Width Price Each
Type (mm) Order Code
2211 19 149-5712
2211 25 149-5710
2211 38 149-5713
2211 50 149-5714
2211 75 149-5715
2211 100 149-5711
7120 24 149-5717
7120 36 149-5718
7120 48 149-5721
7120 72 149-5722
7120 100 149-5716
ÌUtility masking tape
ÌPerforms up to 80°C
ÌShort term paint masking at low bake
ÌGreen coloured core
Low Tack - High Temperature Masking Tape (135°C) - 7120
ÌLow adhesion masking tape
ÌUse for sensitive materials e.g treated
wood, anodised metals - aluminium, tita-
ÌPerforms up to 135°C
ÌWhite coloured core
Ì3M masking tapes are developed to cover the mul-
titude of industrial masking processes
ÌThey enable the consistent clean removal, sliver re-
sistance and superior quality adhesives that pre-
vent lifting
Low Bake Masking Tape (80°C) - 2211
Masking Tapes