The engineer’s choice.
ACi 4420 HHR Our high efficiency alternative
for 4656Z and 4656N
ACi 4420 HHR
Our high efficiency alternative for 4656Z and 4656N
Energy efficient ACimaxx fan.
Conversion and drive electronics fully integrated.
Significant lower power consumption than existing
AC fans.
Comparable noise level even though at higher air
performance than AC fans.
Significant higher service life than existing AC fans.
Fixed speed.
Humidity protection.
General characteristics:
Material: fibreglass reinforced plastic. Impeller PA, housing PBT.
Electronic locked rotor protection.
Electrical connection via 2 flat pins 2, 8 x 0, 5 mm, flying lead LZ 126 included.
Air exhaust over struts, rotational direction CW looking at rotor.
Mass: 250 g.
• EnergyefcientACimaxx fan.
• Conversionanddrive
electronics fully integrated.
• Signicantlowerpower
AC fans.
• Comparablenoiselevel
even though at higher air
• Signicanthigherservice
• Samexedspeedat50Hz
• Humidityprotection.
General characteristics:
• Material:breglassreinforcedplastic.ImpellerPA,housingPBT.
• Electroniclockedrotorprotection.
• Electricalconnectionvia2atpins2,8x0,5mm,yinglead
LZ 126 included.
• Airexhaustoverstruts,rotationaldirectionCWlookingatrotor.
• Mass:250g.