AIN0+–AIN3+, AIN0-
14 White test points
950I SMA female jacks
C1, C3 2
1000pF Q5%, 50V C0G
ceramic capacitors (0603)
Murata GRM1885C1H102JA
C2, C4, C31, C43,
C47, C55–C72, C78,
C79, C80, C82, C84,
C86, C97, C98, C103,
C104, C109, C110,
C115, C116, C121–
0.1FF Q10%, 25V X7R
ceramic capacitors (0603)
Murata GRM188R71E104K
C5–C29, C34, C35,
C37, C46 29
0.1FF Q10%, 16V X7R
ceramic capacitors (0402)
Murata GRM155R71C104K
C30, C120, C127,
C128, CB1, CB2, CB3 7
1FF Q10%, 16V X7R ceramic
capacitors (0603)
Murata GRM188R71C105K
C32 1
0.01FF Q10%, 16V X7R
ceramic capacitor (0603)
Murata GRM188R71C103K
C33, C48, C96, C99,
C102, C105, C108,
C111, C114, C117
10FF Q10%, 10V X7R
ceramic capacitors (0805)
Murata GRM21BR71A106K
C36 1
0.47FF Q10%, 16V X7R
ceramic capacitor (0603)
Murata GRM188R71C474K
C38, C39, C40, C129 4
4.7FF Q10%, 6.3V X5R
ceramic capacitors (0603)
Murata GRM188R60J475K
C41, C44, C45, C73,
CP2, CP3 6
10FF Q10%, 6.3V X5R
ceramic capacitors (0603)
Murata GRM21BR71A106K
C42, C49–C54, C87–
C95 16
1000pF Q5%, 50V C0G
ceramic capacitors (0402)
Murata GRM1555C1H102J
C74, C101, C107,
C113, C119 0Not installed, ceramic
capacitors (0603)
C75, C76 2
18pF Q5%, 50V C0G ceramic
capacitors (0603)
Murata GRM1885C1H180J
C77, C81 2
10FF Q20%, 10V capacitors
(Tant B)
KEMET T491B106M010AT
MAX11131 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX11131
_________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 1
19-6291; Rev 0; 4/12
Windows, Windows XP, and Windows Vista are registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
General Description
The MAX11131 evaluation kit (EV kit) is a fully assembled
and tested PCB that evaluates the MAX11131 16-chan-
nel, 12-bit, SPI, 3Msps ADC. The EV kit also includes
Windows XPM-, Windows VistaM-, and WindowsM 7-com-
patible software that provides a simple graphical user
interface (GUI) for exercising the features of the IC. The
EV kit comes with a MAX11131ATI+ installed in a 28-pin
TQFN package with an exposed pad.
S On-Board 2.048V and 2.5V Reference Voltage (REF+)
S On-Board Input Buffers for Four Channels
S Resistor Ladder for Quick Evaluation
S Windows XP-, Windows Vista-, and Windows 7-
Compatible Software
S USB PC Connection
S Proven PCB Layout
S Fully Assembled and Tested
Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet.
Component List
For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642, or
visit Maxim’s website at
C83, C85 2
4.7FF Q20%, 25V capacitors
(Tant B)
C100, C106, C112,
C118 0Not installed, capacitors
CC1–CC4 4
10pF Q5%, 50V C0G ceramic
capacitors (0603)
Murata GRM1885C1H100J
CP1 1
100FF Q20%, 6.3V X5R
ceramic capacitor (1210)
Murata GRM32ER60J107M
3Pushbutton switches
DGND, GND (10x) 11 Black test points
8Red test points
H1 1 Dual-row, 32-pin (2 x 16)
H2 0 Not installed, dual-row,
32-pin (2 x 16) header
J2 1 USB type-B, right-angle
PC-mount receptacle
JTAG1, JTAG2 0Not installed, dual-row
10-pin (2 x 5) headers
JU1, JU2, JU4–JU16,
JU21–JU24, JU35–
24 3-pin headers
JU3 1 4-pin header
JU17–JU20 4 5-pin headers
JU25–JU32, JU40–
JU44 13 2-pin headers
JU33, JU34 0Not installed, 2-pin headers
JUC1–JUC7 0 Not installed, 3-pin headers
L1 1 Ferrite bead (0603)
TDK MMZ1608R301A
LED1–LED4 4 Red LEDs (0603)
OP-, REF- 2Brown test points
R1, R2, R5, R6, R7,
R95 6100kI Q5% resistors (0603)
R4, R8, R9, R37–R40,
R43–R51 16 10I Q1% resistors (0402)
R10, R33 222I Q5% resistors (0603)
R11–R21 11 5.1kI Q5% resistors (0603)
R22–R25, R28, R34,
R35, R41, R97 910kI Q1% resistors (0603)
R26, R96 216.5kI Q1% resistors (0603)
R27 1 4.42kI Q1% resistor (0603)
R29 1 20kI Q1% resistor (0603)
R30, RC1–RC7 810kI Q5% resistors (0603)
R31, R72, R75, R78,
R81, R84, R87, R90,
0Not installed, resistors (0603)
R32 1 12.1kI Q1% resistor (0603)
R36, R54 20I Q1% resistors (0603)
R52, R53 0Not installed, resistors
(through hole)
R55–R70 16 200I Q1% resistors (0603)
R71, R73, R74, R76,
R77, R79, R80, R82,
R83, R85, R86, R88,
R89, R91, R92, R94
16 1kI Q5% resistors
(through hole)
RC8–RC10 3 1kI Q5% resistors (0603)
RL1–RL4 4 120I Q5% resistors (0603)
RN14–RN21 8 22I, 16-pin/8-resistor SMT
resistor networks
RN22 1 5.1kI, 8-pin/4-resistor SMT
resistor network
RN25 1 10kI, 8-pin/4-resistor SMT
resistor network
S1 1 4-position, half-pitch SMT DIP
U1 1
16-channel,12-bit, 3Msps
Maxim MAX11131ATI+
U2 1 Altera Cyclone III FPGA
Altera EP3C25F324C8N
U3, U10, U11, U12 4LDOs (16 TSSOP-EP*)
Maxim MAX1793EUE50+
U5 1
256K x 36 SSRAM
(100 TQFP)
U6 0 Not installed, 32M x 16 flash
(64 EBGA)
U7 1 EPCS16 (8 SO)
Altera EPCS16SI8N
U8, U9, U16, U17 4Input buffers (5 SOT23)
Maxim MAX4430EUK+
_________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 2
MAX11131 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX11131
Component List (continued)
U13 1 LDO (6 SOT23)
Maxim MAX1983EUT+
U14 1
CY62167DV30LL 55ZXI
U15 1 USB PHY (SOT617-1)
ST Ericsson ISP1504ABS
U18 1
2.048V voltage reference
(8 SO)
Maxim MAX6126AASA21+
U19 1
2.5V voltage reference
(8 SO)
Maxim MAX6126AASA25+
Y1 1 50MHz oscillator
Y2 1 19.2MHz SMD XTAL (18pF)
1 USB high-speed A-to-B
cables, 5ft (1.5m)
42 Shunts
1 PCB: MAX11131
Altera Corp. 800-800-3753
AVX Corporation 843-946-0238
KEMET Corp. 864-963-6300
Murata Electronics North America, Inc. 770-436-11131
INSTALL.EXE Installs the EV system files
on your computer
MAX11131.EXE Application program
SLSUSB.DLL Software library file
SLSUSB.INF USB device driver file
SLSUSB.SYS USB device driver file
PDF USB device driver help file
_________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 3
MAX11131 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX11131
Quick Start
Required Equipment
U MAX11131 EV kit
U +5V, 750mA DC power supply
U Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 PC with
a spare USB port
Note: In the following sections, software-related items
are identified by bolding. Text in bold refers to items
directly from the EV kit software. Text in bold and under-
line refers to items from the Windows operating system.
The EV kit is fully assembled and tested. Follow the steps
below to verify board operation. Caution: Do not turn on
the power supply until all connections are completed.
1) Visit to download
the latest version of the EV kit software, 11131Rxx.Zip.
Save the EV kit software to a temporary folder and
uncompress the zip file.
2) Install the EV kit software on your computer by
running the INSTALL.EXE program inside the
temporary folder. The program files are copied
to your PC and icons are created in the Windows
Start | Programs menu. During software instal-
lation, some versions of Windows may show a
warning message indicating that this software is
from an unknown publisher. This is not an error
condition and it is safe to proceed with installation.
Administrator privileges are required to install the
USB device driver on Windows.
3) Verify that all jumpers are in their default positions, as
shown in Table 1.
4) Connect the +5V DC power supply to the VIN and
GND test points.
5) Turn on the power supply.
Component List (continued)
Component Suppliers
Note: Indicate that you are using the MAX11131 when contacting these component suppliers.
MAX11131 EV Kit Files
*EP = Exposed pad.
_________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 4
MAX11131 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX11131
6) Connect the USB cable from the PC to the EV kit
board. Follow the instructions on the SLS_USB_
Driver_Help_100.PDF file to manually install the USB
driver. Administrator privileges are required to install
the USB device driver on Windows.
7) Start the EV kit software by opening its icon in the
Windows All Programs menu.
8) Press the Start Conversion button.
9) From the Device Configuration tab sheet, select
0110 UPPER_EXT from the SCAN drop-down list.
10) Select the Data Analysis tab sheet.
11) Press the Start Conversion button.
12) Observe the scope image (as shown in Figure 1) and
verify the data sampled is valid.
Precision Quick Start
Required Equipment
U MAX11131 EV kit
U +5V, 750mA DC power supply
U Q5V, 100mA DC power supply
U Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 PC with
a spare USB port
U Function generator
Note: In the following sections, software-related items
are identified by bolding. Text in bold refers to items
directly from the EV kit software. Text in bold and under-
line refers to items from the Windows operating system.
The EV kit is fully assembled and tested. Follow the steps
below to verify board operation. Caution: Do not turn on
the power supply until all connections are completed.
1) Visit to download
the latest version of the EV kit software, 11131Rxx.Zip.
Save the EV kit software to a temporary folder and
uncompress the zip file.
2) Install the EV kit software on your computer by
running the INSTALL.EXE program inside the
temporary folder. The program files are copied
to your PC and icons are created in the Windows
Start | Programs menu. During software installa-
tion, some versions of Windows may show a warning
message indicating that this software is from an
unknown publisher. This is not an error condition and
it is safe to proceed with installation. Administrator
privileges are required to install the USB device
driver on Windows.
3) Verify that all jumpers are in their default positions, as
shown in Table 1.
4) Move the shunt on jumper JU17 to the 1-4 position.
5) Connect the +5V DC power supply to the VIN and
GND test points.
6) On the Q5V DC power supply, connect the +5V ter-
minal to the OP+ test point, the -5V terminal to the
OP- test point, and the ground terminal to the nearest
GND test point.
7) Set the function generator to generate a 500kHz,
+2.4V peak-to-peak sinusoidal wave with +1.2V
8) Connect the positive terminal of the function
generator to the AIN0+_SMA connector or AIN0+
test point. Connect the negative terminal of the func-
tion generator to the GND test point.
9) Turn on the power supplies.
10) Enable the function generator.
11) Connect the USB cable from the PC to the EV kit
board. Follow the instructions on the SLS_USB_
Driver_Help_100.PDF file to manually install the USB
driver. Administrator privileges are required to install
the USB device driver on Windows.
12) Start the EV kit software by opening its icon in the
Windows All Programs menu.
13) Select the Data Analysis tab sheet.
14) Press the Start Conversion button.
15) Verify the RMS value of approximately 1.47V, the
MIN of 0V, MAX of 2.4V, and the Avg DC of 1.2V are
displayed in the Calculation group box.
Detailed Description of Software
The MAX11131 EV kit software main window (Figure
2) contains a Device Configuration tab and a Data
Analysis tab to display the sampled data.
_________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 5
MAX11131 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX11131
Figure 1. Quick Start Time Domain Scope Shot
_________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 6
MAX11131 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX11131
Figure 2. MAX11131 EV Kit Software Main Window (Device Configuration Tab)
_________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 7
MAX11131 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX11131
Figure 3. SampleSet Pattern Selection Window
Device Configuration
Use the Device Configuration tab sheet to configure the
MAX11131 ADC.
Each drop-down list in the ADC Mode Control Register
group box corresponds to a parameter in the ADC Mode
Control register. Each drop-down list in the ADC Config
Register group box corresponds to a parameter in the ADC
Configuration register. Use the Unipolar Register group
box to set the input polarity for each analog input chan-
nel. Refer to the MAX11129–MAX11132 IC data sheet for
additional information.
To use bipolar inputs, select option 0 (single ended) for
the desired channel in the Unipolar Register group
box, and select option 1 (fully differential) for the same
channel in the Bipolar Register group box. Use the
Range Register group box to set the input range. Refer
to the MAX11129–MAX11132 IC data sheet for additional
If the custom scan mode (0111 CUSTOM_INT or 1000
CUSTOM_EXT) is selected from the SCAN drop-down
list in the ADC Mode Control Register group box, use
the Custom Scan0 Register and the Custom Scan1
Register group boxes to select the desired channels to
scan. Refer to the MAX11129–MAX11132 IC data sheet
for additional information.
If the SampleSetK scan mode (1001 SAMPLESET) is
selected from the SCAN drop-down list in the ADC
Mode Control Register group box, use the SampleSet
Register group box to set the sample set pattern.
Enter the sample sequence length in the SEQ_DEPTH
edit box. Press the Set Pattern button to bring up the
SampleSet Pattern Selection window, as shown in
Figure 3. In the SampleSet Pattern Selection window,
select the sequence number on the left side and double
click the AIN input on the right side to set the AIN input
for the selected sequence number. To clear the sample
set pattern, press the Clear button. When finished setting
the sample set pattern, press the Ok button and return to
the main window.
Press the Save Configuration menu item under the
Configuration menu to save all the settings on the
Device Configuration tab sheet. To load the saved
settings, press the Load Configuration menu item under
the Configuration menu.
Press the Save Configuration as Header menu item
under the Configuration menu to save all the settings on
the Device Configuration tab sheet to a *.h file.
Data Analysis
The Data Analysiss tab (Figure 4) contains four tab
sheets (Time Domain, Frequency Domain, Histogram,
and Single Conversion) to display the sampled data.
In the Datalogging group box, enter the accurate
reference voltage in the REF+ and REF- edit boxes.
Select the desired number of conversions in the Number
of Samples drop-down list. Enter the desired sampling
rate in the Sample Rate (sps) edit box. Press the Start
Conversion button to start sampling. After sampling
is finished, the user can save the data to a file by
pressing the Save to File button. The Save to File button
is not active until the sampling is done. Use the Channel
Select drop-down list in the Select Channel for FFT
and Histogram group box to select the data set from a
specific analog input channel to display on the Frequency
Domain and the Histogram tab sheets.
SampleSet is a trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
_________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 8
MAX11131 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX11131
Figure 4. MAX11131 EV Kit Software Main Window (Data Analysis Tab)
_________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 9
MAX11131 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX11131
Time Domain, Frequency Domain, Histogram,
and Single Conversion Tab Sheets
After the Start Conversion button in the Datalogging
group box is pressed, the sampled data in the time
domain is plotted in the Time Domain tab sheet.
Frequency Domain tab sheet displays the frequency
domain of the signal selected in the Channel Select
drop-down list. The Histogram tab sheet displays the
histogram of the signal selected in the Channel Select
drop-down list. The Single Conversion tab sheet dis-
plays one data sample for all the input channels.
Check the Auto Convert checkbox to automatically
and repeatedly do the ADC conversions and update the
active tab sheet.
Time Domain Tab
In the Time Domain tab sheet (Figure 4), check the
Remove DC checkbox to remove the DC component of
the sampled signal. In the Scope Display Control Vertical
group box, when the Auto Scale checkbox is checked,
the software automatically scales the vertical axis in the
plot. If the Auto Scale checkbox is not checked, enter
the appropriate values into the Y-MAX and Y-MIN edit
boxes and press the Set button to set the boundaries for
the vertical axis. Press the Calculate button to show the
Frequency, RMS, MIN, MAX, and Avg DC of the sam-
pled signal in the Calculation group box. The frequency
calculation is valid only when the Remove DC checkbox
is checked.
Frequency Domain Tab
(Display Frequency in Log Scale)
The Frequency Domain tab sheet (Figure 5) displays
the FFT plot of the signal selected in the Channel Select
drop-down list.
Histogram Tab
The Histogram tab sheet (Figure 6) displays the
histogram of the signal selected from the Channel Select
drop-down list. The software automatically calculates
the Mean and the Std Dev (standard deviation, sigma)
and displays the calculated values in the Calculation
group box.
The Histogram Display Control radio group box
provides three options to scale the horizontal axis on
the histogram. The options include (Mean - 3 sigma)
to (Mean + 3 sigma), (Mean - 6 sigma) to (Mean + 6
sigma), and User Define range.
Single Conversion Tab
The ADC Value Display group box in the Single
Conversion tab sheet (Figure 7) displays the ADC
Code and the calculated Voltage values for a single
sample of all the channels in standard external clock
mode. Pressing the Start Conversion button in the
Datalogging group box updates the status of the ADC
Value Display group box.
________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 10
MAX11131 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX11131
Figure 5. Frequency Domain Tab
________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 11
MAX11131 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX11131
Figure 6. Histogram Tab
________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 12
MAX11131 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX11131
Figure 7. Single Conversion Tab
________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 13
MAX11131 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX11131
Detailed Description of Hardware
The MAX11131 EV kit is a fully assembled and tested PCB
that evaluates the 16-channel, 12-bit, SPI-compatible,
3Msps ADC. All digital signals are generated using the
on-board FPGA (U2).
Power Supply
A +5V power supply is required to power up the EV kit.
Connect the positive terminal of the power supply to the
VIN test point and the negative terminal to the nearest
GND test point.
User-Supplied Digital Supply (OVDD)
The digital supply is configurable using jumper JU2.
When the shunt is in the 1-2 position on jumper JU2, the
on-board +3.3V is used. To use a user-supplied OVDD,
move the shunt to the 2-3 position on JU2 and apply
+1.5V to +3.6V at the EXT_OVDD test point.
On-Board Input Buffers
On-board input buffers (U8, U9, U16, and U17) are
provided on the EV kit. To power the on-board buffers,
connect the +5V, GND, and -5V terminals of the power
supply to the OP+, GND, and OP- test points, respectively.
Analog Input 0
To use the on-board input buffer, move the shunt on
jumper JU17 to the 1-4 position and remove the shunts on
jumpers JU25 and JU26.
The user can connect the input signal to the AIN0-_SMA
(or the AIN0- test point) and connect the DC offset to the
AIN0+ test point. If the input signal is AC-coupling, the
DC offset can be accomplished by simply connecting to
the 1-2 position on jumper JU21.
The input signal can connect to AIN0+_SMA if it has
V(REF+)/2 DC offset and is connecting to the 2-3 posi-
tion on JU21.
Jumper JU17 allows other options for the AIN0 input of
the ADC. When a shunt is placed in the 1-2 position on
JU17, the analog input can also be generated by the
resistor ladder. When a shunt is placed in the 1-3 position
on JU17, the analog input signal can be applied at the
header H1-2 pin.
Move the shunt on jumer JU17 to the 1-5 position and
connect the measuring signal directly to the AIN0 input
of the ADC. Then connect the measuring signal to the
AIN0+_SMA or AIN0+ test point. The buffer still needs
to be powered up to prevent loading on the input signal.
Analog Input 1
To use the on-board input buffer, move the shunt on
jumper JU18 to the 1-4 position and remove the shunts on
jumpers JU27 and JU28.
The user can connect the input signal to the AIN1-_SMA
(or the AIN1- test point) and connect the DC offset to the
AIN1+ test point. If the input signal is AC-coupling, the
DC offset can be accomplished by simply connecting to
the 1-2 position on jumper JU22.
The input signal can connect to AIN1+_SMA if it has
V(REF+)/2 DC offset and is connecting to the 2-3 posi-
tion on JU22.
Jumper JU18 allows other options for the AIN1 input of
the ADC. When a shunt is placed in the 1-2 position on
JU18, the analog input can also be generated by the
resistor ladder. When a shunt is placed in the 1-3 position
on JU18, the analog input signal can be applied at the
header H1-4 pin.
Move the shunt on JU18 to the 1-5 position and con-
nect the measuring signal directly to the AIN1 input
of the ADC. Then connect the measuring signal to the
AIN1+_SMA or AIN1+ test point. The buffer still needs
to be powered up to prevent loading on the input signal.
Analog Input 2
To use the on-board input buffer, move the shunt on
jumper JU19 to the 1-4 position and remove the shunts
on jumpers JU29 and JU30.
The user can connect the input signal to the AIN2-_SMA
(or the AIN2- test point) and connect the DC offset to the
AIN2+ test point. If the input signal is AC-coupling, the
DC offset can be accomplished by simply connecting to
the 1-2 position on JU23.
The input signal can connect to AIN2+_SMA if it has
V(REF+)/2 DC offset and is connecting to the 2-3 posi-
tion on JU23.
Jumper JU19 allows other options for the AIN2 input of
the ADC. When a shunt is placed in the 1-2 position on
JU19, the analog input can also be generated by the
resistor ladder. When a shunt is placed in the 1-3 position
on JU19, the analog input signal can be applied at the
header H1-6 pin.
Move the shunt on JU19 to the 1-5 position and
connect the measuring signal directly to the AIN2 input
of the ADC. Then connect the measuring signal to the
AIN2+_SMA or AIN2+ test point. The buffer still needs
to be powered up to prevent loading on the input signal.
________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 14
MAX11131 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX11131
Analog Input 3
To use the on-board input buffer, move the shunt on
jumper JU20 to the 1-4 position and remove the shunts on
jumpers JU31 and JU32.
The user can connect the input signal to the AIN3-_SMA
(or the AIN3- test point) and connect the DC offset to the
AIN3+ test point. If the input signal is AC-coupling, the
DC offset can be accomplished by simply connecting to
the 1-2 position on jumper JU24.
The input signal can connect to AIN3+_SMA if it has
V(REF+)/2 DC offset and is connecting to the 2-3 posi-
tion on JU24.
Jumper JU20 allows other options for the AIN3 input of
the ADC. When a shunt is placed in the 1-2 position on
jumper JU20, the analog input can also be generated
by the resistor ladder. When a shunt is placed in the 1-3
position on JU20, the analog input signal can be applied
at the header H1-8 pin.
Move the shunt on JU20 to the 1-5 position and con-
nect the measuring signal directly to the AIN3 input
of the ADC. Then connect the measuring signal to the
AIN3+_SMA or AIN3+ test point. The buffer still needs
to be powered up to prevent loading on the input signal.
Analog Inputs 4–15
Analog inputs 4–15 have only two jumper options:
connection to the H1 header or to the resistor ladder.
See Table 1 for jumpers JU4–JU13, JU15, and JU16
settings. When using the resistor ladder option, a refer-
ence voltage must be applied at the REF+ pin of the IC.
Crosstalk on Analog Inputs
When an AC signal is applied at the analog inputs
0–3, the EV kit sees some crosstalk across the other
channels (4–15) that are connected to the resistor
ladder. The impedance on the resistor ladder is too high to
discharge the input capacitors of the channels and
causes crosstalk on the channels.
Use resistor ladder is for functional evaluation only. The
input source impedance must not be more than 10I to
guarantee the performance or avoid crosstalk.
Coherent Sampling
Setup Using 10MHz EXT CLK
The EV kit provides a 10MHz clock to let the user perform
coherent sampling by synchronizing the input source
with this clock. Coherent sampling is required to get
the best performance out of the part. The relationship
between fin, fs, Ncycles, and Msamples is given as follows:
s samples
fin = Input frequency
fs = Sampling frequency
Ncycles = Number of cycles in the sampled set
Msamples = Total number of samples
In this case, set fin as 499.9694kHz for 32,768 samples
to get 5461 cycles at 3Msps. Figure 5 shows the FFT of
the signal.
Conversion Start (CNVST)
When analog input 14 is not used, remove the shunt
from jumper JU15 and apply an active-low signal to the
CNVST test point to start the conversion.
Negative Reference Voltage (REF-)
When analog input 15 is not used, remove the shunt from
jumper JU16 and apply -0.3V to +1V to the REF- test point.
Positive Reference Voltage (REF+)
There are three options for the positive reference voltage.
When the shunt is in the 1-2 position on jumper JU3, the
user must apply an external reference voltage from +1V
to VDD + 50mV at the EXT_REF+ test point. The EV kit
also features two on-board references (2.5V and 2.048V)
when JU3 is in the 1-3 and 1-4 position.
User-Supplied Supply (VDD)
The IC can be powered using the on-board supply or a
user-supplied VDD. When the shunt is in the 1-2 position
on jumper JU1, the on-board +3.3V is used. To use a
user-supplied VDD, move the shunt to the 2-3 position
on JU1 and apply +2.35V to +3.6V at the EXT_VDD test
User-Supplied Digital Supply (OVDD)
The digital supply can use the on-board supply or a
user-supplied OVDD. When the shunt is in the 1-2
position on jumper JU2, the on-board +3.3V is used.
To use a user-supplied OVDD, move the shunt to the
2-3 position on JU2 and apply +1.5V to +3.6V at the
EXT_OVDD test point.
1-2* Connects the VDD input of the IC to the output of the on-board +3.3V LDO (U10).
2-3 User-supplied VDD. Apply an external supply voltage between the EXT_VDD and the nearest
GND test point.
1-2* Connects the OVDD input of the IC to the output of the on-board +3.3V LDO (U3).
2-3 User-supplied OVDD. Apply an external supply voltage between the EXT_OVDD and the nearest
DGND test point.
1-2 User-supplied REF+. Apply an external reference voltage between the EXT_REF+ and the
nearest GND test point.
1-3* Connects the REF+ input of the IC to the output of the on-board +2.5V reference (U19).
1-4 Connects the REF+ input of the IC to the output of the on-board +2.048V reference (U18).
JU4 1-2* Connects the voltage generated by the resistor ladder to the AIN4 input of the IC through a 10I
2-3 Connects H1-10 of header H1 to the AIN4 input of the IC through a 10I resistor.
JU5 1-2* Connects the voltage generated by the resistor ladder to the AIN5 input of the IC through a 10I
2-3 Connects H1-12 of header H1 to the AIN5 input of the IC through a 10I resistor.
JU6 1-2* Connects the voltage generated by the resistor ladder to the AIN6 input of the IC through a 10I
2-3 Connects H1-14 of header H1 to the AIN6 input of the IC through a 10I resistor.
JU7 1-2* Connects the voltage generated by the resistor ladder to the AIN7 input of the IC through a 10I
2-3 Connects H1-16 of header H1 to the AIN7 input of the IC through a 10I resistor.
JU8 1-2* Connects the voltage generated by the resistor ladder to the AIN8 input of the IC through a 10I
2-3 Connects H1-18 of header H1 to the AIN8 input of the IC through a 10I resistor.
JU9 1-2* Connects the voltage generated by the resistor ladder to the AIN9 input of the IC.
2-3 Connects H1-20 of header H1 to the AIN9 input of the IC through a 10I resistor.
JU10 1-2* Connects the voltage generated by the resistor ladder to the AIN10 input of the IC through a 10I
2-3 Connects H1-22 of header H1 to the AIN10 input of the IC through a 10I resistor.
JU11 1-2* Connects voltage generated by the resistor ladder to the AIN11 input of the IC through a 10I
2-3 Connects H1-24 of header H1 to the AIN11 input of the IC through a 10I resistor.
JU12 1-2* Connects voltage generated by the resistor ladder to the AIN12 input of the IC through a 10I
2-3 Connects H1-26 of header H1 to the AIN12 input of the IC through a 10I resistor.
JU13 1-2* Connects the voltage generated by the resistor ladder to the AIN13 input of the IC through a 10I
2-3 Connects H1-28 of header H1 to the AIN13 input of the IC through a 10I resistor.
JU14 1-2 Connects the CNVST input of the IC to the GPIO signal driven by the FPGA (U2).
2-3* Used for AIN14.
JU15 1-2* Connects the voltage generated by the resistor ladder to the AIN14 input of the IC through a 10I
2-3 Connects H1-30 of header H1 to the AIN14 input of the IC through a 10I resistor.
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Table 1. Jumper Settings (JU1–JU32 and JU35–JU44)
1-2* Connects voltage generated by the resistor ladder to the AIN15 input of the IC through a 10I
2-3 Connects H1-32 of header H1 to the AIN15 input of the IC through a 10I resistor.
Not installed Apply negative reference voltage at the REF- test point.
1-2* Connects voltage generated by the resistor ladder to the AIN0 input of the IC through a 10I
1-3 Connects H1-2 of header H1 to the AIN0 input of the IC through a 10I resistor.
1-4 Connects output of the on-board input buffer (U8) to the AIN0 input of the IC through a 10I
1-5 Bypasses the on-board input buffer (U8). Connects the AIN0+ test point to the AIN0 input of the
IC through a 10I resistor.
1-2* Connects voltage generated by the resistor ladder to the AIN1 input of the IC through a 10I
1-3 Connects H1-4 of header H1 to the AIN1 input of the IC through a 10I resistor.
1-4 Connects output of the on-board input buffer (U9) to the AIN1 input of the IC through a 10I
1-5 Bypasses the on-board input buffer (U9). Connects the AIN1+ test point to the AIN1 input of the
IC through a 10I resistor.
1-2* Connects voltage generated by the resistor ladder to the AIN2 input of the IC through a 10I
1-3 Connects H1-6 of header H1 to the AIN2 input of the IC through a 10I resistor.
1-4 Connects output of the on-board input buffer (U16) to the AIN2 input of the IC through a 10I
1-5 Bypasses the on-board input buffer (U16). Connects the AIN2+ test point to the AIN2 input of the
IC through a 10I resistor.
1-2* Connects voltage generated by the resistor ladder to the AIN3 input of the IC through a 10I
1-3 Connects H1-8 of header H1 to the AIN3 input of the IC through a 10I resistor.
1-4 Connects output of the on-board input buffer (U17) to the AIN3 input of the IC through a 10I
1-5 Bypasses the on-board input buffer (U17). Connects the AIN3+ test point to the AIN3 input of the
IC through a 10I resistor.
JU21 1-2 Connects the reference voltage REF+ to the AIN0+ test point.
2-3* Connected the AIN0+_SMA connector to the AIN0+ test point.
JU22 1-2 Connects the reference voltage REF+ to the AIN1+ test point.
2-3* Connected the AIN1+_SMA connector to the AIN1+ test point.
JU23 1-2 Connects the reference voltage REF+ to the AIN2+ test point.
2-3* Connected the AIN2+_SMA connector to the AIN2+ test point.
JU24 1-2 Connects the reference voltage REF+ to the AIN3+ test point.
2-3* Connected the AIN3+_SMA connector to the AIN3+ test point.
Installed Shorts the DC signal input to GND.
Connects the signal from the AIN0+ test point to the noninverting of the on-board buffer (U8)
through a 1kI resistor.
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MAX11131 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX11131
Table 1. Jumper Settings (JU1–JU32 and JU35–JU44) (continued)
Installed Shorts the DC signal input to GND.
Connects the signal from the AIN0- test point to the inverting of the on-board buffer (U8) through
a 1kI resistor.
Installed Shorts the DC signal input to GND.
Connects the signal from the AIN1+ test point to the noninverting of the on-board buffer (U9)
through a 1kI resistor.
Installed Shorts the DC signal input to GND.
Connects the signal from the AIN1- test point to the inverting of the on-board buffer (U9) through
a 1kI resistor.
Installed Shorts the DC signal input to GND.
Connects the signal from the AIN2+ test point to the noninverting of the on-board buffer (U16)
through a 1kI resistor.
Installed Shorts the DC signal input to GND.
Connects the signal from the AIN2- test point to the inverting of the on-board buffer (U16) through
a 1kI resistor.
Installed Shorts the DC signal input to GND.
Connects the signal from the AIN3+ test point to the noninverting of the on-board buffer (U17)
through a 1kI resistor.
Installed Shorts the DC signal input to GND.
Connects the signal from the AIN3- test point to the inverting of the on-board buffer (U17) through
a 1kI resistor.
JU35 1-2 Connects the USB power to the input of the on-board LDO (U10).
2-3* Connects the external power supply to the input of the on-board LDO (U10).
JU36 1-2 Connects the USB power to the input of the on-board LDO (U11).
2-3* Connects the external power supply to the input of the on-board LDO (U11).
JU37 1-2 Connects the USB power to the input of the on-board LDO (U12).
2-3* Connects the external power supply to the input of the on-board LDO (U12).
JU38 1-2 Connects the USB power to the input of the on-board LDO (U13).
2-3* Connects the external power supply to the input of the on-board LDO (U13).
JU39 1-2 Connects the USB power to the input of the on-board LDO (U3).
2-3* Connects the external power supply to the input of the on-board LDO (U3).
JU40 Installed* The on-board LDO (U10) provides 3.3V output to the EV kit.
Not installed Disconnects the output of the on-board LDO (U10).
JU41 Installed* The on-board LDO (U11) provides 1.8V output to the EV kit.
Not installed Disconnects the output of the on-board LDO (U11).
JU42 Installed* The on-board LDO (U12) provides 2.5V output to the EV kit.
Not installed Disconnects the output of the on-board LDO (U12).
JU43 Installed* The on-board LDO (U13) provides 1.2V output to the EV kit.
Not installed Disconnects the output of the on-board LDO (U13).
JU44 Installed* The on-board LDO (U3) provides 3.3V output to the EV kit.
Not installed Disconnects the output of the on-board LDO (U3).
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Evaluates: MAX11131
Table 1. Jumper Settings (JU1–JU32 and JU35–JU44) (continued)
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Figure 8a. MAX11131 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 1 of 14)
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Figure 8b. MAX11131 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 2 of 14)
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Figure 8c. MAX11131 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 3 of 14)
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Figure 8d. MAX11131 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 4 of 14)
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Figure 8e. MAX11131 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 5 of 14)
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Figure 8f. MAX11131 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 6 of 14)
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Figure 8g. MAX11131 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 7 of 14)
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Figure 8h. MAX11131 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 8 of 14)
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Figure 8i. MAX11131 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 9 of 14)
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Figure 8j. MAX11131 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 10 of 14)
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Figure 8k. MAX11131 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 11 of 14)
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Figure 8l. MAX11131 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 12 of 14)
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Figure 8m. MAX11131 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 13 of 14)
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Figure 8n. MAX11131 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 14 of 14)
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Figure 9. MAX11131 EV Kit Component Placement Guide—Top
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Figure 10. MAX11131 EV Kit PCB Layout—Component Side
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Figure 11. MAX11131 EV Kit PCB Layout—Layer 2
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Figure 12. MAX11131 EV Kit PCB Layout—Layer 3
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Figure 13. MAX11131 EV Kit PCB Layout—Layer 4
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Figure 14. MAX11131 EV Kit PCB Layout—Layer 5
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Figure 15. MAX11131 EV Kit PCB Layout—Layer 6
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Figure 16. MAX11131 EV Kit PCB Layout—Layer 7
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Figure 17. MAX11131 EV Kit PCB Layout—Layer 8
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Figure 18. MAX11131 EV Kit PCB Layout—Layer 9
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Figure 19. MAX11131 EV Kit PCB Layout—Layer 10
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Figure 20. MAX11131 EV Kit PCB Layout—Layer 11
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Figure 21. MAX11131 EV Kit PCB Layout—Bottom Side
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Figure 22. MAX11131 EV Kit Component Placement Guide—Bottom
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MAX11131 Evaluation Kit
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Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 47
© 2012 Maxim Integrated Products Maxim is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
MAX11131 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX11131
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