Rev. C
For more information
Note 1: Stresses beyond those listing under Absolute Maximum Ratings
may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute
Maximum Rating conditions for extended periods may affect device
reliability and lifetime.
Note 2: The LTM4675 is tested under pulsed-load conditions such that
TJ ≈ TA. The LTM4675E is guaranteed to meet performance specifications
over the 0°C to 125°C internal operating temperature range. Specifications
over the –40°C to 125°C internal operating temperature range are assured
by design, characterization and correlation with statistical process
controls. The LTM4675I is guaranteed to meet specifications over the
full –40°C to 125°C internal operating temperature range. Note that the
maximum ambient temperature consistent with these specifications is
determined by specific operating conditions in conjunction with board
layout, the rated package thermal resistance and other environmental
Note 3: The LTM4675’s EEPROM temperature range for valid write
commands is 0°C to 85°C. To achieve guaranteed EEPROM data retention,
execution of the “STORE_USER_ALL” command—i.e., uploading RAM
contents to NVM—outside this temperature range is not recommended.
However, as long as the LTM4675’s EEPROM temperature is less than
130°C, the LTM4675 will obey the STORE_USER_ALL command. Only
when EEPROM temperature exceeds 130°C, the LTM4675 will not act
on any STORE_USER_ALL transactions: instead, the LTM4675 NACKs
the serial command and asserts its relevant CML (communications,
memory, logic) fault bits. EEPROM temperature can be queried
prior to commanding STORE_USER_ALL; see the Applications
Note 4: The two power inputs—VIN0 and VIN1—and their respective power
outputs—VOUT0 and VOUT1—are tested independently in production. A
shorthand notation is used in this document that allows these parameters
to be refered to by “VINn” and “VOUTn”, where n is permitted to take on a
value of 0 or 1. This italicized, subscripted “n” notation and convention
is extended to encompass all such pin names, as well as register names
with channel-specific, i.e., paged data. For example, VOUT_COMMANDn
refers to the VOUT_COMMAND command code data located in Pages 0
and1, which in turn relate to Channels 0 (VOUT0) and Channel 1 (VOUT1).
Registers containing non-page-specific data, i.e., whose data is “global” to
the module or applies to both of the module's Channels lack the italicized,
subscripted “n”, e.g., FREQUENCY_SWITCH.
Note 5: VOUTn(DC) and line and load regulation tests are performed in
production with digital servo disengaged (MFR_PWM_MODEn[6]=0b)
and low VOUTn range selected (MFR_PWM_MODEn[1]) = 1b. The digital
servo control loop is exercised in production (setting MFR_PWM_
MODEn[6] = 1b), but convergence of the output voltage to its final settling
value is not necessarily observed in final test—due to potentially long
time constants involved—and is instead guaranteed by the output voltage
readback accuracy specification. Evaluation in application demonstrates
capability; see the Typical Performance Characteristics section.
Note 6: See output current derating curves for different VIN, VOUT, and TA,
located in the Applications Information section.
Note 7: Even though VOUT0 and VOUT1 are specified for 6V absolute
maximum, the maximum recommended regulation-command voltage is:
5.5V for a high-VOUT range setting of MFR_PWM_MODEn[1]=0b; 2.5V for
a low-VOUT range setting of MFR_PWM_MODEn[1]=1b.
Note 8: Minimum on-time is tested at wafer sort.
Note 9: Data conversion is performed in round-robin (cyclic) fashion.
All telemetry signals are continuously digitized, and reported data is
based on measurements not older than 90ms, typical. Some telemetry
parameters can be digitized at a faster update rate by configuring MFR_
Note 10: The following telemetry parameters are formatted in PMBus-
defined “Linear Data Format”, in which each register contains a word
comprised of 5 most significant bits—representing a signed exponent, to
be raised to the power of 2—and 11 least significant bits—representing
a signed mantissa: input voltage (on SVIN), accessed via the READ_VIN
command code; output currents (IOUTn), accessed via the READ_IOUTn
command codes; module input current (IVIN0 + IVIN1 + ISVIN), accessed via
the READ_IIN command code; channel input currents (IVINn + 1/2 • ISVIN),
accessed via the MFR_READ_IINn command codes;and duty cycles of
channel 0 and channel 1 switching power stages, accessed via the
READ_DUTY_CYCLEn command codes. This data format limits the
resolution of telemetry readback data to 10 bits even though the internal
ADC is 16 bits and the LTM4675’s internal calculations use 32-bit words.
Note 11: The absolute maximum rating for the SVIN pin is 20V. Input
voltage telemetry (READ_VIN) is obtained by digitizing a voltage scaled
down from the SVIN pin.
Note 12: These typical parameters are based on bench measurements and
are not production tested.
Note 13: EEPROM endurance and retention are guaranteed by wafer-level
testing for data retention. The minimum retention specification applies
for devices whose EEPROM has been cycled less than the minimum
endurance specification, and whose EEPROM data was written to at
0°C ≤ TJ ≤ 85°C. Downloading NVM contents to RAM by executing
the RESTORE_USER_ALL or MFR_RESET commands is valid over the
entire operating temperature range and does not influence EEPROM
Note 14: Channel 0 OV/UV comparator threshold accuracy for
MFR_PWM_MODE0[1] = 1b tested in ATE at VVOSNS0+ – VVOSNS0– =
0.5V and 2.7V. 1V condition tested at IC-Level, only. Channel 1 OV/UV
comparator threshold accuracy for MFR_PWM_MODE1[1] = 1b tested
in ATE with VVOSNS1-VSGND = 0.5V and 2.7V. 1.5V condition tested at
IC-level, only.
Note 15: Tested at IC-level ATE.
Note 16: PLL SYNC capture range tested with FREQUENCY_SWITCH set to
frequency slave mode (0x0000), with MFR_CONFIG_ALL[4] = 1b, and with
SYNC driven by external clock. Low end of SYNC capture range (225kHz)
verified at VIN = 5.75V and VOUTn = 2.5V. High end of SYNC capture range
(1.1MHz) verified at VIN = 12V and VOUTn = 3.3V.