Species Growth results at tip Growth factor Porphyrin Haemolysis on
XVXV requirement synthesis (ALA) horse blood*
H. influenzae NG NG G XV - -
H. aegypticus NG NG G XV - -
H. parainfluenzae NG G GV + -
H. haemolyticus NG NG G XV - +
H. parahaemolyticus NG G G V + +
Microring®Bacterial Detectors
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©Polysciences, Inc. Active: Jan/2007 Data Sheet #741 1
Should any of our materials fail to perform to our specifications, we will be pleased to provide replacements or return the purchase price. We solicit your inquiries concerning all needs for life sciences work. The information
given in this bulletin is to the best of our knowledge accurate, but no warranty is expressed or implied. It is the user’s responsibility to determine the suitability for their own use of the products described herein, and since
conditions of use are beyond our control, we disclaim all liability with respect to the use of any material supplied by us. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use any product or to practice
any process in violation of any law or any government regulation.
Polysciences offers a wide variety of products specific for microbiological and bacterial detection applications. Microring®bacterial
detectors are simple, rapid test methods which utilize specific growth factors to identify different microorganisms.
Differentiation of Haemophilus species
Cat. #24644 (50 rings/pkg)
Microring®XV is a paper ring used in Haemophilus identification. It comes complete with individual printed tips containing haemin
(X-factor) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-NAD (V-factor) or X+V factor. This ring differentiates Haemophilus species on the
basis of growth requirements for X and V factors and can be identified by their growth patterns close to the tips. V-tip also contains
δ-aminolaevulinic acid (ALA) for Porphyrin test. (The porphyrin test is best performed at the start when the ring is laid on the plate
prior to incubation. Using a loop take a sample of the test organism from a growing culture and spread lightly over the V-tip.
Non-haemin requiring species will cause an orange-red glow to be seen from the V-tip.)
1. Spread sample of the test organism onto an agar plate of Tryptone Soy Agar or Columbia Agar (without blood).
2. Using sterile forceps, carefully place Microring®XV in the center of the plate. Press each tip gently to ensure contact with surface.
3. Incubate plate overnight at 37° C.
4. Following incubation, growth patterns around each tip are read and used to identify the organism.
X=Haemin V = NAD and δ-aminolaevulinic acid (ALA) XV = Haemin and NAD NG = No growth G = Zone of growth
*Haemolysis recorded from primaryculture.
Microring®XV continues - pg 2
Microring®XV Interpretation
Storage & Handling
Store Microring®XV at 2-8°C
Rings maintain a shelf life of 24 months from manufacture date.
1. Spread sample of test organism onto a plate containing anaerobic agar.
2. Using sterile forceps, carefully place Microring®AN in the center of the plate.
Press each tip gently to ensure contact with surface.
3. Incubate for 24-48 hours at 35-37° C under anaerobic conditions.
4. Following incubation, growth patterns around each tip are read and used
to identify the organism. Zone diameters of 15mm or greater are considerd
susceptible, while those less than 15mm are regarded as resistant.
©Polysciences, Inc. Active: Jan/2007 Data Sheet #741 1
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Should any of our materials fail to perform to our specifications, we will be pleased to provide replacements or return the purchase price. We solicit your inquiries concerning all needs for life sciences work. The information
given in this bulletin is to the best of our knowledge accurate, but no warranty is expressed or implied. It is the user’s responsibility to determine the suitability for their own use of the products described herein, and since
conditions of use are beyond our control, we disclaim all liability with respect to the use of any material supplied by us. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use any product or to practice
any process in violation of any law or any government regulation.
Code Color Antibiotic Amount
E Red Erythromycin 60ug
RP Dark red Rifampicin 15ug
CO White Colistin 10ug
PG Pink Penicillin G 2 units
K Salmon Kanamycin 1000ug
VA Blue Vancomycin 5ug
Microring®AN is a filter paper ring used for the identification of Non-sporing Anaerobes. It has 6 tips which are impregnated with a
range of antibiotics for the identification of species of anaerobic Gram-negative bacilli and can distinguish Gram-positive cocci from
Gram-negative cocci. Gram-negative anaerobic rods are found in more than half of clinical specimens containing anaerobes. Although
difficult to perform precise identifications, in practice most groups can be presumptively identified from their antibiotic susceptibility
profile, which is the basis of the Microring®AN test scheme.
Cat. #24645 (50 rings/pkg)
Species Growth factor requirements Synthesis of Haenikysis on
X V porphyrins from ala horse blood
H. influenzae ++
H. aegypticus ++
H. parainfluenzae –+ +
H. haemolyticus ++ +
H. parahaemolyticus –+ + +
Identification Table
Aesculin Growth
Species E RP CO PG K VA hydrolysis in bile Indole Other details
B. Fragilis SSRRRR + + +
Prevotella S S V S R R Black pigmented colonies with brick
melaninogenicus red fluorescence.
Prevotella oralis SSSSRR +
B. ureolyticus S S S S S R Oxidase positive.
E=Erythromycin, RP = Rifampicin, CO = Colistin, PG = Penicillin, K = Kanamycin, VA=Vancomycin
S=Sensitive, R = Resistant
X=Haemin, V = NAD and δ-aminolaevulinic acid (ALA)
Microring®AN continues - pg 3
Species E RP CO PG K VA
B. fragilis VSRRRR
Prevotella melaninogenicus SSVSRR
Prevotella intermedia SSSVRR
Other pigmented prevotella SSSSRR
Prevotella oralis S S S S R R
Non-pigmented Prevotella SSSRRR
Porphyromonas SSRSRV
B. ureolyticus SISISR
F.nucleatum RSVSSR
F.varium RRSSSR
Gram-neg. cocci I/R S S R V R
Campylobacter SRSRSR
B. wadsworthia RRSRSR
Desulfovibrio SRRRSR
C. clostridioforme VRRRSS
C. symbiosum S/I S R R S S
Anaerbiospirillum RSSRSR
D. pneumonsintes I I RRSR
S. wadsorthensis SSSRSR
L. buccalis RSSRSR
C. ochracea SSR IRR
©Polysciences, Inc. Active: Jan/2007 Data Sheet #741 1
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Should any of our materials fail to perform to our specifications, we will be pleased to provide replacements or return the purchase price. We solicit your inquiries concerning all needs for life sciences work. The information
given in this bulletin is to the best of our knowledge accurate, but no warranty is expressed or implied. It is the user’s responsibility to determine the suitability for their own use of the products described herein, and since
conditions of use are beyond our control, we disclaim all liability with respect to the use of any material supplied by us. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use any product or to practice
any process in violation of any law or any government regulation.
Microring®AN (GIFU METHOD)
Recently a new identification scheme has been developed in Japan for use with Microring®AN. Prepare bacterial suspension as
above, but adjust turbidity to between 1 and 3 MacFarland. This ensures adequate visible growth within 48hours. Using this inoculum,
resistance and sensitivity are measured as follows:
Aesculin Growth
Species E RP CO PG K VA hydrolysis in bile Indole Other details
F. nucleatum SSSSSR +
F.varium RSRSSR + +
F. mortiferum RSRSSR + +
Gram-pos. cocci SSSSSR
Gram-neg. cocci SSRSSS
F. necrophorum S S S S S R + Lypolytic on egg yolk agar.
Microring®AN Identification Continued
E=Erythromycin, RP = Rifampicin, CO = Colistin, PG = Penicillin, K = Kanamycin, VA = Vancomycin S = Sensitive, R = Resistant
Size of Zone (mm) <
_10 11-14 >
Interpretation Resistant (R) Intermediate (I) Sensitive (S)
E = Erythromycin
RP = Rifampicin
CO = Colistin
PG = Penicillin
VA = Vancomycin
Storage & Handling
Store Microring®AN at 2-8°C
Rings maintain a shelf life of 12 months from manufacture date.
©Polysciences, Inc. Active: Jan/2007 Data Sheet #741 1
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Should any of our materials fail to perform to our specifications, we will be pleased to provide replacements or return the purchase price. We solicit your inquiries concerning all needs for life sciences work. The information
given in this bulletin is to the best of our knowledge accurate, but no warranty is expressed or implied. It is the user’s responsibility to determine the suitability for their own use of the products described herein, and since
conditions of use are beyond our control, we disclaim all liability with respect to the use of any material supplied by us. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use any product or to practice
any process in violation of any law or any government regulation.
Microring®AC is a filter paper ring used for the identification of Gram-positive anaerobic cocci and some microaerophilic cocci. It has 3
individual printed tips containing various antimicrobial reagents. The resistance or sensitivity patterns can be used to help identify
anaerobic cocci. In particular, P. anaerobius can be readily picked out by it’s sensitivity to SPS and P. magnus can be distinguished
from P. micros by its resistance to Novobiocin.
Cat. #24654 (50 rings/pkg)
1. Spread sample of test organism onto a plate containing anaerobic agar.
2. Using sterile forceps, carefully place Microring®AC in the center of the plate.
Press each tip gently to ensure contact with surface.
3. Incubate overnight at 37° C under anaerobic conditions.
4. Following incubation, growth patterns around each tip are read
and used to identify the organism.
Code Color Antibiotic Amount
MZ White Metronidazole 5ug
SPS Pink Sodium Polyanethol 1mg
NO Blue Novobiocin 5ug
Species Metronidazole Novobiocin SPS Indole Fatty Acids from PYG broth*
Peptococcus niger S R R - B,C,iv,a
Peptostreptococcus asaccharolyticus S R R + B,(A,p,l)
Peptostreptococcus indolicus S R R + B,(A,p,l)
Peptostreptococcus magnus SRR- A
Anaerococcus prevotil S R R - B,A,(L),p
Peptostreptococcus anaerobius S S S - IC,A,(iv,ib,b)
Peptostreptococcus micros S S R - A(s)
Peptostreptococcus productus S S R - A,l,s
Peptostreptococcus tetradius S R - L,B(A,p)
Atopbium parvulum S S R - L,a
Staphylococcus saccharolyticus R/S R R-F/A
Other microaerophilic streptococci
Streptococcus intermedius RSR - L,a
Gemella morbillorum RSR-L,a
Streptococcus constellatus R S R - L,a
Microring®AC Identification
S=Suseptibility, R = Resistant, R/S = aerotolerant strains resistant
(a) Occasional strains may give a zone size >12mm, but these organisms areeasily distinguishable from Peptostreptococcus anaerobius as they are resistant to Novobicin.
(b) Occasional strains may give a small zone to SPS <
_ 12mm in diameter.
*Gas-liquid chromotography analysis of fatty acid products in Peptone Yeast extract Glucose (PYG) broth.
Capital letters indicate major metabolic products, small letters indicate minor products and parentheses indicate variable reaction.
Storage & Handling
Store Microring®AN at 2-8°C
Rings maintain a shelf life of 12 months from manufacture date.
©Polysciences, Inc. Active: Jan/2007 Data Sheet #741 1
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Should any of our materials fail to perform to our specifications, we will be pleased to provide replacements or return the purchase price. We solicit your inquiries concerning all needs for life sciences work. The information
given in this bulletin is to the best of our knowledge accurate, but no warranty is expressed or implied. It is the user’s responsibility to determine the suitability for their own use of the products described herein, and since
conditions of use are beyond our control, we disclaim all liability with respect to the use of any material supplied by us. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use any product or to practice
any process in violation of any law or any government regulation.
Microring®GVis a filter paper ring used for identification of Gardnerella vaginalis. The ring comes complete with 4 individual printed
tips containing various antimicrobial reagents. Each tip of the ring contains one of the following reagents; MTZ (metronidazole), TRM
(trimethoprim), STZ (sulphathiazole), and BIL, (bile salt). Each tip performs as a single identification disc because of an isolating
hydrophobic barrier. On blood agar, Gardnerella is identified by sensitivity to 3 designated tips and resistance to 1 tip.
Cat. #24655 (50 rings/pkg)
1. Spread sample of test organism onto a plate containing Columbia Agar with blood.
2. Using sterile forceps, carefully place Microring®GV in the center of the plate. Press each tip gently to ensure contact with surface.
3. Incubate plate for 48 hours at 37° C in humid atmosphere containing 5% CO2.
4. Following incubation, growth patterns around each tip are read and used to identify the organism.
Storage & Handling
Store at 4° C, avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
Microring®GV should be handled with forceps.
Avoid contact with skin to prevent contamination.
Rings maintain a shelf life 12 of months from manufacture date.
Bile 5mg
MTZ = metronidazole, TRM = trimethoprim, STZ = sulphathiazole, BIL = bile salt
S=Susceptible, R = Resistant, V = Variable
Species Mtz Trm Stz Bil
Gardnerella Vaginalis S S R S
Vaginal Lactobacilli R R V R
Cat -ve Corynebacter R RVR
50 mcg
1. Spread sample of test organism onto a plate containing
anaerobic agar.
2. Using sterile forceps, carefully place Microring®YT in
the center of the plate. Press each tip gently to ensure
contact with surface.
3. Incubate for 24-48 hours at 37° C under anaerobic
4. Following incubation, growth patterns around each tip
are read and used to identify the organism.
Storage & Handling
Store Microring®YT at 2-8°C
Rings maintain a shelf life of 12 months from manufacture date.
Tip # Contents Color Code Concentration
1 Janus green Purple 156ug
2 Ethidium Bromide Salmon 37ug
3 Triphenol tetrazolium White 150ug
chloride (TTC)
4 Brilliant green Turquoise 200ug
5 Cycloheximide White 45ug
6Rhodamine 6G Fuschia 60ug
©Polysciences, Inc. Active: Jan/2007 Data Sheet #741 1
Page 6 of 6
Should any of our materials fail to perform to our specifications, we will be pleased to provide replacements or return the purchase price. We solicit your inquiries concerning all needs for life sciences work. The information
given in this bulletin is to the best of our knowledge accurate, but no warranty is expressed or implied. It is the user’s responsibility to determine the suitability for their own use of the products described herein, and since
conditions of use are beyond our control, we disclaim all liability with respect to the use of any material supplied by us. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use any product or to practice
any process in violation of any law or any government regulation.
Ordering Information
Cat # Description Size
24644 Microring®XV 1pkg (50 rings)
24645 Microring®AN 1pkg (50 rings)
24654 Microring®AC 1pkg (50 rings)
24655 Microring®GV 1pkg (50 rings)
24646 Microring®YT 1pkg (50 rings)
To Order:
In The U.S. Call: 1-800-523-2575 • 215-343-6484
In The U.S. Fax: 1-800-343-3291 • 215-343-0214
In Germany Call: (49) 6221-765767
In Germany Fax: (49) 6221-764620
Order online anytime at www.polysciences.com
Microring®YTis a filter paper ring used for the identification of clinically important yeasts, especially Candida species. Microring®YT
uses the organism’s profile of susceptibilities to a small range of reagents as the basis of identification.
Microring®YT carries 6 tips impregnated with a range of dyes and antifungal reagents. Each tip acts like an individual disc because
of the isolating hydrophobic barrier. Following overnight incubation, the resistance/sensitivity results of the individual tips are used
to produce a 6-figure code which is matched against a database to give the identity of the yeast.
Cat. #24646 (50 rings/pkg)