Mh Surface Mount Voltage Controlled Oscillators 300 MHz - 5 GHz MLO 70000 Series Features e Surface Mount PCB Compatible Low Cost Mil and Commercial Designs Broad Frequency Ranges Low Phase Noise Description M/A-COMs range of surface mount voltage controlled oscillators (VCOs) provides excellent tuning linearity and phase noise for both narrow and broad bandwidth sys- tem applications. These designs use either a silicon bipolar transistor or FET device, dependent on frequency, as the negative resistance generator. The frequency of oscillation is determined by a varactor diode which serves as a volt- age variable capacitor in a tuned circuit. For wide band- width designs a GaAs hyperabrupt varactor is selected to give the greatest capacitance and therefore frequency, change against tuning voltage with the best linearity. For narrow bandwidth designs a silicon abrupt varactor offers the lowest phase noise performance. Careful selec- tion of the varactor diodes, manufactured in house by M/A-COM produces linear, monotonic tuning characteris- tics requiring only simple external driver circuits. This range of VCOs are constructed using discrete chip devices integrated into a conventional alumina MIC which is packaged in a standard surface mount outline. The package is hermetically sealed by resistance seam welding. This compact, rugged yet low cost construction allows simple installation on a surface mount PCB and finds a wide range of applications in demanding military, hi-rel and commercial systems. Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice. M/A-COM, Inc. V3.00 Where oscillators with very fast tuning speeds over up to octave frequency bandwidths are required VCOs offer significant performance advantages. VCOs give improved LO frequency tuning speed and output power flatness in microwave receivers and rapid generation of output sig- nals in frequency agile transmitters. Where an oscillator with high frequency stability is required, as in radar or communications synthesizers and converters, the VCO can be used in a phase locked loop circuit. This pro- duces a frequency stability comparable to that of the ref- erence crystal oscillator. The phase locked loop circuit can be designed to stabilize a single output frequency or to vary the oscillator frequency continuously or in dis- crete steps as small as required. MLO 70000 Series oscillators can be qualified for high reliability and military requirements in addition to the standard commercial specification. A wide range of cus- tom designs is also available, please contact the factory to discuss your requirements. 1 North America: Tel. (800) 366-2266 Fax (800) 618-8883 m Asia/Pacific: Tel. +81 (03) 3226-1671 m Europe: Tel. +44 (1344) 869 595 Fax +81 (03) 3226-1451 Fax +44 (1344) 300 020 Surface Mount Voltage Controlled Oscillators MLO 70000 Series V3.00 SPECIFICATIONS (guaranteed -55C to +85C) Phase Noise @ +25C Harmonic Output Current Centre Tuning Freq Freq Freq (dBc/Hz) Related Output Power Consumption Freq Band Pushing Pulling Drift Outputs Power Variation @+15V (GHz) (MHz) (MHz/V) (MHz) (MHz) @100KHz @1MHz (dBc) (dBm) (dB) (mA) Part Min/Max Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Max Max Number 0,5-0.74 100 1.5 40 30 -105 -125 -14 +10 +2.0 50 MLO 71100 200 15 40 30 -105 -125 -14 +10 42.0 50 MLO 72100 100 5 20 30 -108 -128 -15 +10 42.0 50 MLO 71100 9.75-1.49 200 5 20 35 -108 -128 -10 +10 42.0 50. MLO 72100 500 5 20 40 -108 -128 -10 +10 42.5 50 MLO 73100 100 15 40 40 -108 -128 -15 +10 +2.0 50 MLO 71100 200 15 40 60 -105 -125 -10 +10 +2.0 50 MLO 72100 152.99 ~so9 is 40. 7 ~~ -102 722-10 +10 42.5 50 MLO 73100 1000 15 60 90 -98 -118 8 +10 42.5 100 MLO 74100 100 10 40 70 -100 -120 -15 +10 42.0 50 MLO 71100 200 10 40 70 -100 -120 -12 +10 42.0 50 MLO 72100 3.04.0 ~~ 500 10-40 90-100 120-10 +10 42.5 50 MLO 73100 1000 10 60 110 -100 -120 -10 +10 2.5 100 MLO 74100 2000 10 60 120 -98 -118 -10 +10 +2.5 100 MLO 75100 NOTES 1) Frequency pushing See above for voltages +15V 5%, 2) Frequency pulling See above into a 1.5:1 VSWR load all phases. 3) Spurious outputs -60dBe maximum 4) Tuning voltage in the range 0 to +20V, or other if required, please contact the factory for details. 5) Case Operating temperature range -55C to +85C Storage temperature range -55C to +100C 6) When ordering please specify the centre frequency required in MHz as a 5 digit suffix to the part number above e.g. for a centre frequency of 5000 MHz, bandwidth of 200 MHz the part number would be MLO 72100-05000. Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice. 2 M/A-COM, Inc. North America: Tel. (800) 366-2266 m Asia/Pacific: Tel. +81 (03) 3226-1671 m Europe: Tel. +44 (1344) 869 595 Fax (800) 618-8883 Fax +81 (03) 3226-1451 Fax +44 (1344) 300 020 Surface Mount Voltage Controlled Oscillators MLO 70000 Series V3.00 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE PART NO. MLO75100-03000 PART NO. MLO73100-03700 Output Power Output Power E eI fa 2) = z= 3 3 z z a 0 3 3 a Sy s 3s 2.0 3.0 4.0 3.4 3.7 4.0 Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz) Tuning Curve 4.5 BS 40 a 35 g re) nm a a 5 3.0 5 = = 2.5 2 m om 2.09 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Tuning Voltage (V) Tuning Voltage (V) Modulation Modulation 2 500 2 2 = 2 400 50 | = ef & S 200 s 45 Ee ge 3 1 2 3 3 = 0 = 40 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Tuning Voltage (V) Tuning Voltage (V) Phase Noise Phase Noise -20 -20 ~~ 40 = -40 & -60 E -60 8 = 80 S -80 Q ~ s -100 = -100 wy 4 - 3 ~120 = -140 & -140 1 -160 1K 10K 100K 1M 10M 1K 10 Frequency Offset from Carrier (Hz) Frequency Offset from Carrier (Hz) Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice. M/A-COM, Inc. 3 North America: Tel. (800) 366-2266 m Asia/Pacific: Tel. +81 (03) 3226-1671 m Europe: Tel. +44 (1344) 869 595 Fax (800) 618-8883 Fax +81 (03) 3226-1451 Fax +44 (1344) 300 020 Surface Mount Voltage Controlled Oscillators MLO 70000 Series V3.00 OUTLINE DRAWING @ oO &| oO a af | | ! Se) | | | RF tl] ny . NN oO Mm ~ t= ) ( [ + = 4 +V VT Fo rs (pi _ " 1.27 5.71 | TYP 11.43 DRAWING NOTES Third Angle Projection. All dimensions in mm. Tolerances xx = +0.5mm xX.xx = +).2mm Standard finish gold plate Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice. 4 M/A-COM, Inc. North America: Tel. (800) 366-2266 m Asia/Pacific: Tel. +81 (03) 3226-1671 Fax (800) 618-8883 Fax +81 (03) 3226-1451 Europe: Tel. +44 (1344) 869 595 Fax +44 (1344) 300 020