MMBZ5V6AL - MMBZ33VAL 24W AND 40W PEAK POWER DUAL SURFACE MOUNT TVS NEW PRODUCT Features * * Dual TVS in Common Anode Configuration * * * * 225 mW Power Dissipation 24W/40W Peak Power Dissipation Rating @ 1.0ms (Unidirectional) SOT-23 A Dim Min Max A 0.37 0.51 B 1.20 1.40 C 2.30 2.50 D 0.89 1.03 E 0.45 0.60 G 1.78 2.05 H 2.80 3.00 Terminals: Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208 J 0.013 0.10 Polarity: See Diagram K 0.903 1.10 Also Available in Lead Free Plating (Matte Tin Finish annealed over Alloy 42 leadframe). Please see Ordering Information, Note 7, on Page 2 L 0.45 0.61 M 0.085 0.180 a 0 8 Ideally Suited for Automatic Insertion Low Leakage B C Available in Lead Free/RoHS Compliant Version (Note 5) TOP VIEW Mechanical Data * * E Case: SOT-23 G H Case Material: Molded Plastic. UL Flammability Classification 94V-0 * * * * D K Moisture Sensitivity: Level 1 per J-STD-020C M J * * * * Marking: Marking Code & Date Code, See Page 2 * Weight: 0.008 grams (approximate) L All Dimensions in mm Marking Code: See Table Below and Page 2 Ordering Information: See Page 2 ESD Rating Exceeding 16kV per the Human Body Model (Note 4) Maximum Ratings @TA = 25C unless otherwise specified Symbol Value Unit Power Dissipation (Note 1) Characteristic Pd 225 mW Peak Power Dissipation (Note 2) MMBZ5V6AL - MMBZ10VAL Ppk 24 W Peak Power Dissipation (Note 2) MMBZ15VAL - MMBZ33VAL Ppk 40 W Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient Air (Note 1) RqJA 556 C/W Tj,TSTG -65 to +150 C Operating and Storage Temperature Range Electrical Characteristics @TA = 25C unless otherwise specified 24 Watt (VF = 0.9V max @ IF = 10mA) Type Number Marking Code MMBZ5V6AL K9A VRWM VC @ IPP (Note 2) Breakdown Voltage IR @ VRWM VBR (Note 3) (V) @ IT VC IPP Typical Temperature Coefficient Volts mA Min Nom Max mA V A Tc (mV/C) 3 5.0 5.32 5.6 5.88 20 8.0 3.0 1.8 @ IT VC 24 Watt (VF = 1.1V max @ IF = 200mA) VRWM Type Number Marking Code MMBZ6V8AL K9C MMBZ9V1AL K9D 6.0 MMBZ10VAL K9E 6.5 Note: VC @ IPP (Note 2) Breakdown Voltage IR @ VRWM VBR (Note 3) (V) IPP Typical Temperature Coefficient Volts mA Min Nom Max mA V A Tc (%/C) 4.5 0.5 6.46 6.8 7.14 1.0 9.6 2.5 +0.045 0.3 8.65 9.1 9.56 1.0 14 1.7 +0.065 0.3 9.50 10 10.5 1.0 14.2 1.7 +0.065 1. Device mounted on FR-5 PCB 1.0 x 0.75 x 0.062 inch pad layout as shown on Diodes Inc. suggested pad layout AP02001, which can be found on our website at 200mW per element must not be exceeded. 2. Non-repetitive current pulse per Figure 2 and derate above TA = 25C per Figure 1. 3. Short duration pulse test used to minimize self-heating effect. 4. MMBZ5V6AL and MMBZ15VAL exceed 16kV ESD rating, all other voltages exceed 8kV ESD rating. 5. No purposefully added lead. DS30306 Rev. 7 - 2 1 of 4 MMBZ5V6AL - MMBZ33VAL a Diodes Incorporated VC @ IPP (Note 2) Breakdown Voltage IPP Typical Temperature Coefficient V A Tc (%/C) 21 1.9 +0.080 25 1.6 +0.090 1.0 28 1.4 +0.090 1.0 40 1.0 +0.090 1.0 46 0.87 +0.090 VRWM IR @ VRWM Volts nA Min Nom Max mA 12 50 14.25 15 15.75 1.0 K9L 14.5 50 17.10 18 18.90 1.0 MMBZ20VAL K9N 17 50 19.00 20 21.00 MMBZ27VAL K9Q 22 50 25.65 27 28.35 MMBZ33VAL K9T 26 50 31.35 33 34.65 Type Number Marking Code MMBZ15VAL K9K MMBZ18VAL Ordering Information VBR (Note 3) (V) @ IT VC (Note 6) Device Packaging Shipping (Type number)-7* SOT-23 3000/Tape & Reel * Example: 5.6V type = MMBZ5V6AL-7. Notes: 6. For Packaging Details, go to our website at 7. For Lead Free/RoHS Compliant Version part number, please add "-F" suffix to the part number above. Example: MMBZ5V6AL-7-F. YM Marking Information XXX XXX = Product Type Marking Code YM = Date Code Marking Y = Year ex: N = 2002 M = Month ex: 9 = September Date Code Key Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Code M N P R S T U V W Month Jan Feb March Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O N D IP, PEAK PULSE CURRENT (%Ipp) 100 PEAK PULSE DERATING IN % OF PEAK POWER OR CURRENT NEW PRODUCT 40 Watt (VF = 1.1V max @ IF = 200mA) 75 50 25 100 Peak Value Ipp Half Value Ipp/2 50 10 X 1000 Waveform as defined by R.E.A. tp 0 10 X 1000 Waveform as defined by R.E.A. 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 TA, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (C) Fig. 1 Pulse Derating Curve DS30306 Rev. 7 - 2 0 1 2 3 t, TIME (ms) Fig. 2 Pulse Waveform 2 of 4 MMBZ5V6AL - MMBZ33VAL 80 f = 1MHz 240 f = 1MHz 70 C, CAPACITANCE (pF) 280 C, CAPACITANCE (pF) MMBZ5V6AL 200 160 120 80 60 MMBZ15VAL 50 40 30 MMBZ27VAL 20 40 10 0 0 0 1 3 2 0 BIAS (V) Fig. 3 Typical Capacitance vs. Bias Voltage (Lower curve is Bidirectional mode, Upper curve is Unidirectional mode) 1 2 3 BIAS (V) Fig. 4 Typical Capacitance vs. Bias Voltage (Lower curve is Bidirectional mode, Upper curve is Unidirectional mode) PD, POWER DISSIPATION (mW) 300 250 200 150 FR-5 Board 100 50 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 175 150 TA, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Fig. 5 Steady State Power Derating Curve 100 Tj = 25C Ppk, PEAK PULSE POWER (W) NEW PRODUCT 320 Non Repetitive Pulse Waveform (Rectangular) Bidirectional 10 Unidirectional 1.0 0.1 0.1 1.0 10 100 1000 10000 PULSE WIDTH (ms) Fig. 6 Pulse Rating Curve, Ppk (W) vs. Pulse Width (ms) Power is defined as Ppk = VC x Ipp DS30306 Rev. 7 - 2 3 of 4 MMBZ5V6AL - MMBZ33VAL NEW PRODUCT Ppk (NOM), PEAK PULSE POWER (W) 100 Tj = 25C Non Repetitive Pulse Waveform (Rectangular) Bidirectional 10 Unidirectional 1.0 0.1 0.1 1.0 10 100 1000 10000 PULSE WIDTH (ms) Fig. 7 Pulse Rating Curve, Ppk (NOM) (W) vs. Pulse Width (ms) Power is defined as Ppk(NOM) = VZ(NOM) x Ipp where VZ(NOM) is the nominal Zener voltage measured at the low test current used for voltage classification DS30306 Rev. 7 - 2 4 of 4 MMBZ5V6AL - MMBZ33VAL