2 Fluke Corporation Fluke 11X Series Digital Multimeters Extended Specifications
Function Range Resolution
Accuracy ± ([% of Reading]
+ [Counts]) Model
Temperature (K-Type thermocouple) -40 °C to 400 °C
-40 °F to 752 °F 0.1 °C
0.2 °F 1 % + 102
1 % + 182116
AC amps true-rms1 (45 Hz to 500 Hz) 6.000 A
10.00 A
20 A overload for
30 seconds maximum
0.001 A
0.01 A 1.5 % + 3 115, 117
AC µAmps true-rms1 (45 Hz to 1 kHz) 600.0 µA 0.1 µA 1.5 % + 3 (2.5 % + 3 > 500 Hz) 116
DC amps 6.000 A
10.00 A
20 A overload for
30 seconds maximum
0.001 A
0.01 A 1.0 % + 3 115, 117
DC µAmps true-rms 600.0 µA 0.1 µA 1.0 % + 2 116
Hz (V or A input)299.99 Hz
999.9 Hz
9.999 kHz
50.00 kHz
0.01 Hz
0.1 Hz
0.001 kHz
0.01 kHz
0.1 % + 2 115, 117
Hz (V input)399.99 Hz
999.9 Hz
9.999 kHz
50.00 kHz
0.01 Hz
0.1 Hz
0.001 kHz
0.01 kHz
0.1 % + 2 116
1 All ac ranges except Auto-V LoZ are specified from 1 % to 100 % of range. Auto-V LoZ is specified from 0.0 V. Because inputs below 1 % of range
are not specified, it is normal for this and other true-rms meters to display non-zero readings when the test leads are disconnected from a circuit
or are shorted together. For volts, crest factor of ≤ 3 at 4000 counts, decreasing linearly to 1.5 at full scale. For amps, crest factor of ≤ 3. AC volts is
ac-coupled. Auto-V LoZ, ac mV, and ac amps are dc-coupled.
2 AC Volts Hz is ac-coupled and specified from 5 Hz to 50 kHz. AC Amps Hz is dc-coupled and specified from 45 Hz to 5 kHz. Amps input burden
voltage (typical): 6 A input 2 mV/A, 10 A input 37 mV/A.
3 Frequency is ac-coupled, 45 Hz to 50 kHz.
Accuracy specifications (all models) cont.
Frequency counter sensitivity (models 115, 116, 117)
Typical sensitivity (rms sine wave)
Input range 5 Hz to 45 Hz 45 Hz to 5 kHz 5 kHz to 10 kHz 10 kHz to 50 kHz
Volts AC 6 V
60 V
600 V
0.2 V
2 V
20 V
0.2 V to 0.3 V
2 V to 3 V
20 V to 30 V
0.3 V to 0.4 V
3 V to 4 V
30 V to 40 V
0.4 V to 1.0 V
4 V to 10 V
40 V to 100 V
AC Amps
(115, 117 only) 6 A
10 A N/A
N/A 0.4 A
0.5 A N/A
Input characteristics (all models)
Input impedance
(nominal) Common mode rejection ratio(1 kW unbalanced) Normal mode rejection
Volts AC > 5 MW < 100 pF > 60 dB at dc, 50 or 60 Hz
Volts DC > 10 MW < 100 pF > 100 dB at dc, 50 or 60 Hz > 60 dB at 50 or 60 Hz
Auto-V LoZ ~3 kW < 500 pF > 60 dB at dc, 50 or 60 Hz
Open circuit test voltage Full scale voltage Short circuit current
Ohms < 2.7 V dc To 6.0 MW40 MW
< 350 µA
< 0.7 V dc < 0.9 V dc
Diode Test < 2.7 V dc 2.000 V dc < 1.2 mA
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