G2 Series/ FORM B Solid State Relays Model Number Parameters Input Characteristics Sym. Test Conditions Units LED Forward Current - Turn on IFon IL = 100mA, t = 10ms mADC Max Typ LED Forward Current - Turn off IFoff IL = 0.2mA, VL = (Note 1) mADC Min Typ mADC Min Max Recommended Forward Current LED Forward Voltage IF VF IF = 20mA G2-1B01 G2-1B02 G2-DB01 1 Form B 1 Form B Dual Form B G2-DB02 Dual Form B Max 5.0 3.0 0.1 1.8 10 30 1.1 1.4 5.0 3.0 0.1 1.8 10 30 1.1 1.4 5.0 3.0 0.1 1.8 10 30 1.1 1.4 5.0 3.0 0.1 1.8 10 30 1.1 1.4 mADC Max 50 50 50 50 VDC Max 10 10 10 10 V PEAK Max 350 250 350 250 165 330 200 400 170 120 200 140 20 5.0 0.1 1.4 0.07 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 200 20 0.2 13 3.25 0.1 1.4 0.07 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 170 25 0.2 20 n/a 0.1 1.4 0.07 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 200 20 0.2 13 n/a 0.1 1.4 0.07 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 170 25 0.2 3750 0.8 500 3750 0.8 500 3750 1.2 600 3750 1.2 600 VDC Min Maximum Input Ratings LED Forward Current IF LED Reverse Voltage Withstand VR IR = 10mA Switching Voltage VL IL = 50mA Switching Current IL Output Characteristics (Note 2) mA Max (Note 3) mA Max On Resistance (Note 2) On Resistance (Note 4) Ron IF = 0mA, IL = 50mA Max Ron IF = 0mA, IL = 50mA Max Off State Resistance Roff IF = 5mA, VL = 100V G Min Typ Ioff IF = 5mA, VL = 100V A Ioff IF = 5mA, VL = Max A Max Typ Max Ton IF = 0mA, IL = 50mA ms Max Toff IF = 5mA, IL = 50mA ms Max IF = 0mA, VL = 1V pF Typ IF = 0mA, VL = 50V pF Typ IF = 5mA V Typ t = 60sec VRMS pF Min Typ mW Max Off State Leakage Turn On Time Turn Off Time Capacitance - Across Output Thermal Offset Voltage General Characteristics Dielectric Strength - Input to Output Capacitance - Input to Output Power Dissipation Notes: PDiss 1: VL for LED Forward Current - Turn off is 50 Volts less than "Switching Voltage : Max" 2: For G2-1B01 and G2-1B02: Output connected to pins 4 and 6. For G2-DB01 and G2-DB02: Each channel. 3: For G2-1B01 and G2-1B02: Output connected to pin 5(-) and pins 4 & 6(+). For G2-DB01 and G2-DB02: Both channels switching simultaneously 4: For G2-1B01 and G2-1B02: Output connected to pin 5(-) and pins 4 & 6(+). 5: Specifications subject to change without notice * IF = 10mA Schematic Top View: Mold mark on top of relay indicates Pin #1 For recommended applications and more information contact: USA: Sales Support (877) 502-5500 Tech Support (877) 702-7700 FAX (619) 710-8540 Crydom Corp, 2320 Paseo de las Americas, Ste. 201, San Diego, CA 92154 Email: sales@crydom.com WEB SITE: http://www.crydom.com UK: +44 (0)1202 365070 * FAX +44 (0)1202 365090 Crydom International Ltd., 7 Cobham Road, Ferndown Industrial Estate, Ferndown, Dorset BH21 7PE, Email: intsales@crydom.com. GERMANY: +49 (0)180 3000 506 Page 1 of 2 MOSFET Breakdown Voltage (Volts) G2 Series/ FORM B Load Current (mA) 200 150 100 G2-1B02 G2-DB02 I(F) = 0 mA G2-1B01 50 G2-DB01 0 600 550 500 G2-1B02 G2-DB02 450 400 350 300 250 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 -40 80 -20 0 20 A. Load Current vs. Ambient Temperature 60 80 B. Output MOSFET BV vs. Ambient Temperature 350.00 50% 40% G2-1B02 G2-DB02 G2-1B01 G2-DB01 20% 300.00 CapacitanceF) ( 30% 10% 0% -10% I(F) = 0 mA I(L) = 50 mA -20% G2-1B02 G2-DB02 I(F) = 5 mA f = 1 MHz T = 25 deg. C 250.00 200.00 G2-1B01 G2-DB01 150.00 100.00 50.00 -30% -40% 0.00 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 Temperature (Deg. C) 80 100 120 Bias Voltage (Volts) C. On-Resistance vs.Ambient Temperature D. Output Capacitance vs. Applied Voltage 200% 120% 150% G2-1B01 G2-1B02 G2-DB01 G2-DB02 100% 100% Change in Turn Off Time (% ) Normalized to 25 C Change in Turn On Time (%) Normalized to 25 C 40 Temperature (Deg. C) Temperature (Deg. C) Change in On Resistance (%) Normalized to 25 C G2-1B01 G2-DB01 I(F) = 5 mA I(F) = 5 mA I(L) = 50 mA 50% 0% -50% G2-1B02 G2-DB02 G2-1B01 G2-DB01 80% 60% I(F) = 5 mA I(L) = 50 mA 40% 20% 0% -20% -40% -60% -100% -80% -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 -40 -20 0 Temperature (Deg. C) E. On Time vs. Ambient Temperature 40 60 80 F. Turn Off Time vs. Ambient Temperature 9000 55 8000 6000 50 G2-1B02 G2-DB02 T = 25 deg. C I(L) = 50 mA 7000 Turn Off Time (Sec.) Turn On Time ( Sec.) 20 Temperature (Deg. C) G2-1B01 G2-DB01 5000 4000 3000 2000 45 40 35 30 G2-1B02 G2-DB02 G2-1B01 G2-DB01 T = 25 deg. C I(L) = 50 mA 25 20 1000 15 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 LED Forward Current (mA) G. Turn On Time vs. LED Forward Current For recommended applications and more information contact: USA: Sales Support (877) 502-5500 Tech Support (877) 702-7700 FAX (619) 710-8540 Crydom Corp, 2320 Paseo de las Americas, Ste. 201, San Diego, CA 92154 Email: sales@crydom.com WEB SITE: http://www.crydom.com 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 LED Forward Current (mA) H. Turn Off Time vs. LED Forward Current UK: +44 (0)1202 365070 * FAX +44 (0)1202 365090 Crydom International Ltd., 7 Cobham Road, Ferndown Industrial Estate, Ferndown, Dorset BH21 7PE, Email: intsales@crydom.com. GERMANY: +49 (0)180 3000 506 Page 2 of 2