T4-LDS-0037-1, Rev 1 (111456) ©2011 Microsemi Corporation Page 1 of 5
1N5518B-1 th r u 1N5 54 6B -1
Available on
500 mW Zener Diodes DO-35
Qualified per MIL-PRF-19500/437
JAN, J AN TX an d
The 1N5518-1 t hr u 1N 5 546-1 ser ies of 0.5 wat t axial-leaded glass Z ener Voltage Reg ulators
provid es a selec tion fr om 3.3 to 33 volt s with tolerances ran ging from plus/minus 1% to 10% .
The standard tolerance is plus/minus 5% with the B suffix unl ess ordered ot herw ise. These
axial-leaded glass DO -35 Zeners also feature an i ntern al m etallurgical bond. This type of
bonded Zener packag e con stru cti on is also available in J AN, JANTX , and JANTXV military
qualifications. Microsemi also offers numerous oth er Zen er products to meet higher and lower
power applications.
DO-35 (D O-204AH)
Also available in:
(s urf ace mount)
1N5518BUR-1 thru
Important: For the latest information, v isit our website http://www.microsemi.com.
• JEDEC registered 1N5518 thru 1N5546 series.
• Voltage tolerances of plus/minus 10%, 5%, 2%, and 1% available. See Note 1 on page 3.
• I nter nal meta llurgi cal bond.
• JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV qualification per MIL-PRF-19500/437 available (requires plus/minus 5%
voltage tolerance or tighter with B-1, C-1 or D-1 suffix).
• RoHS compliant versions available (commercial grade onl y).
• Regulates voltage over a broad operating current and temperature range.
• Guaranteed voltage regulation (∆VZ) from IZL to I ZT.
• Voltage selection from 3.3 to 33 V .
• Flexible axial-l ead mounting termi nals.
• Non-sensitive to ESD per MIL-STD-750 Method 1020.
• Minimal capacitance (see Figure 3).
• Inherently radiation hard as described in Microsemi “Micr oNote 050 ” which is avai lable at
MSC – Lawrence
6 Lake Street,
Lawrence, MA 01841
Tel: (978) 620-2600
Fax: (978) 689-0803
MSC – Ireland
Gort Road Business Park,
Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland
Tel: +353 (0) 65 6840044
Fax: +353 (0) 65 6822298
Parameters/Test Conditions
Junction and Storage Temperature
Steady-State Power
(Also see derating in Figure 2)
PD 0.5 W
Thermal Resistance Junction-to-Lead (2)
Thermal Resistance Junction-to-Ambient (3)
Solder Pad Temperature @ 10 s
Notes: 1. At TL < 50 oC 3/8 inch (10 mm) fr om body or 0.48 W at TA < 25 ºC when mounted on FR4 PC board as
described for thermal resistance above.
2. At 3/8 (10 mm) lead le ngt h f rom bo dy.
3. When mounted on FR4 PC board (1 oz Cu) with 4 mm2 copper pads and track width 1 mm, length 25 mm.