
Operating Voltage Range (B/C series)
2.0 - 6.0
Operating Voltage Range (E/G series)
VIN 1.8 - 6.0
V ①
Maximum Output Current IOUTMAX VIN=VOUT(E)+2.0V, VCE=1.0V,
When connected to external components (*9) 600 - - mA ①
UVLO Voltage VUVLO VCE =VIN, VOUT=VOUT(E)×0.5V (*14)
Voltage which Lx pin holding “L” level (*1, *11) 1.00 1.40 1.78 V ③
Supply Current IDD V
IN=VCE=5.0V, VOUT=VOUT(E)×1.1V - 15 33 μA②
Stand-by Current ISTB V
IN=5.0V, VCE=0V, VOUT=VOUT(E)×1.1V - 0 1.0 μA②
Oscillation Frequency fOSC When connected to external components,
VIN=VOUT(E)+2.0V, VCE =1.0V, IOUT=100mA 1020 1200 1380 kHz ①
PFM Switching Current IPFM When connected to external components,
VIN=VOUT(E)+2.0V, VCE =VIN, IOUT=1mA (*12) 120 160 200 mA ①
PFM Duty Limit DTYLIMIT_PFM VCE=VIN=(C-1), IOUT=1mA (*12) 200 300 % ①
Maximum Duty Cycle DTYMAX VIN=VCE=5.0V, VOUT=VOUT(E)×0.9V 100 - - % ③
Minimum Duty Cycle DTYMIN VIN=VCE=5.0V, VOUT=VOUT(E)×1.1V - - 0 % ③
Efficiency (*2) EFFI
When connected to external components,
VCE=VIN=VOUT(E)+1.2V, IOUT=100mA - 92 - % ①
Lx SW "H" ON Resistance 1 RLxH V
IN=VCE=5.0V, VOUT (E)×0.9V , ILx=100mA (*3) - 0.35 0.55 Ω ④
Lx SW "H" ON Resistance 2 RLxH V
IN=VCE=3.6V, VOUT (E)×0.9V , ILx=100mA (*3) - 0.42 0.67 Ω ④
Lx SW "L" ON Resistance 1 RLxL V
IN=VCE=5.0V (*4) - 0.45 0.65 Ω ④
Lx SW "L" ON Resistance 2 RLxL V
IN=VCE=3.6V (*4) - 0.52 0.77 Ω -
Lx SW "H" Leak Current (*5) I
IN=VOUT=5.0V, VCE=0V, Lx=0V - 0.01 1.0 μA⑤
Current Limit (*10) I
IN=VCE=5.0V, VOUT=VOUT(E)×0.9V (*8) 900 1050 1350 mA ⑥
Output Voltage
Temperature Characteristics
IOUT=30mA, -40℃≦Topr≦85℃ - ±100 -
CE "H" Voltage VCEH VOUT=
OUT(E)×0.9V, Applied voltage to VCE,
Voltage changes Lx to “H” level (*11) 0.65 - 6.0 V ③
CE "L" Voltage VCEL VOUT=
OUT(E)×0.9V, Applied voltage to VCE ,
Voltage changes Lx to “L” level (*11) VSS - 0.25 V ③
PWM "H" Level Voltage VPWMH
When connected to external components,
IOUT=1mA (*6), Voltage which oscillation frequency
becomes 1020 kHz≦fOSC≦1380kHz (*13)
- - VIN - 1.0 V ①
PWM "L" Level Voltage VPWML
When connected to external components,
IOUT=1mA (*6), Voltage which oscillation frequency
becomes fOSC<1020kHz (*13)
0.25 - - V ①
CE "H" Current ICEH V
OUT(E)×0.9V - 0.1 - 0.1 μA⑤
CE "L" Current ICEL V
IN=5.0V, VCE=0V,
OUT(E)×0.9V - 0.1 - 0.1 μA⑤
Soft Start Time (B/G Series) tSS When connected to external components,
VCE=0V → V
IN, IOUT=1mA - 0.25 0.40 ms ①
Soft Start Time (C/E Series) tSS When connected to external components,
VCE=0V → V
IN, IOUT=1mA 0.5 1.0 2.5 ms ①
Latch Time tLAT VIN=VCE=5.0V, VOUT=0.8×VOUT(E),
Short Lx at 1Ω resistance
(*7) 1.0 - 20.0 ms ⑦
Short Protection Threshold
Voltage (B/C Series) VSHORT
Sweeping VOUT, VIN=VCE=5.0V, Short Lx at
1Ω resistance, VOUT voltage which Lx becomes
“L” level within 1ms
0.675 0.900 1.150 V ⑦
Short Protection Threshold
Voltage (E/G Series) VSHORT VIN=VCE=5.0V, The VOUT at Lx=”Low"(*11) while
decreasing VOUT from VOUT (E)×0.4V 0.338 0.450 0.563 V ⑦
CL Discharge RDCHG V
IN=5.0V, LX=5.0V, VCE=0V, VOUT=open 200 300 450 Ω ⑧
Test conditions: Unless otherwise stated, VIN=5.0V, VOUT(E)=Nominal Voltage, applied voltage sequence is VOUT→VIN→VCE
*1: Including hysteresis operating voltage range.
*2: EFFI = { ( output voltage×output current ) / ( input voltage×input current) }×100
*3: ON resistance (Ω)= (VIN - Lx pin measurement voltage) / 100mA
*4: R&D value
*5: When temperature is high, a current of approximately 10μA (maximum) may leak.
*6: The CE/MODE pin of the XC9237A series works also as an external switching pin of PWM control and PWM/PFM control. When the IC is in the operation,
control is switched to the automatic PWM/PFM switching mode when the CE/MODE pin voltage is equal to or greater than VIN minus 0.3V, and to the PWM
mode when the CE/MODE pin voltage is equal to or lower than VIN minus 1.0V and equal to or greater than VCEH.
*7: Time until it short-circuits VOUT with GND via 1Ωof resistor from an operational state and is set to Lx=0V from current limit pulse generating.
*8: When VIN is less than 2.4V, limit current may not be reached because voltage falls caused by ON resistance.
*9: When the difference between the input and the output is small, some cycles may be skipped completely before current maximizes.
If current is further pulled from this state, output voltage will decrease because of P-ch driver ON resistance.
*10: Current limit denotes the level of detection at peak of coil current.
*11: “H”=VIN~VIN-1.2V, “L”=+0.1V~-0.1V
*12: XC9235 series exclude IPFM and DTYLIMIT_PFM because those are only for the PFM control’s functions.
*13: XC9235/XC9236 series exclude VPWMH and VPW ML because those are only for the XC9237 series’ functions.
*14: VIN is applied when VOUT (E) x 0.5V becomes more than VIN.