RapID Platform Network Interface with REM Switch
Module Datasheet March 28, 2014
15 support@innovasic.com
Document #: IA211140328-00 1-505-883-5263
2.4 Power requirements
The Network Interface with REM Switch module consumes approximately 1.8W, supplied from
a single +3.3V supply. The power supply requirements for voltage and current are +3.3V ± 10%,
800mA. The 3.3V power is supplied to pins X1-B1 and X1-B9 and ground is connected to pins
X1-C1 and X1-C9.
2.5 Reset Requirements
The Network Interface with REM Switch module may be reset by the application hardware.
Module signal X1-B8, referred to as MAN_RESET_N is the reset input to the Network Interface
with REM Switch module. This input is connected to the manual reset input of the on-board
reset supervisor (U2). U2 is a TC1270A voltage supervisor chip which requires a low pulse for a
minimum of 10uS in order to generate a valid reset.
Since the module does have an on-board supervisor IC, it may be allowed to initialize without an
external reset source. Module signal X1-B16, referred to as RESET_OUT_N, is an output that
indicates if the module is in a reset state. The signal will go low to indicate the reset state is
Regardless of how the module is reset, it will not be available for communication until the
software has initialized the module and entered the operating state. The time required for the
module to enter the operating state is 1.0 second after the receipt of a valid reset pulse or after
power is valid if no external reset source is used.
3. Communication Interfaces between the Host Processor and
Network Interface with REM Switch Module
The Network Interface with REM Switch module requires a host processor, and may interface to
the host via a UART (serial) or a 16-bit parallel interface. Implementation of each of these
interfaces is described in the following paragraphs.
3.1 UART Host Interface
The UART Host Interface is implemented using two pins from the Network Interface with REM
Switch module. These pins are X1-C3 and X1-C4. The signal names for these pins, as shown in
Table 3, are UIC1_16 and UIC1_0, respectively. UIC1_16 is the Network Interface with REM
Switch module’s TX signal, and UIC1_0 is the Network Interface with REM Switch module’s
RX signal. The Network Interface with REM Switch module’s TX signal must be connected to
the Host Processor’s RX signal, and the Network Interface with REM Switch module’s RX
signal must be connected to the Host Processor’s TX signal. Figure 7 provides an overview of
these signal connections.