2.5 x for 5 seconds
General Note
IRC reserves the right to make changes in product specifi cation without notice or liability.
All information is subject to IRC’s own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. A subsidiary of
TT electronics plc
s3OUTH3TAPLES3TREETs#Orpus Christi TeXAS53!
© IRC Wire and Film Technologies Division
Telephone:sFacsimile:s Website: www.irctt.com
Metal Glaze
thick fi lm element
fi red at 1000°C
to solid ceramic
Solder over
nickel barrier
Electrical Data
s Up to 2 watts
sUp to 1000 volts
s 0.2 ohm to 2.2 megohm range
s RoHS-compliant version available
s 150°C maximum operating temperature
Environmental Data
Power Rating
Range (ohms)³
CHP 1/8 1206 B & C 1/4W @ 70°C 200 400
0.1 to 0.99 Low Range 1, 2, 5 100
1.0 to 1.0 M Standard 1, 2, 5 50, 100
20 to 348K Tight Tolerance 0.25, 0.5 50, 100
CHP 1/2 2010 D & E 1/2W @ 70°C 300 600 0.1 to 0.99 Low Range 1, 2, 5 100
1.0 to 348K Standard 1, 2, 5 50, 100
CHP 1 2512 F 1W @ 70°C 350 700
0.1 to 0.99 Low Range 1, 2, 5 100
1.0 to 2.21M Standard 1, 2, 5 50, 100
20 to 348K Tight Tolerance 0.25, 0.5 50, 100
CHP 2 3610 H 2W @ 25°C
1.33W @ 70°C 500 1000 0.2 to 0.99 Low Range 1, 2, 5 100
1.0 to 2.21M Standard 1, 2, 5 50, 100
¹See pages 2 & 3 for product dimensions, recommended solder pads, and standard packaging. ²Not to exceed P x R ³Consult factory for tighter TCR, tolerance, or resistance values.
dohteM tseTegnahC mumixaMscitsiretcarahC
Temperature Coeffi cient As specifi ed MIL-R-55342H Par 3.16 (-55°C + 125°C)
P x R
Thermal Shock ±0.5% + 0.01 ohm MIL-R-55342H Par 3.9 (-65°C + 150°C, 5 cycles)
Low Temperature Operation ±0.25% + 0.01 ohm MIL-R-55342H Par 3.11 (-65°C @ working voltage)
Short Time Overload ±0.5% + 0.01 ohm
±1% for R>100K ohm
MIL-R-55342H Par 3.12
High Temperature Exposure ±0.5% + 0.01 ohm MIL-R-55342H Par 3.13 (-150°C for 100 hours)
Resistance to Bonding ±0.25% + 0.01 ohm MIL-R-55342H Par 3.14.2 (Refl ow soldered to board at 260°C for 10 seconds)
Exposure 95% minimum coverage MIL-STD-202, Method 208 (245°C for 5 seconds)
Solderability ±0.5% + 0.01 ohm MIL-R-55342H Par 3.18 (10 cycles, total 240 hours)
Moisture Resistance ±0.5% + 0.01 ohm MIL-R-55342H Par 3.15 (2000 hours at 70°C intermittent)
Life Test
Terminal Adhesion Strength
±1% + 0.01 ohm
no mechanical damage 1200 gram push from underside of mounted chip for 60 seconds
±1% + 0.01 ohm
no mechanical damage
Chip mounted in center of 90mm long board, defl ected 1mm so as to
exert pull on chip contacts for 5 seconds
Cylindrical High Power
Surface Mount Metal Glaze
#(03Eries Issue March3HEETOF
Cylindrical High Power
Surface Mount Metal Glaze™
CHP Series
www.bitechnologies.com www.irctt.com www.welwyn-tt.com
General Note
TT electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability.
All information is subject to TT electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print.
© TT electronics plc
· Up to 2 watts
· Up to 1000 volts
· 0.2 ohm to 2.2 megohm range
· RoHS-compliant version available
· 150°C maximum operating temperature
Metal Glaze™
thick fi lm element
fi red at 1000°C
to solid ceramic
Solder over
nickel barrier
Characteristics Maximum Change Test Method
Thermal Shock ±0.25% +.01 Ω MIL-PRF-55342H, §4.8.3
(MIL-STD-202, Method 107G: +150°C / -65°C)
Low Temperature Operation ±0.25% +.01 Ω MIL-PRF-55342H, §4.8.5
Short Time Overload ±0.5% +.01 Ω
±1% for R>100KΩ MIL-PRF-55342H, §4.8.6
High Temperature Exposure ±0.5% +.01 Ω MIL-PRF-55342H, §4.8.7
(150°C x 100 Hours)
Resistance to Bonding Exposure ±0.25% +.01 Ω MIL-PRF-55342H, §
Moisture Resistance ±0.5% +.01 Ω MIL-PRF-55342H, §
(MIL-STD-202, Method 106G)
Temperature Coefcient As specied MIL-PRF-55342H, §4.8.10
(MIL-STD-202, Method 304)
Life Test ±1% +.01 Ω MIL-PRF-55342H, §4.8.11
(MIL-STD-202, Method 108A: 2000 Hours @ 70°C)
Solderability 95% minimum coverage MIL-PRF-55342H, §4.8.12
(MIL-STD-202, Method 208H)
Terminal Adhesion Strength (push) ±1% +.01 Ω
(no mechanical damage)
IRC – dened
1200 gram push from underside of mounted device for 60 sec
Terminal Adhesion Strength (ex) ±1% +.01 Ω
(no mechanical damage)
Device mounted in center of 90mm long board, deected 1 mm to exert
pull on contacts for 5 seconds