108-5138 Rev. J2 Design Objectives (Beat A Re) Mini- Universal MATE-N-LOK Connector(UL 94V-0 Grade) 32-42N" -HI4 57099-1299 (UL 94V-0 Hf) Following first 10 pages are English version and last 9 pages are Japanese version. This top sheet is not part of the specification but explains both of English and Japanese versions are available. COhySY hI < MAO 10 X-VRBRT,. FORO 9NA- VILA ABR TT, ZOkyTL> hid. ARICA EMDECAMS, RE. ARBMAMHS CL RRALT WET,MuUidAdikR 108-5138 Customer Release AHP SECUHIGY CLASSIFICATION wu Mw Ke DESIGN QBIECTIVES The produet described in this docusent has not been fully tested to ensure comforsance to the requirements outlined below. Therefore, AMP (Japan}.ttd sakes no representation or wartanty, express or faplied, that the product will cozpiy with these requirements. Further, AMP (Japan|, Ltd. aay change these requirements based on the results of additional testing and evalua- tion. Contact AKP Engineering for further details. Le case when "product specification |s referred to in this docusent, it scope: should be read as design objectives for all tines as applicable. This specification covers requirements for product performance and test methods of Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK* Connectors, conferming to UL 9$4V-o Grade. Product Descriptions: This connector consists of contacts and single or multi-pole housing, having contact positions in lattice dispositions. Three connector types are available ~-~- wire-to-wire termination, panel hanging and free hanging. Material and Finish: Contact: Contact shall be made of brass, or phosphor bronze, and tin-plated, having thickness of O.8microns minimum, and gold-plated in the thickness of 0.76 microns minimum. Housing: Housing shall be made of molded Nylon resin, conforming to UL94V-0, Rating: Voltage Rating: 300 V AC or DC (conforming to Japanese Electrical Appliance and Material Control Law) 600 V AC or DC (per UL and CSA Approval) Current Rating: 7A (Refer to Fig. l.} Temperature Rating: -20C -- 103C (Upper limit of temperature rating must be held including temperature rising, resulted from energized loading in addition ta the environmental affection. Performance Requirements: Electrical Performance: No. Test Item Para. Specified Requirements Low . 1 | Termination Resistance, (Tare? 8.1] 10 mQ maximum 2 Temperature Rising 8,2 30C Maximum (Refer to Fig. 1.) No abnormalities, such as 3 Dielectric Strength 8.3] corona and flashover, shall net take place. 1,000MQ minimum (Initial } dy ion Resist B.4 - . 4 Insulation Resistance TOOMS minimum (final ) Table 1 J2 Desiga Ubjechives RY aa 1S -- J . ios YM PRUE Y G5b J] Revised RFA-1481 WAT eaia Bore Dis K Lig, 2 YE Olcott AVA P AMAP y Jenae), bed, TORYVG. JAPA J| Revised RFA-1lO29 eii3 a , ht SHY Loc Ho SEV needy La Revised per RFA-942 aie [tals ? Poth i [are J A 108-5138 Jo Hevisied per RFA-G9? & Retyped - SHEET AME Design Objectives Mini-Universal MATE-N-~LOK Connector REVISION RECORD oa |cHK loate 1 OF lo ({ULO4AV-O Grade) AMP L522NUMBER 108-5138 Customer Release AMP SECURLTY CLASSIFICATION 5.8 Mechanical Performance: No. Test Item Para Specified Requirements Vibrati ; F 8.5) No electrical discontinuity greater 1 ibration, Low Frequency than 10 milliseconds shall occur during the test. Low level termina tion resistance after conditioning must not exceed 20 ma. 2.) Physical Shock 8.6 No electrical discontinuity greater than 10 milliseconds shali oecur 5 during the test. Low level termina tion resistance after conditioning must not exceed 20 mn. - 3.1] Contact insertion/Extraction 8.7| Insertion Force Force Initial &50g max. 25th. Insertion 450g max. Extraction Force Initial 7Og min. 25th. Extraction 50g min. ' Insertion Extraction 4, | Connector Insertion/ 8.8 Noe Force Force Extraction Force Pos kg (max. kg (min. ) 1 1.5 0.1] a a7 0.2 3 323 0.3 4 3.9 O.4 6 5.1 0.6 9 6.4% 0.3 12 8.2 1.2 15 10.0 1.5 5. | Contact Mounting Force 8.9) 7OQg max. 6.1 Contact Retention Force 8.10 4.0 kg min. . Wire Size Crimp Tensile 7. | Crimp Tensile Strength 8.41 P 9 mm2 | (AWG) ka (Tbs. ) 0.14 (#26 ) 2.0 ( 4.41) 0.22 (#ak ) 3.0 (_ 6.61) 0.31 (#22) 5. (11.02) 0.51 (#20) 6.0 (13.23) 0. 87 (#1 8) 720 (15.43) 1.27 (#16) 8.0 (17.64) a. | Durability 8.19 After insertion/extraction condi- . tioning, sample shall meet the re- (Repeated Insertion and quirements of insertion/extraction Extraction } force, and termination resistance shall be 20 m@ max. g, | Panel Retention Force of 8.13} 12 Kg min. Housing 10, | Housing Retention Force 1 kg: min. 3.5 kg min. fer 1-position conn. Table 2 (End) SHEET A AA 6B AMP (Japaai, Ltd. TOKYO, JAPAN 2 OF 10 Loc NO _ REY _ 106- ie A 8-5138 \Ja NAME Design Ubjectives . . IL G4V-0 Gr: Mini-Universal MATE-N-L ed BVO Grade) AMP J-523108-5138 Cc ba a a a u aw = wu} od I> a 3 ) =z ~ oO 2 _ cx aw or a 2 =u oo 5-3 6.2 6.2.1 Environmental Performance: No.| Test Items Para. Specified Requirements 1.] Thermal Shock 8.15] After thermal shock conditioning, samples must meet the requirements for dielectric strength. Terwination resistance shall be 20 m& max. 2.| Temperature- 8.16] after temperature-humidity conditioning, sample Humidity must meet the requirements for dielectricstrength Cycling and insulation resistance. Termination resistance shall be 20mQ max. 3.| Salt Spray 8.17 | After salt spray conditioning, sample must meet the requirements for low level termination re- sistance of 20mQ2 max. 4.) Arc Tracking 8.18] After the test conditioning, the tested samples shall be free from the abnormalities such as smoke generating, flaming up or insulation break- down etc. This test is applied only for hermaph- roditic connectors (2-Pos. thru 4-Pos.)}. Table 3 Quality Assurance Provisions: Test Conditions: Unless otherwise specified, all the tests shall be performed under any combinations of the following test conditions. Temperature 15 = 45C Relative Humidity 45 - 75C Atmospheric Pressure 650 - 800mmHg Test Specimens: Sample Preparation: Test samples to be employed for the tests shall be prepared in accordance with AMP Application Specification 114-5050, Crimping Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK* Connector Contacts, by using the wires of the applicable sizes specified in Table 4. Uniess otherwise specified, no sample shall be reused. SHEET AAP (Jagan), Led, TOKYO, JAPAN OF LO)" A 108-5138 "ho NAME ~Vesien Ubjectives Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK* Connector (UL 94V-0 Grade)108-5138 Applicable Wires: Wires of applicable sizes specified in Table 4 shall be used for sample preparation. (NUMBER Customer Release LASSIFICATION - | AMP SECURITY Ie Calculated fwire Size prrand Number of Insulation Applicable tional Area (AWG) ter mm | Strands Diameter (mm) Specification O14 m4 (#26) 0.16 7 1.28 UL 1007 o.22 "| (#24) Jae | oir {1.57 ~| Sou oop O.31 "| (#22) 0.18 12 1.5 JCS 246 6.51 "|! (#20) 0.18 20 2.0 | JCS 246 0.87 "1 #18) f 0-18 | 34813 | UL 1007 1.27 "| (#16) 0.25 26 2.5 UL 1007 Table 4 ag 1 ' Test Current at 30C Temperature Rising Over I | . Room Temperature ; & NVQ 6 \ | @) for 15-Pos. Hsg. - k (2) for 12-Pos. " < 2 \\ 4) for 9-Pos. " ~ for 6-Pos. & N\A 1 2 4 less a -_ \ 9 \ \ #18 AWG wires 5 3 were used for Q | \Y\ samples. | 2 3 ~ v zu sl ee nn T | a ; : 1 o 20 AO 60 80 10 c ~ Oo. Ae a (C) 35 105 Ambient Temperature Vs. Loaded Current Fig. 1 SHEET | AiAP (Japan), Led, AMP TOKYO, JAPAN 4 10 [toc NG REM OF J A 108-5138 jz | NAME Nesiun Cbsectives Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK* Connector (UL 94V-0 Grade)7 Test Items and Test Sequence: co 7 _4 rc us Para- Sample Group oo Test Items graph 3 mo Number J 1 | 2 4 15] 61 7 8) 9 $204 11/12/13 i Confirmation ef Product A 41,3/1,39)21,4 1 J1,3)1,4/1,4 1,4/1,51,4/1,41,4]1, a a 2 Low Level, Termination | 2 | Resistance " 8.1 2,5) 2,5 2,62,5| 2,52, 5 Temperature Rising 8.2 | a # m Bielectric Strength 8.3 3 6 7 5 a6 Insulation Resistance B.4 | 2 6 om Vibration, Low Frequency 8.5 : 3 3) Physical Shock 8.6 3 rE SS} Contact Insertion/Extr tion ws iz Force " e 8.7 2 e<{ tor I ti 2] fgensetes,, gezeton 8.8 3 Contact Mounting Force 8.9 2 Contact Retention Force 8.10 5 Crimp Tensile Strength B11 2 Durability B.12 4 Housing, Panel Retention 8.13 2 orce Housing Retention Force 8.14 Thermal Shock 8.15 3 Temperature-Humidity Cycling 8.16 3 Salt Spray 8.17 3 Arc Tracking 8.18 2 Table 3 SHEET AYAP AMP {Japan), Ltd, . TOKYO, JAPAN 5 } Loc NO REV 2OF S| AY 108-5138 Ig NAME Vesign Ubjectives , . (UL 94V-0 Grade) Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK# Connector AMP J-523NUMBER 108-5138 Customer Release SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AMP 8.3 8.4 Test Methods: Low Lever Termination Resistance: Low level termination resistance is obtained by measuring millivolt drop of the test circuits formed by mated connectors by probing across the test points between Y - Y' including wire crimps and frictional contact area. Measurement shall be done on test current of 50mA DC maximum at open circuit voltage of 50 mV maximum. From the measured value, the resistance of a 150 mm long wire used for termination must be deducted before calculation. The points Y and Y' are determined at 75mm apart from end of wire crimps where insulation must be removed and soldered for obtaining stable reading of contact at probing. Housing 7 DMT pe + eee ermocouple obing Points Ww . ve Termination Resistance Power Source Fig. 23 Temperature Rising: Contact-loaded, mated pair of connectors shall be tested by applying test current of specified intensity as shown in Fig. 1 to the mated contacts. Temperature rising by energized current shall be measured by using thermocouple probing at the points shown in Fig. 2. From the measured reading, room temperature must be deducted to obtain risen temperature. Dielectric Strength: Connector assemblies must be tested by applying test potential of 1.5 KY AC increasing at a rate of 500V a second between the adjacent contacts and between the contacts and the ground. After the specified voltage is reached, the patential must be held for 1 minute, Insulation Resistance: Mated pair of connector assemblies must be tested by applying test potential of 500 V DC between the adjacent contacts and between the contacts and the ground. , SHEET AVA P AMAP Cdapany, Led, TORYO, JAPAN _8 oF 8 te A *e 108-5138 "Te THAME Deslen Uhyectives: (UL 94V-0 Grade } Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK* Connector AMP 3-523NUMBER 108-5138 Customer Release SECURITY CLASS te ICATION AMP 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 Vibration, Low Frequency: Contact~loaded and mated pair of connectors shall be vibrated on the vibrating plate of testing machine in three axial directions fer 2 hours each plain, -- totally 6 hours, where a sweeping vibration is applid to reciprocate between 10-55-10 Hz. chariging a cycle a minute. During the vibration, series wired contact: circuit shall be monitored for occurence of electrical discontinuity greater than 10 microseconds. After vibratile conditioning, sample shall be visually inspected for evidence of abnormalities, and measured for low level termination resistance. Physical Shock: Contact-loaded and mated pair of cormectors shall be tested by applying physical impact in three axial directions with 6 drops each plain, -- 3 drops in normal and 3 drops in reversed direction. Magnitude of impact. shall be 50G minimum to shape a half sine wave within 10 milliseconds. After impact conditioning, inspect visually for evidence of abnormalities taking place in the sample, and measure for low level termination resist- ance. During impact test, test current shall be applied to the test circuit, and monitored for occurence of electrical discontinuity greater than 10 milliseconds. Contact Insertion/Extraction Force: Fasten socket contact on the head of tensile testing machine, and apply an axial insertion/xtraction force to mate and unmate gage pin shown in Fig. 3; by operating the head to travel with the speed at a rate of 100 mma minute. The force required to mate and unmate the gage pin shall be measured and recorded. Connector Insertion/Extraction Force! Contact-loaded and mating pair of connectors shall be tested by securing them on tensile testing machine in the manner that they mate and unmate as the head is operated to insert and extract in axial direction with the speed at a rate of 100mm a minute. The force required to mate and unmate the connector shall be measured and recorded. Contact Mounting Force: Insert contact into connector cavity, and the force required to mount the contact in correct position, shali be measured and recorded. Contact Retention Force: Insert a wire-crimped contact into housing cavity and confirm that the contact is locked in position. Then fasten the housing on tensile testing machine, and apply an axial pull-off load to the crimped wire by operating the head to travel with the speed at a rate of 100mm a minute. Contact retention force is determined when the contact is dislodged from the housing cavity. SHEET F Japan, Led. [AAAP) Sor 1p peor N: : _? OF 1 J Al 108-5138 Ie MAME Design UbJeclives (UL 94 V-O Grade} Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK* Connector AMP 1-523HUMBER 108-5138 Customer Release AMP SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 Crimp Tensile Strength: Fasten a wire-crimped contact on the head of tensile testing machine, and apply an axial pull-off load to the end of crimped wire, by operating the head to travel with the speed at a rate of 100mm a minute. The force required to pull off the wire from the wire crimp or to break the wire, shall be measured and recorded, Durability: Repeat insertion and extraction of connectors for 24 cycles, Then, measure for connector insertion force and extraction force respectively, and for low level termination resistance, Panel Retention Force: Insert housing into panel cut-out mounting hole prepared with the specified dimensions, along the punch piercing direction of the panel. Then, apply an axial pull-off load from the connector mating side. The force required to dislodge housing from the cut-out hole shall be measured and recorded. Housing Retention Force: Secure one of the mated pair of connectors which are locked with locking device, on the tensile testing machine and apply an axial pull off load to separate the housings by operating the head to travel with the speed at a rate of 100 mm a minute. The force required to separate with or without damage of locking device, shall be measured and recorded. Thermal Shock: Mated pair of connectors shall be exposed under 25 cycles of heat-cold temperature changes, each cycle consisting of the sequence as shown in Table 6. After the test duration, the samples shall be reconditioned in the reom temperature.for 3 hours. Then measure for dielectric strength and low level termination resistance. Step Temperature Duration 1 -20 _ 30 minutes 25 +10 5 minutes 2 75 (max. } _ +5 . 3 95 _o 30 minutes A 25 +10 5 minutes 5 (max. } Table 6 SHEET AAA P AMP (Japan), Ltd. TOKYO, JAPAN 8 1O{iac ! OF 1" A 108-5138 Rew NAME Resign Ubjectives {UL 94V-0 Grade} Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK* Connector AMP 3.523108-5138 HUMBER Customer AMP SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Rel ease 8,16 8.17 8.18 Temperature-Humidity Cycling: Mated pair of connectors shall be exposed under temperature-humidity eycling in the test chamber in accordance with Test Method 106D of MIL- STD-202, where temperature changes between 25 and 65C are made for 10 cycles with relative humidity of 80-98% including 10 cycles of low tem- perature shocks during the test. After conditioning, recondition in the room temperature, and measure for dielectric strength, insulation resistance and termination resistance. Salt Spray Mated pair of connectors shall be exposed under salt spray conditioning, in the test chamber for 48 hours where 5% salt solution spray is filled for test purposes. After duration of test conditioning, sample connector shall be taken out from the test chamber, and linsed with tap water, and dried in the room tempetarure without use of powered ventilation. Low level termination resistance shall be measured and recorded. Are Tracking Arc tracking af the connector shall be tested in accordance with the test method specified in IEC Publication 112, by dripping the drops of the below described solution onto the pair of mated connectors that are loaded with the contacts in full positions, being hung perpendiculariy with the current of the below described intensity. The dripping of the solution shall be done from the place 30mm 40mm over the connectors in the manner that the dripped solution would permeate into inside the connector by way of the terminated wires. Test Potential Applied between the Adjacent Contacts: 300V AC 50/60 Hz Short Circuit Current: 1A Solution: 0.1% Ammonium Chloride(NH, cl } Dripping Conditions: Quantity of a Drop= 20 = 2 mn Number of Drops 50 Frequency = 30 2 5 seconds (Intervals) SHEET AMP (Japan)e Ltd, TOKYO, JAPAN 9 oF 19 A f 108-5138 on Je MAME Design Ubjectives Mini-Unhiversal MATE-N-LOK* Connector (UL 94-0 Grade) Loc108-5138 NUMBER Customer Release AHP SECURETY CLASSIFICATION | i 10+-4 _ 4 --5.0 Dia. on R 0.252 (Max.) | sont |. Fig. 3 Pin Gage for Measurement of Contact Insertion/Extraction Force * SHEET AMP (Japan)y Led, TOKYO, JAPAN 10 Q0F 10 Loc A \" 108-5138 APY, J2 NAME Resign Ubjectives Mini-Universal tuL Sav- MATE-N-LOK* Connector(Ql) af A 66+ 4 0 aBA (2) 32 RE UL 94V-0 4 * Z00V AC DO C4 41 &@ fF: 600V ACY BC 42 im: BATA (CH1SS) 4.3 fEHGREER: -20C~105C ((RALBR OLR. APRA Lo CES OR BteARe St) } jf | tem: S40.7,26 | BMA: | Aa ASE KE Oppo ae oo = ir Er J2| #H A i = RFA - 1908 I 4 ih Paces Che PPIs Jl eo RFA-1809 | LA Sl7S, | pean: aE: aciT J | eer pra--1029 Pe | owl i! ~ | DOR-3 188 be ~ = f : H | Soa RPA-942 54 oe eel Dune | . | 87 RFA-927 $e | Ste S54 | KER BR fe ea ae 37 | a om 2 $3 Peat tana RE PA Le AAP ye PRS ROTH | aaa $ B A s! = | 9 Hei wooed i (UL O4V-0 ) _ AMP J-002 (Rev..Ape 73) at Al te 4 AMR. REM: Eee (2 HRB) pws ta cms fo meee AMR TREGS OEP SPUPRBB CT, Hot. KRASL AGES WET SOLERET 4 ONcCHA YEA, EH, LHR ia hh ee TARSG HDNET, Bit. SHAHN abe rae, Dros sire] Sumi ce amas t O08 i ZfaorWe GmMmo7e O7637erKE 32 9 4 Ad Las 35 A eed [2AMP J-002-1 5. | Re Sree: BRA 5.1 Si ay Be -- : 7 i Ho | BRE a : ~ 1 US RE EEL | 8.1 10 ma F theo Lo | i 2) F&F bF: Fy 82 30CHFtSS7z40 (M1 BR) ! ed wad = _ | SothE, 797 yat- 8 BOR 3 | it = fF) 83 athe ke | moh sores 1000 M2 ME C# #4) 1 8 & Bm) Ba 100 MQ bt k (RRS ) | 5.2 Se AR AS TE a a tM AR eS ff | | ESP 10 <1 Zo ecko Pal (1 tk AR te ) 85 ABEL C ko wo USHA | fhtiit 20 mP UF. ee fee ne cnt o | : PRAM ot 10 AF Bee 2 i m fH RB, Bs SREMMBASE LAK OL FOUN ! REE HIE 20 ma Fe i a yO MAT 150 9LLF _ 25 @ ' " : > 8 7 3 O42 RABE @ eo aleH 70 LL | \ 25 8 50 9 LL: ee ee a AC Cg) Seg) | ed ee Ol kg Eh: 2 | 27 ke DF 0.2 kg bhp : 3 3.3 kg ELF O38 et. Ig oe a 8 kg EE] 0a kg BE FRA RAED 8S ear wa Pe P| ; 9 | 64 kg LF 0.9 4g LA. : ne Le kg hk po cee AB | TO KG OR | AP we 2 CE ) PSH: Hee es | RE B Hh ie Pete Raesnw tw |) 24 Frvuye -aag se (UL 94V-0 ff) | MDA: 108-5138 AT 2g o Bl AS, ae 22 2 2000 2)AMP J-002-1 queen: RRER A B aa BR Ah raf 48 {iB 5 |2a27 > #BH 8.9 700g UF 6 fow o b RH 8.10 4 kg bh Bera 150 mORBORMAS BRO cB tBo Y Ai EG DA ORIEL CHB ERO SH. TOBSCHBERA KDA LOT BME R CP ARM oe - FRETS RRMFIC HHS B64 eee eee il 82 thi Be LE FE uy y AF Cay Re > eMAS,. RI CRPIRRERME ito M2iRT ISIE: PACA BUM eR oO RE SHEL. SRESINAHORE LAE CHS 83 tm B & 7 AZAZORBO RM IC HEBER RBs Aceh O00OV OBIS TERE LH SH, L5SKV AC #14 flint So 8.4 Ae RR EL ORS Fe eRe LAR CARR LohMArzYy eo pe EK ay ee pee Hehet oo a6, HEBER DC5IOV LEt+4o SyR BOR: Se Raa A Mimo: a 27) an < z=: =ak t HES >_ A4Fvoye 3sHe7Ra (UL 9AV-0 FF} OS-5158 iz! 9a Ad bb o* 52.2 2000 (33ewe: | REA A AMP 3-002-1 : | i 85 G&A Bing | 0-5-1082 I PMORMARM, SH LS2ee sr Ar zAOWRART SD 3 wh : His 2M E GAS. COBMACHRRL, PO UA aR MET So FRM KER BAO BRERRT So | | 86 ep AY a 10 2) RSI 0G OKRERMREO SBE IAT 2D UWA SHAME IC ! Fs 1B AGRA 0 CORMACARL, eo eA MOR ee S Bo ERRRRO CAME AORMEBRT Bo 87 aves b ASR Jey pe avs eo b>eEPERRB Rohit, MICMET Se - Ye RAHI 100m / 1 SR OR CHA LRA MET So 88 =3apez edBASRT agyeyvaeeava o> eA, -HOorvyvy Sel, HOV yy ee 100 an. 1 PRL ORE CHA LURE GED EET S00 HP Pe TOR yey TE Mit Mb Bete < cho 890 sya ge } eH nv Ae bey ye SICRSTAOMBRT ANE METS 810 ave? - RSD BWSR LARD ATP ERD UY SICMAS. RRR RIC HOt CERO MA 100m 1 SMOKE CHRO. te Ro RRO yy THosTh HOME Ul | Etoo | | Bl AiG Bhs ls oyvae)>?- B@LoNe BA AMKHH Ss 100m HHORA THAME T So US ORM Lit Ghee HMMM SLA OAS RMR CHS | 8.12 iit A tt -RZAROPMARBAE 24 BORAT CORI AZ 4HASIRI EAI Ys KiB He RET Do | | | | a: . RRM Z IE | Pe ante RMBOIK: re MBH | ya gvayy-aKx7 8 (UL 94V-0M) | 108-3188 | a2" melAMP J.002-1 Cmze: KRER B13 RARER ERMTROSAAR Co YY SERAL, ERR RE, MAAMER AAD bee ey SCHEME So ORAM YY TPR ARO ET HET So Bld ov Y FI BBH by ey TRAE LEMICRALAIAS SOK REAEL, HEH MIC 100m /1AMORER CSlKkO, oy SRROARRABELCTRAEONH ABO Btiiet ao $315 4 # = DRISERS LAR CHES RICRPRREL YT AZ ALL, CHEB ALAG rrReSRK SAFER ERET So RRRIRER Le bN ARSENE HET SZ. Be BE CC) BO 1 | ~2079 30 fp 2 - 25710 RK S 3 9573 30 # 4 257} SASF = 66 816 BER + 4 ga MIL-STD- 202, RRB IOGDK Ib, FAP FERAL ARE CHHIEE 80~ ORG TC, 25~65 C OREBIEL-10C OR RBH 107 4 7 7 55 ERE ARE 3 SRA. 8.17 i xk SE IROSERELARECS SOK CRMABE, HORM EKKLEB, BRCARRRR, 0 - UX, BEERS BETS. 818 FoF hSyveyvl% (MMM LEC Pub. 112) ReELSEMM LATA SEMAN Ee BRC LAR TS RP A EDD 5S 30~40 mOBReweS FIICMETAKBREER A NREBRtRbse C2 ee AACE Lo At A. ese ee END ORE: AC300V 50-60 Hz @ & @ FW :1A 7K % M0: 0.1 Gk Te ead CNHi ce) KB oT & * 3 BPR 2083 a i mre 50 Al fe SOLS RA ; MEO RI - $sa- aH +H WBeOI- FF: ee T] 2 4 =. is Rath oS AAT Yaxye? FASS CUL 94VOF ) 108-5138 Ieplo Hes Ad. be 55.6 2000 (2)AMP J-002-1 ema: REE 10 ms 5.0 H3 ova ab MAS RAW ERY v a mEROBH: Ga sale [RHO AK : me! ge MHERS a4 Fyvay eo sR RCULIAV-OF) | 108-5138 Jo me i _ te AG 84 8 52,2 2000 (ai