ADSP-218x Family EZ-ICE
Installation Guide
2000 Analog Devices, Inc.
ADSP-218x Family EZ-ICE
Installation Guide
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The ADDS-218X-ICE-2.5V hardware is warranted against defects in
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Copyright © 2000, Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
Revision 2, May 2000
1. INTRODUCTION..............................................................................1
2. REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................2
3. CONFIGURATION AND INSTALLATION ....................................3
3.1 INSTALLATION.......................................................................................................3
3.2 CONFIGURING THE ADSP-218X ICE POD.........................................................4
3.3 CONNECTING THE POD TO YOUR TARGET SYSTEM ...................................5
3.4 CONNECTING THE EZ-ICE TO YOUR PC...........................................................7
3.5 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION AND OPERATION..............................................7
3.6 EZ-ICE MODES.........................................................................................................7
3.6.1 HARD-RESET STATE.....................................................................................7
3.6.2 SOFT-RESET STATE.......................................................................................7
3.6.3 STANDBY MODE............................................................................................8
3.6.4 TRANSPARENT MODE.................................................................................8
3.6.5 EMULATOR SPACE........................................................................................9
3.6.6 USER SPACE...................................................................................................10
4. INITIALIZING THE EZ-ICE............................................................11
5. SUPPORT...........................................................................................14
5.1 TECHNICAL SUPPORT........................................................................................14
5.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE.......................................................................................14
6. REFERENCE .....................................................................................15
List of Figures
FIGURE 1. JUMPERS...................................................................................................4
FIGURE 2a. TARGET BOARD EMULATION HEADER............................................6
FIGURE 2b. EMULATION CONNECTOR..................................................................6
FIGURE 3. FIRMWARE UPDATE............................................................................12
1. Introduction
Thank you for purchasing the ADSP-218x Family EZ-ICE® serial port
emulation system. The Analog Devices EZ-ICE serial emulator system
provides state-of-the-art emulation and support for the Analog Devices
218x Family of DSPs. It provides a controlled environment for observing,
debugging, and testing activities in a target system by connecting directly to
the target processor through the emulation interface port.
Features of the ADSP-218x Family EZ-ICE system are as follows:
High speed RS-232 serial port support.
Runs natively under Windows 9x, NT 4.0 and Windows 2000
Emulation for the Analog Devices ADSP-218x family DSP’s.
Support for 2.5, 3.3, and 5.0 volt target processors.
2. Requirements
The minimum PC host requirements for the ADSP-218x Family EZ-ICE
are as follows:
Pentium 166 MHz or better
32 megabytes of RAM memory
Windows 9x, NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 operating system
One RS-232 compatible serial port
3. Configuration and Installation
This section provides all of the information required to install the ADSP-
218x Family EZ-ICE serial port emulator into your PC. To install the
emulator software please refer to the VisualDSP® Software User’s
3.1 Installation
The ADSP-218x Family EZ-ICE is connected to your development
platform via the serial port and requires its own separate power connection.
In general you should be able to use the following instructions.
Important! The Analog Devices ADSP-218x Family
DSP emulator, contains ESD (electrostatic discharge)
sensitive devices. Electrostatic charges readily
accumulate on the human body and equipment, and can
discharge without detection. Permanent damage may
occur to devices subjected to high-energy discharges.
Proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid
performance degradation or loss of functionality.
3.2 Configuring the ADSP-218X Family EZ-ICE Pod
The ADSP-218x Family EZ-ICE pod contains two user accessible
switches. One push button switch performs a hardware reset and is
accessible by using a small push stick. A 3-position slide switch is used to
set the target voltage levels between 2.5, 3.3, and 5.0 volts. There are 3-
voltage indicator LED’s that provide an easy way to check the pod’s target
voltage setting. The LED’s are located on the front cover across from the
reset switch shown in figure 1.
Figure 1. Jumpers
Warning! Damage to the ADSP-218x Family EZ-
ICE, or your target system can occur if the voltage
selection switch is set incorrectly. Check your target
system voltage requirements before connecting the EZ-
ICE to the target system and applying power.
3.3 Connecting the Pod to Your Target System
The pod connects to the target processor via a special emulation header.
The target board must be built with an appropriate emulation header, which
is shown in figure 2a. For details on building an EZ-ICE compatible target,
see your appropriate 218x family datasheet, the 2100 family users manual,
and EE-Note 34, “Understanding 21xx/218x EZ-ICE Theory of Operation
to Aid in Designing an EZ-ICE Compatible Target.” Please note the
position of the key pin. The key pin should be used as a guide to connect
the pod to the target.
When connecting an unpowered EZ-ICE to an unpowered target:
1. Plug the 14-pin connector into the target board emulation header.
2. Apply power to the target.
3. Apply power to the EZ-ICE.
When connecting a powered EZ-ICE to a powered target:
1. Connect the ground of the EZ-ICE at TP1 (on the emulator header)
to the ground of the target supply.
2. Plug the 14-pin connector into the target board emulation header.
When disconnecting a powered EZ-ICE from a powered target:
1. Maintain the ground of the EZ-ICE at TP1 to the ground of the
target supply.
2. Unplug the 14-pin connector from the target board emulation
3. Disconnect the ground connection.
When disconnecting an unpowered EZ-ICE from an unpowered target, just
unplug the 14-pin connector from the target board emulation header shown
in figure 2b.
Figure 2a. Target board emulation header
Figure 2b. 14-pin emulation connector
3.4 Connecting the EZ-ICE to your PC
The ADSP-218x Family EZ-ICE requires one RS-232 compatible serial
port. The EZ-ICE board communicates with a host running under
Windows over an RS-232 serial cable. You may use either the COM1,
COM2, COM3, or COM4 serial port on your PC. Simply connect the
EZ-ICE board to the selected COM port using the RS-232 cable shipped
with your EZ-ICE package.
3.5 Software Installation and Operation
To install and configure the emulation software, refer to the VisualDSP
Emulation Tools Installation Guide included on the VisualDSP Emulator
Tools and Drivers CD.
3.6 EZ-ICE Modes
The EZ-ICE board has two reset states and two operational modes: hard-
reset, soft-reset, standby mode, and transparent mode. Each of these
states and modes has a role in debugging your target system. This section
covers how to use the EZ-ICE board states and modes when debugging
your target.
3.6.1 Hard-Reset State
On EZ-ICE hardware reset (reset switch on EZ-ICE board or applying
power to the EZ-ICE), the EZ-ICE board starts hard-reset state. The EZ-
ICE board does the following during a hard-reset:
Disables the autobuffering handler
Sets EZ-ICE baud rate to 9600 bps
Transitions to soft-reset state
3.6.2 Soft-Reset State
Following a hard-reset or a software reset using the DEBUG/Emulator
Reset option, the EZ-ICE board is in soft-reset state. The EZ-ICE does
the following during a soft-reset:
Resets the EZ-ICE board
Initializes the EZ-ICE boards internal firmware
Transitions to standby mode
3.6.3 Standby Mode
Following a soft-reset, the EZ-ICE board is in standby mode. This mode is
characterized by the rapidly blinking activity indicator on the pod cover.
When the EZ-ICE board is in standby mode, its microcontroller waits for
VisualDSP to send a character (through the RS-232 serial port) this
causes the EZ-ICE board to enter emulator space.
The target to assert a valid low signal on the DSP’s /RESET or /BR
line this causes the EZ-ICE board to enter transparent mode.
When the program starts communications over RS-232, a character
received event occurs on the EZ-ICE board. The EZ-ICE board checks
the state of its system reset state flag to see if the system was just initialized.
After producing the first connect acknowledge response, an EZ-ICE board
in standby mode evaluates the character it received. If the character is part
of a serial code sent by VisualDSP, then the EZ-ICE board transitions into
emulator space.
NOTE: An EZ-ICE board in standby mode does not execute any user
code on the DSP and does not produce any valid memory read or write
strobes to the target. All user breakpoints are invalid when the EZ-ICE
board enters standby mode.
3.6.4 Transparent Mode
Following the target’s assertion of a valid low signal on the DSP’s /RESET
line, the EZ-ICE board enters transparent mode. EZ-ICE board
transparent mode makes the EZ-ICE emulator transparent to the target (by
de-asserting emulation enable /EE) -- as though only the DSP were there.
Transparent mode terminates when the EZ-ICE board receives a character
on the serial line (VisualDSP starts) or an EZ-ICE hardware reset occurs.
NOTE: Transparent mode addresses the needs of embedded systems
designers who require the DSP to boot and/or relinquish control of its
busses on power up.
If the target does not respond to the reset and does not assert /EBG (i.e.
bus not granted), or if no target is connected, the transparent mode is
entered. In transparent mode the emulation enable (/EE) pin is pulled low
disabling the emulation function. This means the EZ-ICE probe is ignored
by the target and can be inserted into a live target with out interfering with
target code execution. The FLASH code will still respond to the host
program and is capable of interrupting the target.
This behavior is particularly useful in debugging a real-time stand-alone
system. For example, if the target is stuck in an erroneous infinite loop, the
EZ-ICE can be used to discover the condition under which this behavior is
3.6.5 Emulator Space
Following the establishment of communications between the EZ-ICE board
and VisualDSP, the EZ-ICE board enters emulator space. This means that
the DSP is processing an emulator interrupt. When the DSP is processing
an emulator interrupt:
Valid memory strobes to the target stop
Target /BR and /RESET are ignored
No execution of user code from internal memory occurs
NOTE: If the DSP has encountered an invalid opcode, the core processor
will lockup. When this happens, the emulator will not be able to
communicate with the DSP. This will occur if an invalid opcode is read
from a non-existent memory location, or read/write timing specifications for
external memory are not followed.
3.6.6 User Space
When you select Step or Run in VisualDSP, you are sending the EZ-ICE
board into user space. This means the target DSP is released from
servicing the emulator interrupt to execute the target program. It is also
allowed to respond to target /BR and /RESET signals.
4. Initializing the ADSP-218X Family EZ-ICE
The ADSP-218x Family EZ-ICE is shipped from the factory with a boot loader
program written into the emulators onboard FLASH ROM. When the EZ-ICE
is powered on or reset, the generic boot loader performs all of the necessary
system initialization then starts the ICE application server firmware from its
FLASH ROM device. If no server firmware or an older firmware version is
detected, VisualDSP will automatically download the required firmware server.
Firmware versions:
The following is a list of firmware versions and information specific to that
1.0k March 30, 2000 provides extended support for VisualDSP
6.1 and 7.0 tools. This and all future versions are automatically loaded
into the EZ-ICE when an older firmware version is detected.
1.0j January 30, 2000superceded by 1.0k. This firmware has been
1.0i December 8, 1997this firmware version is not compatible with
the VisualDSP 6.1 and 7.0 debugger. It is used with the Analog
Devices EZICE8X.EXE debugging software or similar third party
debugging software.
4.1 Manually Changing Server Firmware to the EZ-ICE
Use the following steps to manually change your EZ-ICE firmware from inside
1. Launch VisualDSP with the selected 218x target connected.
2. Select; Settings, EZ-ICE, Update Firmware
3. Select and open the desired copy of the firmware server shipped with your
debugger software.
4. When the dialog box requesting you to “Please push the EZ-ICE reset
button now” appears, please do so.
5. Various messages will be displayed during the update process.
6. Upon successful completion of the update process, the message “Firmware
successfully updated” is displayed and the VisualDSP debugger is
Figure 3. Firmware update
Note: If using this procedure to change your firmware for use with emulators
not using VisualDSP software do not start VisualDSP again, as VisualDSP will
detect an incompatible firmware version and download its own firmware.
5. Support
5.1 Technical Support
We fully support all of our products. For technical support of the
ADDS-218X-ICE-2.5V, call (603) 883-2430 Monday - Friday during
normal business hours or via e-mail at
For direct support of the Analog Devices family of DSPs, call the Analog
Devices’ DSP Applications Engineering group at (781) 461-3672.
5.2 Quality Assurance
The Analog Devices DSP Tools Product Line featuring the White Mountain
line of DSP development tools, is committed to providing quality products
and services. In efforts to continually provide this quality, please contact
our Quality Assurance Department directly if you have any concerns at
(603) 883-2430 Monday-Friday during normal business hours or via e-mail
at Our Quality Assurance Manager will listen to
your concerns and provide a timely and effective solution.
6. References
This section discusses other documentation resources you will need to
develop your application.
For information on designing the interface between an Analog Devices
DSP and the emulation header on your custom DSP target board, refer
to Analog Devices EE-34, Understanding 21xx/218x EZ-ICE
Theory of Operation to Aid in designing an EZ-ICE compatible
For information on the architecture and system interface of the ADSP-
21xx processor, refer to the appropriate Analog Devices Family of
DSPs User’s Manual.
For ADSP-21xx timing specifications and other hardware design
information, refer to the appropriate Analog Devices Family of DSPs
Data Sheet.
For complete information on software development tools (Assembler,
Linker, PROM Splitter, Assembly Library, and Simulator), refer to the
following documents:
ADSP-21xx Family Assembler Tools & Simulator Manual
ADSP-21xx Family C Runtime Library Manual
ADSP-21xx Family C Tools Manual
For information about your development platform, refer to your
operating system manuals and hardware system manuals.
For information about digital signal processing theory and applications,
you may wish to consult:
Higgins. Digital Signal Processing In VLSI. Prentice-Hall, 1990.
Oppenheim and Schafer. Digital Signal Processing. Prentice-Hall,
For information on the emulator software, refer to the Software Users
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