Semiconductor Technical Data
(Motorola Order Number)
Rev. 0, 09/98
© Motorola, Inc., 1998
Advance Information
MC68183 FLEX™ Roaming Decoder II IC
Multichannel, high-performance Roaming FLEX protocol has been adopted by leading service
providers worldwide as a standard for roaming paging. The protocol gives service providers the
increased capacity, added reliability, and enhanced battery performance paging needs today.
FLEX protocol also allows control of a phase lock loop-synthesized receiver for receipt of paging
messages from a list of paging channels. Finally, the protocol provides an upward migration path
to the service provider that is completely transparent to the end user.
The MC68183 signal processor is a second-generation, field-proven solution, with Roaming
FLEX capabilities providing for a low-power, low-cost system. The MC68183 makes it easier to
implement a FLEX paging device, with interfaces to most industry-standard paging receivers and
host microcontroller/microprocessors. The primary function of the MC68183 is to process
information received from a FLEX radio-paging channel, select the messages addressed to the
paging device, and communicate the message information to the host. The MC68183 also operates
the paging receiver in an efficient power-consumption mode, enabling the host to operate in low-
power mode when monitoring a single channel for message information.
Figure 1.
MC68183 Functional Block Diagram
76.8 kHz
or 160 kHz
Receiver Control
S0/IFIN Demodulator &
Data Slicer
Symbol Sync
Generator De-interleaver Error Corrector
Local Message
SPI Buffer SPI
Noise Detector
1-2 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Content Organization
Part 1 Introduction to the MC68183
Refer to Section 1.1 for information on this data sheet and on the MC68183.
1.1 Content Organization
This section outlines the information contained in this document.
Part 1, “Introduction to the MC68183” ...............................................................................................1-2
1.1, “Content Organization”..........................................................................................................1-2
1.2, “Data Conventions” ...............................................................................................................1-3
1.3, “Features”...............................................................................................................................1-4
1.4, “Summary of Changes” .........................................................................................................1-4
1.5, “Additional Support” .............................................................................................................1-5
1.6, “Documentation” ...................................................................................................................1-5
1.7, “Ordering Information”..........................................................................................................1-6
Part 2, “Signal/Connection Descriptions” ...........................................................................................2-1
2.1, “Signal Groupings”................................................................................................................2-1
2.2, “Power Input and Monitoring” ..............................................................................................2-1
2.3, “Processor Clock”..................................................................................................................2-2
2.4, “Reset” ...................................................................................................................................2-2
2.5, “Current Symbol Inputs” .......................................................................................................2-2
2.6, “Serial Peripheral Interface”..................................................................................................2-3
2.7, “Receiver Control Lines”.......................................................................................................2-3
Part 3, “Specifications”........................................................................................................................3-1
3.1, “Maximum Ratings” ..............................................................................................................3-1
3.2, “Thermal Characteristics”......................................................................................................3-1
3.3, “DC Electrical Characteristics” .............................................................................................3-2
3.4, “AC Electrical Characteristics” .............................................................................................3-3
3.5, “Initialization Timing”...........................................................................................................3-3
3.6, “Reset Timing” ......................................................................................................................3-4
3.7, “Serial Peripheral Interface Timing” .....................................................................................3-4
Part 4, “Pin-Out and Package Information” ........................................................................................4-1
4.1, “TQFP Package Description” ................................................................................................4-1
4.2, “Ordering Drawings”.............................................................................................................4-4
Part 5, “Design Considerations”..........................................................................................................5-1
5.1, “Thermal Design Considerations” .........................................................................................5-1
5.2, “Application Design Considerations”....................................................................................5-2
Appendix A, “FLEX Overview” ........................................................................................................A-5
A.1, “FLEX Signal Structure” .....................................................................................................A-5
A.2, “FLEX Frame Structure” .....................................................................................................A-5
A.3, “FLEX Message Word Definitions”.................................................................................... A-9
Appendix B, “SPI Packets”................................................................................................................ B-1
B.1, “Packet Communication Initiated by the Host” ................................................................... B-1
B.2, “Packet Communication Initiated by MC68183” ................................................................ B-2
B.3, “Host-to-Decoder Packet Map”............................................................................................ B-3
B.4, “Decoder-to-Host Packet Map”............................................................................................ B-4
Data Conventions
Motorola Introduction to the MC68183 1-3
Appendix C, “Host-to-Decoder Packet Descriptions”........................................................................C-1
C.1, “Checksum Packet”...............................................................................................................C-1
C.2, “Configuration Packet”.........................................................................................................C-3
C.3, “Control Packet” ...................................................................................................................C-5
C.4, “All Frame Mode Packet”.....................................................................................................C-7
C.5, “Operator Messaging Address Enable Packet”...................................................................C-11
C.6, “Roaming Control Packet”....................................................................................................C-8
C.7, “Timing Control Packet” ....................................................................................................C-10
C.8, “Receiver Line Control Packet”..........................................................................................C-11
C.9, “Receiver Control Configuration Packets”.........................................................................C-12
C.10, “Receiver-Off Setting Packet”..........................................................................................C-12
C.11, “Frame Assignment Packets”............................................................................................C-15
C.12, “User Address Enable Packet”..........................................................................................C-16
C.13, “User Address Assignment Packets”................................................................................C-17
Appendix D, “Decoder-to-Host Packet Descriptions”....................................................................... D-1
D.1, “Block Information Word Packet”....................................................................................... D-1
D.2, “Address Packet”................................................................................................................. D-3
D.3, “Vector Packet” ................................................................................................................... D-4
D.4, “Message Packet” ................................................................................................................ D-8
D.5, “Roaming Status Packet”..................................................................................................... D-9
D.6, “Receiver Shut-Down Packet”........................................................................................... D-10
D.7, “Status Packet” .................................................................................................................. D-11
D.8, “Part ID Packet”................................................................................................................. D-13
Appendix E, “Application Notes”.......................................................................................................E-1
E.1, “Receiver Control”................................................................................................................E-1
E.2, “Receiver Settings at Reset”..................................................................................................E-1
E.3, “Message Building” ..............................................................................................................E-4
E.4, “Building a Fragmented Message”........................................................................................E-6
E.5, “Operation of a Temporary Address” ...................................................................................E-9
E.6, “Using the Receiver Shut-Down Packet”............................................................................E-10
1.2 Data Conventions
This data sheet uses the following conventions:
: used
to indicate a signal that is active when pulled low (e.g., “RESET”).
“Asserted” means that a high true signal (i.e., an active high) is high or that a low true signal
(i.e., an active low) is low.
“Deasserted” means that a high true signal is low or that a low true signal is high.
Please refer to the examples in Table 1-1.
Table 1-1. Data Conventions
Signal/Symbol Logic State Signal State Voltage
PIN True Asserted V
PIN False Deasserted V
1-4 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
1.3 Features
The following list describes the features of the MC68183:
FLEX paging protocol signal processor
16 programmable user address words
16 temporary addresses
16 operator-messaging addresses
1600, 3200, and 6400 bits-per-second (bps) decoding
Any-phase or single-phase decoding
Uses standard serial peripheral interface (SPI) in slave mode
Allows low-current STOP mode operation of host processor
Highly programmable receiver control
Real-time clock time base
FLEX message fragmentation and group messaging support
Real-time clock over-the-air update support
Compatible with synthesized receivers
SSID and NID roaming support
Low battery indication (external detector)
32-pin TQFP package
Backward-compatible to the standard and roaming FLEXchip ICs
Internal demodulator and data slicer
Improved battery savings via partial address correlation and intermittent receiver clock
Full support for revision G1.9 of the FLEX protocol
1.4 Summary of Changes
The following list summarizes the differences between the MC68181 and the MC68183. The two are
very similar in operation and configuration; in fact, the MC68183’s default mode of operation causes it
to operate as a MC68181. Current users of the MC68181 should refer to the following list for a
detailed understanding of the differences between the products.
The MC68183 has an internal digital demodulator that accepts a 455 kHz or 140 kHz limited
IF signal on the S0/IFIN pin. A 160 kHz crystal must be used, and EXTS0 and EXTS1 pins
are tri-stated if the demodulator is enabled.
PIN True Asserted V
PIN False Deasserted V
Table 1-1. Data Conventions (Continued)
Signal/Symbol Logic State Signal State Voltage
Motorola Introduction to the MC68183 1-5
When the internal digital demodulator is enabled, the CLKOUT can be programmed as either
38.4 kHz or 40 kHz.
The MC68183 supports partial address correlation, which allows the FLEXchip II to shut
down before the end of the last FLEX block containing an address, if no addresses match.
The MC68183 supports an intermittent clock output that drives the CLKOUT pin low
whenever the receiver is shut down.
The configuration packet from the host MCU contains the following four new bits:
IDE enables the digital demodulator.
DEC selects the CLKOUT frequency when the digital demodulator is enabled.
enables partial address correlation.
ICO enables the intermittent clock function.
The part ID for the MC68183 is $00 03 09
Improvements to the host-to-decoder packets include
The MC68183 is sent an EAE bit in its control packet which can enable the MC68183 to
control the end of address bit in its status packet.
The host MCU can send an operator messaging address enable packet that enables built-in
FLEX operator addresses.
The host MCU can send a roaming control packet, allowing the MC68183 to implement a
roaming pager.
The host MCU can send a timing control packet, allowing control of the system timing
when the MC68183 is in asynchronous mode.
Improvements to the decoder-to-host packets
Block information words have been added for system message and time zone information.
The MC68183 can send a roaming status packet, which can then be sent to the host MCU.
The MC68183 can send a receiver shutdown packet to inform the host MCU that the
receiver is off.
The MC68183 sends an EA bit in its status packet indicating that the last address in a
frame has been detected.
1.5 Additional Support
FLEX system software from Motorola is a family of software components for building world-class
products incorporating messaging capabilities. FLEX Stack Software is specifically designed to
support the MC68183. The software runs on a product’s host processor and controls communication
with the MC68183, acquisition of the proper FLEX channel, and full interpretation of the code-words
that the MC68183 passes to the host. For information on how to obtain FLEX Stack Software, contact
the Motorola wireless semiconductor help desk at the following address:
1.6 Documentation
This is the primary support document for the MC68183. All Motorola documentation is available from
the following sources:
A local Motorola distributor
1-6 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Ordering Information
A Motorola semiconductor sales office
A Motorola literature distribution center
The source of all the latest information is the Motorola wireless semiconductor home page, which can
be reached on the Internet at the following addresses: (FLEX) (Wireless Semiconductor)
See the back cover for additional information.
1.7 Ordering Information
Consult a Motorola Semiconductor sales office or authorized distributor to determine product
availability and to place an order.
Table 1-2. Ordering Information
Part Supply
Voltage Package Type Pin Count Frequency
(kHz) Order Number
MC68183 2/3 V Thin Quad Flat Pack
(TQFP) 32 76.8 or 160 MC68183FA
Power Input and Monitoring
Motorola Signal/Connection Descriptions 2-1
Part 2 Signal/Connection Descriptions
This section presents descriptions of the MC68183 signals and their connections.
2.1 Signal Groupings
The input and output signals of the MC68183 are organized into six functional groups, as shown in
Table 2-1 and illustrated in Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1. Signals Identified by Functional Group
2.2 Power Input and Monitoring
Refer to Table 2-2 for a description of the MC68183 power input and monitoring signals.
Table 2-1. MC68183 Functional Signal Groupings
Functional Group Number of Signals Detailed Description
Power Input and Monitoring 7 Figure 2-2
Processor Clock 5 Figure 2-3
Reset 1 Figure 2-4
Current Symbol Inputs 2 Figure 2-5
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 5 Figure 2-6
Receiver Control Lines 8 Figure 2-7
38.4 or 40 kHz
Symbol Clock
External input
External output
Oscillator Power
Input power
Low Battery
Control &
Symbol MSB
Symbol LSB
2-2 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Processor Clock
2.3 Processor Clock
The MC68183 processor clock signals are described in Table 2-3.
2.4 Reset
Table 2-4 describes the MC68183 test and reset signals.
2.5 Current Symbol Inputs
Interrupt and mode control signals are described in Table 2-5.
Table 2-2. Power Input, Monitoring, and Control Signals
Power Name Description
is the input power for the MC68183.
is ground connection for the MC68183.
Low Battery
—LOBAT is an input signal to indicate to the MC68183 when external battery
power is going low. (An external voltage sensing circuit is required.)
Table 2-3. Processor Clock Signals
Signal Name Type State during
Reset Signal Description
CLKOUT Output Indeterminate
Clock Output
—Programmable as a 38.4 or 40 kHz clock output
(derived from oscillator).
SYMCLK Output Indeterminate
Recovered Symbol Clock
—Data is synchronized to the internal
clock and this recovered clock output enhances lock-on capability
by reducing jitter from cable-induced noise.
EXTAL Input Input
External Clock/Crystal Input
—EXTAL interfaces the internal
crystal oscillator input to a 76.8 kHz or 160 kHz crystal input or other
external input clock.
XTAL Output Indeterminate
External Clock/Crystal Output
—This is typically a 76.8 kHz or 160
Khz clock output.
OSCPD Input Input
Oscillator Power Down
—This input determines whether the
internal oscillator is used. Connect this pin to V
when using the
76.8 kHz crystal input. Connect this pin to V
when using an
external input clock signal.
Table 2-4. Test and Reset Signals
Signal Name Type State During
Reset Signal Description
RESET Input Input
This input is a direct hardware reset on the MC68183.
When RESET is asserted low, the MC68183 is initialized and
placed in the Reset state.
Receiver Control Lines
Motorola Signal/Connection Descriptions 2-3
2.6 Serial Peripheral Interface
Refer to Table 2-6 for a description of the MC68183 SPI signals.
2.7 Receiver Control Lines
MC68183 receiver control lines signals are described in Table 2-7.
Table 2-5. Interrupt and Mode Control
Signal Name Type State During
Reset Signal Description
EXTS1 Input Input
External Symbol 1
—This is the most significant bit (MSB) of the
symbol being tested.
EXTS0 Input Input
External Symbol 0
—This is the least significant bit (LSB) of the
symbol being tested.
Table 2-6. SPI Signals
Name Signal
Type State during
Reset Signal Description
SCK Input Input
SPI Serial Clock
—The SCK signal is an input, and the clock signal
from the external master synchronizes the data transfer. The SCK
signal is ignored by the SPI if the slave select (SS) signal is not
SS Input Input
SPI Slave Select
—This signal is used to enable the SPI slave for
MOSI Input Input
SPI Master-Out-Slave-In
—Because the MC68183 is always a slave
device, this is the data input for SPI communications. The MOSI signal
is used in conjunction with the MISO signal for transmitting and
receiving serial data.
MISO Output Tri-stated
SPI Master-In-Slave-Out
—Because the MC68183 is always a slave
device, this is the data output for SPI communications. The MISO
signal is used in conjunction with the MOSI signal for transmitting and
receiving serial data.
READY Output Output, driven
SPI Ready
—This signal is driven low when the MC68183 is ready for
an SPI packet.
Table 2-7. Receiver Control Lines
Name Signal Type State during
Reset Signal Description
S0/IFIN Output/Input Tri-stated/Input
- This signal is a receiver control output when the IDE
bit is clear (i.e., the internal demodulator is disabled).
- This signal is a limited IF input when the IDE bit is
set (i.e. the internal demodulator is enabled)
S1–S7 Output Tri-stated
Control Line 1–Control Line 7
—These signals are the
seven additional receiver control lines.
2-4 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Receiver Control Lines
Thermal Characteristics
Motorola Specifications 3-1
Part 3 Specifications
The MC68183 is fabricated in high-density CMOS with transistor-transistor-logic-compatible (TTL)
inputs and outputs.
3.1 Maximum Ratings
Refer to Table 3-1for a listing of the MC68183’s maximum ratings.
This device contains circuitry protecting against damage due to high static voltage or
electrical fields; however, normal precautions should be taken to avoid exceeding
maximum voltage ratings. Reliability is enhanced if unused inputs are tied to an
appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either GND or VDD).
In the calculation of timing requirements, adding a maximum value of one specification to a
minimum value of another specification does not yield a reasonable sum. A maximum
specification is calculated using a worst-case variation of process parameter values in one
direction. The minimum specification is calculated using the worst case for the same
parameters in the opposite direction. Therefore, a “maximum” value for a specification will
never occur in the same device that has a “minimum” value for another specification; adding a
maximum to a minimum represents a condition that can never exist.
3.2 Thermal Characteristics
The MC68183’s thermal characteristics are provided in Table 3-2.
Table 3-1. Maximum Ratings
Rating Symbol Min Max Unit
Supply voltage V
0.5 3.6 V
All input voltages V
-0.5 V
+0.5 V
Current drain per pin excluding V
and V
I 10 mA
Operating temperature range T
–30 +85
Storage temperature TSTG –65 +150 ˚C
Table 3-2. Thermal Characteristics
Characteristic Symbol TQFP Value Unit
Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance1
1. Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance is based on measurements on a horizontal, single-sided printed circuit board
per SEMI G38-87 in natural convection.(SEMI is Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International, 805 East
Middlefield Rd., Mountain View, CA 94043, (415) 964-5111) Values were measured with the parts mounted on
thermal test boards meeting the specification EIA/JESD51-3.
RθJA or θJA 95 ˚C/W
Thermal characterization parameter ΨJT 21 ˚C/W
3-2 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
DC Electrical Characteristics
3.3 DC Electrical Characteristics
Refer to Table 3-3 for a complete listing of MC68183 dc electrical characteristics.
Table 3-3. DC Electrical Characteristics
Characteristics Symbol Min Typ Max Unit
Supply voltage VDD 1.8 3.3 3.6 V
Input voltage VI0—V
Output voltage1
1. Applies to output buffers.
Input high voltage
All other inputs
0.7 VDD
Input low voltage VIL 0.2VDD V
Input transition (rise and fall) time tt0 25 ns
Input leakage current IIN –0.25 0.25 µA
High impedance (off-state) input current (@
1.44 V /0.3 V) ITSI –10 +10 µA
Output high voltage (IOH = –1.0 mA) VOH 0.8 VDD ——V
Output low voltage (IOL = 2.8 mA) VOL 0.3 V
Internal supply current2
2. This value is for static IDD.
IDD 100 µA
Input capacitance CIN —10 pF
Virtual junction temperature Tj-30 25 150 ˚C
Positive-going threshold voltage3,4
3. Applies to input and bidirectional buffers with hysteresis.
4. Test condition = CMOS compatible.
ViT+ 0.7VDD V
Negative-going threshold voltage3,4 ViT- 0.2VDD ——V
Hysteresis (ViT+ - ViT-)3Vhys 0.1VDD 0.3VDD V
3-state-output Hi-Z current5
5. 3-state or open-drain output must be in the high-impedance mode.
IOZ +/- 10 µA
Lower-level input current6
6. Specifications only apply with pull-up terminator turned off.
IIL —— -1µA
High-level input current7
7. Specifications only apply with pull-down terminator turned off.
IIH —— 1µA
Initialization Timing
Motorola Specifications 3-3
3.4 AC Electrical Characteristics
The timing wave-forms in the ac electrical characteristics are tested with a VIL maximum of 0.2 × VDD
in V and a VIH minimum of 0.7 × VDD in V for all inputs. AC timing specifications referenced to a
device input signal are measured in production with respect to the 50% point of the respective input
signal’s transition. MC68183 output levels are measured with the production test machine VOL and
VOH reference levels set at 0.3 × VDD in V and 0.6 × VDD in V, respectively.
Note: All ac timings have been fully simulated during the design phase. The following specifications
are guaranteed by design.
3.5 Initialization Timing
For the MC68183, VDD = 1.8 to 3.6 V; TA = –30 to + 85°C. Table 3-4 gives initialization timing
information for the MC68183, and Figure 3-1 diagrams the start-up timing.
Note: From power-up, the oscillator start-up time can impact the availability and period of clock
strobes. This can affect the actual RESET high to READY low timing.
Figure 3-1. Start-Up Timing
Table 3-4. Initialization Timing
Characteristic Conditions Symbol Min Max Unit
Oscillator start-up time tSTART 5 sec
RESET hold time tRESET 200 ns
RESET high to READY low tRHRL 1 sec
Oscillator warmed up to READY low CL = 50pf tOWRL 1 sec
3-4 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Reset Timing
3.6 Reset Timing
For the MC68183, VDD = 1.8 to 3.6 V; TA = –30 to 85°C. Refer to Table 3-5 for reset timing
information, and consult Figure 3-2 for the reset timing diagram.
Figure 3-2. Reset Timing
3.7 Serial Peripheral Interface Timing
For the MC68183, VDD = 1.8 to 3.6 V; TA = –30 to +85°C. Refer to Table 3-6 for SPI timing
information. Figure 3-3 diagrams SPI timing.
Table 3-5. Reset Timing
Characteristic Conditions Symbol Min Max Unit
RESET pulse width tRL 200 ns
RESET low to READY high tRLRH 200 ns
RESET high to READY low Requires stable clock
source tRHRL 1 sec
Table 3-6. SPI Timing
Characteristic Conditions Symbol Min Max Unit
Operating frequency fOP 0 1 MHz
Cycle time tCYC 1000 ns
Select lead time tLEAD1 200 ns
Deselect lag time tLAG1 200 ns
Select-to-ready time Previous packet did not program an
address word; CL = 50 pf tRDY —80µs
Select-to-ready time Previous packet programmed an
address word; CL = 50 pf tRDY 420 µs
Ready high time tRH 50 µs
Serial Peripheral Interface Timing
Motorola Specifications 3-5
Note: When the host reprograms an address word with a host-to-FLEXchip packet ID > 127
(decimal), there may be an added delay before FLEXchip is ready for another packet.
Ready lead time tLEAD2 200 ns
Not ready lag time CL = 50pf tLAG2 200 ns
MOSI data setup time tSU 200 ns
MOSI data hold time tHI 200 ns
MISO access time CL = 50pf tAC 0 200 ns
MISO disable time tDIS 300 ns
MISO data valid time CL = 50pf tV 200 ns
MISO data hold time tHO 0—ns
SS high time tSSH 200 ns
SCK high time tSCKH 300 ns
SCK low time tSCKL 300 ns
SCK rise time 20% to 70% VDD tR1µs
SCK fall time 20% to 70% VDD tF1µs
Table 3-6. SPI Timing (Continued)
Characteristic Conditions Symbol Min Max Unit
3-6 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Serial Peripheral Interface Timing
Figure 3-3. SPI Timing
D31 D0
TQFP Package Description
Motorola Pin-Out and Package Information 4-1
Part 4 Pin-Out and Package Information
This section provides information about the available packages for this product, including diagrams of
the package pinouts and tables describing how the signals described in Part 2 are allocated. The
MC68183 is available in a 32-pin thin quad flat-pack (TQFP) package.
4.1 TQFP Package Description
The TQFP package is shown in Figure 4-1 with its pin-outs. Table 4-1correlates pin numbers with
signal names, and Table 4-2 lists the MC68183 signals by name.
Figure 4-1. MC68183 Thin Quad Flat Pack (TQFP), Top View
Orientation mark
(Top view)
4-2 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
TQFP Package Description
Table 4-1. Signal by Pin Number
Pin # Signal Name Pin # Signal Name Pin # Signal Name Pin # Signal Name
1. NC indicates reserved pins. These pins must not be connected to any external line.
9NC117 NC125 NC1
DD 11 EXTS1 19 S4 27 SS
2. To ensure proper chip operation, all VSS pins must be connected to GND.
12 EXTS0 20 S3 28 SCK
5 XTAL 13 VDD 21 S2 29 VSS2
7VSS215 S7 23 S0/IFIN 31 MISO
Table 4-2. Signal by Name
Signal Name Pin # Signal Name Pin # Signal Name Pin # Signal Name Pin #
CLKOUT 32 NC 9 S2 21 SYMCLK 14
EXTAL 6 NC 17 S3 20 VDD 3
EXTS0 12 NC 25 S4 19 VDD 13
EXTS1 11 OSCPD 2 S5 18 VSS 4
LOBAT 10 READY 26 S6 16 VSS 7
MISO 31 RESET 24 S7 15 VSS 8
MOSI 30 S0/IFIN 23 SCK 28 VSS 29
NC 1 S1 22 SS 27 XTAL 5
TQFP Package Description
Motorola Pin-Out and Package Information 4-3
Figure 4-2. 32-Pin Thin Quad Flat Pack (TQFP) Mechanical Information
CASE 873A-02
DATE 12/16/93
Y14.5M, 1982.
7.000 BSC
B7.000 BSC
C1.400 1.600
D0.300 0.450
E1.350 1.450
F0.300 0.400
G0.800 BSC
H0.050 0.150
J0.090 0.200
K0.500 0.700
M12° REF
N0.090 0.160
P0.400 BSC
R0.150 0.250
V9.000 BSC
V1 4.500 BSC
B1 V1
B1 3.500 BSC
A1 3.500 BSC
S9.000 BSC
S1 4.500 BSC
W0.200 REF
X1.000 REF
T-U0.20 Z
T-U0.20 ZAB
0.10 AC
-T-, -U-, -Z-
0.20 Z
4-4 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Ordering Drawings
4.2 Ordering Drawings
Complete mechanical information on MC68183 packaging is available by facsimile through
Motorola's Mfax™ system. Call the following number for facsimile:
The Mfax automated system requests the following information:
The receiving facsimile telephone number, including area code or country code
The caller’s personal identification number (PIN)
Note: For first-time callers, the system provides instructions for setting up a PIN, which requires
entry of a name and telephone number. The following types of information may be requested:
Instructions for using the system
A literature order form
Specific part technical information or data sheets
Other information described by the system messages
A total of three documents may be ordered per call.
The MC68183 32-pin TQFP package mechanical drawing is referenced as 873A-02.
(602) 244-6591
Thermal Design Considerations
Motorola Design Considerations 5-1
Part 5 Design Considerations
In this section, thermal and application design considerations are described.
5.1 Thermal Design Considerations
An estimation of the chip junction temperature, TJ, can be obtained in °C from the equation
TA = ambient temperature ˚C
RθJA = package junction-to-ambient thermal resistance ˚C/W
PD = power dissipation in package
Historically, thermal resistance has been expressed as the sum of a junction-to-case thermal resistance
and a case-to-ambient thermal resistance
RθJA = package junction-to-ambient thermal resistance ˚C/W
RθJC = package junction-to-case thermal resistance ˚C/W
RθCA = package case-to-ambient thermal resistance ˚C/W
RθJC is device-related and cannot be influenced by the user. The user controls the thermal environment
to change the case-to-ambient thermal resistance, RθCA. For example, the user can change the air flow
around the device, add a heat sink, change the mounting arrangement on the printed circuit board, or
otherwise change the thermal dissipation capability of the area surrounding the device on a printed
circuit board.
This model is most useful for ceramic packages with heat sinks; some 90% of the heat flow is
dissipated through the case to the heat sink and out to the ambient environment. For ceramic packages,
in situations where the heat flow is split between a path to the case and an alternate path through the
printed circuit board, analysis of the device thermal performance may need the additional modeling
capability of a system level thermal simulation tool.
The thermal performance of plastic packages is more dependent on the temperature of the printed
circuit board to which the package is mounted. Again, if the estimations obtained from RθJA do not
satisfactorily answer whether the thermal performance is adequate, a system-level model may be
A complicating factor is the existence of three common ways for determining the junction-to-case
thermal resistance in plastic packages:
To minimize temperature variation across the surface, the thermal resistance is measured from
the junction to the outside surface of the package (case) closest to the chip mounting area
when that surface has a proper heat sink.
To define a value approximately equal to a junction-to-board thermal resistance, the thermal
resistance is measured from the junction to where the leads are attached to the case.
If the temperature of the package case (TT) is determined by a thermocouple, the thermal
resistance is computed using the value obtained by the equation (TJ – TT)/PD.
5-2 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Application Design Considerations
As noted above, the junction-to-case thermal resistances quoted in this data sheet are determined using
the first definition. From a practical standpoint, that value is also suitable for determining the junction
temperature from a case thermocouple reading in forced convection environments. In natural
convection, using the junction-to-case thermal resistance to estimate junction temperature from a
thermocouple reading on the case of the package will estimate a junction temperature slightly hotter
than actual temperature.
Hence, the new thermal metric, thermal characterization parameter or ΨJT, has been defined to be
(TJTT)/PD. This value gives a better estimate of the junction temperature in natural convection when
using the surface temperature of the package. Remember that surface temperature readings of
packages are subject to significant errors caused by inadequate attachment of the sensor to the surface
and to errors caused by heat loss to the sensor. The recommended technique is to attach a 40-gauge
thermocouple wire and bead to the top center of the package with thermally conductive epoxy.
5.2 Application Design Considerations
The operation of the MC68183 is determined by its mode of operation. While working in default
mode, it operates identically to the MC68181. Figure 5-1shows a block diagram of a system designed
using the MC68183. When connected to a receiver capable of converting a 4-level audio signal to a 2-
bit digital signal, the MC68183 provides eight receiver control lines used for warming up and shutting
down a receiver in stages.
The MC68183 offers dual bandwidth control for two post-detection filter bandwidths allowing
reception of two symbol rates of the FLEX signal. Other features include the ability to detect a low
battery signal during receiver control sequences and the use of an industry standard SPI interface for
communciation with a host MCU. The MC68183 provides a 38.4 kHz clock output capable of driving
other devices. A 1-minute timer offers support for a time-of-day function on the host.
The MC68183 features internal demodulator that works with a limited (i.e., 1-bit digitized) 455 kHz or
140 kHz IF signal. When this mode of operation is selected via a command from the host, the IF signal
from the receiver is input into the MC68183 via the S0/IFIN pin. When using the internal
demodulator, the oscillator frequency (or external clock) must be 160 kHz. The CLKOUT signal can
be programmed to be either a 38.4 kHz signal,created by fractionally dividing the oscillator clock, or a
40 kHz signal,created by dividing the oscillator clock by 4.
Figure 5-1. MC68183 System Block Diagram
LNA Mixer/Amp
2/4 level
VCO/Buffer Host
Application Design Considerations
Motorola Design Considerations 5-3
Suggested crystal oscillator circuits for use with the MC68183 are shown below. Figure 5-2 shows a
recommended circuit for a 76.8 kHz crystal input and Figure 5-3 shows the circuit for a 160kHz
crystal input.
Figure 5-2. Input Circuit for 76.8 kHz Crystal
Figure 5-3. Input Circuit for a 160 kHz Crystal Output
10 MW
0 W
Ex: Sanyo UT200 Crystal
10 pF
10 pF
Note: R1 can be increased in size to be used as a current limiter, if needed.
10 MW
0 W
Ex: MicroCrystal MXIV-TM Crystal
15 pF
15 pF
Note: R1 can be increased in size to be used as a current limiter, if needed.
5-4 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Application Design Considerations
FLEX Frame Structure
Motorola FLEX Overview A-5
Appendix A FLEX Overview
This appendix gives an overview of the FLEX protocol as it pertains to the MC68183. As this is only
an overview (derived from Issue G1.9 of the FLEX protocol specification), the FLEX protocol
specification prevails in case of contradiction.
A.1 FLEX Signal Structure
As shown in Figure A-1, a FLEX signal consists of a series of 4-minute cycles, each of 128 frames at
1.875 seconds per frame. The signal is transmitted on a radio channel. A pager may be assigned to
process any number of these frames. Any unassigned frames are not processed, thus reducing power
required for signal processing and extending battery life. If required, however, the pager may
temporarily process more complex information. This temporary processing capability is possible
because individual FLEX cycles can dynamically assign additional frames using collapse,
fragmentation, temporary addressing, or carry-on information within the FLEX signal.
Figure A-1. FLEX Signal Structure
A.2 FLEX Frame Structure
Each FLEX frame consists of the following two elements:
Synchronization portion.
Data portion—11 data blocks lasting 160 milliseconds each.
A.2.1 Frame Synchronization Portion
The synchronization portion consists of the following elements:
First synchronization signal at 1600 bps
Frame information word, including
Frame number 0–127 (7 bits)
Cycle number 0–14 (4 bits)
Block 0
127 Frame
125 Frame
126 Frame
Sync 1 Frame
Info Sync 2
One Frame = 1.875 s.
One Block =
One Cycle = 4 Minutes
Word Number
0 to 7
Block 9
Word Number
72 to 79
Block 10
Word Number
80 to 87
160 ms
A-6 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
FLEX Frame Structure
Second synchronization signal at the data rate of the interleaved portion.
A.2.1.1 First Synchronization Signal
The first synchronization signal is transmitted at 1600 bps and provides a signal to lock onto the
specific frame.
A.2.1.2 Frame Information Word
The frame information word transmits 11 bits that are divided into a 7-bit frame number and a 4-bit
cycle number. This allows the pager to identify the frame and the cycle in which it resides uniquely.
A.2.1.3 Second Synchronization Signal
The second synchronization signal indicates the rate at which the data portion is transmitted (i.e.,
1600, 3200 or 6400 bits per second).
The 1600 bps rate is transmitted as a single phase of information (A), as shown in Figure A-2, at 1600
symbols per second using 2-level frequency shift keyed (FSK) modulation.
Figure A-2. FLEX Signal Structure for 1600 BPS
The 3200 bps rate is transmitted as two concurrent phases of information (A and C), as shown in
Figure A-3, at either of the following data rates:
1600 symbols per second using 4-level FSK modulation, or
3200 symbols per second using 2-level FSK modulation.
BIW Address
Field Vector
Field Message Field Idle Field
1600 BPS
Block 0
127 Frame
125 Frame
126 Frame
Sync 1 Frame
Info Sync 2
One Frame = 1.875 s.
One Block =
One Cycle = 4 Minutes
Word Number
0 to 7
Block 9
Word Number
72 to 79
Block 10
Word Number
80 to 87
160 ms
FLEX Frame Structure
Motorola FLEX Overview A-7
Figure A-3. FLEX Signal Structure for 3200 BPS
The 6400 bps rate is transmitted as four concurrent phases of information (A,B, C, and D), as shown in
Figure A-4, at 3200 symbols per second using 4-level FSK modulation.
BIW Address
Field Vector
Field Message Field Idle Field
BIW Address
Field Vector
Field Message Field Idle Field
3200 BPS
Block 0
127 Frame
125 Frame
126 Frame
Sync 1 Frame
Info Sync 2
One Frame = 1.875 s.
One Block =
One Cycle = 4 Minutes
Word Number
0 to 7
Block 9
Word Number
72 to 79
Block 10
Word Number
80 to 87
160 ms
A-8 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
FLEX Frame Structure
Figure A-4. FLEX Signal Structure for 6400 BPS
A.2.2 Frame Data Portion
As noted above, there are 11 data blocks following the frame synchronization portion of each frame.
Each block has eight interleaved words per phase, numbered 0–87 contiguously for all 11 blocks, in
every frame. Each word has information that allows for bit-error correction and detection contained
within an error correcting code.
All the 88 words in each phase are organized into the following five fields:
Block information field
Address field
Vector field
Message field
Idle field
The boundaries between the fields are independent of the block boundaries. Furthermore, at 3200 and
6400 bps, the information in one phase is independent of the information in a concurrent phase, and
the boundaries between the fields of one phase are unrelated to the boundaries between the fields in a
concurrent phase.
BIW Address
Field Vector
Field Message Field Idle Field
BIW Address
Field Vector
Field Message Field Idle Field
BIW Address
Field Vector
Field Message Field Idle
BIW Address
Field Vector
Field Message Field
6400 BPS
Block 0
127 Frame
125 Frame
126 Frame
Sync 1 Frame
Info Sync 2
One Frame = 1.875 s.
One Block =
One Cycle = 4 Minutes
Word Number
0 to 7
Block 9
Word Number
72 to 79
Block 10
Word Number
80 to 87
160 ms
FLEX Message Word Definitions
Motorola FLEX Overview A-9
A.2.2.1 Block Information Field
The block information field may contain information words for determining time and date information
and certain paging system information.
A.2.2.2 Address Field
The address field contains addresses assigned to paging devices. Addresses are used to identify
information sent to individual paging devices and/or groups of paging devices. An address may be
either a “short” one-word address or a “long” two-word address. Information in the FLEX signal may
indicate that an address is a priority address. An address may be a “tone only” address, in which case
no additional information is associated with the address.
A.2.2.3 Vector Field
The vector field consists of a series of vector words. Depending upon the type of message, a vector
word (or words, in the case of a long address) may either contain all information necessary for the
message or indicate the location of message words in the message field comprising the message
information. If an address is not a tone-only address, an associated vector word is in the vector field.
Information in the FLEX signal indicates the location of the vector word. Short addresses have one
associated vector word; long addresses have two associated vector words. To enhance battery savings,
a pager may go to low-power mode at the end of the address field if its address(es) is (are) not
A.2.2.4 Message Field
The message field consists of a series of information words containing message information. The
message information may be formatted in ASCII, BCD, or binary code, depending upon the message
type. The following sections provide a detailed description of the various types of information words
that may be used in the message field.
A.2.2.5 Idle Field
The idle field is used to separate blocks.
A.3 FLEX Message Word Definitions
This section provides definitions of numeric, hex/binary, alphanumeric, and secure message bits.
A.3.1 Numeric Data Message
The following tables describe the bit format of the numeric messages. The 4-bit numeric characters of
the message are designated as lower-case letters “a,” “b,” “c,” “d,” etc. Refer to Table A-1 for standard
or special-format numeric vectors and to Table A-2 for numeric vectors. Table A-3 gives definitions of
numeric message bits.
Table A-1. Standard (V = 011) or Special-Format (V = 100) Numeric Vectors
Word i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10 i11 i12 i13 i14 i15 i16 i17 i18 i19 i20
1st K4K5a0a1a2a3b0b1b2b3c0c1c2c3d0d1d2d3e0e1e2
A-10 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
FLEX Message Word Definitions
2nd e3f0f1f2f3g0g1g2g3h0h1h2h3i0i1i2i3j0j1j2j3
3rd k0k1k2k3l0l1l2l3m0m1m2m3n0n1n2n3o0o1o2o3q0
4th q1q2q3r0r1r2r3s0s1s2s3t0t1t2t3u0u1u2u3v0v1
5th v2v3w0w1w2w3y0y1y2y3z0z1z2z3A0A1A2A3B0B1B2
6th B3C0C1C2C3D0D1D2D3E0E1E2E3F0F1F2F3G0G1G2G3
7th H0H1H2H3I0I1I2I3J0J1J2J3V0V1V2V3L0L1L2L3M0
8th M1M2M3O0O1O2O3P0P1P2P3Q0Q1Q2Q3T0T1T2T3U0U1
Table A-2. Numbered (V = 111) Numeric Vector
Word i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10 i11 i12 i13 i14 i15 i16 i17 i18 i19 i20
1st K4K5N0N1N2N3N4N5R0S0a0a1a2a3b0b1b2b3c0c1c2
2nd c3d0d1d2d3e0e1e2e3f0f1f2f3g0g1g2g3h0h1h2h3
3rd i0i1i2i3j0j1j2j3k0k1k2k3l0l1l2l3m0m1m2m3n0
4th n1n2n3o0o1o2o3q0q1q2q3r0r1r2r3s0s1s2s3t0t1
5th t2t3u0u1u2u3v0v1v2v3w0w1w2w3y0y1y2y3z0z1z2
6th z3A0A1A2A3B0B1B2B3C0C1C2C3D0D1D2D3E0E1E2E3
7th F0F1F2F3G0G1G2G3H0H1H2H3I0I1I2I3J0J1J2J3V
8th V1V2V3L0L1L2L3M0M1M2M3O0O1O2O3P0P1P2P3Q0Q1
Table A-3. Numeric Message Bit Definitions
Symbol Definition
K6-bit message check character (first 4 bits are in the vector word)—This check character
is calculated by initializing the message check character (K) to 0 and summing the information
bits of each code-word in the message, (including control information and termination
characters and bits in the last message word) to a check sum register. The information bits of
each word are broken into three groups: the first is the 8 bits comprising i0 through i7, the
second group comprises bits i8 through i15, and the third group comprises bits i16 through i20.
Bits i0, i8, and i16 are the LSBs of each group. The binary sum is calculated, and the result is
shortened to the eight LSBs. The two MSB are shifted 6 bits to the right and summed with the
six LSBs to form a new sum. This resultant sum is one's complemented with the six LSBs of the
result being transmitted as the message check character.
Table A-1. Standard (V = 011) or Special-Format (V = 100) Numeric Vectors (Continued)
Word i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10 i11 i12 i13 i14 i15 i16 i17 i18 i19 i20
FLEX Message Word Definitions
Motorola FLEX Overview A-11
A.3.1.1 Message Fill Rules
For numeric messages of 36 characters or less, or 34 characters if numbered, fewer than eight code-
words on the channel are required. Only code-words containing the numeric message are to be
transmitted. The space character ($0C) should be used to fill any unused 4-bit characters in the last
word, and zeros should be used to fill any remaining partial characters. The check sum is shortened
correspondingly to include only the code-words that comprise the shortened message and the space
and fill characters used to fill in the last word.
A.3.1.2 Special Format Numeric
Spaces and dashes as specified by the host are inserted into the received message. This feature in
certain markets saves the transmission of an additional word on the channel. In the U.S. market, for
example, a 10-character string (area code plus telephone number) fits into two message words. If the
dashes or parentheses are to be included in the message, a third message word on the channel is
required. The actual placement can be programmed into the paging device and can vary between
A.3.2 Hex/Binary Message
The following tables describe the bit format of the hex/binary messages. The data of the message is
designated as lower-case letters “a,” “b,” “c,” “d,” etc. Hex/binary messages can be sent as fragments.
The service provider has the option of dividing the message into several pieces and sending the
separate pieces at any time within a given time period. Table A-4 shows first-only fragments for vector
type V = 110; Table A-5 shows all other fragments for the same vector type; and Table A-6 gives bit
definitions for the hex/binary message.
NMessage number—When the system supports message retrieval, the system controller
assigns message numbers separately for each paging address, starting at 0 and progressing in
consecutive order to a maximum of 63. The actual maximum rol-over number is defined in the
pager code-plug to accommodate values set in the system infrastructure. When message
numbers are not received in order, the subscriber should assume a message has been missed.
The subscriber or the pager may determine the missing message number(s) allowing a request
to be made for retrieval. When a normal unnumbered numeric message is received (message
retrieval flag = 0), it is not to be included in the missed message calculation.
RMessage retrieval flag—When this bit is set to 1, the pager expects to see messages
numbered in order, with each address numbered separately. Detection of a missing number
indicates a missed message. A message received with R = 0 is allowed to be out of order and
shall not cause the pager to indicate that a message has been missed.
SSpecial format—In the numbered message format, this bit set to 1 indicates that a special
display format should be used.
Table A-4. Vector Type V = 110 First-Only Fragment
Word i0i1i2i3i4i5i6i7i8i9i10 i11 i12 i13 i14 i15 i16 i17 i18 i19 i20
1st K0K1K2K3K4K5K6K7K8K9K10 K11 C0F0F1N0N1N2N3N4N5
Table A-3. Numeric Message Bit Definitions (Continued)
Symbol Definition
A-12 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
FLEX Message Word Definitions
2nd R0M0D0H0B0B1B2B3s0s1s2s3s4S0S1S2S3S4S5S6S7
3rd a0a1a2a3b0b1b2b3c0c1c2c3d0d1d2d3e0e1e2e3f0
4th f1f2f3g0g1g2g3h0h1h2h3i0i1i2i3j0j1j2j3k0k1
5th k2k3l0l1l2l3m0m1m2m3n0n1n2n3o0o1o2o3q0q1q2
6th q3r0r1r2r3s0s1s2s3t0t1t2t3u0u1u2u3v0v1v2v3
nth iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Table A-5. Vector Type V=110 All Other Fragments
Word i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10 i11 i12 i13 i14 i15 i16 i17 i18 i19 i20
1st K0K1K2K3K4K5K6K7K8K9K10 K11 C0F0F1N0N1N2N3N4N5
2nd a0a1a2a3b0b1b2b3c0c1c2c3d0d1d2d3e0e1e2e3f0
3rd f1f2f3g0g1g2g3h0h1h2h3i0i1i2i3j0j1j2j3k0k1
4th k2k3l0l1l2l3m0m1m2m3n0n1n2n3o0o1o2o3q0q1q2
5th q3r0r1r2r3s0s1s2s3t0t1t2t3u0u1u2u3v0v1v2v3
nth iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Table A-6. Hex/Binary Message Bit Definitions
K12-bit fragment check sum—This check sum is calculated by initializing the fragment check
sum field (K) to 0 and calculating a sum over the information bits of each code-word in the
message fragment (including control information and termination characters/bits in the last
fragment word). This sum requires that the information bits of each word be broken into three
groups: the first is the 8 bits comprising i0 through i7, the second group comprises bits i8
through i15, and the third group comprises bits i16 through i20. Bits i0, i8, and i16 are the LSBs of
each group. The binary sum is calculated over all code-words in the fragment, the one’s
complement of the sum is determined, and the twelve LSBs of the result is placed into the
fragment check sum field to be transmitted at the beginning of the fragment.
C1-bit message continued flag—When set to 1, this flag indicates fragments of this message
are to be expected in any or possibly all of the following frames until a fragment with C = 0 is
found. The longest message that fits into a frame is eighty-four code-words. Three alpha
characters per word yields a maximum message of 252 characters in a frame, assuming no
other traffic. Messages longer than this value must be sent as several fragments.
Table A-4. Vector Type V = 110 First-Only Fragment (Continued)
Word i0i1i2i3i4i5i6i7i8i9i10 i11 i12 i13 i14 i15 i16 i17 i18 i19 i20
FLEX Message Word Definitions
Motorola FLEX Overview A-13
F2-bit message fragment number—This is a modulo 3 message fragment number that is
incremented by 1 in successive message fragments. The initial fragment starts at 11 and each
following fragment is incremented by 1 modulo 3, (11, 00, 01, 10, 00, 01, 10, 00, etc.). The 11
state (after the initial fragment) is skipped in this process to avoid confusion with the single
fragment of a non-continued message. The final fragment is indicated by the message
continued flag being reset to 0.
NMessage number—When the system supports message retrieval the system controller
assigns message numbers (for each paging address separately) starting at 0 and progressing
up to a maximum of 63 in consecutive order. The actual maximum roll-over number is defined
in the pager code plug to accommodate values set in the system infrastructure. When message
numbers are not received in order, the subscriber should assume a message has been missed.
The subscriber or the pager may determine the missing message number(s) allowing a request
to be made for retrieval. When a normal unnumbered numeric message is received (message
retrieval flag is equal to 0), it is not to be included in the missed message calculation. This
number is also used to identify fragments of the same message. Multiple messages to the
same address must have separate message numbers. An exception to this rule is the header
message tied to a transparent message, each with the same message number.
RMessage retrieval flag—When this bit is set to 1, the pager expects to see messages
numbered in order, with each address numbered separately. Detection of a missing number
indicates a missed message. A message received with R = 0 is allowed to be out of order and
not cause the pager to indicate that a message has been missed.
M1-bit mail drop flag—When set to 1, this bit indicates the message is to be stored in a special
area in memory. It automatically writes over existing data in that memory space.
D1-bit display direction field:
D = 0—Display left to right.
D = 1—Display right to left (valid only when data sent as characters [i.e., blocking length not
equal 0001]).
H1-bit header message:
H = 1—Indicates that this message is a header to a following transparent message of the same
message number.
H = 0—Implies message is not a header.
B4-bit blocking length—This bit field indicates the number of bits per character.
B3B2B1B0 = 0001—1 bit per character (binary/transparent data).
B3B2B1B0 = 1111—15 bits per character.
B3B2B1B0 = 0000—16 bits per character.
Data with blocking length other than 1 is assumed to be displayed on a character by character
basis. (Default value = 0001)
s5-bit field reserved for future use—Default value = 00000
S8-bit Signature Field—The signature is defined to be the one's complement of the binary sum
over the total message taken 8 bits at a time prior to formatting into fragments. It would be
equivalent to a binary sum starting with the first 8 bits directly following the signature field
(b3b2b1b0a3a2a1a0 + d3d2d1d0c3c2c1c0 and so on) and continuing all the way to the last valid
data bit in the last word of the last fragment. The 8 LSB of the result are inverted (one's
complement) and transmitted as the message signature.2
Table A-6. Hex/Binary Message Bit Definitions (Continued)
A-14 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
FLEX Message Word Definitions
A.3.2.1 Message Content
Starting with the first character of the third word in the message (second word in the remaining
fragments), each 4-bit field represents one of any of the 16 possible combinations with no restrictions
(data may be binary).
A.3.2.2 Fragment Termination
Unused bits in the last message word of a fragment are filled with all 0s or all 1s, depending on the last
valid data bit. This choice is always the opposite polarity of the last valid data bit. For first fragments
and inner fragments of a multifragment message, the message is interrupted (stopped) on the last full
character boundary in the last code-word in the fragment. Any unused bits follow the rule just stated.
The final fragment follows the above rules except when the last character is all 1s or all 0s and it
exactly fills the last code-word. In this case, an additional word must be sent of opposite polarity of all
1s or all 0s to signify the position of the last character, thus allowing that last character to be an all 1s
or an all 0s character pattern.
Note: This is always the case when a binary message ends in the last bit of the last word.
A.3.2.3 Message Header
A message header is designated by setting the H bit to 1. This is a displayable tag associated with a
transparent nondisplayable data message. The tag and the associated message are complete in
themselves. The pager associates the header message with the data file based on the two having the
same message number and being sent in sequence (header first, followed by data file).
A.3.3 Alphanumeric Message
The following tables describe the bit format of the alphanumeric messages. The 7-bit characters of the
message are designated as lower-case letters such as “a,” “b,” “c,” or “d.” Alphanumeric messages can
be sent as fragments. The service provider has the option of dividing the message into several pieces
and sending the separate pieces at any time within a given time period. Table A-7 shows first-only
fragments for vector type V = 110; Table A-8 shows all other fragments for the same vector type; and
Table A-9 gives bit definitions for the alphanumeric message.
1. Fields R through S are only in the first fragment of a message. The fields K through N make up the first word of
every fragment in a long message.
2. This sum does not include any termination bits and should be calculated directly on the message as received by
the terminal. The device generating the signature should be able to calculate before the fragmenting boundaries
are determined.
Table A-7. Vector Type V = 101 First-Only Fragment
Word i0i1i2i3i4i5i6i7i8i9i10 i11 i12 i13 i14 i15 i16 i17 i18 i19 i20
1st K0K1K2K3K4K5K6K7K8K9C0F0F1N0N1N2N3N4N5R0M0
2nd S0S1S2S3S4S5S6a0a1a2a3a4a5a6b0b1b2b3b4b5b6
3rd c0c1c2c3c4c5c6d0d1d2d3d4d5d6e0e1e2e3e4e5e6
4th f0f1f2f3f4f5f6g0g1g2g3g4g5g6h0h1h2h3h4h5h6
FLEX Message Word Definitions
Motorola FLEX Overview A-15
5th i0i1i2i3i4i5i6j0j1j2j3j4j5j6k0k1k2k3k4k5k6
nth iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Table A-8. Vector Type V = 101 Other Fragment
Word i0i1i2i3i4i5i6i7i8i9i10 i11 i12 i13 i14 i15 i16 i17 i18 i19 i20
1st K0K1K2K3K4K5K6K7K8K9C0F0F1N0N1N2N3N4N5U0V0
2nd a0a1a2a3a4a5a6b0b1b2b3b4b5b6c0c1c2c3c4c5c6
3rd d0d1d2d3d4d5d6e0e1e2e3e4e5e6f0f1f2f3f4f5f6
4th g0g1g2g3g4g5g6h0h1h2h3h4h5h6i0i1i2i3i4i5i6
5th j0j1j2j3j4j5j6k0k1k2k3k4k5k6l0l1l2l3l4l5l6
nth iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Table A-9. Alphanumeric Message Bit Definitions
Symbol Definition
K10-bit fragment check character—This check character is calculated by initializing the fragment
check character (K) to 0 and summing the information bits of each code-word in the message
fragment (including control information and termination characters and bits in the last message
word) to a check sum register. The information bits of each word are broken into three groups:
the first is the 8 bits comprising i0 through i7, the second group comprises bits i8 through i15, and
the third group comprises bits i16 through i20. Bits i0, i8, and i16 are the LSBs of each group. The
binary sum is calculated, the one's complement of the sum is determined, and the 10 LSBs of the
result is transmitted as the message check character.
C1-bit message continued flag—When set, this flag indicates fragments of this message are to
be expected in following frames. The longest message that fits into a frame is 84 code-words
total. Three alpha characters per word yields a maximum message of 252 characters in a frame,
assuming no other traffic. Messages longer than this value must be sent as several fragments.
F2-bit message fragment number—This is a modulo 3 message fragment number that is
incremented by 1 in successive message fragments. Initial fragments start at 11 and increment 1
for each successive fragment. The 11 state (after the start fragment) is skipped in this process to
avoid confusion with an initial fragment of a noncontinued message. The final fragment is
indicated by message continued flag being cleared.
Table A-7. Vector Type V = 101 First-Only Fragment (Continued)
Word i0i1i2i3i4i5i6i7i8i9i10 i11 i12 i13 i14 i15 i16 i17 i18 i19 i20
A-16 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
FLEX Message Word Definitions
A.3.3.1 Message Content
Starting with the second character of the second word in the message (first character of the second
word in all remaining fragments), each 7-bit field represents standard ASCII (ISO 646-1983E)
characters with options for certain international characters.
A.3.3.2 Message Termination
The ASCII character ETX ($03) should be used to fill any unused 7-bit characters in a word. In the
case where symbolic characters are being transmitted, special rules for fragment and message
termination are defined in the following information on alphanumeric message rules for symbolic
characters sets.
A.3.3.3 Alphanumeric Message Rules for Symbolic Characters Sets
In the past, paging protocols have supported symbolic characters (e.g., Chinese, Kanji, etc.) using a 7-
bit ASCII protocol. When the FLEX alphanumeric mode is used to carry this same signaling format,
special fragmenting rules are required to maintain character boundaries, so performance is optimized
under poor signal conditions. The following rules allow character positions within a fragment to be
determined when prior fragments are missing.
NMessage number—When the system supports message retrieval, the system controller assigns
message numbers (for each paging address separately) starting at 0 and progressing up to a
maximum of 63 in consecutive order. The actual maximum roll-over number is defined in the
pager code plug to accommodate values set in the system infrastructure. When message
numbers are not received in order, the subscriber should assume a message has been missed.
The subscriber or the pager may determine the missing message number(s), allowing a request
to be made for retrieval. When a normal unnumbered numeric message is received (message
retrieval flag is equal to 0), it is not to be included in the missed message calculation. This
number is also used to identify fragments of the same message. Multiple messages to the same
address must have separate message numbers.
RMessage retrieval flag—When this bit is set, the pager expects to see messages numbered in
order (each address numbered separately). Detection of a missing number indicates a missed
message. A message received with R = 0 is allowed to be out of order and not cause the pager to
indicate that a message has been missed.
M1-bit mail drop flag—When set, this flag indicates the message is to be stored in a special area
in memory. It automatically writes over existing data in that memory space.
S7-bit signature field—The signature is defined to be the one's complement of the binary sum
over the total message (all fragments) taken 7 bits at a time (on alpha character boundary)
starting with the first 7 bits directly following the signature field (a6a5a4a3a2a1a0,
b6b5b4b3b2b1b0, etc.). The seven LSBs of the result are transmitted as the message signature.
U, V Fragmentation control bits—This field exists in all fragments except the first fragment. It is
used to support character position tracking in each fragment when symbolic characters
(characters made up of 1, 2, or 3 ASCII characters) are transmitted using the Alphanumeric
message type. The default value for the U, V pair is 0, 0. See Section A.3.3.4, “Enhanced
Fragmentation Rules,” for more information.
Table A-9. Alphanumeric Message Bit Definitions (Continued)
Symbol Definition
FLEX Message Word Definitions
Motorola FLEX Overview A-17
A.3.3.4 Enhanced Fragmentation Rules
The following list explains the MC68183’s rules for enhanced fragmentation.
The pager must recognize <NUL> characters only at the end of fragments where they are used
as fill characters. The pager must remove these characters so that the displayed message is not
affected. In all other positions the <NUL> character must be considered a result of channel
errors. (This provides a method to end each fragment with a complete character and does not
disrupt the pager that is not capable of following all of the enhanced fragmenting (EF)).
The last fragment is to be completed by filling unused character positions with <ETX>
characters or <NUL> characters. (Original FLEX alphanumeric message definition (<ETX>)
plus the new <NUL> requirement.) When the message ends exactly in the last character
position in the last BCH code-word, no additional <ETX> is required.
The U and V bits in the message header are available in all fragments following the initial
fragment to aid in decoding. In the first fragment, the pager must assume the message starts in
the default character mode. For the second and remaining fragments, the definition of the
(U,V) field is shown in Table A-10.
When the EF field is 00, the pager decodes messages, allowing characters to be split between
fragments. When the U, V field is not 0, 0, each fragment starts on a character boundary with the
character mode defined by the above table.
A.3.3.5 Secure Message
The following tables describe the bit format of the secure messages. The 7-bit characters of the
message are designated as lower-case letters “a,” “b,” “c,” “d,” etc. Secure messages can be sent as
fragments. The service provider has the option of dividing the message into several pieces and sending
the separate pieces at any time within a given time period. Table A-11 shows all fragments for vector
type V = 000, and Table A-12 gives secure message bit definitions.
Table A-10. U and V Field Definition
0 0 EF not supported in controller
0 1 Reserved (for a second alternate character mode)
1 0 Default character mode—start position 1
1 1 Alternate character mode—start position 1
Table A-11. Vector Type V = 000 All Fragments
Word i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10 i11 i12 i13 i14 i15 i16 i17 i18 i19 i20
1st K0K1K2K3K4K5K6K7K8K9C0F0F1N0N1N2N3N4N5s0s1
2nd a0a1a2a3a4a5a6b0b1b2b3b4b5b6c0c1c2c3c4c5c6
3rd d0d1d2d3d4d5d6e0e1e2e3e4e5e6f0f1f2f3f4f5f6
A-18 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
FLEX Message Word Definitions
A.3.3.6 Message Content
Starting with the first character of the second word in the message (and first character of all remaining
fragments), each 7-bit field represents standard ASCII (ISO 646-1983E) characters with options for
certain international characters.
4th g0g1g2g3g4g5g6h0h1h2h3h4h5h6i0i1i2i3i4i5i6
5th j0j1j2j3j4j5j6k0k1k2k3k4k5k6l0l1l2l3l4l5l6
nth iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Table A-12. Secure Message Bit Definitions
Symbol Definition
K10-bit fragment check character—This check character is calculated by initializing the
fragment check character (K) to 0 and summing the information bits of each code-word in the
message fragment (including control information and termination characters and bits in the last
message word) to a check sum register. The information bits of each word are broken into three
groups: the first is the 8 bits comprising i0 through i7, the second group comprises bits i8 through
i15, and the third group comprises bits i16 through i20. Bits i0, i8, and i16 are the LSBs of each
group. The binary sum is calculated, the one's complement of the sum is determined, and the
ten LSBs of the result is transmitted as the message check character.
C1-bit message continued flag—When set, the message continued flag indicates fragments of
this message are to be expected in following frames. The longest message that fits into a frame
is 84 code-words total. Three alpha characters per word yields a maximum message of 252
characters in a frame, assuming no other traffic. Messages longer than this value must be sent
as several fragments.
F2-bit message fragment number—This is a modulo 3 message fragment number that is
incremented by 1 in successive message fragments. Initial fragments start at 11 and increment
1 for each successive fragment. The 11 state (after the start fragment) is skipped in this process
to avoid confusion with an initial fragment of a non-continued message. The final fragment is
indicated by message continued flag being cleared.
NMessage number—When the system supports message retrieval, the system controller
assigns message numbers (for each paging address separately) starting at 0 and progressing
up to a maximum of 63 in consecutive order. The actual maximum roll-over number is defined in
the pager code plug to accommodate values set in the system infrastructure. When message
numbers are not received in order, the subscriber should assume a message has been missed.
The subscriber or the pager may determine the missing message number(s) allowing a request
to be made for retrieval. When a normal unnumbered numeric message is received (message
retrieval flag is equal to 0), it is not to be included in the missed message calculation. This
number is also used to identify fragments of the same message. Multiple messages to the same
address must have separate message numbers.
sSpare bit—not used and set to 0.
Table A-11. Vector Type V = 000 All Fragments (Continued)
Word i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10 i11 i12 i13 i14 i15 i16 i17 i18 i19 i20
FLEX Message Word Definitions
Motorola FLEX Overview A-19
A.3.3.7 Message Termination
The ASCII character ETX ($03) should be used to fill any unused 7-bit characters in a word.
A.3.4 FLEX Encoding and Decoding Rules
The encoding and decoding rules identify the minimum requirements that must be met by the paging
device, paging terminal, or other encoding equipment to properly format a FLEX data stream for
RF transmission and to successfully decode it.
A.3.4.1 FLEX Encoding Rules
The following list explains the MC68183’s rules concerning FLEX encoding.
The stability of the encoder clock used to establish time positions of FLEX frames must be no
worse than ± 25 ppm (including worst-case temperature and aging effects).
A maximum of two occurrences of an identical individual or radio group address is allowed in
any frame for unfragmented messages. This rule applies across all phases in a multiphase
frame. For example, for decoding devices that support any-phase addressing, an any-phase
address may appear at once in two different phases in a single multiphase frame.
Once an individual or radio group address is used to begin transmitting a fragmented message,
that same address must not be used to start a new fragmented transmission until the first
fragmented transmission has been completed.
For the duration of time that an individual or radio group address is being used to send a
fragmented message, that same address must not appear more than once in any frame to send
an unfragmented message.
Once a specific dynamic group address (temporary address) is assigned to a group, it must not
be reused until its associated message has been transmitted in its entirety. Given this
constraint, the same dynamic group address can only appear once in any frame.
A dynamic group address cannot be used to set up a second dynamic group.
Messages using any of the three defined numeric vectors (V2V1V0 = 011, 100, and 111)
cannot be fragmented and thus must be completely contained in a single frame.
Fragments of the same message must be sent at a frequency of at least 1 every 32 frames (i.e.,
at least once a minute) or 1 every 128 frames (i.e., at least once every 4 minutes) as specified
by the service provider.
Enhanced message fragmenting for symbolic character transmission requires that the encoder
track character boundaries within each fragment in order to avoid character splitting.
Message numbering as an optional feature is offered by some carriers and available on an
individual subscriber basis.
Message numbers must be assigned sequentially in ascending order.
Message number sequences must be separately maintained for each individual and radio group
Message numbers are not used (retrieval message number disabled) in conjunction with a
dynamic group address.
When a missed message is retransmitted from message retrieval storage, the message must
have R = 0 to avoid creating an out of sequence message that may cause the pager to indicate a
missed message.
A-20 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
FLEX Message Word Definitions
A.3.4.2 FLEX Decoding Rules
The following list explains the MC68183’s rules concerning FLEX decoding.
FLEX decoding devices may implement either single-phase addressing or any-phase
FLEX decoding devices that support the numeric vector type (V2V1V0 = 011) must also
support the short message vector (V2V1V0 = 010) with the message type (t1t0) set to 00.
FLEX decoding devices that support the alphanumeric vector type (V2V1V0 = 101) must
support the numeric vector type (V2V1V0 = 011) and the short message vector
(V2V1V0 = 010) with the message type (t1t0) set to 00. FLEX paging devices that implement
any-phase and support the alphanumeric vector type (V2V1V0 = 101) must also support the
short instruction vector (V2V1V0 = 001) with the instruction type (i2i1i0) set to 000.
FLEX decoding devices must be capable of decoding frames at all of the following
combinations of data rate and modulation mode. They are 1600 bps, 2 level; 3200 bps, 2 level;
3200 bps, 4 level; 6400 bps, 4 level.
FLEX decoding devices must be designed to tolerate 4-minute fragment separation times.
A.3.5 FLEX Character Sets and Rules
The alphanumeric, standard, and alternate character sets displayed in message mode are described
A.3.5.1 Alphanumeric Character Set
Table A-13 through Table A-15 define the characters to be displayed in the FLEX alphanumeric
message mode. Control characters that are not acted upon by the pager are ignored in the display
process (do not require display space), but are stored in memory for possible download to an external
Table A-13. Alphanumeric Character Set
Least Significant 4 bits
of Character
Most Significant 3 Bits of Character
0 NUL DLE SP 0 @ P p
1 SOH DC1 ! 1 A Q a q
2 STX DC2 2 B R b r
3 ETX DC3 # 3 C S c s
4 EOT DC4 $ 4 D T d t
5 ENQ NAK % 5 E U e u
6 ACK SYN & 6 F V f v
7 BEL ETB 7 G W g w
8 BS CAN ( 8 H X h x
9 TAB EM ) 9 I Y i y
FLEX Message Word Definitions
Motorola FLEX Overview A-21
A.3.5.2 Numeric Character Set
Table A-14 and Table A-15 define the characters to be displayed in the FLEX numeric message mode.
A LF SUB * : J Z j z
B VT ESC + ; K [ k {
Table A-14. Standard Character Set (Peoples-Republic-of-China Option Off)
Character B3B2B1B0
0 0000
1 0001
2 0010
3 0011
4 0100
5 0101
6 0110
7 0111
8 1000
9 1001
Spare 1010
U 1011
Space 1100
- 1101
] 1110
[ 1111
Table A-13. Alphanumeric Character Set (Continued)
Least Significant 4 bits
of Character
Most Significant 3 Bits of Character
A-22 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
FLEX Message Word Definitions
A.3.6 FLEX Local Time And Date
The FLEX protocol allows for systems to transmit time information in its block information field.
When a system provider supports local time transmissions, the system provider is required, at a
minimum, to transmit at least one-time related block information word in each phase transmitted in
frame 0, cycle 0. The time transmitted is the local time for the transmitted time zone and refers to the
actual time at the leading edge of the first bit of sync 1 of frame 0 of the current cycle. The information
carried in the s bits of the block information word depend on the value of the f bits of the block
information word. The following sections describe the bit definitions of the time-related block
information words.
A.3.6.1 Month/Day/Year
Refer to Table A-16 for definition of month/day/year block information words.
Table A-15. Alternate Character Set (Peoples-Republic-of-China-Option On)
Character B3B2B1B0
0 0000
1 0001
2 0010
3 0011
4 0100
5 0101
6 0110
7 0111
8 1000
9 1001
A 1010
B 1011
Space 1100
C 1101
D 1110
E 1111
FLEX Message Word Definitions
Motorola FLEX Overview A-23
Note: m = Month field—0001 through 1100 (binary) correspond to January through December,
d = Day field—00001 through 11111 (binary) correspond to 1 through 31, respectively.
Y = Year field—This represents the year with modulo arithmetic. 00000 through 11111
(binary) representing 1994 through 2025, 2026 through 2057, etc.
A.3.6.2 Second/Minute/Hour
Table A-17 defines the second/minute/hour block information words.
Note: S = Second field—This represents a coarse value of the seconds field. These bits represent the
seconds in eighth of a minute (7.5 second) increments. 000 through 111 (binary) correspond to
0 through 52.5 seconds, respectively
M = Minute field—000000 through 111011 (binary) correspond to 0 through 59, respectively
H = Hour field—00000 through 10111 (binary) correspond to 0 through 23, respectively.
A.3.6.3 Accurate Seconds/Daylight Savings Time/Time Zone
Refer to Table A-18 for a definition of the system message block information words.
Note: When the s3 s2 s1 s0 field is set to 0100 or 0101, the other s4 through s13 are defined as above.
The system messages with the s3 s2 s1 s0 field set to some other value do not contain time
related information.
S = Accurate Seconds—This field provides a more accurate seconds reference and can be used
to adjust the seconds to within 1 second. This field represents how much time should be added
to the coarse seconds in 64th- of-a-minute increments.
L = Daylight Savings Time—When this bit is set, the time being transmitted is local standard
time. When it is clear, the time being transmitted is Daylight Savings Time.
z = Time Zone—These bits indicate the time zone for which the time is being transmitted. The
offset from GMT is the offset for local standard time. Table A-19 describes the values for z.
Table A-16. Month/Day/Year Block Information Word Definition
f2f1f0s13 s12 s11 s10 s9s8s7s6s5s4s3s2s1s0
001 m3m2m1m0d4d3d2d1d0Y4Y3Y2Y1Y0
Table A-17. Second/Minute/Hour Block Information Word Definition
f2f1f0s13 s12 s11 s10 s9s8s7s6s5s4s3s2s1s0
010 S5S4S3M5M4M3M2M1M0H4H3H2H1H0
Table A-18. System Message Block Information Word Definition
f2f1f0s13 s12 s11 s10 s9s8s7s6s5s4s3s2s1s0Description
101 S2S1S0xL
0z4z3z2z1z0010X System Message
A-24 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
FLEX Message Word Definitions
In order to send messages to a FLEX decoding device, the FLEX service provider must know the
device’s address, the address type (single-phase, any-phase, or all-phase), the address’s assigned
phase, the address’s assigned frame, and the address’s battery cycle. This information is typically
included in a FLEX CAPCODE. The assignment of CAPCODEs is regulated to prevent duplication of
addresses on a system. Check with your FLEX service provider or other appropriate regulatory body
for FLEX CAPCODE assignments. The following paragraphs describe what these parameters define.
The device address consists of one or two 21-bit words. A one-word address is called a short address,
while a two-word address is called a long address. Address words are separated into ranges in
accordance with Table A-20.
Table A-19. Time-Zone Values
z4z3z2z1z0Time Zone z4z3z2z1z0Time Zone z4z3z2z1z0Time Zone
00000 GMT 01011 GMT + 1100 10110 GMT – 1000
00001 GMT + 0100 01100 GMT + 1200 10111 GMT – 0900
00010 GMT + 0200 01101 GMT + 0330 11000 GMT – 0800
00011 GMT + 0300 01110 GMT + 0430 11001 GMT – 0700
00100 GMT + 0400 01111 GMT + 0530 11010 GMT – 0600
00101 GMT + 0500 10000 RESERVED 11011 GMT – 0500
00110 GMT + 0600 10001 GMT + 0545 11100 GMT – 0400
00111 GMT + 0700 10010 GMT + 0630 11101 GMT – 0300
01000 GMT + 0800 10011 GMT + 0930 11110 GMT – 0200
01001 GMT + 0900 10100 GMT – 0330 11111 GMT – 0100
01010 GMT + 1000 10101 GMT – 1100
Table A-20. Address Word Range Definition
Type Hexadecimal Value
Idle word (illegal address) 000000
Long address 1 000001–008000
Short address 008001–1E0000
Long address 3 1E0001–1E8000
Long address 4 1E8001–1F0000
Short address (reserved) 1F0001–1F27FF
Info service address 1F2800–1F67FF
FLEX Message Word Definitions
Motorola FLEX Overview A-25
Long addresses are grouped into the sets listed in Table A-21.
The address type indicates how messages on a particular address can be delivered in multiphase FLEX
frames. Messages sent on single-phase addresses can only be delivered in a particular phase (a, b, c, or
d). Messages sent on any-phase addresses can be delivered in any phase, but a single message is
limited to a single phase per frame. Messages sent on all-phase addresses can be delivered in any
phase, and a single message can be spread across multiple phases in a single frame. All-phase
messaging is a future feature of FLEX and has not been completely defined.
The assigned phase is required only for single-phase devices. It determines the phase (a, b, c, or d) in
which the messages is sent.
The assigned frame and battery cycle determine the frames in which the decoding device typically
looks for messages (other system factors can cause the decoding device to look in other frames in
addition to the typical frames).
The battery cycle is a number between 0 and 7 and defines how often the decoding device looks for
messages on the FLEX channel. For a given battery cycle “b,” the decoding device looks in every 2b
frames. Thus, an address with an assigned frame of 3 and a battery cycle of 5 typically looks for
messages in frame 3 and every 32 frames thereafter (i.e., frames 3, 35, 67, and 99).
The FLEX CAPCODE is defined to represent either a short or a long address. The short address is
defined in the FLEX protocol as one code-word on the RF channel and is represented by a 7-digit
decimal field. The long address is defined in the FLEX protocol as two code-words on the RF channel
and is represented by a 9- or 10-digit decimal field. The long addresses in set 1–2 are represented by a
9-digit decimal field. The long addresses in sets 1–3, 1–4, 2–3, and 2–4 are represented by a 10-digit
Network address 1F6800–1F77FF
Temporary address 1F7800–1F780F
Operator messaging address 1F7810–1F781F
Short address (reserved) 1F7820–1F7FFE
Long address 2 1F7FFF–1FFFFE
Idle word (illegal address) 1FFFFF
Table A-21. Long Address Sets
Long Address Set First Word Second Word
1–2 Long address 1 Long address 2
1–3 Long address 1 Long address 3
1–4 Long address 1 Long address 4
2–3 Long address 2 Long address 3
2–4 Long address 2 Long address 4
Table A-20. Address Word Range Definition (Continued)
Type Hexadecimal Value
A-26 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
FLEX Message Word Definitions
decimal field. An alphabetic character known as the “CAPCODE type” always precedes the 7-, 9-, or
10-digit decimal address field. The CAPCODE type indicates the type of address and distinguishes
FLEX CAPCODEs from CAPCODEs of other paging protocols.
A.3.7.1 CAPCODE Type
Example CAPCODEs are shown in Table A-22 The CAPCODE type can be any of “A” through “L”
or “U” through “Z”. The CAPCODE types “A” through “L” indicate that the standard rules are used to
derive the assigned frame and phase information from the address field. Section A.3.7.2, “Standard
Frame and Phase Embedding Rules.” For these CAPCODE types, the battery cycle (indicated as a “b”
in example 1, Table A-22) is indicated by a single decimal digit “0” through “7” preceding the
CAPCODE type. When the FLEX standard battery cycle of 4 (16-frame cycle) is used, the battery-
cycle digit is not required. (See example 2 in Table A-22.)
The CAPCODE types “U” through “Z” indicate that the standard frame and phase embedding rules
were not used and additional information is required. The phase assignment can be derived from the
CAPCODE type, as described in Table A-24 on page -29. The 3-digit decimal frame assignment “000”
through “127” (indicated by “fff” in example 3, Table A-22) and single-digit decimal battery cycle “0”
through “7” (indicated as a “b” in example 3 in Table A-22) may precede this CAPCODE type. The
frame and battery cycle fields are not required. When they are not included. (See example 4 in
Table A-22.) the paging device or the subscriber database must be accessed to determine the assigned
frame and battery cycle.
The extended CAPCODE is a regular CAPCODE with a 10-digit address field and preceded by an
extra alphabetic character “P” through “S.” These CAPCODEs are used to provide additional
information required for roaming devices. See Table A-22 for FLEX CAPCODE examples.
By using the convention of seven digits to represent short addresses, nine digits to represent some of
the long addresses in set 1–2, and 10 digits to represent the balance of long addresses, it is possible to
differentiate between the different types of addresses. The range of the decimal address field consists
of the numbers 1 through 5,370,810,366 where short and other single code-word addresses fall below
2,031,615 and long addresses are above 2,101,248. The goal in displaying a CAPCODE is to use the
shortest form possible. Even though the nonstandard form could represent a standard assignment, the
standard form is chosen to indicate that it is a standard assignment. All CAPCODE forms, except
example 4 in Table A-22, contain the information required to send a message to a subscriber unit.
A.3.7.2 Standard Frame and Phase Embedding Rules
Maximum battery life in a FLEX decoding device is achieved when all of the addresses assigned to a
device are in the same frame. For single-phase decoding devices, all assigned addresses are required to
be in the same phase.
Table A-22. FLEX CAPCODE Examples
Example Short Long Extended
1 bA1234567 bA123456789 RbA1234567890
2 A1234567 A123456789 RA1234567890
3 fffbU1234567 fffbU123456789 RfffbU1234567890
4 U1234567 U123456789 RU1234567890
FLEX Message Word Definitions
Motorola FLEX Overview A-27
Normally, it is very desirable to spread the population of FLEX subscriber units on a system across all
four phases of all 128 frames. Frame- and phase-spreading can be performed automatically as
addresses are assigned sequentially by embedding that information into the 7-, 9-, and 10-digit decimal
FLEX address.
The standard procedure for deriving the phase and frame values from the CAPCODE starts by
separating the 7-, 9-, or 10-digit decimal address portion (field to the right of the CAPCODE type) and
performing a decimal to binary conversion. The LSB is labeled bit “0”. The following bits “2 and 3” in
order, specify phases 00, 01, 10, or 11 for phase 0,1,2,3 (a, b, c, d), and bits “4–10” represent frames
“000” through “127”.
The frame and phase can also be derived from the 7-, 9-, or 10-digit decimal address by using modulo
arithmetic (base 10) where the following is true:
Phase = (Integer (Addr/4)) Modulo 4
Frame = (Integer (Addr/16)) Modulo 128
When these rules are used, and addresses are assigned in order, the phase increments after four
consecutive addresses are assigned, while the frame is incremented after 16 addresses are assigned.
A.3.7.3 CAPCODE Alpha Character Definition
The alpha character in the FLEX CAPCODE indicates the type of decoding device to which the
address is assigned. The types include single-phase, any-phase, or all-phase. It also indicates whether
the address is the first, second, third, or fourth address in the subscriber unit (when addresses are
assigned in order and follow standard rules). Finally, the alpha character specifies the rules for
determining in which phase and frame the address is active. Refer to Table A-23 for alpha character
Table A-23. Alpha Character Codes
Standard Rules No Rules (Nonstandard Form)
A—Single-phase subtract 0 U—Single-phase, phase 0
B—Single-phase subtract 1 V—Single-phase, phase 1
C—Single-phase subtract 2 W—Single-phase, phase 2
D—Single-phase subtract 3 X—Single-phase, phase 3
E—Any-phase, subtract 0 Y—Any-phase
F—Any-phase subtract 1
G—Any-phase subtract 2
H—Any-phase subtract 3
I—All-phase subtract 0 Z—All-phase
J—All-phase subtract 1
K—All-phase subtract 2
L—All-phase subtract 3
A-28 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
FLEX Message Word Definitions
The following rules apply:
The character “A” represents a single-phase subscriber unit using the standard rules for
embedding phase and frame. The character “B” is similar to “A”, except that 1 is subtracted
from the CAPCODE before the standard rule is applied. Likewise, the characters “C” and “D”
indicate that 2 or 3 is to be subtracted before applying the rule. Using these CAPCODE
characters ensures that sequentially numbered CAPCODEs are assigned to a common phase
and frame. These procedures modify the standard rules and are intended to simplify the order-
entry process for multiple address subscriber units. When addresses are assigned in order, the
subtraction of 1, 2, or 3 ensures that the calculation for each additional address in a decoding
device is referenced to the first address. Thus, all A, B, C, and D addresses are assigned to the
same frame and phase.
Alpha characters “E” through “H” and “I” through “L” represent any-phase and all-phase
subscriber units where the subtract rule is modified to ensure that all addresses of a multiple
address subscriber unit are in the same frame.
For the cases where no rule is defined, the letters “U” through “X” indicate single-phase
subscriber units assigned to phases 0 through 3 (phases a through d) with the frame and battery
cycle explicitly displayed. “Y” and “Z” indicate non-standard addresses for any-phase and all-
phase subscriber units.
If the subscriber unit contains only a single individual address and the user is content with the
recommended 30-second battery cycle, letter “A”, “E”, or “I” is added as a prefix to the 7-, 9-,
or 10-digit address, where the following holds true:
“A” indicates a single-phase device.
“E” indicates an any-phase device.
“I” indicates an all-phase device.
If the unit were a two-address unit where both addresses are individual addresses, then “A”,
“E”, or “I” would again preface the address field of the first address. “B”, “F”, or “J” would
preface the second address.
The “B”, “F”, or “J” indicates that the address is a second address and it is to have the
properties of the first address. This rule eliminates the need for an administrative operator or a
salesperson to calculate a starting address, which would allow standard rules to always apply.
In other cases, especially where a group address is to be included, it is very likely that the “U”
through “Z” forms of the CAPCODE will be used so that the frame can be explicitly chosen to
provide best battery life, and the required “same phase” operation can be met in the case of the
single-phase units.
A.3.7.4 CAPCODE to Binary Conversion
To convert a short address CAPCODE, the number 32,768 is added to the 7- digit decimal CAPCODE
address (or to any CAPCODE less than 2,031,615). The resultant number is then converted to a 21-bit
binary number, which then becomes the information bits of the (31,21) BCH code-word transmitted
over the air.
A. Long CAPCODE 2,101,249 to 1,075,843,072
Long address set 1–2 is in this range. To convert a long address CAPCODE, the number 2,068,481 is
subtracted from the CAPCODE address. The resultant number is then divided by 32,768 with the
remainder, incremented by 1, being the first word of the long address. This is the same as calculating
FLEX Message Word Definitions
Motorola FLEX Overview A-29
the ((CAPCODE – 2,068,481) modulo 32768) + 1. This value is converted to a 21-bit binary number,
which becomes the information bits in the (31,21) BCH code-word transmitted over the air as the first
address word.
The second word of the long address is determined by first calculating the integer portion of the
(CAPCODE – 2,068,481) divided by 32,768. This value is then subtracted from 2,097,151 (equivalent
to the one’s complement of the value in binary), and converted to a 21-bit binary number, which
becomes the information bits in the (31, 21) BCH code-word transmitted over the air as the second
address word.
A. Long CAPCODE 1,075,843,073 to 3,223,326,720
Long address sets 1–3 and 1–4 are in this range. The first word of the long address is calculated
following the same rules for the long addresses set 1–2. The second long address word is determined
by subtracting 2,068,481 from the CAPCODE, the resultant number is divided by 32,768 with the
integer portion added to 1,933,312. This value is converted to a 21-bit binary number, which becomes
the (31,21) BCH code-word transmitted over the air as the second address word.
A. Long CAPCODE 3,223,326,721 to 4,297,068,542
Long address set 2–3 is in this range. The first word is determined by subtracting 2,068,479 from the
CAPCODE. The remainder of dividing by 32,768 is retained (i.e., modulo 32,768). This value is then
added to 2,064,383 with the result converted to a 21-bit binary number, which becomes the
information bits in the (31,21) BCH code-word transmitted over the air as the 1st address word.
The second word is determined by subtracting 2,068,479 from the CAPCODE and finding the integer
portion after dividing by 32,768. This value is then added to 1,867,776 and converted to a 21-bit
binary number, which becomes the (31,21) BCH code-word transmitted over the air as the second
address word.
A.3.7.5 Binary to CAPCODE Conversion
With the address code-word values that are transmitted over the air, the CAPCODE can be calculated
by performing the inverse of the above-specified process. As an example, the short address code-word
is converted to decimal and the number 32,768 is subtracted to arrive at the 7-digit address portion of
the CAPCODE. For the two word long address set 1–2, the address word 1 is first converted from
binary to decimal. The second address word is then complemented, (or subtracted from 2,097,151
decimal) and converted to a decimal. This value is multiplied by 32,768, added to 2,068,480, and then
added to address word 1. The result is the address portion of the FLEX CAPCODE.
A.3.7.6 CAPCODE Assignments
Table A-24 defines the address usage assignment. All addresses not listed in this table are not defined
and reserved for future use.
Table A-24. CAPCODE Assignment Table
CAPCODE Address Value Description
0,000,000,000 Illegal
0,000,000,001 to 0,001,933,312 Short addresses
0,001,933,313 to 0,001,998,848 Illegal
0,001,998,849 to 0,002,009,087 Reserved for future use
A-30 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
FLEX Message Word Definitions
0,002,009,088 to 0,002,025,471 Information service addresses
0,002,025,472 to 0,002,029,567 Network addresses
0,002,029,568 to 0,002,029,583 Temporary addresses
0,002,029,584 to 0,002,029,599 Operator messaging addresses
0,002,029,600 to 0,002,031,614 Reserved for future use
0,002,031,615 to 0,002,101,248 Illegal
0,002,101,249 to 0,102,101,250 Long address set 1–2 uncoordinated
0,102,101,251 to 0,402,101,250 Long address set 1–2 by country1
0,402,101,251 to 1,075,843,072 Long address set 1–2 global2
1,075,843,073 to 2,149,584,896 Long address set 1–3 global2
2,149,584,897 to 3,223,326,720 Long address set 1–4 global2
3,223,326,721 to 3,923,326,750 Long address set 2–3 by country1
3,923,326,751 to 4,280,000,00 Long address set 2–3 reserved
4,280,000,001 to 4,285,000,000 Long address set 2–3 info service global2
4,285,000,001 to 4,290,000,000 Long address set 2–3 info service3 by country1
4,290,000,001 to 4,291,000,000 Long address set 2–3 info service3 world-wide use4
4,291,000,001 to 4,297,068,542 Reserved for future use
1. “By Country”—The addresses are coordinated within each country and with countries along borders.
2. “Global”—The address is coordinated to be unique worldwide.
3. “Info Service”—Rules governing the use of these addresses are not currently defined.
4. “World Wide Use”—1000 addresses are assigned to each country for worldwide use.
Table A-24. CAPCODE Assignment Table (Continued)
CAPCODE Address Value Description
Packet Communication Initiated by the Host
Motorola SPI Packets B-1
Appendix B SPI Packets
The SPI transmits all data communicated between the MC68183 and the host MCU in 32-bit packets.
Each packet consists of an 8-bit ID followed by 24 bits of information. The MC68183 uses the SPI bus
in full duplex mode. In other words, whenever a packet communication occurs, the data in both
directions is valid packet data.
The SPI interface consists of a READY pin and four SPI pins (SS, SCK, MOSI, and MISO).The SS is
used as a chip-select for the MC68183. The SCK is a clock supplied by the host MCU. The data from
the host is transmitted on the MOSI line. The data from the MC68183 is transmitted on the MISO line.
Timing requirements for SPI communication are specified in Section 3.7, “Serial Peripheral Interface
B.1 Packet Communication Initiated by the Host
When the host sends a packet to the MC68183 (as shown in Figure B-1), it performs the following
1. Selects the MC68183 by driving the SS pin low.
2. Waits for the MC68183 to drive the READY pin low.
3. Sends the 32-bit packet.
4. Deselects the MC68183 by driving the SS pin high.
5. Repeats steps 1 through 4 for each additional packet.
Figure B-1. Typical Multiple-Packet Communications Initiated by the Host
When the host sends a packet, it will also receive a valid packet from the MC68183. If the MC68183 is
enabled and has no other packets waiting to be sent, MC68183 will send a status packet. (See
Section C.1, “Checksum Packet,” for a definition of “enabled.”)
The host must transition the SS pin from high to low to begin each 32-bit packet. The MC68183 must
see a negative transition on the SS pin in order for the host to initiate each packet communication.
High impedance state
D31 D0D1
D31 D0D1
D31 D0D1
D31 D0D1
D31 D0D1
D31 D0D1
B-2 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Packet Communication Initiated by MC68183
B.2 Packet Communication Initiated by MC68183
When the MC68183 has a packet for the host to read, the following occurs:
1. The MC68183 drives the READY pin low.
2. If the MC68183 is not already selected, the host selects the MC68183 by driving the SS pin low.
3. The host receives (and sends) a 32-bit packet.
4. The host deselects the MC68183 by driving the SS pin high (optional).
See Figure B-2 for a diagram of this process.
Figure B-2. Typical Multiple-Packet Communications Initiated by MC68183
When the host is reading a packet from the MC68183, it must send a valid packet to the MC68183. If
the host has no data to send, it is suggested that the host send a checksum packet with all of the data
bits set to 0 in order to avoid disabling the MC68183. See Section C.1, “Checksum Packet,” for more
details on enabling and disabling the MC68183.
Figure B-3 illustrates that the MC68183 need not be deselected between packets when the packets are
initiated by the MC68183.
Figure B-3. Multiple-Packet Communications Initiated by the MC68183 with No Deselect
High-impedance state
D31 D0D1
D31 D0D1
D31 D0D1
D31 D0D1
D31 D0D1
D31 D0D1
High-impedance state
D31 D0D1
D31 D0D1
D31 D0D1
D31 D0D1
D31 D0D1
D31 D0D1
Host-to-Decoder Packet Map
Motorola SPI Packets B-3
B.3 Host-to-Decoder Packet Map
The upper 8 bits of a packet comprise the packet ID. Table B-1 describes the packet IDs for all packets
that can be sent to the MC68183 from the host.
Table B-1. Host-to-Decoder Packet ID Map
Packet ID
(Hexadecimal) Packet Type
00 Checksum
01 Configuration
02 Control
03 All frame mode
04 Operator message address enables (new in MC68183)
05 Roaming control packet (new in MC68183)
06 Timing control packet
(new in MC68183)
07 - 0E Reserved (host should never send)
0F Receiver line control
10 Receiver control configuration (off setting)
11 Receiver control configuration (warm-up 1 setting)
12 Receiver control configuration (warm-up 2 setting)
13 Receiver control configuration (warm-up 3 setting)
14 Receiver control configuration (warm-up 4 setting)
15 Receiver control configuration (warm-up 5 setting)
16 Receiver control configuration (3200sps sync setting)
17 Receiver control configuration (1600sps sync setting)
18 Receiver control configuration (3200sps data setting)
19 Receiver control configuration (1600sps data setting)
1A Receiver control configuration (shut-down 1 setting)
1B Receiver control configuration (shut-down 2 setting)
1C–1F Special (ignored by MC68183)
20 Frame assignment (frames 112 through 127)
21 Frame assignment (frames 96 through 111)
22 Frame assignment (frames 80 through 95)
B-4 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Decoder-to-Host Packet Map
B.4 Decoder-to-Host Packet Map
Table B-2 describes the packet IDs for all of the packets that can be sent to the host from the
23 Frame assignment (frames 64 through 79)
24 Frame assignment (frames 48 through 63)
25 Frame assignment (frames 32 through 47)
26 Frame assignment (frames 16 through 31)
27 Frame assignment (frames 0 through 15)
28–77 Reserved (host should never send)
78 User address enable
79–7F Reserved (host should never send)
80 User address assignment (user address 0)
81 User address assignment (user address 1)
82 User address assignment (user address 2)
83 User address assignment (user address 3)
84 User address assignment (user address 4)
85 User address assignment (user address 5)
86 User address assignment (user address 6)
87 User address assignment (user address 7)
88 User address assignment (user address 8)
89 User address assignment (user address 9)
8A User address assignment (user address 10)
8B User address assignment (user address 11)
8C User address assignment (user address 12)
8D User address assignment (user address 13)
8E User address assignment (user address 14)
8F User address assignment (user address 15)
90 - FF Reserved (host should never send)
Table B-1. Host-to-Decoder Packet ID Map (Continued)
Packet ID
(Hexadecimal) Packet Type
Decoder-to-Host Packet Map
Motorola SPI Packets B-5
Table B-2. Decoder-to-Host Packet ID Map
Packet ID
(Hexadecimal) Packet Type
00 Block information word
01 Address
02–57 Vector or message (ID is word number in frame)
58–5F Reserved
60 Roaming status packet (new in MC68183
61–7D Reserved
7E Receiver shut-down (new in MC68183
7F Status
80–FE Reserved
FF Part ID
B-6 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Decoder-to-Host Packet Map
Checksum Packet
Motorola Host-to-Decoder Packet Descriptions C-1
Appendix C Host-to-Decoder Packet Descriptions
The following sections describe the packets of information sent from the host to the MC68183. In all
cases the packets should be sent MSB first (bit 7 of byte 3 = bit 31 of the packet = MSB).
C.1 Checksum Packet
The checksum packet is used to ensure proper communication between the host and the MC68183.
The MC68183 “exclusive-or’s” the 24 data bits of every packet it receives (except the checksum
packet and the special packet IDs 1C through 1F hexadecimal) with an internal checksum register.
Upon reset and whenever the host writes a packet to the MC68183, the MC68183 is disabled from
sending any information to the host processor until the host processor sends a checksum packet with
the proper checksum value (CV) to the MC68183. When the MC68183 is disabled in this way, it
prompts the host to read the part ID packet.
Note: All other operation continues normally when the MC68183 is “disabled.” Disabled implies
only that data cannot be read. All other internal operations continue to function.
When the MC68183 is reset, it is disabled and the internal checksum register is initialized to the 24-bit
part ID defined in the part ID packet. See Section D.8, “Part ID Packet,” for a description of the part
ID. Every time a packet other than the checksum packet and special packets 1C through 1F are sent to
the decoder IC, the value sent in the 24 information bits is “exclusive-or’ed” with the internal
checksum register, the result is stored back to the checksum register, and the MC68183 is disabled.
If a checksum packet is sent and the CV bits match the bits in the checksum register, the MC68183 is
enabled. If a checksum packet is sent when the MC68183 is already enabled, the packet is ignored by
the MC68183. If a packet other than the checksum packet is sent when the MC68183 is enabled, the
decoder IC will be disabled until a checksum packet is sent with the correct CV bits.
When the host reads a packet out of the MC68183 but has no data to send, the checksum packet should
be sent so the MC68183 will not be disabled. The data in the checksum packet could be a null packet
(32-bit stream of all zeros) since a checksum packet will not disable the MC68183. When the host
reconfigures the MC68183, the MC68183 will be disabled from sending any packets other than the
part ID packet until the MC68183 is enabled with a checksum packet having the proper data. The ID of
the checksum packet is 0. Figure C-1 shows the checksum flow chart. Refer to Table C-1 for bit
C-2 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Checksum Packet
Figure C-1. MC68183 Checksum Flow Chart
Table C-1. Checksum Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 00000000
Byte 2 CV23 CV22 CV21 CV20 CV19 CV18 CV17 CV16
Byte 1 CV15 CV14 CV13 CV12 CV11 CV10 CV9CV8
FLEXchip disables itself
Checksum Packet?
Packet data
matches checksum
register data?
FLEXchip disables itself
FLEXchip sets
checksum register to the
XOR of the packet data
bits with the checksum
register bits
FLEXchip initializes
Checksum register to
Part ID value
FLEXchip waits for
SPI packet from host
FLEXchip initiates
Part ID Packet
FLEXchip enables itself
FLEXchip enabled?
Configuration Packet
Motorola Host-to-Decoder Packet Descriptions C-3
Note: CV = Checksum value
C.2 Configuration Packet
The configuration packet defines a number of different configuration options for the MC68183. Proper
operation is not guaranteed if these settings are changed when decoding is enabled (i.e. the ON bit in
the control packet is set). The ID of the configuration packet is 1. Table C-2 shows bit assignments.
C.2.1 Bit Descriptions
DFC: Disable Fractional Clock. When DFC and IDE are set, the CLKOUT signal will generate a
40 kHz signal (EXTAL divided by 4),. When DFC is cleared and IDE is set, the CLKOUT
signal will generate 38.4 kHz signal (EXTAL fractionally divided by 25/6; see Figure C-2).
This bit has no effect when IDE is cleared. (Value after reset = 0.)
Figure C-2. Disable Fraction Clock
IDE: Internal Demodulator Enable. When IDE is set, the internal demodulator is enabled and the
clock frequency at EXTAL is expected to be 160 kHz. When this bit is cleared, the internal
demodulator is disabled and the clock frequency at EXTAL is expected to be 76.8 kHz. (Value
after reset = 0.)
Table C-2. Configuration Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 00000001
Byte 2 0 DFC 0 0 0 IDE OFD1OFD0
Byte 1 00000PCESP
Table C-1. Checksum Packet Bit Assignments (Continued)
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
w/ DFC=1
w/ DFC=0
C-4 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Configuration Packet
OFD: Oscillator Frequency Difference. The OFD bits describe the maximum difference in the
frequency of the 76.8 kHz oscillator crystal with respect to the frequency of the transmitter.
(Refer to Table C-3). These limits should be the worst-case difference in frequency due to all
conditions including but not limited to aging, temperature, and manufacturing tolerance.
Using a smaller frequency difference in this packet will result in lower power consumption
due to higher receiver battery save ratios. Note that this value is not the absolute error of the
oscillator frequency provided to the MC68183. The absolute error of the clock used by the
FLEX transmitter must be taken into account. (For example, if the transmitter tolerance is +/-
25 ppm and the oscillator tolerance is +/-140 ppm, the oscillator frequency difference is +/-
165 ppm and OFD should be set to 0.)(Value after reset = 0.)
PCE: Partial Correlation Enable. When PCE is set, partial correlation of addresses is enabled. When
partial correlation is enabled, the MC68183 will shut down the receiver before the end of the
last FLEX block that contains addresses, but only if it can determine that none of the addresses
in that FLEX block will match any enabled address in the MC68183. When this bit is cleared,
the receiver will be controlled as it was in previous versions of the IC. (Value after reset = 0.)
SP: Signal Polarity. The SP bits set the polarity of EXTS1 and EXTS0 input signals. (Refer to
Table C-4.) Their value after reset is 0. The polarity of the EXTS0 and EXTS1 bits will be
determined by the receiver design.
SME: Synchronous Mode Enable. When SME is set, a status packet will be automatically sent
whenever the synchronous mode update (SMU) bit in the status packet is set. The host can use
the synchronous mode (SM) bit in the status packet as an in-range/out-of-range indication.
(Value after reset = 0).
Table C-3. Oscillator Frequency Difference
00 +/- 300 ppm
01 +/- 150 ppm
10 +/- 75 ppm
11 +/- 0 ppm
Table C-4. Polarity Settings for EXTS Signals
SP1SP0Signal Polarity
EXTS1 EXTS0 FSK Modulation
@ SP = 0,0 EXTS1 EXTS0
00 Normal Normal + 4800 Hz 1 0
01 Normal Inverted +1600 Hz 1 1
10 Inverted Normal - 1600 Hz 0 1
11 Inverted Inverted - 4800 Hz 0 0
Control Packet
Motorola Host-to-Decoder Packet Descriptions C-5
MOT: Maximum Off-Time. MOT has no effect if AST in the timing control packet is non-zero.
When AST=0 and MOT=0, asynchronous A-word searches will time-out in 4 minutes. When
AST=0 and MOT=1, asynchronous A-word searches will time-out in 1 minute. (Value after
reset = 0.)
COD: Clock Output Disable. When COD is clear, a 38.4 kHz or 40 kHz signal (depending on the
values of IDE and DFC) will be output on the CLKOUT pin. When COD is set, the CLKOUT
pin will be driven low. Note that setting and clearing COD can cause pulses on the CLKOUT
pin that are less than one-half the clock period. Also note that when the clock output is enabled
and not set for intermittent operation (e.g., ICO in this packet), the CLKOUT pin will always
output the clock signal even when the MC68183 is in reset (as long as the MC68183 oscillator
is seeing clocks). Further note that when the FLEXchip is used in internal demodulator mode
(i.e.,when it uses a 160 kHz oscillator), the CLKOUT pin will be 80 kHz from reset until the
IDE bit is set. This is because the MC68183 defaults to external demodulator mode at reset.
(Value after reset = 0.)
MTE: Minute Timer Enable. When MTE is set, a status packet will be sent at 1-minute intervals with
the minute time-out (MT) bit in the status packet set. When this bit is clear, the internal 1-
minute timer stops counting. The internal 1-minute timer is reset when this bit is changed from
0 to 1 or when the minute timer clear (MTC) bit in the control packet is set. Note that the
minute timer will not be accurate using a 160 kHz oscillator until the IDE bit is set. (Value
after reset = 0.)
LBP: Low Battery Polarity. LBP defines the polarity of the MC68183’s LOBAT pin. The LB bit in
the status packet is initialized to the inverse value of this bit when the MC68183 is turned on
(by setting the ON bit in the control packet). When the MC68183 is turned on, the first low-
battery update in the status packet will be sent to the host when a low-battery condition is
detected on the LOBAT pin. Setting this bit means that a high on the LOBAT pin indicates a
low-voltage condition. (value after reset = 0)
ICO: Intermittent Clock Out. When ICO is clear and COD is clear, a 38.4 kHz or 40 kHz signal
(depending on the values of IDE and DFC) will be output on the CLKOUT pin. When ICO is
set and COD is clear, the clock will only be output on the CLKOUT pin while the receiver is
not in the off state. The clock will be output for a few cycles before the receiver transitions
from the off state and for a few cycles after the receiver transitions to the off state. This
ensures that the receiver receives enough clocks to detect and process the changes to and from
the off state). The CLKOUT pin will be driven low when it is not driving a clock. Note that
when the clock is automatically enabled and disabled (i.e., when ICO is set), the CLKOUT
signal transitions will be clean (i.e., no pulses of less than half the clock period) when it
transitions between no-clock and clocked output. This bit has no effect when COD is set.
(Value after reset = 0.)
C.3 Control Packet
The control packet defines a number of different control bits for the MC68183. The ID of the control
packet is 2. See Table C-5 for bit assignments.
Table C-5. Control Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 00000010
C-6 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Control Packet
FF: Force Frame 0-7. The FF bits enable and disable forcing the MC68183 to look in frames 0
through 7. When an FF bit is set, the MC68183 will decode the corresponding frame. Unlike
the AF bits in the frame assignment packets, the system collapse of a FLEX system will not
affect frames assigned using the FF bits. For example, setting AF0 to 1 when the system
collapse is 5 will cause the decoder to decode frames 0, 32, 64, and 96, whereas setting FF0 to
1 when the system collapse is 5 will only cause the decoder to decode frame 0. This may be
useful for acquiring transmitted time information or channel attributes (e.g., local ID). (Value
after reset = 0.)
SPM: Single Phase Mode. When SPM is set, the MC68183 will decode only one phase of the
transmitted data. When SPM is clear, the MC68183 will decode all phases it receives. A
change to this bit while the MC68183 is on will not take effect until the next block 0 of the
next decoded frame. (Value after reset = 0.)
PS: Phase Select. When the SPM bit is set, the PS bits define what phase the MC68183 should
decode, in accordance with Figure C-6. This value is determined by the service provider. A
change to the PS bits while the MC68183 is on will not take effect until the next block 0 of a
frame. (Value after reset = 0.) Table C-6 shows PS values and phase decodes.
SBI: Send Block Information, words 2–4. When SBI is set, any errored or time-related block
information words 2–4 will be sent to the host. See Figure D-1 for a description of the words
sent. (Value after reset = 0.)
MTC: Minute Timer Clear. Setting MTC will cause the 1-minute timer to restart from 0.
EAE: End of Addresses Enable. When EAE is set, the EA bit in the status packet will be set
immediately after FLEXchip decodes the last address word in the frame if any of the enabled
FLEXchip addresses was detected in the frame. When EAE is cleared, the EA bit will never be
Byte 1 0 SPM PS1PS00000
Byte 0 0 SBI 0 MTC 0 0 EAE ON
Table C-6. Phase Select
PS Value Phase Decoded
(Based on FLEX Data Rate)
PS1PS01600bps 3200bps 6400bps
00 aaa
01 aab
10 a c c
11 a c d
Table C-5. Control Packet Bit Assignments (Continued)
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
All Frame Mode Packet
Motorola Host-to-Decoder Packet Descriptions C-7
ON: Turn On Decoder. ON is set if the MC68183 should be decoding FLEX signals. ON is clear if
signal processing should be off (very low-power mode). If the ON bit is changed twice, and
control packets making the changes are received within 2ms of each other, FLEXchip may
ignore the double change and stay in its original state; for example, if ON is turned off, then on
again within 2ms, ON may stay on and ignore the off pulse. It is therefore recommended that
the host ensure a minimum of 2ms between changes in the ON bit. (Value after reset = 0.)
C.4 All Frame Mode Packet
The all frame mode packet is used to decrement temporary address enable counters by one, decrement
the all frame mode counter by one, and/or enable or disable forcing all frame mode. All frame mode is
enabled if any temporary address enable counter is nonzero, the all frame mode counter is nonzero, or
the force all frame mode bit is set.
If all frame mode is enabled, the MC68183 will attempt to decode every frame and send a status packet
with the end-of-frame (EOF) bit set at the end of every frame. Both the all frame mode counter and the
temporary address enable counters can only be incremented internally by the MC68183 and can only
be decremented by the host.
The MC68183 will increment a temporary address enable counter whenever a short instruction vector
is received assigning the corresponding temporary address. See Section E.5, “Operation of a
Temporary Address,” for details. The MC68183 will increment the all frame mode counter whenever
an alphanumeric, HEX / binary, or secure vector is received.
When the host determines that a message associated with a temporary address or a fragmented
message has ended, then the appropriate temporary address counter or all frame mode counter should
be decremented by writing an all frame mode packet to the MC68183 in order to exit the all frame
mode, thereby improving battery life. Neither the temporary address enable counters nor the all frame
mode counter can be incremented past the value 127 (will not roll-over) or decremented past the value
0. The temporary address enable counters and the all frame mode counter are initialized to 0 at reset
and when the decoder is turned off. The ID of the All Frame Mode Packet is 3. Table C-7 shows bit
assignments for this packet.
DAF: Decrement All Frame counter. Setting DAF decrements the all frame mode counter by one. If
a packet is sent with DAF clear, the all frame mode counter is not affected. (Value after
reset = 0.)
FAF: Force All Frame mode. Setting FAF forces the MC68183 to enter all frame mode. If FAF is
clear, the MC68183 may or may not be in all frame mode depending on the status of the all
frame mode counter and the temporary address enable counters. This may be useful in
acquiring transmitted time information. (Value after reset = 0.)
Table C-7. All Frame Mode Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 00000011
Byte 2 DAFFAF000000
Byte 1 DTA15 DTA14 DTA13 DTA12 DTA11 DTA10 DTA9DTA8
C-8 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Operator Messaging Address Enable Packet
DTA: Decrement Temporary Address enable counter. When a bit in DTA is set, the corresponding
temporary address enable counter is decremented by one. When a bit is cleared, the
corresponding temporary address enable counter is not affected. When a temporary address
enable counter reaches zero, the temporary address is disabled.(Value after reset = 0.)
C.5 Operator Messaging Address Enable Packet
The operator messaging address enable packet is used to enable and disable the built-in FLEX operator
messaging addresses. Enabling and disabling operator messaging addresses does not affect what
frames the decoder IC decodes. To decode the proper frames, the host must modify the FF bits in the
control packet or the AF bits in the frame assignment packets. The ID of the operator messaging
address enable packet is 4. See Table C-8 for bit assignments.
OAE: Operator messaging Address Enable. When a bit is set, the corresponding operator messaging
address is enabled. When it is cleared, the corresponding operator messaging address is
disabled. OAE0 through OAE15 correspond to the hexadecimal operator messaging address
values of 1F7810 through 1F781F, respectively. (Value after reset = 0.)
C.6 Roaming Control Packet
The roaming control packet controls the features of the MC68183 that allow implementation of a
roaming device. The ID of the roaming control packet is 5. See Table C-9 for bit assignments.
IRS: Ignore Resynchronization Signal. When IRS is set, FLEXchip will not go asynchronous when
detecting an Ar or Ar signal during searches for A-words. It will merely report that the
resynchronization signal was received by setting RSR to 1 in the roaming status packet. This
Table C-8. System Address Enable Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 00000100
Byte 2 00000000
Byte 1 OAE15 OAE14 OAE13 OAE12 OAE11 OAE10 OAE9OAE8
Table C-9. Roaming Control Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 00000101
Byte 1 RND ABI SAS DAS 0 0 0 0
Byte 0 0 0 MFC1MFC00 0 MCO1MCO0
Roaming Control Packet
Motorola Host-to-Decoder Packet Descriptions C-9
allows the host to decide what to do when the paging device is synchronous to more than one
channel and only one channel is sending the resynchronization signal. It also prevents the
FLEXchip from losing synchronization when it detects the resynchronization signal while the
paging device is checking an unknown channel. This bit is set and cleared by the host. (Value
after reset = 0.)
NBC: Network Bit Check. Setting NBC will enable reporting of the received network bit value
(NBU and n) in the roaming status packet. Setting NBC also makes the FLEXchip abandon a
frame after the frame info word without synchronizing to the frame if the frame information
word is uncorrectable or if the n bit in the frame information word is not set.
If the MC68183 was in synchronous mode when the abandon occurred (probably due to
synchronizing to a second channel), it will maintain synchronization to the original channel. If
the MC68183 was in asynchronous mode, it will stay in asynchronous mode and end the A-
word search. to avoid synchronizing to a nonroaming channel when searching for roaming
channels. This bit is set and cleared by the host. (Value after reset = 0.)
MCM: Manual Collapse Mode. When MCM is set, FLEXchip behaves as if the system collapse
were 7. FLEXchip will not apply the received system collapse to the AF bits. When MCM is
set, the received system collapse is reported to the host via SCU and RSC in the roaming status
packet so the host can modify the AF bits based on the system collapse of the channel. MCM
is set and cleared by the host. (Value after reset = 0)
IS1: Invert EXTS1. Setting IS1 inverts the expected polarity of the EXTS1 pin from the way it is
configured by SP1 in the configuration packet. For example, if both IS1 and SP1 are set, the
polarity of the EXTS1 pin is untouched. IS1 is intended to be changed when a change in a
channel changes the polarity of the received signal. IS1 is set and cleared by the host and has
the equivalent effect when using the internal demodulator. (Value after reset = 0.)
SDF: Stop Decoding Frame. Setting SDF causes the FLEXchip to stop decoding a frame without
losing frame synchronization. SDF is set by the host and cleared by FLEXchip once it has
been processed. The packet with the SDF bit set must be sent after receiving the status packet
with EA bit set. It must be sent within 40ms of the end of block in which FLEXchip set the EA
bit. (Value after reset = 0.)
RSP: Receiver Shutdown Packet enable. When RSP is set, a receiver shutdown packet will be sent
whenever the receiver is shut down. The receiver shutdown packet informs the host both that
the receiver has shut down and of the time it will take for FLEXchip to automatically warm up
the receiver. (Value after reset = 0.)
SND: Start Noise Detect. Setting SND while the FLEXchip is battery saving will cause it to warm up
the receiver, run a noise detect, and report the result of the noise-detect via NDR in the
roaming status packet. SND is set by the host and cleared by FLEXchip once it has been
processed. If the time comes for FLEXchip to warm up automatically, or if the SAS bit is set
while an SND is being processed, the noise-detect will be abandoned and the abandoned
noise-detect result (NDR = 01) will be sent in the roaming status packet. (Value after
reset = 0.)
CND: Continuous Noise Detect. Setting CND will cause FLEXchip to do continuous noise detects
during the decoded block data of a frame. The results of the noise-detect will only be reported
if noise is detected (NDR = 11). Only one noise-detected result (NDR=11) will be sent per
block. If the FLEXchip has not completed a noise-detect when it shuts down for the frame,
that noise-detect will be abandoned, but no abandon result (NDR=01) will be sent. This bit is
set and cleared by the host. (Value after reset = 0.)
C-10 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Timing Control Packet
RND: Report Noise Detects. Setting RND will cause FLEXchip to report the results of the noise-
detects it does under normal asynchronous operation (when first turned on and when
asynchronous). The results of the noise-detect will be reported via NDR in the roaming status
packet. This bit is set and cleared by the host. (Value after reset = 0.)
ABI: All Block Information words. When ABI is set, FLEXchip will send all received block
information words 2-4 to the host. Note that setting the SBI bit only in the control packet
enables errored and real-time clock-related block info words. (Value after reset = 0.)
SAS: Start A-word Search. Setting SAS while in asynchronous battery save mode will cause
FLEXchip to warm up the receiver and run an A-word search. If, during the A-word search,
the MC68183 finds sufficient FLEX signal, it will enter synchronous mode and start decoding
the frame. If the A-word search times-out without finding sufficient FLEX signal, it will
battery-save and continue periodic noise detects.
The time-out for the A-word searches is controlled by the AST bits in the timing control
packet and the MOT bit in the configuration packet. The A-word search takes priority over
noise-detects. Therefore, if FLEXchip is performing an A-word search and the time comes to
do automatic noise-detect, the noise-detect will not be performed. This bit is set by the host
and cleared by FLEXchip once it has been acted on. (Value after reset = 0.)
DAS: Disable A-word Search. When DAS is set, an A-word search will not automatically occur
after a noise-detect in asynchronous mode finds FLEX signal. This includes automatic noise-
detects and noise-detects initiated by the host by setting SND. FLEXchip will shut down the
receiver after the noise-detect completes regardless of the result. When this bit is cleared, A-
word searches will occur after a noise-detect finds signal in asynchronous mode. (Value after
reset = 0.)
MFC: Missed Frame Control. The MFC bits control the frames for which missing frame data (MS1,
MFI, MS2, MBI, and MAW) is reported in the roaming status packet, as shown in Table C-10.
(Value after reset = 0.)
MCO: Maximum Carry On. The value of the MCO bits sets the maximum carry on that FLEXchip
will follow. For example, if FLEXchip receives a carry-on of 3 over the air and MCO is set
to 1, FLEXchip will only carry on for one frame. (Value after reset = 3.)
C.7 Timing Control Packet
The timing control packet gives the host control of the timing used when FLEXchip is in asynchronous
mode. The packet ID for the timing control packet is 6. See Table C-11 for bit assignments in this
Table C-10. Missing Frame Control
MFC1MFC0Missing Frame Data Reported
00 Never
01 Only during frames 0 through 3
10 Only during frames 0 through 7
11 Always
Receiver Line Control Packet
Motorola Host-to-Decoder Packet Descriptions C-11
AST: A-word Search Time. The value of the AST bits sets the A-word search time for all
asynchronous A-word searches in units of 80ms (value of 1 is 80ms, value of 2 is 160ms, etc.)
If the value is 0, FLEXchip defaults to the 1-minute (MOT=1) or 4-minute (MOT=0) A-word
search time controlled by the MOT bit in the configuration packet. (Value after reset = 0.)
ABT: Asynchronous Battery-save Time. The value of the ABT bits sets the battery-save time (time
measured from beginning of one automatic noise detect to beginning of the next) in
asynchronous mode in units of 80ms (value of 1 is 80ms, value of 2 is 160ms, etc.) If the value
is 0, the battery-save time is set to the default value of 1.5 seconds. Because the minimum
allowed ABT is 320ms, values of 1, 2, 3, and 4 are invalid. (Value after reset = 0.)
C.8 Receiver Line Control Packet
This packet gives the host control over the settings on the receiver control lines (S0-S7) in all modes
except reset. In reset, the receiver control lines are in high impedance settings. The ID for the receiver
line control packet is 15 (decimal). Refer to Table C-12 for receiver line control packet bit
FRS: Force Receiver Setting. Setting a bit to 1 will cause the corresponding CLS bit in this packet to
override the internal receiver control settings on the corresponding receiver control line (S0-
S7). Clearing a bit gives control of the corresponding receiver control lines (S0-S7) back to the
MC68183.(Value after reset = 0.)
CLS: Control Line Setting. If the corresponding FRS bit was set in the receiver line control packet,
the CLS bits define the setting that should be applied to corresponding receiver control lines.
(Value after reset = 0.)
Table C-11. Timing Control Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 00000110
Byte 2 00000000
Table C-12. Receiver Line Control Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 00001111
Byte 2 00000000
C-12 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Receiver Control Configuration Packets
C.9 Receiver Control Configuration Packets
These packets allow the host to configure which setting is applied to receiver control lines S0-S7, how
long to apply the setting, and when to read the value of the LOBAT input pin. The MC68183 defines
12 different receiver control settings.
Note: Proper operation is not guaranteed if these settings are changed when decoding is enabled (i.e.,
when ON in the control packet is set).
The IDs for these packets range from 16 to 27 (decimal).
C.10 Receiver-Off Setting Packet
Refer to Table C-13 for bit assignments for this packet.
LBC: Low Battery Check. If LBC is set, the MC68183 will check the status of the LOBAT port just
before leaving this receiver state. (Value after reset = 0.)
CLS: Control Line Setting. CLS is the value to be output on the receiver control lines (S0-S7) for
this receiver state. (Value after reset = 0.)
ST: Step Time. ST is the time the MC68183 is to keep the receiver off before applying the first
warm-up state’s receiver control value to the receiver control lines. The setting is in steps of
625us. Valid values are 625us (ST=01) to 159.375ms (ST=FF in hexadecimal). (Value after
reset = 625us)
C.10.1 Receiver Warm-Up Setting Packets
Refer to Table C-14 for bit assignments for this packet.
Table C-13. Receive-Off Setting Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 00010000
Byte 2 0000LBC000
Table C-14. Receiver Warm-Up Setting Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 00010s
Byte 2 SE000LBC000
Receiver-Off Setting Packet
Motorola Host-to-Decoder Packet Descriptions C-13
s: Setting Number. This receiver-control setting determines which of the receiver warm-up
setting packet’s values are to be applied. Table C-15 shows the names for each value of s that
applies to this packet.
SE: Step Enable. The receiver setting is enabled when the bit is set. If a step in the warm-up
sequence is disabled, the disabled step and all remaining steps will be skipped. (Value after
reset = 0.)
LBC: Low Battery Check. If LBC is set, the MC68183 will check the status of the LOBAT port just
before leaving this receiver state. (Value after reset = 0.)
CLS: Control Line Setting. CLS is the value to be output on the receiver control lines (S0-S7) for
this receiver state. (Value after reset = 0.)
ST: Step Time. ST is the time the MC68183 is to wait before applying the next state’s receiver
control value to the receiver control lines. The setting is in steps of 625us. Valid values are
625us (ST=01) to 79.375ms (ST=7F in hexadecimal). (Value after reset = 625us.)
C.10.2 3200sps Sync-Setting Packets
Refer to Table C-16 for bit assignments.
Byte 0 0ST
Table C-15. Receiver Warm-Up Setting Names
s2s1s0Setting Name
001 Warm-up 1
010 Warm-up 2
011 Warm-up 3
100 Warm-up 4
101 Warm-up 5
Table C-16. 3200sps Sync-Setting Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 00010110
Byte 2 0000LBC000
Byte 0 0ST
Table C-14. Receiver Warm-Up Setting Packet Bit Assignments (Continued)
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
C-14 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Receiver-Off Setting Packet
LBC: Low Battery Check. If LBC is set, the MC68183 will check the status of the LOBAT port just
before leaving this receiver state. (Value after reset = 0.)
CLS: Control Line Setting. CLS is the value to be output on the receiver control lines (S0-S7) for
this receiver state. (Value after reset = 0.)
ST: Step Time. ST is the time the MC68183 is to wait before expecting good signals on the
EXTS1 and EXTS0 signals after warming up. The setting is in steps of 625us. Valid values are
625us (ST=01) to 79.375ms (ST=7F in hexadecimal). (Value after reset = 625us.)
C.10.3 Receiver-On Setting Packets
Refer to Table C-17 for bit assignments.
s: Setting Number. This is the receiver control setting for which this packet’s values are to be
applied. Table C-18 shows the names for each value of s that applies to this packet.
LBC: Low Battery Check. If LBC bit is set, the MC68183 will check the status of the LOBAT port
just before leaving this receiver state. (Value after reset = 0.)
CLS: Control Line Setting. CLS is the value to be output on the receiver control lines (S0-S7) for
this receiver state. (Value after reset = 0.)
C.10.4 Receiver Shut-Down Setting Packets
Refer to Table C-19 for bit assignments.
Table C-17. Receiver-On Setting Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 0001s
Byte 2 0000LBC000
Byte 0 00000000
Table C-18. Receiver On Setting Name
s3s2s1s0Setting Name
0111 1600sps sync
1000 3200sps data
1001 1600sps data
Frame Assignment Packets
Motorola Host-to-Decoder Packet Descriptions C-15
s: Setting Number. Receiver control setting for which this packet’s values are to be applied. The
following truth table shows the names of each of the values for s that apply to this packet.
SE: Step Enable. The receiver setting is enabled when the bit is set. If a step in the shut-down
sequence is disabled, all steps following the disabled step will be ignored. (Value after
reset = 0.)
LBC: Low Battery Check. If this bit is set, the MC68183 will check the status of the LOBAT port
just before leaving this receiver state. (Value after reset = 0.)
CLS: Control Line Setting. CLS is the value to be output on the receiver control lines (S0-S7) for
this receiver state. (Value after reset = 0.)
ST: Step Time. ST is the time the MC68183 is to wait before applying the next state’s receiver
control value to the receiver control lines. The setting is in steps of 625us. Valid values are
625us (ST=01) to 39.375ms (ST=3F in hexadecimal). (Value after reset = 625us.)
C.11 Frame Assignment Packets
The FLEX protocol defines that each address of a FLEX pager is assigned a home frame and a battery
cycle. The MC68183 must be configured so a frame that is assigned by one or more of the addresses’
home frames and battery cycles has its corresponding configuration bit set. For example, if the
MC68183 has one enabled address and it is assigned to frame 3 with a battery cycle of 4, the AF bits
for frames 3, 19, 35, 51, 67, 83, 99, and 115 should be set and the AF bits should be cleared for all
other frames.
When the MC68183 is configured for manual collapse mode by setting the MCM bit in the roaming
control packet, the MC68183 will not apply the received system collapse to the AF bits. The host
should set the AF bits for all frames that should be decoded on all channels. For example, if frames 0
and 64 should be decoded on one channel and frames 4, 36, 68, and 100 should be decoded on another
channel, all six of the corresponding AF bits should be set. The host can then change the receiver’s
carrier frequency after the MC68183 decodes frames 0, 36, 64, and 100.
Table C-19. Receiver Shut-Down Setting Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 0001101s
Byte 2 SE000LBC000
Byte 0 00ST
Table C-20. Receiver Shut-Down Setting Names
s Setting Name
0 Shut-down 1
1 Shut-down 2
C-16 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
User Address Enable Packet
There are eight frame assignment packets. See Table C-21 for the packet bit assignments. The packet
IDs for these packets range from 32 to 39 (decimal).
f: Frame range. This value determines which 16 frames correspond to the 16 AF bits in the
packet, in accordance with Table C-22. At least one of these bits must be set when the
MC68183 is turned on by setting ON in the control packet. (Value after reset = 0.)
AF: Assigned Frame. If a bit is set, the MC68183 will consider the corresponding frame to be
assigned via an address’s home frame and pager collapse. (Value after reset = 0.)
C.12 User Address Enable Packet
The user address enable packet is used to enable and disable the 16 user address words. Although the
host is allowed to change the user address words while the MC68183 is decoding FLEX signals, the
host must disable a user address word before changing it. The ID of the user address enable packet is
120 (decimal). Refer to Table C-23 for bit assignments.
Table C-21. Frame Assignment Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 00100f
Byte 2 00000000
Byte 1 AF15 AF14 AF13 AF12 AF11 AF10 AF9AF8
Table C-22. AF Bit/Frame Correspondence
f2f1f0AF15 AF0
000 Frame 127 Frame 112
001 Frame 111 Frame 96
010 Frame 95 Frame 80
011 Frame 79 Frame 64
100 Frame 63 Frame 48
101 Frame 47 Frame 32
110 Frame 31 Frame 16
111 Frame 15 Frame 0
User Address Assignment Packets
Motorola Host-to-Decoder Packet Descriptions C-17
UAE: User Address Enable. When a bit is set, the corresponding user address word is enabled.
When it is cleared, the corresponding user address word is disabled. UAE0 corresponds to the
user address word configured using a packet ID of 128, and UAE15 corresponds to the user
address word configured using a packet ID of 143. (Value after reset = 0.)
C.13 User Address Assignment Packets
The MC68183 has 16 user address words. Each word can be programmed to be a short address, part of
a long address, or the first part of a network ID. The addresses are configured using the address
assignment packets. Each user address can be configured as long or short and tone-only or regular
(network IDs are short and regular).
Although the host is allowed to send these packets while the MC68183 is on, the host must disable the
user address word by clearing the corresponding UAE bit in the user address enable packet before
changing any of the bits in the corresponding user address assignment packet. This method allows for
easy reprogramming of user addresses without disrupting normal operation. The IDs for these packets
range from 128 to 143 (decimal). Refer to Table C-24 for bit assignments.
a: User Address Word Number. Specifies which address word is being configured. A zero in this
field corresponds to address index zero (AI = 0) in the address packet received from the
MC68183 when an address is detected. See Section C.13, “User Address Assignment
Packets,” for a description of the address index field.
LA: Long address. When LA is set, the address is considered a long address. Both words of a long
address must have this bit set. The first word of a long address must have an even address
index and the second word must be in the address index immediately following the first word.
Table C-23. User Address Enable Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 01111000
Byte 2 00000000
Byte 1 UAE15 UAE14 UAE13 UAE12 UAE11 UAE10 UAE9UAE8
Table C-24. User Address Assignment Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 1000a
Byte 2 0 LA TOA A20 A19 A18 A17 A16
Byte 1 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9A8
Byte 0 A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A0
C-18 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
User Address Assignment Packets
TOA: Tone-Only Address. When this bit is set, the MC68183 will consider this address a tone-only
address and will not decode a vector word when the address is received. If the TOA bit of a
long address word is set, the TOA bit of the other word of the long address must also be set.
A: Address word. This is the 21 bit value of the address word. Valid FLEX messaging addresses
or network IDs may be used.
Block Information Word Packet
Motorola Decoder-to-Host Packet Descriptions D-1
Appendix D Decoder-to-Host Packet Descriptions
The following sections describe the packets of information that will be sent from the MC68183 to the
host. In all cases the packets are sent MSB first (bit 7 of byte 3 = bit 31 of the packet = MSB). The
MC68183 decides what data should be sent to the host. If the MC68183 is disabled through the
checksum feature the Part ID Packet will be sent. (See Section C.1, “Checksum Packet,” for a
description of the checksum feature.) Data packets relating to data received over the air are buffered in
the 32-packet transmit buffer. The data packets include block information word packets, address
packets, vector packets, and message packets.
If the MC68183 is enabled and a receiver shut-down packet is pending, the receiver shut-down packet
will be sent. If no receiver shut-down packet is pending, but there is a pending roaming status packet,
the roaming status packet will be sent. If neither the receiver shutdown packet nor the roaming status
packet is pending and there is data in the transmit buffer, a packet from the transmit buffer will be sent.
Otherwise, the MC68183 will send the status packet (which is not buffered). In the event of a buffer
overflow, the MC68183 will automatically stop decoding and clear the buffer.
It is recommended that the host be designed to empty the FIFO buffer every block with enough time
left over to read a status packet. This would ensure that any applicable status packet would be received
within 1 block of the new status being available. Figure D-1 diagrams the MC68183 SPI transmit
functional block.
Figure D-1. MC68183 SPI Transmit Functional Block Diagram
D.1 Block Information Word Packet
The block information field is the first field following the synchronization codes of the FLEX
protocol. This field contains information about the frame such as number of addresses and messages,
information about current time, the channel ID, channel attributes, and so on. The first block
Roaming Status Register
32x32 Data Packet
FIFO Transmit
Status Register
SPI Transmit Register MISO
Receiver Shutdown Register 32
Part ID Register 32
D-2 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Block Information Word Packet
information word of each phase is used internally to the MC68183 and is never transmitted to the host,
with the exception of the system collapse, which is sent to the host when FLEXchip is in manual
collapse mode.
Time block information words 2-4 can be optionally sent to the host by setting the SBI bit in the
control packet. (See Section C.3, “Control Packet.” ) All block information words 2-4 can be
optionally sent to the host by setting the ABI bit in the roaming control packet.
When the SBI or ABI bit is set and any block information word 2-4 is received with an uncorrectable
number of bit errors, the FLEXchip will send the block information word to the host with the e bit set
regardless of the value of the f field in the block information word. The MC68183 does not support
decoding of the vector and message words associated with the data/system message block info word
(f=101). The ID of a block information word packet is 0 (decimal). See Table D-1 for bit assignments.
e: Set if more than 2 bit errors are detected in the word or if the check character calculation fails
after error correction has been performed.
p: Phase on which the block information word was found (0 = a, 1 = b, 2 = c, 3 = d)
x: Unused bits. The value of these bits is not guaranteed.
f: Word Format Type. The value of these bits modify the meaning of the s bits in this packet as
described in the BIW word descriptions in the s bit definition below.
s: These are the information bits of the block information word. The definition of these bits
depend on the f bits in this packet. Table D-2 describes the block information words.
Table D-1. Block Information Word Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 00000000
Byte 2 ep
Byte 1 xxs
13 s12 s11 s10 s9s8
Byte 0 s7s6s5s4s3s2s1s0
Table D-2. Block Information Words
f2f1f0s13 s12 s11 s10 s9s8s7s6s5s4s3s2s1s0Description
0001i8i7i6i5i4i3i2i1i0C4C3C2C1C0Local ID, coverage
0012m3m2m1m0d4d3d2d1d0Y4Y3Y2Y1Y0Month, day, year
0102S2S1S0M5M4M3M2M1M0H4H3H2H1H0Second, minute, hour
0111Reserved by FLEX protocol for future use
1001Reserved by FLEX protocol for future use
1012z9z8z7z6z5z4z3z2z1z0A3A2A1A0System message
Address Packet
Motorola Decoder-to-Host Packet Descriptions D-3
D.2 Address Packet
The address field follows the block information field in the FLEX protocol and contains all addresses
in the frame.
If fewer than three bit errors are detected in a received address word, and if it matches an enabled
address assigned to the MC68183, an address packet will be sent to the host processor. The address
packet contains assorted data about the address and its associated vector and message. The ID of an
address packet is 1 (decimal). See Table D-3 for bit assignments.
PA: Priority Address. Set if the address was received as a priority address.
p: Phase on which the address was detected (0=a, 1=b, 2=c, 3=d)
LA: Long Address type. Set if the address was programmed in the MC68183 as a long address.
AI: Address Index (valid values are 0 through 15 and 128 through 159). The index identifies
which of the addresses was detected. Values 0 through 15 correspond to the 16 programmable
address words. Values 128 through 143 correspond to the 16 temporary addresses. Values 144
through 159 correspond to the 16 operator messaging addresses. For long addresses, the
address detect packet will only be sent once and the index will refer to the second word of the
TOA: Tone Only Address. Set if the address was programmed in the MC68183 as a tone-only
address. This bit will never be set for temporary or operator messaging addresses. No vector
word will be sent for tone-only addresses.
WN: Word number of vector (2 - 87). Describes the location in the frame of the vector word for the
detected address. This value is invalid for this packet if the TOA bit is set.
x: Unused bits. The value of these bits is not guaranteed.
1101Reserved by FLEX protocol for future use
1111c9c8c7c6c5c4c3c2c1c0T3T2T1T0Country code, traffic
management flags
1. Will be decoded only if the ABI bit is set.
2.Will be decoded only if the SBI or ABI bit is set.
Table D-3. Address Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 00000001
Byte 2 PA p1p0LAxxxx
Table D-2. Block Information Words (Continued)
f2f1f0s13 s12 s11 s10 s9s8s7s6s5s4s3s2s1s0Description
D-4 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Vector Packet
D.3 Vector Packet
The vector field follows the address field in the FLEX protocol. Each vector packet must be matched
to its corresponding address packet. The ID of the vector packet is the word number where the vector
word was received in the frame. This value corresponds to the WN bits sent in the associated address
packet. The phase information in both the address packet and the vector packet must also match.
It is important to note that for long addresses, the first message word will be transmitted in the word
location immediately following the associated vector. See Section E.3, “Message Building,” for a
message-building example. In this case, the word number (identified by b6 to b0) in the vector packet
will indicate the message start of the second message word if the message is longer than 1 word.
There are several types of vectors: three types of numeric vectors, a short message/tone-only vector, a
hex/binary vector, an alphanumeric vector, a secure message vector, and a short instruction vector.
Each is described in the following pages. Two of the modes of the short instruction vector is used for
assigning temporary addresses that may be associated with a group call.
The numeric, hex/binary, alphanumeric, and secure message vector packets have associated message
word packets in the message field. The host must use the n and b bits of the vector word to calculate
what message word locations are associated with the vector. The message word locations and the
phase must match.
Four of the vectors (hex/binary, alphanumeric, secure message, and the temporary address assignment
modes of the short instruction) enable the MC68183 to begin the all frame mode. This mode is
required to allow for the decoding of temporary addresses and / or fragmented messages. The host
disables the all frame mode after the proper time by writing to the decoder via the all frame mode
packet. See Section E.4, “Building a Fragmented Message,” and Section E.5, “Operation of a
Temporary Address,” for more information.
For any address packet sent to the host (except tone-only addresses), a corresponding vector packet
will always be sent. If more than two bit errors are detected in the vector word (via BCH calculations,
parity calculations, check character calculations, or value validation) the e bit will be set and the
message words will not be sent.
D.3.1 Numeric Vector Packet
Refer to Table D-4 for bit assignments and to Table D-5 for vector type identifiers.
V: Vector type identifier. See Table D-5 for names and descriptions of the vector identifiers.
Table D-4. Numeric Vector Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 0WN
Byte 2 ep
Byte 1 xxK
Byte 0 n0b6b5b4b3b2b1b0
Vector Packet
Motorola Decoder-to-Host Packet Descriptions D-5
WN: Word number of vector (2 - 87 decimal). Describes the location of the vector word in the
e: Set if more than 2 bit errors are detected in the word, if the check character calculation fails
after error correction has been performed, or if the vector value is determined to be invalid.
p: Phase on which the vector was found (0=a, 1=b, 2=c, 3=d)
K: Beginning check bits of the message.
n: Number of message words in the message including the second vector word for long addresses
(000 = 1 word message, 001 = 2 word message, etc.). For long addresses, the first message
word is located in the word location that immediately follows the associated vector.
b: Word number of message start in the message field (3-87 decimal). For long addresses, the
word number indicates the location of the second message word.
x: Unused bits. The value of these bits is not guaranteed.
D.3.2 Short Message / Tone-Only Vector
Refer to Table D-6 for bit assignments.
V: 010 for a short message/tone-only vector.
WN: Word number of vector (2 - 87 decimal). Describes the location of the vector word in the
e: Set if more than 2 bit errors are detected in the word or, if after error correction, the check
character calculation fails.
Table D-5. Vector Type Identifiers
V2V1V0Name Description
011 Standard numeric
vector No special formatting of characters is specified
100 Special format
numeric vector Formatting of the received characters is predetermined
by special rules in the host.
111 Numbered numeric
vector The received information has been numbered by the
service provider to indicate all messages have been
properly received
Table D-6. Short Message / Tone-Only Vector Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 0WN
Byte 2 ep
Byte 1 xxd
11 d10 d9d8d7d6
Byte 0 d5d4d3d2d1d0t1t0
D-6 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Vector Packet
p: Phase on which the vector was found (0=a, 1=b, 2=c, 3=d)
d: Data bits whose definition depend on the value of t in this packet in accordance with
Table D-7. Note that if this vector is received on a long address and the e bit in this packet is
not set, the decoder will send a message packet from the word location immediately following
the vector packet. Except for the short message on a non-network address (t=0), all message
bits in the message packet are unused and should be ignored.
t: Message type. These bits define the meaning of the d bits in this packet.
x: Unused bits. The value of these bits is not guaranteed.
D.3.3 HEX / Binary, Alphanumeric, and Secure Message Vector
Refer to Table D-8 for bit assignments.
V: Vector type identifier. See Table D-9.
Table D-7. Data Bits Defined by Value of t
t1t0d11 d10 d9d8d7d6d5d4d3d2d1d0Description
00 c3c2c1c0b3b2b1b0a3a2a1a0Short numeric: 3 numeric chars1
when on a messaging address
1. For long addresses, an extra 5 characters are sent in the Message Packet immediately following the Vector
00 T3T2T1T0M2M1M0A4A3A2A1A0Part of NID when on a network
01 s8s7s6s5s4s3s2s1s0S2S1S0Tone only: 8 sources (S) and 9
unused bits (s)
10 s1s0R0N5N4N3N2N1N0S2S1S0Tone only: 8 sources (S), message
number (N), message retrieval flag
(R), and 2 unused bits (s)
11 Spare message type
Table D-8. HEX / Binary, Alphanumeric, and Secure Message Vector Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 0WN
Byte 2 ep
Byte 1 xxn
Byte 0 n0b6b5b4b3b2b1b0
Vector Packet
Motorola Decoder-to-Host Packet Descriptions D-7
WN: Word number of vector (2 - 87 decimal). Describes the location of the vector word in the
e: Set if more than 2 bit errors are detected in the word, if the check character calculation fails
after error correction has been performed, or if the vector value is determined to be invalid.
p: Phase on which the vector was found (0=a, 1=b, 2=c, 3=d)
n: Number of message words in this frame including the first message word that immediately
follows a long address vector. Valid values are 1 through 85 decimal.
b: Word number of message start in the message field. Valid values are 3 through 87 decimal.
x: Unused bits. The value of these bits is not guaranteed.
Note: For long addresses, the first message packet is sent from the word location immediately
following the word location of the vector packet. The b bits indicate the second message word
in the message field if one exists.
D.3.4 Short Instruction Vector
Refer to Table D-10 for bit assignments.
V: 001 for a short instruction vector.
WN: Word number of vector (2 - 87 decimal). Describes the location of the vector word in the
e: Set if more than 2 bit errors are detected in the word or, if after error correction, the check
character calculation fails.
p: Phase on which the vector was found (0=a, 1=b, 2=c, 3=d)
Table D-9. Vector Type Identifiers
000 Secure
101 Alphanumeric
110 Hex / Binary
Table D-10. Short Instruction Vector Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 0WN
Byte 2 ep
Byte 1 xxd
10 d9d8d7d6d5
Byte 0 d4d3d2d1d0i2i1i0
D-8 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Message Packet
d: Data bits whose definition depend on the i bits in this packet in according with Table D-11.
Note that if this vector is received on a long address and the e bit in this packet is not set, the
decoder will send a message packet immediately following the vector packet. All message bits
in the message packet are unused and should be ignored for all modes except the temporary
address assignment with MSN (i2i1i0=010).
i: Instruction type. These bits define the meaning of the d bits in this packet.
x: Unused bits. The value of these bits is not guaranteed.
D.4 Message Packet
The message field follows the vector field in the FLEX protocol. It contains the message data,
checksum information, and may contain fragment numbers and message numbers.
If the error bit of a vector word is not set and the vector word indicates that there are message words
associated with the page, the message words are sent in message packets. Refer to Table D-12 for bit
The ID of the message packet is the word number where the message word was received in the frame.
Table D-11. Data Bits with Definition Dependent on i Bit
i2i1i0d10 d9d8d7d6d5d4d3d2d1d0Description
000 a3a2a1a0f6f5f4f3f2f1f0Temporary address assignment1
1. Assigned temporary address (a) and assigned frame (f). See Section E.5, “Operation of a Temporary
Address,” for a description of the use of these fields.
001 d10 d9d8d7d6d5d4d3d2d1d011 event flags for system event
010 a3a2a1a0f6N5N4N3N2N1N0Temporary address assignment with
2. Assigned temporary address (a), MSb of assigned frame (f6), and message sequence number (N). The
message packet sent with this instruction on long addresses contains extra frame information, see Section E.5,
“Operation of a Temporary Address,” for a description and for details on the use of the other fields.
011 Reserved
100 Reserved
101 Reserved
110 Reserved
111 Reserved for test
Table D-12. Message Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 0 WN6 WN5 WN4 WN3 WN2 WN1 WN0
Byte 2 ep
1p0i20 i19 i18 i17 i16
Roaming Status Packet
Motorola Decoder-to-Host Packet Descriptions D-9
WN: Word number of message word (3 - 87 decimal). Describes the location of the message word
in the frame.
e: Set if more than two bit errors are detected in the word.
p: Phase on which the message word was found (0=a, 1=b, 2=c, 3=d)
i: These are the information bits of the message word. The definitions of these bits depend on the
vector type and which word of the message is being received.
D.5 Roaming Status Packet
The MC68183 will automatically prompt the host to read a roaming status packet if RSR, MS1, MFI,
MS2, MBI, MAW, NBU, NDR1, NDR0, or SCU is set. Refer to Table D-13 for bit assignments.
RSR: Resynchronization Signal Received. RSR is set when the FLEXchip detected a
resynchronization signal and the host configured FLEXchip to ignore it via the IRS bit in the
roaming control packet. RSR is cleared when read.
MS1: Missed Synchronization 1. MS1 is set when the FLEXchip failed to detect the first
synchronization pattern (A / A) of a FLEX frame and FLEXchip was configured to report
missed frame information via the MFC bit in the roaming control packet. MS1 is cleared when
MFI: Missed Frame Information word. MF1 is set when the frame information word is received
with an uncorrectable number of errors and FLEXchip was configured to report missed frame
information via the MFC bit in the roaming control packet. MF1 is cleared when read.
MS2: Missed Synchronization 2. MS2 is set when the FLEXchip failed to detect the second
synchronization pattern (C/C) of a frame and FLEXchip was configured to report missed
frame information via the MFC bit in the roaming control packet. MS2 is cleared when read.
Byte 1 i15 i14 i13 i12 i11 i10 i9i8
Byte 0 i7i6i5i4i3i2i1i0
Table D-13. Roaming Status Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 01100000
Byte 1 xxxxxxNDR
Byte 0 xxxxSCURSC
Table D-12. Message Packet Bit Assignments (Continued)
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
D-10 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Receiver Shut-Down Packet
MBI: Missed Block Information word 1. MBI is set when at least one of the block information word
ones is received with an uncorrectable number of errors and FLEXchip was configured to
report missed frame information via the MFC bit in the roaming control packet. MBI is set no
more than once per frame regardless of the number of missed block information word 1’s in
the frame. MBI is cleared when read.
MAW: Missed Address Word. MAW is set when any address words in the address field is received
with an uncorrectable number of errors and FLEXchip was configured to report missed frame
information via the MFC bit in the roaming control packet. This bit is set no more than once
per frame, regardless of the number of missed address words in the frame. MAW is cleared
when read.
NBU: Network Bit Update. NBU is set when the NBC bit in the roaming control packet is set and a
frame information word is received with a correctable number of errors. NBU will not be set
when the frame information word is not received due to missing the first synchronization
pattern (A/A). NBU is cleared when read.
n: Network bit value. When NBU is set, this is the value of the n bit in the last received frame
information word.
NDR: Noise Detect Result. The NDR bits indicate the result of a noise detect. The results of noise-
detects initiated by setting the SND bit in the roaming control packet will always be reported.
The results of the automatic noise-detects performed in asynchronous mode will only be
reported if the RND bit is set in the roaming control packet. When continuous noise-detects
during block data are enabled by setting the CND bit in the roaming control packet, only the
“No FLEX signal detected” result will be reported. The NDR bits are cleared when read. Refer
to Table D-14.
SCU: System Collapse Update. SCU is set when the MC68183 is configured for manual collapse
mode by setting the MCM bit in the roaming control packet and the system collapse of a frame
is received. SCU is set no more than once per frame, regardless of the number of phases in the
frame. SCU will not be set in frames in which no block information word ones is received
properly. SCU is cleared when read.
RSC: Received System Collapse. When SCU is set, this value represents the system collapse value
that was received in the frame.
D.6 Receiver Shut-Down Packet
The shutdown packet is sent in both synchronous and asynchronous mode. It is designed to indicate to
the host that the receiver is turned off and how much time there is until the FLEXchip will
automatically turn it back on. Refer to Table D-15 for bit assignments.
Table D-14. Noise Detect Result
NDR Noise Detect Result
00 No information
01 Noise detect was abandoned
10 FLEX signal detected
11 FLEX signal not detected
Status Packet
Motorola Decoder-to-Host Packet Descriptions D-11
FNV: Frame Number Valid. This bit is set if the last decoded frame info word was correctable and
the frame number was the expected value. When in asynchronous mode, this value will be 0.
CF: Current Frame. When in synchronous mode, CF is the current frame number. This value is
latched on the negative edge of the READY line when this packet is sent to the host. The value
of this field is valid only if the MC68183 is in synchronous mode and the FIV bit in the status
packet is set. When in asynchronous mode, this value will be 0.
TNF: Time to Next Frame. When in synchronous mode, TNF indicates the time there would be to
the start of the A-word check if the MC68183 were to warm up for the next frame. When in
asynchronous mode, TNF indicates the time to the start of the next automatic noise detect. See
Section E.6, “Using the Receiver Shut-Down Packet,” for an explanation of how to use this
value. This value is latched on the negative edge of the READY line when this packet is sent
to the host.
FCO: Frame Carried On. Set if the MC68183 is decoding the next frame due to the reception of a
non-zero carry-on value in the current or a previous frame. When in asynchronous mode, this
value will be 0.
NAF: Next Assigned Frame. This is the frame number of the next frame the MC68183 was
scheduled to decode when the receiver shut down. The value of this field is valid only if the
MC68183 is in synchronous mode and the FIV bit in the status packet is set. When in
asynchronous mode, this value will be 0.
D.7 Status Packet
The status packet contains various types of information that the host may require. The status packet
will be sent to the host whenever the MC68183 is polled and has no other data to send. The MC68183
can also prompt the host to read the status packet due to events for which the MC68183 was
configured to send it. Refer to Table D-16 for bit assignments. (See Section C.3, “Control Packet,” for
a detailed description of the bits.) The MC68183 will prompt the host to read a status packet if any of
the following holds true.
SMU bit in the status packet and the SME bit in the configuration packet are set.
MT bit in the status packet and the MTE bit in the configuration packet are set.
EOF bit in the status packet is set.
LBU bit in the status packet is set.
EA bit in the status packet is set.
BOE bit in the status packet is set.
Table D-15. Receiver Shut-Down Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 01111110
D-12 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Status Packet
The ID of the status packet is 127 (decimal).
FIV: Frame Info Valid. Set when a valid frame info word has been received since becoming
synchronous to the system, and the f and c fields contain valid values. If FIV is clear, no valid
frame info words have been received since the MC68183 became synchronous to the system.
This value will change from 0 to 1 at the end of block 0 of the frame in which the first frame
info word was properly received. It will be cleared when the MC68183 goes into
asynchronous mode. FIV is initialized to 0 when the MC68183 is reset and when the
MC68183 is turned off by clearing the ON bit in the control packet.
f: Current frame number. This value is updated every frame, regardless of whether the MC68183
needs to decode the frame. This value will change to its proper value for a frame at the end of
block 0 of the frame. The value of these bits is not guaranteed when FIV is 0.
SM: Synchronous Mode. SM is set when the MC68183 is synchronous to the system. The
MC68183 will set SM when the first synchronization words are received. It will clear SM
when the MC68183 has not properly received both synchronization words in any frame for 8,
16, or 32 minutes (depending on the number of assigned frames and the system collapse). SM
is initialized to 0 when the MC68183 is reset and when it is turned off by clearing the ON bit
in the control packet.
LB: Low Battery. LB is set to the value last read from the LOBAT pin. The host controls when the
LOBAT pin is read via the receiver control packets. LB is initialized to 0 at reset. It is also
initialized to the inverse of the LBP bit in the configuration packet when the MC68183 is
turned on by setting the ON bit in the control packet.
c: Current system cycle number. This value is updated every frame regardless of whether the
MC68183 needs to decode the frame.This value will change to its proper value for a frame at
the end of block 0 of the frame. The value of these bits is not guaranteed when FIV is 0.
SMU: Synchronous Mode Update. SMU is set if the SM bit has been updated in this packet. When
the MC68183 is turned on, SMU will be set when the first synchronization words are found
(SM changes to 1) or when the first synchronization search window after the MC68183 is
turned on expires (SM stays 0).
The latter condition gives the host the option of assuming the paging device is in range when it
is turned on, and displaying out-of-range only after the initial A search window expires. After
the initial synchronous mode update, the SMU bit will be set whenever the MC68183
transitions from/to synchronous mode. Cleared when read. Changes in the SM bit due to
Table D-16. Status Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 01111111
Byte 2 FIV f6f5f4f3f2f1f0
Byte 1 SM LB x x c3c2c1c0
Part ID Packet
Motorola Decoder-to-Host Packet Descriptions D-13
turning off the MC68183 will not cause SMU to be set. SMU is initialized to 0 when the
MC68183 is reset.
LBU: Low Battery Update. LBU is set if the value on two consecutive reads of the LOBAT pin
yielded different results and is cleared when read. The host controls when the LOBAT pin is
read via the receiver control packets. Changes in the LB bit due to turning on the MC68183
will not cause LBU to be set. LBU is initialized to 0 when the MC68183 is reset.
MT: Minute Time-out. MT is set if 1 minute has elapsed and cleared when read. MT is initialized to
0 when the MC68183 is reset.
EOF: End Of Frame. EOF is set when the MC68183 is in all frames mode and the end of frame has
been reached. The MC68183 is in all frames mode if the all frames mode enable counter is
non-zero, if any temporary address enabled counter is non-zero, or if the FAF bit in the all
frame mode packet is set. Cleared when read. EOF is initialized to 0 when the MC68183 is
EA: End of Addresses. If EAE of the control packet is set and an address is detected in a frame, EA
will be set after FLEXchip processes the last address in the frame. Because data packets take
priority over the status packet, the status packet with the EA bit set is guaranteed to come after
all address packets for the frame. EA is cleared when read. EA is initialized to 0 when the
MC68183 is reset.
BOE: Buffer Overflow Error. Set when information has been lost due to slow host-response time.
When the data packet FIFO transmit buffer on the MC68183 overflows, the MC68183 clears
the buffer, turns off decoding by clearing the ON bit in the control packet, and sets this bit.
BOE is cleared when read. This bit is initialized to 0 when the MC68183 is reset.
x: Unused bits. The value of these bits is not guaranteed.
D.8 Part ID Packet
The part ID packet is sent by the MC68183 whenever the MC68183 is disabled due to the checksum
feature. See Section C.1, “Checksum Packet,” for a description of the checksum feature. Since the
MC68183 is disabled after reset, the part ID is the first packet the host will receive after reset. The ID
of the part ID packet is 255 (decimal). Table D-17 gives bit assignments for the part ID packet.
MDL: Model. MDL identifies the FLEXchip model. Current value is 0.
CID: Compatibility ID. This value describes the FLEXchips to which this part is backwards-
compatible. See Table D-18 for meaning and current value.
Table D-17. Part ID Packet Bit Assignments
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 3 11111111
D-14 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Part ID Packet
REV: Revision. REV identifies the revision and manufacturer of the FLEXchip. Table D-19 lists the
currently available part IDs of the FLEXchip family.
Table D-18. CID Meaning and Current Value
Bit Indicates this IC Can Be Used in Place Of Value for MC68183
1. Compatibility to MC68183 is indicated by MDL set to 0, CID0 set to 1, and REV greater than or
equal to 7.
1 (TRUE)
2. Compatibility to MC68183 is indicated by MDL set to 0, CID1 set to 1, and REV greater than or
equal to 8.
1 (TRUE)
CID2Numeric FLEXchip 0 (FALSE)
Table D-19. FLEXchip Revisions and Manufacturers
Part ID Packet
(Hexadecimal) Revision Manufacturer
00 01 03 FLEXchip Texas Instruments
00 01 04 FLEXchip Motorola Semiconductor Products Sector
00 01 06 FLEXchip Philips
00 01 07 FLEXchip II Motorola Semiconductor Products Sector
00 01 08 FLEXchip II Texas Instruments
00 03 03 Roaming FLEXchip Motorola Semiconductor Products Sector
00 03 05 Roaming FLEXchip Texas Instruments
00 03 09 Roaming FLEXchip II Motorola Semiconductor Products Sector
00 03 0A Roaming FLEXchip II Texas Instruments
00 04 01 Numeric FLEXchip Texas Instruments
Receiver Settings at Reset
Motorola Application Notes E-1
Appendix E Application Notes
E.1 Receiver Control
The MC68183 has eight programmable receiver control lines (S0-S7). The host has control of the
receiver warm-up and shut-down timing as well as all various settings on the control lines through
configuration registers on the MC68183. The configuration registers for most settings allow the host to
configure what setting is applied to the control lines, how long to apply the setting, and if the LOBAT
input pin is polled before changing from the setting. With this programmability, the FLEXchip II IC
should be able to interface with many off-the-shelf receiver ICs.
When using the internal demodulator (i.e., when the IDE bit of the configuration packet is set), the S0
pin becomes the input for the demodulator and the S0 register setting in the receiver control
configuration packets controls the tracking mode of the peak and valley detectors for the internal data
slicer. When the S0 bit is set in a receiver setting, the internal data slicer will be in fast track mode.
When the S0 bit is cleared in a receiver setting, the internal data slicer will be in slow track mode. For
details on the configuration of the receiver control settings, see Section C.9, “Receiver Control
Configuration Packets.”
E.2 Receiver Settings at Reset
The receiver control ports are three-state outputs which are set to the high-impedance state when the
MC68183 is reset and until the corresponding FRS bit in the receiver line control packet is set or until
the MC68183 is turned on by setting the ON bit in the control packet. This allows the designer to force
the receiver control lines to the receiver off setting with external pull-up or pull-down resistors before
the host can configure these settings in the MC68183. When the MC68183 is turned on, the receiver
control ports are driven to the settings configured by the Section C.9, “Receiver Control Configuration
Packets,” until the MC68183 is reset again.
E.2.1 Automatic Receiver Warm-Up Sequence
The MC68183 allows for up to six steps associated with warming up the receiver. When the MC68183
automatically turns on the receiver, it starts the warm-up sequence 160 ms before it requires valid
signals at the EXTS0 and EXTS1 input pins (or the equivalent internal signals when using the internal
demodulator/data slicer). The first step of the warm-up sequence involves leaving the receiver control
lines in the “off” state for the amount of time programmed for “warm-up off-time.”
At the end of the “warm-up off-time,” the first warm-up setting, if enabled, is applied to the receiver
control lines for the amount of time programmed for that setting. Each subsequent warm-up setting is
applied to the receiver control lines for their corresponding time until a disabled warm-up setting is
At the end of the last used warm-up setting, the “1600sps sync setting” or the “3200sps sync setting” is
applied to the receiver control lines depending on the current state of the MC68183. The sum total of
all of the used warm-up times and the “warm-up off time” must not exceed 160ms. If it exceeds
160ms, the MC68183 will execute the receiver shut-down sequence at the end of the 160ms warm-up
period. Figure E-1 shows the receiver warm-up sequence while decoding when all warm-up settings
are enabled.
E-2 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Receiver Settings at Reset
Figure E-1. Automatic Receiver Warm-Up Sequence
E.2.2 Host-Initiated Receiver Warm-Up Sequence
The host can cause the MC68183 to warm up the receiver in three ways: by setting the ON bit in the
control packet to turn on the FLEXchip; by requesting a noise-detect by setting the SND bit in the
roaming control packet; or by setting the SAS bit in the roaming control packet to requesting an A-
word search. When the MC68183 warms up the receiver in response to a host request, the first warm-
up setting, if enabled, is applied to the receiver control lines for the amount of time programmed for
that setting. Each subsequent warm-up setting is applied to the receiver control lines for the
corresponding time until a disabled warm-up setting is found.
Once a disabled warm-up setting is found, the “3200sps sync setting” (for ON and SND warm-ups) or
the “1600sps sync setting” (for SAS warm-ups) is applied to the receiver control lines. The decoder
does not expect a valid signal until after the “3200sps sync warm-up time” (for ON, SND, and SAS
warm ups) has expired. Figure E-2 shows the receiver warm-up sequence when the host initiates a
warm-up sequence and when all warm-up settings are enabled.
Figure E-2. Host-Initiated Receiver Warm-Up Sequence
E.2.3 Receiver Shut-Down Sequence
The MC68183 allows for up to three steps associated with shutting down the receiver. When the
MC68183 decides to turn off the receiver, the first shut-down setting, if enabled, is applied to the
receiver control lines for the corresponding shut-down time. At the end of the last used shut-down
Warm Up
Setting 5
Warm Up
Setting 4
Warm Up
Setting 3
Warm Up
Setting 2
Warm Up
Setting 1 1600sps or 3200sp
Sync Setting
160 ms
Warm Up
Off Time Warm Up
Time 1 Warm Up
Time 2 Warm Up
Time 3 Warm Up
Time 4 Warm Up
signals are
expected to be
valid here.
Warm Up
Setting 5
Warm Up
Setting 4
Warm Up
Setting 3
Warm Up
Setting 2
Warm Up
Setting 1 3200sps
Sync Setting
Warm Up
Time 1 Warm Up
Time 2 Warm Up
Time 3 Warm Up
Time 4 Warm Up
signals are
expected to be
valid here.
Warm Up
Receiver Settings at Reset
Motorola Application Notes E-3
time, the “off” setting is applied to the receiver control lines. If the first shut-down setting is not
enabled, the MC68183 will transition directly from the current on setting to the “off” setting. The
receiver turn-off sequence when all shut-down settings are enabled is shown in Figure E-3.
If the receiver is on or being warmed up when the decoder is turned off (by clearing the ON bit in the
control packet), the MC68183 will execute the receiver shut -down sequence. If the MC68183 is
executing the shut-down sequence when the MC68183 is turned on (by setting the ON bit in the
Control Packet), the MC68183 will complete the shut-down sequence before starting the warm-up
Figure E-3. Receiver Shut-Down Sequence
E.2.4 Miscellaneous Receiver States
In addition to the warm-up and shut-down states, the MC68183 has four other receiver states. When
these settings are applied to the receiver control lines, the MC68183 will be decoding the EXTS1 and
EXTS0 input signals (or the equivalent internal signals when using the internal demodulator/data
slicer). The timing of these signals and their duration depends on the data the MC68183 decodes. The
four settings are as follows:
1600sps Sync Setting: applied when the MC68183 is searching for a 1600 symbols per second
3200sps Sync Setting: applied when the MC68183 is searching for a 3200 symbols per second
1600sps Data Setting: applied after the MC68183 has found the C or C sync word in a 1600
symbols per second frame.
3200sps Data Setting: applied after the MC68183 has found the C or C sync word in a 3200
symbols per second frame.
Some examples of how these settings will be used in the MC68183 are shown in Figure E-4.
Shut Down
Setting 1
1600sps or 3200sps
Sync or Data Setting Off
Shut Down
Time 1 Shut Down
Time 2
Shut Down
Setting 2
E-4 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Message Building
Figure E-4. Examples of Receiver Control Transitions
E.2.5 Low-Battery Detection
The MC68183 can be configured to poll the LOBAT input pin at the end of every receiver control
setting. This check can be enabled or disabled for each receiver control setting. If the poll is enabled
for a setting, the pin will be read just before the MC68183 changes the receiver control lines from that
setting to another setting. The MC68183 will send a status packet whenever the value on two
consecutive reads of the LOBAT pin yields different results.
E.3 Message Building
A simple message consists of an address packet followed by a vector packet indicating the word
numbers of associated message packets.The tables below show a more complex example of receiving
three messages and two block information word packets in the first two blocks of a 2-phase, 3200 bps,
FLEX frame. Note that the messages shown may be portions of fragmented or group messages. Note
further that in the case of a 6400 bps FLEX signal, there would be four phases: A, B, C and D, and in
the case of a 1600 bps signal there would be only a single phase A.
Table E-1 shows the block number, word number (WN), and word content of both phases A and C.
Contents of words not meant to be received by the host are left blank. Each phase begins with a block
information word (WN 0) which is not sent to the host. The first message is in phase A and has an
address (WN 3), vector (WN 7), and three message words (WN 9 - 11). The second message is also in
phase A and has an address (WN 4), a vector (WN 8), and four message words (WN 12 - 15). The third
message is in phase C and has a two-word-long address (WN 5 - 6) followed by a vector (WN 10) and
three message words. Because the third message is sent on a long address, the first message word
(WN 11) begins immediately after the vector. The vector indicates the location of the second and third
message words (WN 14 - 15). Refer to Table E-1for more information.
1600sps Sync
1600sps Data or 3200sps Data
or Last Used Warm Up Setting
Sync Setting 3200sps Data
Sync 1 Frame
Info Sync 2 Block 0Block 10
1600sps Sync
1600sps Data or 3200sps Data
or Last Used Warm Up Setting
1600sps Data
Message Building
Motorola Application Notes E-5
Table E-2 shows the sequence of packets received by the host. The FLEXchip processes the FLEX
signal one block and phase at a time. Thus, the address and vector information in block 0 phase A is
sent to the host in packets 1–3. Then information in block 0 phase C (two block information words and
one long address) is sent to the host in packets 4–6. Packets 7–18 correspond to information in block 1
and are processed in phase A first and phase C second.
Table E-1. FLEX Signal
0 0 BIW1 BIW1
1 8 VECTOR 2
12 MESSAGE 2,1
13 MESSAGE 2,2
Table E-2. FLEXchip Packet Sequence
Packet Packet Type Phase Word
Number Comment
1st ADDRESS A N.A. (7) Address 1 has a vector located at WN 7
2nd ADDRESS A N.A. (8) Address 2 has a vector located at WN 8
3rd VECTOR A 7 Vector for Address 1: Message Words located at
WN = 9 to 11, phase A
4th BIW C N.A. If BIWs enabled, then BIW packet sent
5th BIW C N.A. If BIWs enabled, then BIW packet sent
E-6 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Building a Fragmented Message
The first message is built by relating packets 1, 3, and 8–10. The second message is built by relating
packets 2, 7 and 11–14. The third message is built by relating packets 6 and 15–18. Additionally, the
host may process block information in packets 4 and 5 for time-setting information.
E.4 Building a Fragmented Message
The longest message that will fit into a frame is 84 code-words total of message data. Three alpha
characters per word yields a maximum message of 252 characters in a frame, assuming no other
traffic. Messages longer than this value must be sent as several fragments.
Additional fragments can be expected when the “continue bit” in the first message word is set. This
causes the pager to examine every following frame for an additional fragment until the last fragment
with the continue bit reset is found. The only requirement relating to the placement in time of the
remaining fragments is that no more than 32 frames (1 minute) or 128 frames (4 minutes)—as
indicated by the service provider—may pass between fragment receptions.
Each fragment contains a check sum character to detect errors in the fragment: a fragment number 0, 1,
or 2 to detect missing fragments, a message number to identify which message the fragment is a part,
and the continue bit that indicates either that more fragments are in queue or that the last fragment has
been received.
6th LONG
ADDRESS C N.A. (10) Long address 3 has a vector beginning in word
10 of phase C
7th VECTOR A 8 Vector for address 2: message words located at
WN = 12 to 15, phase A
8th MESSAGE A 9 Message information for address 1
9th MESSAGE A 10 Message information for address 1
10th MESSAGE A 11 Message information for address 1
11th MESSAGE A 12 Message information for address 2
12th MESSAGE A 13 Message information for address 2
13th MESSAGE A 14 Message information for address 2
14th MESSAGE A 15 Message information for address 2
15th VECTOR C 10 Vector for long address 3: message words
located at WN = 14 - 15, phase C
16th MESSAGE C 11 Second word of long vector is first message
information word of address 3
17th MESSAGE C 14 Message information for address 3
18th MESSAGE C 15 Message information for address 3
Table E-2. FLEXchip Packet Sequence (Continued)
Packet Packet Type Phase Word
Number Comment
Building a Fragmented Message
Motorola Application Notes E-7
The following describes the sequence of events between the host and the MC68183 required to handle
a fragmented message. First, the host will receive a vector indicating one of the types shown in
Table E-3.
The MC68183 will increment the all frame mode counter inside the MC68183 and begin to
decode all of the following frames.
The host will receive the message packet(s) contained within that frame followed by a status
packet. The host must decide based on the message packet to return to normal decoding
If the message is indicated as fragmented by the message continued flag “C” being set in the
message packet then the host does not decrement the all frame mode counter at this time. The
host decrements the counter if the message continued flag “C” is clear by writing the all frame
mode packet to the MC68183 with the “DAF” bit = 1. If no other fragments or temporary
addresses are pending and the FAF bit is clear in the all frame mode register, the MC68183
returns to normal operation.
The MC68183 continues to decode all frames and passes any address information, vector
information, and message information to the host, followed by a status packet indicating the
end of the frame. If the message is indicated as fragmented by the message continued flag “C”
in the message packet,the host remains in the receive mode expecting more information from
the MC68183.
After the host receives the second and subsequent fragment with the message continued flag
“C” = 1, it should decrement the all frame mode counter by sending an all frame mode packet
to the MC68183 with the “DAF” bit = 1. Alternately, the host may choose to decrement the
counter at the end of the entire message by decrementing the counter once for each fragment
When the host receives a message packet with the message continued flag “C” = 0, the host
will send two all frame mode packets to the MC68183 with the “DAF” bit = 1. The two
packets decrement the count for the first and last fragment. This decrements the all frame
counter to zero. If no other fragmented messages or temporary addresses are pending, and if
the FAF bit is clear in the all frame mode register, the MC68183 returns to normal operation.
The above process must be repeated for each occurrence of a fragmented message. The host
must keep track of the number of fragmented messages being decoded and insure the all frame
mode counter decrements after each fragment or after each fragmented message. Refer to
Table E-4 and Table E-5 for more information on fragmented and unfragmented alphanumeric
Table E-3. Host Vector Indications
000 Secure
101 Alphanumeric
110 Hex / Binary
E-8 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Building a Fragmented Message
Table E-4. Alphanumeric Message without Fragmentation
Packet Packet Type Phase All Frame
Counter Comment
1st ADDRESS 1 A 0 Address 1 is received
2nd VECTOR 1 A 1 Vector = alphanumeric type
3rd MESSAGE A 1 Message word received “C” bit = 0, no more
fragments are expected.
4th Variable1
1. Host-initiated packet. The MC68183 returns a packet as described in Appendix D, “Decoder-to-Host Packet
0 Host writes all frame mode packet to the
MC68183 with the “DAF” bit = 1
Table E-5. Alphanumeric Message with fragmentation
Packet Packet Type Phase All Frame
Counter Comment
1st ADDRESS 1 A 0 Address 1 is received
2nd VECTOR 1 A 1 Vector = alphanumeric type
3rd MESSAGE A 1 Message word received “C” bit = 1, message is
fragmented, more expected
4th STATUS 1 End of frame indication (EOF = 1)
5th ADDRESS 1 B 1 Address 1 is received
6th VECTOR 1 B 2 Vector = alphanumeric type
7th MESSAGE B 2 Message word received “C” bit = 1, message is
fragmented, more expected.
8th Variable1
1. Host-initiated packet. The MC68183 returns a packet according to Appendix C, “Host-to-Decoder Packet
1 Host writes all frame mode packet to the
MC68183 with the “DAF” bit = 1
9th STATUS 1 End of frame indication (EOF = 1)
10th ADDRESS 1 A 1 Address 1 is received
11th VECTOR 1 A 2 Vector = alphanumeric type
12th MESSAGE A 2 Message word received “C” bit = 0, no more
fragments are expected.
13th Variable11 Host writes all frame mode packet to the
MC68183 with the “DAF” bit = 1.
14th Variable10 Host writes all frame mode packet to the
MC68183 with the “DAF” bit = 1.
Operation of a Temporary Address
Motorola Application Notes E-9
E.5 Operation of a Temporary Address
E.5.1 Group Messaging
The FLEX protocol allows for a dynamic group call for the purpose of sending a common message to
a group of paging devices. The dynamic group call approach assigns a “Temporary Address” using the
personal address and the short instruction vector.
The FLEX protocol specifies 16 addresses for the dynamic group call that may be temporarily
activated in a future frame. (If the frame or one of the frames designated is equal to the present frame
the host is to interpret this as the next occurrence of this frame 4 minutes in the future.) The temporary
address is valid for one message that starts in the specified frame(s) and remains valid throughout the
following frames to the completion of the message. If the message is not found in the specified
frame(s), the host must disable the assigned temporary address.
The following describes the sequence of events between the host and the MC68183 required to handle
a temporary address:
Following an address packet, the host will receive a vector packet with V2V1V0 = 001 and
i2i1i0 = 000 or 010 (a short instruction vector indicating a temporary address has been assigned
to this pager). The system may send either i2i1i0 = 000 or i2i1i0 = 010 or both when assigning a
temporary address.
The vector packet with i2i1i0 = 000 will indicate which temporary address is assigned and the
frame in which the temporary address is expected. The vector packet with i2i1i0 = 010 will
indicate which temporary address is assigned, the MSB of the expected frame (essentially
indicating 64 frames in which to look for the temporary address), and a message sequence
number. When the vector packet with i2i1i0 = 010 is received on a long address, the specific
assigned frame is included in the message word sent after the vector.
The MC68183 will increment the corresponding temporary address counter for each
temporary address assignment vector received and begin to decode all of the following frames.
Note that this implies a single dynamic group assignment that is implemented by sending two
short instructions (one for each temporary address assignment mode of the short instruction
vector) will cause the corresponding temporary address counter to increment twice.
The MC68183 continues to decode all of the frames and passes any address information,
vector information and message information to the host followed by a status packet indicating
the end of each frame and the current frame number.
There are several scenarios which may occur with temporary addresses.
The temporary address is not found in the any of the assigned frames and therefore the
host must terminate the temporary address mode by sending an all frame mode packet to
the MC68183 with the “DTA” bit of the particular temporary address set (if both
temporary address assignment packets were used to assign the temporary address, the
“DTA” bit must be set twice to disable the temporary address).
The temporary address is found in the frame it was assigned and was not a fragmented
message. Again, the host must terminate the temporary address mode by sending an all
frame mode packet to the MC68183 with the “DTA” bit of the particular temporary
address set. (If both temporary address assignment packets were used to assign the
temporary address, the “DTA” bit must be set twice to disable the temporary address.)
The temporary address is found in the assigned frame, and it is a fragmented message. The
host must follow the rules for operation of a fragmented message and determine the proper
time to stop the all frame mode operation. In this case, the host must write to the “DAF”
E-10 MC68183 Data Sheet Motorola
Using the Receiver Shut-Down Packet
bit with a “1” and the appropriate “DTA” bit with a “1” in the all frame mode register in
order to terminate both the fragmented message and the temporary address. (If both
temporary address assignment packets were used to assign the temporary address, the
“DTA” bit must be set twice to disable the temporary address).
The above operation is repeated for every temporary address.
E.6 Using the Receiver Shut-Down Packet
E.6.1 Calculating Time Left
The receiver shut-down packet gives timing information to the host. Two times are of particular
interest when implementing a roaming algorithm.
TimeToWarmUpStart. Defined as the amount of time there is before the receiver will start to
warm up (i.e. transition from the off state to the first warm-up state).
TimeToTasksDisabled. Defined as the amount of time the host has to complete any host
initiated tasks (e.g. by setting SND or SAS in the roaming control packet).
The formulas for calculating these times depend on whether the FLEXchip is in synchronous mode or
asynchronous mode.
Synchronous Mode:
Asynchronous Mode:
TNF is the Time to Next Frame. Value received from the receiver shut-down packet.
SkippedFrames is the number of frames that will not be decoded. This can be calculated from the
current frame (CF) and next needed frame (NAF) fields in the receiver shut-down packet. (For
example, if CF is 10 and NAF is 12, SkippedFrames is 1.)
ReceiverOffTime is the time programmed in the receiver off setting packet.
E.6.2 Calculating How Long Tasks Take
Because the TimeToTaskDisabled discussed in the previous section limits how much the host can do
while the MC68183 is battery-saving, it is necessary for the host to know how long it can take the
MC68183 to perform a task.
The formulas below calculate how long the two types of host initiated tasks take to complete as
measured from the last SPI clock of the packet that initiates the task to the time the receiver shut-down
sequence starts. Note that the receiver shut-down sequence must start before tasks are disabled.
TimeToWarmUpStart TNF 80ms()SkippedFrames 1874.375ms()ReceiverOffTime 167.5ms++
TimeToTasksDisabled TNF 80ms()SkippedFrames 1874.375ms()247.5ms+
TimeToWarmUpStart TNF 2()80ms()ReceiverOffTime+
TimeToTasksDisabled TNF 3()80ms()
Using the Receiver Shut-Down Packet
Motorola Application Notes E-11
The following formula calculates how long it will take to complete a noise-detect started by setting the
SND bit in the roaming control packet. This formula assumes either that the noise detect was
performed while in synchronous mode, the noise-detect was performed in asynchronous mode and did
not find FLEX signal, or that the noise detect found FLEX signal but the DAS bit of the roaming
control packet was set.
TotalWarmUpTime:The sum of the times programmed for the used warm-up steps, plus the time
programmed for the 3200sps sync setting in the receiver control-configuration packets.
The following formula calculates how long it will take to complete an A-word search initiated by
setting the SAS bit in the roaming control packet. This formula assumes that the A-word search failed
to find roaming FLEX channel.
TotalWarmUpTime:The sum of the times programmed for the used warm up steps plus the time
programmed for the 3200sps Sync Setting in the receiver control configuration packets.
AST: The value configured using the timing control packet.
The following formula calculates how long it will take to complete a noise detect/A-word search
combination. This can occur when the noise-detect is performed while in asynchronous mode, the
noise detect finds FLEX signal, and the DAS bit of the roaming control packet is not set.
TotalWarmUpTime:The sum of the times programmed for the used warm-up steps plus the time
programmed for the 3200sps sync setting in the receiver control configuration packets.
AST: The value configured using the timing control packet.
TimeToPerformNoiseDetect TotalWarmUpTime 82ms+
TimeToPerformAwordSearch TotalWarmUpTime AST 47ms++
TimeToPerformBoth TotalWarmUpTime AST 127ms++
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