Header Board Specification WHY DO I NEED A HEADER TO DEBUG? Some PIC(R) microcontrollers, particularly low pin count devices (with 20 pins or less), generally must use a header for debugging. This is done to free up I/O lines for your application and to make production parts more affordable. Optional headers are also available for high pin count devices (with 64 pins or higher). Debugging requires a two-line connection (plus VDD, VSS and VPP) to communicate with the device. In a high pin count device, losing a few I/O lines is generally not a problem for most designs. But in a low pin count device, it can be a critical problem. Imagine having to do an 8-pin design where there are only 5 I/Os, having used up 2 I/Os just for debugging! Headers are also used to save you money. In high pin count devices, adding debugging to the silicon can generally be done at little or no cost since the silicon is already fairly large. However, low pin count devices are low cost specifically because they use very little silicon. So, adding debugging circuitry on-board these parts would add significant cost since it would raise the amount of silicon used by a considerable percentage. The header places the cost for debugging up front and frees your production parts from the extra cost of an unused debug module. Microchip also makes optional debug modules, usually for high pin count devices. The module is optional because you can still do basic debugging without a header, but if you use one, you get back I/O lines, and may also gain additional debugging features. Only certain devices can use an optional header, see the device page on our website for details. Microchip lists what header must be ordered to work with your device, if one is required. Simply consult the device page on our website, or our other ordering guides. Note that in all cases, devices can be programmed "in circuit" (called ICSPTM) with very few exceptions. Even devices without an internal debug feature can still be programmed by connecting the programming/debugging tool to the in-circuit programming lines. These devices simply cannot perform debugging without a header. FIGURE 1: PRODUCTION DEVICE VS. HEADER DEVICE (-ICE/-ICD) VDD 1 3 1 14 2 13 3 VDD Vss 4 1 2 12 11 5 10 6 9 7 8 JP1 2 3 ENABLE ICDCLK ICDMCLR ICDDATA VDD Vss 20 19 18 4 17 5 16 6 15 7 14 8 13 9 12 10 ICD NC 11 Production Device -ICE/-ICD Device on Header Board 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. To Tool Connector DS51292S-page 1 Header Board Specification DEBUG DETAILS Next generation in-circuit emulators (such as the MPLAB(R) REAL ICETM in-circuit emulator) and in-circuit debuggers work with devices that have on-chip debug circuitry. Sometimes the actual production device will have this circuitry and sometimes a special version of this device is required or available for code debugging. This special version of the chip, with the suffix -ICD or -ICE, is mounted on a header board (Figure 2). Note: ICE/ICD devices are only used on the header; they are not sold separately. FIGURE 2: DEBUG OPTIONS Production Device without On-Board Debug Circuitry Production Device with On-Board Debug Circuitry Vss Rx1/DAT Rx0/CLK VDD MCLR/VPP Debug Circuitry No debug capability. Header required for debug. Debug capability available. However, header can provide dedicated resources for debug. ICE/ICD Device with On-board Debug Circuitry, Dedicated Debug Pins and (sometimes) Dedicated Debug Memory. Header board with additional circuitry to support debug functions. MCLR VPP Debug Memory S1 J1 ON VSS DAT CLK Rx1 Rx0 VDD TP1 ICE/ ICD Device TP2 TP3 Debug Circuitry In general, ICE devices are designed for next-generation in-circuit emulator use and ICD devices are designed for in-circuit debugger use. However, ICE devices may be used with an in-circuit debugger and ICD devices may be used with a next-generation in-circuit emulator, but will provide only basic ICD functionality. To determine what device resources must be dedicated to debugging for either a device with on-board debug capability or the special ICE/ICD device, see the "Resources used by ..." section of the in-circuit emulator or in-circuit debugger on-line help file. DS51292S-page 2 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Header Board Specification PROGRAMMING DETAILS The header board is designed to be used with the in-circuit emulator or the in-circuit debugger selected as a debugger, not a programmer, in MPLAB IDE. Any programming of the ICE/ICD device on the header is for debug purposes and includes the debug executive. See your related debug tool documentation for details on using it as a debugger. To program production (non-ICE/ICD) devices with your debug tool, use the Universal Programming Module (AC162049) or design a modular interface connector on the target. See the appropriate specification for connections. For the most up-to-date device programming specifications, see the Microchip website (www.microchip.com). Also, production devices may be programmed with the following tools: * * * * * MPLAB PM3 device programmer PICSTART(R) Plus development programmer PICkitTM 1, 2 or 3 development programmer MPLAB ICD 3 in-circuit debugger (select as a programmer) MPLAB REAL ICE in-circuit emulator (select as a programmer) GENERAL HEADER SETUP To set up your header, do the following: 1. Check the header board for any stickers and the header box for any paper inserts that may specify special operating instructions (Figure 3). Follow these instructions before doing anything else. FIGURE 3: SPECIAL HEADER INSTRUCTIONS Header Board (Top) ION UT A C CAUTION 2. Set any jumpers or switches on the header to determine device functionality or selection as specified for that header. See the sections "Optional Headers" or "Required Headers" for information on how to set up individual headers. 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51292S-page 3 Header Board Specification 3. Connect the header to your desired debug tool by consulting the tool documentation for connection options. An example connection is shown in Figure 4. The special ICE/ICD device is mounted on the top of a header and its signals are routed to the emulator or debugger connector. These special device versions are labeled with the appropriate suffix (i.e., either Device-ICE or Device-ICD). FIGURE 4: CONNECT HEADER TO DEBUG TOOL Debug Tool Module (Top) To PC and MPLAB(R) IDE Header Board (Top) ICE/ICD Device 4. Connect the header to the target board. On the bottom of the header is a socket that is used to connect to the target board. The header may be connected to the target board as follows: a) PDIP header socket to PDIP target socket with a stand-off (male-to-male) connector b) Header socket to plug on the target board c) Header socket to target socket with a transition socket (see the "Transition Socket Specification", DS51194) An example connection is shown in Figure 5. The header socket will have the same pin count as your selected device. The ICE/ICD device on the top of the header usually has a larger pin count because it has additional pins that are dedicated to debugging. DS51292S-page 4 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Header Board Specification FIGURE 5: CONNECT HEADER TO TARGET Header Board (Bottom) Header Socket Stand-off Connector Target Board (Top) Power In Target Socket 5. If using a debug tool that can power the target, power that tool now. 6. Power the target, if needed. CALIBRATION BITS The calibration bits for the band gap and internal oscillator are always preserved to their factory settings. PERFORMANCE ISSUES The PIC MCU devices do not support partial program memory erase; therefore, users may experience slower performance than with other devices. Also, see either the in-circuit emulator or the in-circuit debugger Help file for information on specific device limitations that may affect performance. RELATED DEBUG TOOLS The following tools support the use of headers: * MPLAB REAL ICE in-circuit emulator * MPLAB ICD 2 or 3 in-circuit debugger * PICkit 2 or 3 Debug Express See the Microchip website (http://www.microchip.com) for the latest documentation. 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51292S-page 5 Header Board Specification CUSTOMER SUPPORT Users of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels: * * * * Distributor or Representative Local Sales Office Field Application Engineer (FAE) Technical Support Customers should contact their distributor, representative or field application engineer (FAE) for support. Local sales offices are also available to help customers. Technical support is available through the web site at: http://support.microchip.com. Documentation errors or comments may be emailed to docerrors@microchip.com. DS51292S-page 6 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Required Headers Some devices have no built-in debug circuitry. Therefore, special ICE/ICD versions of these devices are required for debug tool operation. Currently available headers and their associated ICE/ICD devices are shown below by supported device. TABLE 1: REQUIRED HEADERS BY DEVICE Pin Count Header Part Number PIC10F200/2/4/6 8/14 AC162059 PIC16F505-ICD 5.5V PIC10F220/2 8/14 AC162070 PIC16F506-ICD 5.5V PIC12F508/509 8/14 AC162059 PIC16F505-ICD 5.5V PIC12F510 8/14 AC162070 PIC16F506-ICD 5.5V PIC12F519 8/14 AC162096 PIC16F526-ICD 5.5V PIC12F609/HV609 28 AC162083 PIC16F616-ICD 5.5V PIC12F615/HV615 28 AC162083 PIC16F616-ICD 5.5V PIC12F617 28 AC162083 PIC16F616-ICD 5.5V PIC12F629 8 AC162050 PIC12F675-ICD 5.5V PIC12F635 14 AC162057 PIC16F636-ICD 5.5V PIC12F675 8 AC162050 PIC12F675-ICD 5.5V PIC12F683 8 AC162058 PIC12F683-ICD 5.5V PIC16F505 8/14 AC162059 PIC16F505-ICD 5.5V PIC16F506 8/14 AC162070 PIC16F506-ICD 5.5V PIC16F526 8/14 AC162096 PIC16F526-ICD 5.5V PIC16F610/HV610 14/16 AC162083 PIC16F616-ICD 5.5V PIC16F616/HV616 14/16 AC162083 PIC16F616-ICD 5.5V PIC16F627A/628A 18 AC162053 PIC16F648A-ICD 5.5V PIC16F630 14 AC162052 PIC16F676-ICD 5.5V PIC16F631 20 AC162061 PIC16F690-ICD 5.5V 14 AC162057 PIC16F636-ICD 5.5V 20 AC162066 PIC16F636-ICD 5.5V PIC16F648A 18 AC162053 PIC16F648A-ICD 5.5V PIC16F676 14 AC162052 PIC16F676-ICD 5.5V PIC16F677 20 AC162061 PIC16F690-ICD 5.5V PIC16F684 14 AC162055 PIC16F684-ICD 5.5V PIC16F685/687 20 AC162061 PIC16F690-ICD 5.5V PIC16F688 14 AC162056 PIC16F688-ICD 5.5V PIC16F689/690 20 AC162061 PIC16F690-ICD 5.5V Device PIC16F636 PIC16F639 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. (1) ICE/ICD Device Used VDD Max DS51292S-page 7 Required Headers TABLE 1: REQUIRED HEADERS BY DEVICE (CON'T) Pin Count Header Part Number PIC16F716 18 AC162054 PIC16F716-ICD 5.5V PIC16F785/HV785 20 AC162060 PIC16F785-ICD 5.5V 5.5V 3.6V 2.75V(2) Device PIC18F13K50 PIC18F14K50 20 AC244023 PIC18F14K50-ICE PIC18LF13K50 PIC18LF14K50 20 AC244024 PIC18LF14K50-ICE PIC24F04KA200 PIC24F04KA201 14 20 AC244028 PIC24F16KA102-ICE(3) Note 1: 2: 3: VDD Max ICE/ICD Device Used 3.6V Dual die VDDCORE Max Header optional for other devices AC162050, AC162058 Header Identification The header AC number is used for ordering the header. However, this number is not on the header board, as the board is often used for multiple headers by inserting different ICE/ICD devices. To identify these header boards, use the following information. Header AC162050 AC162058 ICE/ICD Device Board Assembly Number PIC12F675-ICD PIC12F683-ICD 02-01662 Header Setup and Operation For these headers, device peripherals need to be selected by setting jumper J1 to the appropriate position. For AC162050, this will have the effect of selecting the device. Header Jumper J1 AC162050 2-3 1-2 1-2 AC162058 Function A/D Disabled A/D Enabled A/D Enabled Device Selected PIC12F629 PIC12F675 PIC12F683 Header Limitations See the "Limitations" section in your debug tool on-line Help file for details. Header Dimensions The figure below lists the dimensions for the header board. Dimensions are design values in inches. If the length and/or width of the header board is too large a footprint for the target board, consider using stand-offs, transition sockets or other extenders in the header connection socket to raise the header above the target. DS51292S-page 8 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Required Headers FIGURE 1: DIMENSIONS - AC162050, AC162058 Dimensions are in inches 1.275 0.700 1 J1 P1 1.000 Top 0.525 J2 6 Conductor Modular Cable Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 0.165 Typical 0.560 Typical Side 0.062 Typical 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51292S-page 9 Required Headers AC162052, AC162055, AC162056, AC162057 Header Identification The header AC number is used for ordering the header. However, this number is not on the header board, as the board is often used for multiple headers by inserting different ICE/ICD devices. To identify these header boards, use the following information. Header AC162052 AC162055 AC162056 AC162057 ICE/ICD Device Board Assembly Number PIC16F676-ICD PIC16F684-ICD PIC16F688-ICD PIC16F636-ICD 02-01686 Header Setup and Operation For these headers, device peripherals need to be selected by setting jumper J1 to the appropriate position. For AC162052 and AC162057, this will have the effect of selecting the device. Header Jumper J1 AC162052 2-3 1-2 Don't care Don't care AC162055 AC162056 AC162057 2-3 1-2 Function Device Selected A/D Disabled A/D Enabled N/A N/A PIC16F630 PIC16F676 PIC16F684 PIC16F688 PORTC, Comparator 2 Disabled PORTC, Comparator 2 Enabled PIC12F635 PIC16F636 Header Limitations See the "Limitations" section in your debug tool on-line Help file for details. DS51292S-page 10 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Required Headers Header Dimensions The figure below lists the dimensions for the header board. Dimensions are design values in inches. If the length and/or width of the header board is too large a footprint for the target board, consider using stand-offs, transition sockets or other extenders in the header connection socket to raise the header above the target. FIGURE 2: DIMENSIONS - AC162052, AC162055, AC162056, AC162057 Dimensions are in inches 1.275 0.700 1 J1 P1 Top 1.300 0.825 J2 6 Conductor Modular Cable Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 0.165 Typical 0.560 Typical Side 0.062 Typical 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51292S-page 11 Required Headers AC162053, AC162054 Header Identification The header AC number is used for ordering the header. However, this number is not on the header board, as the board is often used for multiple headers by inserting different ICE/ICD devices. To identify these header boards, use the following information. Header AC162053 AC162054 ICE/ICD Device PIC16F648A-ICD PIC16F716-ICD Board Assembly Number 02-01695 Header Setup and Operation - AC162053 For this headers, there are no jumpers/switches. The device with the most program memory is always selected. If PIC16F627A or PIC16F628A devices are selected for development in MPLAB IDE, the warning "Invalid target device ID" may be received in the build window and as a dialog. The reason is the PIC16F648A-ICD device supports PIC16F648A, PIC16F627A and PIC16F628A, but only reports the device ID for the PIC16F648A. Ignore this warning or disable it under the Warnings tab on the ICD Programming dialog. Header Setup and Operation - AC162054 This header supports one device (PIC16F716) so there are no jumpers or switches. Header Limitations See the "Limitations" section in your debug tool on-line Help file for details. DS51292S-page 12 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Required Headers Header Dimensions The figure below lists the dimensions for the header board. Dimensions are design values in inches. If the length and/or width of the header board is too large a footprint for the target board, consider using stand-offs, transition sockets or other extenders in the header connection socket to raise the header above the target. FIGURE 3: DIMENSIONS - AC162053, AC162054 Dimensions are in inches Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 0.150 0.150 1 P1 6 Conductor Modular Cable 0.750 J1 2.350 Top 0.165 Typical 0.560 Typical 0.062 Typical 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Side DS51292S-page 13 Required Headers AC162059, AC162070, AC162096 Header Identification The header AC number is used for ordering the header. However, this number is not on the header board, as the board is often used for multiple headers by inserting different ICE/ICD devices. To identify these header boards, use the following information. Header AC162059 AC162070 AC162096 ICE/ICD Device PIC16F505-ICD PIC16F506-ICD PIC16F526-ICD Board Assembly Number 02-01803 Header Setup and Operation The ICD devices on these headers are specifically designed to select a device without the use of additional jumpers or switches. These headers support 8 and 14-pin devices (see Figure 4.) For the AC162059 and AC162070, there is an 8-pin and a 14-pin connector. For the AC162096, there is only a 14-pin connector. (The 8-pin connector is not populated.) Use the 14-pin connector for 8-pin devices, but make sure device pin 1 is placed at the 14-pin connector pin 1. Header Limitations See the "Limitations" section in your debug tool on-line Help file for details. DS51292S-page 14 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Required Headers Header Dimensions The figure below lists the dimensions for the header board. Dimensions are design values in inches. If the length and/or width of the header board is too large a footprint for the target board, consider using stand-offs, transition sockets or other extenders in the header connection socket to raise the header above the target. FIGURE 4: DIMENSIONS - AC162059, AC162070, AC162096 Dimensions are in inches 14-Pin Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 8-Pin Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 0.450 0.225 U1 6 Conductor Modular Cable 0.750 J1 1.200 2.250 Top 0.165 Typical 0.560 Typical 0.062 Typical 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Side DS51292S-page 15 Required Headers AC162060 Header Identification The header AC number is used for ordering the header. However, this number is not on the header board, as the board is often used for multiple headers by inserting different ICE/ICD devices. To identify this header board, use the following information. Header AC162060 ICE/ICD Device Board Assembly Number PIC16F785-ICD 02-01820 Header Setup and Operation For the PIC16F785 20-pin header, you will need to connect the jumper J2 to enable the shunt regulator. Device Device Type Jumper J2 F HV 1-2 2-3 PIC16F785 PIC16HV785 Function Disable shunt regulator Enable shunt regulator Header Limitations See the "Limitations" section in your debug tool on-line Help file for details. DS51292S-page 16 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Required Headers Header Dimensions The figure below lists the dimensions for the header board. Dimensions are design values in inches. If the length and/or width of the header board is too large a footprint for the target board, consider using stand-offs, transition sockets or other extenders in the header connection socket to raise the header above the target. FIGURE 5: DIMENSIONS - AC162060 Dimensions are in inches 0.225 Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 0.325 J1 J2 U1 6 Conductor Modular Cable 0.750 2.250 Top 0.165 Typical 0.560 Typical 0.062 Typical 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Side DS51292S-page 17 Required Headers AC162061 Header Identification The header AC number is used for ordering the header. However, this number is not on the header board, as the board is often used for multiple headers by inserting different ICE/ICD devices. To identify this header board, use the following information. Header ICE/ICD Device AC162061 Board Assembly Number PIC16F690-ICD 02-01835 Header Setup and Operation For the PIC16F690 20-pin header, you will need to set the S1 switches (Figure 6) to enable peripherals and choose devices (Table ). FIGURE 6: S1 SWITCH HARDWARE J1 ON DIP Switch configuration at left shows all peripherals disabled, which is the setting to select the PIC16F631 device. ON 10 9 8 7 6 2 3 4 5 USART 4KPFM ADC ENABLE 1 SSP S1 1 2 3 4 5 ECCP S1 TABLE 2: S1 SWITCH DEVICE SELECTION Switches Device 1 ECCP 2 SSP 3 USART PIC16F631 0 0 PIC16F677 0 1 4 4k PFM 5 ADC 0 0* 0 0 0** 1 1 0** 1 1 1 1 1 1 PIC16F685 1 0 0 PIC16F687 0 1 1 PIC16F689 0 1 1 PIC16F690 1 1 1 Legend: 1 = Enabled 0 = Disabled * = 1k PFM ** = 2k PFM Header Limitations See the "Limitations" section in your debug tool on-line Help file for details. DS51292S-page 18 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Required Headers Header Dimensions The figure below lists the dimensions for the header board. Dimensions are design values in inches. If the length and/or width of the header board is too large a footprint for the target board, consider using stand-offs, transition sockets or other extenders in the header connection socket to raise the header above the target. FIGURE 7: DIMENSIONS - AC162061 Dimensions are in inches 1.650 0.625 1.450 0.475 Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 6 Conductor Modular Cable Top 0.165 Typical 0.560 Typical 0.062 Typical 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Side DS51292S-page 19 Required Headers AC162066 Header Identification The header AC number is used for ordering the header. However, this number is not on the header board, as the board is often used for multiple headers by inserting different ICE/ICD devices. To identify this header board, use the following information. Header AC162066 ICE/ICD Device Board Assembly Number PIC16F636-ICD 02-01832 Header Setup and Operation For the PIC16F639 20-pin header, you will need to connect the jumper J3 as specified below. Tool MPLAB(R) ICE 2000 In-circuit debuggers, next generation in-circuit emulators Jumper J3 1-2 2-3 Function Run/program as production device Run/program as ICD device In addition to being used with debug tools that normally use headers, this header is used with the PCM16YM0 processor module to emulate a PIC16F639 on the MPLAB ICE 2000 in-circuit emulator. Plug the end of the processor module into the header, and then plug the header into the transition socket or directly onto the target board. Header Limitations See the "Limitations" section in your debug tool on-line Help file for details. DS51292S-page 20 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Required Headers Header Dimensions The figure below lists the dimensions for the header board. Dimensions are design values in inches. If the length and/or width of the header board is too large a footprint for the target board, consider using stand-offs, transition sockets or other extenders in the header connection socket to raise the header above the target. FIGURE 8: DIMENSIONS - AC162066 Dimensions are in inches Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 6 Conductor Modular Cable 0.850 0.275 0.950 2.325 Top 0.165 Typical 0.560 Typical 0.062 Typical 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Side DS51292S-page 21 Required Headers AC162083 Header Identification The header AC number is used for ordering the header. However, this number is not on the header board, as the board is often used for multiple headers by inserting different ICE/ICD devices. To identify this header board, use the following information. Header AC162083 ICE/ICD Device PIC16F616-ICD Board Assembly Number 02-01976 Header Setup and Operation CAUTION Incorrect rotary switch (Figure 9) settings may irreparably damage the header. Ensure rotary switch settings are correct (Table 3) before powering or connecting the header. Do not change the rotary switch setting while the header is powered or connected to a debug tool. Do not power shunt regulator (HV) devices from the debug tool. Test points are available on this header to check the following: Ground (TP1), VDD (TP2), ICD Clock (TP3), ICD Data (TP4) and ICD MCLR/VPP (TP5). TABLE 3: ROTARY SWITCH SETTINGS Switch Position 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Device Switch Position PIC12HV609 PIC12HV615 Reserved HV PIC16HV610 PIC16HV616 Reserved HV Reserved HV Reserved HV 8 9 A B C D E F Device PIC12F609 PIC12F615 PIC12F617 PIC16F610 PIC16F616 Reserved F Reserved F Reserved F POTENTIAL ISSUES HV device selected instead of F device If you inadvertently select a shunt regulator (HV) device and attempt to use it in a target board designed for a non-shunt regulator (F) device, the shunt may draw excessive current due to the lack of current-limiting circuitry on the target board and damage the device mounted on the header. F device selected instead of HV device If you inadvertently select a non-shunt regulator (F) device and attempt to use it in a target board designed for a shunt regulator (HV) device, the device may draw excessive current due to the higher voltage used on a target board designed for HV devices and damage the device mounted on the header. HV devices cannot be powered from debug tool Do not select in MPLAB IDE to power the target (debug header) from the debug tool (if it supports powering the target) when using shunt regulator (HV) devices since this will also cause the shunt to draw excessive current. DS51292S-page 22 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Required Headers DETERMINING DAMAGE A damaged header will cause MPLAB IDE to report a device ID of 0. However, there are other issues that can cause the device ID to report as 0. Please consult your debug tool documentation on troubleshooting to identify the problem. If you believe you have a damaged header, please contact Microchip technical support at http://support.microchip.com. Header Limitations See the "Limitations" section in your debug tool on-line Help file for details. Header Dimensions The figure below lists the dimensions for the header board. Dimensions are design values in inches. If the length and/or width of the header board is too large a footprint for the target board, consider using stand-offs, transition sockets or other extenders in the header connection socket to raise the header above the target. FIGURE 9: DIMENSIONS - AC162083 Dimensions are in inches Rotary Switch 0.600 0.650 1.600 6 Conductor Modular Cable Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header Use for Both 14-pin and 8-pin Device Alignment 2.450 Top 0.165 Typical 0.560 Typical 0.062 Typical 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Side DS51292S-page 23 Required Headers AC244023, AC244024 Header Identification The header AC number is used for ordering the header. However, this number is not on the header board, as the board is often used for multiple headers by inserting different ICE/ICD devices. To identify these header boards, use the following information. Header ICE/ICD Device AC244023 AC244024 Board Assembly Number PIC18F14K50-ICE PIC18LF14K50-ICE 02-02031 Header Setup and Operation When the MPLAB ICD 2 is used with this header, you must use the Vpp Limiter (AC164112). FIGURE 10: VPP LIMITER SCHEMATIC J1 VPP VDD VSS ICSP_DATA ICSP_CLOCK NC RJ11-6PIN 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 J2 RJ11-6PIN To MPLAB(R) ICD R1 To Target Board 270 Ohm LM431BCMX 2 A 3 A 6 A 7 A 1 U1 K NC 4 5 NC VREF 8 R2 R3 10k 1% 24k 1% Header Limitations See the "Limitations" section in your debug tool on-line Help file for details. DS51292S-page 24 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Required Headers Header Dimensions The figure below lists the dimensions for the header board. Dimensions are design values in inches. If the length and/or width of the header board is too large a footprint for the target board, consider using stand-offs, transition sockets or other extenders in the header connection socket to raise the header above the target. FIGURE 11: DIMENSIONS - AC244023, AC224024 Dimensions are in inches Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 8 Conductor Single In-line Debugger Interface 1.150 0.150 0.425 1.800 Top 0.165 Typical 0.062 0.260 Typical Typical 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Side DS51292S-page 25 Required Headers AC244028 Header Identification The header AC number is used for ordering the header. However, this number is not on the header board, as the board is often used for multiple headers by inserting different ICE/ICD devices. To identify this header board, use the following information. Header AC244028 ICE/ICD Device PIC24F16KA102-ICE Board Assembly Number 02-02107 Header Setup and Operation For this header, you will need to set up jumper J2 and J3. Jumper Setting J2 Open Disable weak ICE/MCLR pull-up resistor Short Enable weak ICE/MCLR pull-up resistor Disable power LED indicator Enable power LED indicator J3 Open Short Function Header Limitations See the "Limitations" section in your debug tool on-line Help file for details. DS51292S-page 26 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Required Headers Header Dimensions The figure below lists the dimensions for the header board. Dimensions are design values in inches. If the length and/or width of the header board is too large a footprint for the target board, consider using stand-offs, transition sockets or other extenders in the header connection socket to raise the header above the target. FIGURE 12: DIMENSIONS - AC244028 Dimensions are in inches 20-Pin Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 14-Pin Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 28-Pin Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 6 Conductor Single In-line Debugger Interface 1.945 1.400 0.855 0.280 1.860 2.370 Optional SPI trace 2-Pin right angle header to be installed here. (Digi-Key P/N A32702-02-ND) Top 0.380 Typical 0.062 Typical 0.165 Typical Side 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. 0.165 Typical DS51292S-page 27 Required Headers NOTES: DS51292S-page 28 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Optional Headers Devices that have built-in debug circuitry do not require a header to use debug tools. However, some pins and memory must be used to support the debug function. Special ICE/ICD versions offering additional pins, memory and emulator functions can be used to provide superior emulating/debugging capabilities. Currently available headers and their associated ICE/ICD devices are shown below by supported device. TABLE 1: OPTIONAL HEADERS BY DEVICE Pin Count Header Part Number PIC16F722 PIC16F723 PIC16F724 PIC16F726 PIC16F727 28 28 40/44 28 40/44 AC244026 PIC16F727-ICE 5.5V PIC16LF722 PIC16LF723 PIC16LF724 PIC16LF726 PIC16LF727 28 28 40/44 28 40/44 AC244027 PIC16LF727-ICE 3.6V PIC18F1230/1330 28 AC162078 PIC18F1330-ICD 5.5V PIC18F13K22 PIC18F14K22 20 AC244033 PIC18F14K22-ICE 5.5V PIC18LF13K22 PIC18LF14K22 20 AC244034 PIC18LF14K22-ICE 3.6V 2.75V(1) 28/40 AC162067 PIC18F45J10-ICE Device PIC18F24J10 PIC18F25J10 ICE/ICD Device Used VDD Max 3.6V PIC18LF24J10 PIC18LF25J10 3.6V 2.75V(1) PIC18F44J10 PIC18F45J10 3.6V PIC18LF44J10 PIC18LF45J10 3.6V 2.75V(1) PIC18F44J10 PIC18F45J10 44 AC162074 PIC18LF44J10 PIC18LF45J10 Note 1: 2: 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC18F45J10-ICE 3.6V 3.6V 2.75V(1) VDDCORE Max Header required for other devices. DS51292S-page 29 Optional Headers TABLE 1: OPTIONAL HEADERS BY DEVICE (CON'T) Device PIC18F63J11 PIC18F63J90 PIC18F64J11 PIC18F64J16 PIC18F64J90 PIC18F64J95 PIC18F65J11 PIC18F65J90 Pin Count Header Part Number 64/80 AC162079 PIC18F85J90-ICE 3.6V 64/80 AC162062 PIC18F87J10-ICE 3.6V 64/80 AC162091 PIC18F87J11-ICE 3.6V 64/80 AC162087 PIC18F87J50-ICE 3.6V ICE/ICD Device Used VDD Max PIC18F83J11 PIC18F83J90 PIC18F84J11 PIC18F84J16 PIC18F84J90 PIC18F84J95 PIC18F85J11 PIC18F85J90 PIC18F65J10 PIC18F65J15 PIC18F66J10 PIC18F66J15 PIC18F67J10 PIC18F85J10 PIC18F85J15 PIC18F86J10 PIC18F86J15 PIC18F87J10 PIC18F65J16 PIC18F66J11 PIC18F66J16 PIC18F67J11 PIC18F85J16 PIC18F86J11 PIC18F86J16 PIC18F87J11 PIC18F65J50 PIC18F65J55 PIC18F66J50 PIC18F66J55 PIC18F67J50 PIC18F85J50 PIC18F85J55 PIC18F86J50 PIC18F86J55 PIC18F87J50 Note 1: VDDCORE Max 2: Header required for other devices. DS51292S-page 30 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Optional Headers TABLE 1: OPTIONAL HEADERS BY DEVICE (CON'T) Pin Count Header Part Number 64/80/ 100 AC162064 PIC18F97J60-ICE 3.6V 20/28 AC244028 PIC24F16KA102-ICE(2) 3.6V PIC24FJ16GA002 PIC24FJ32GA002 PIC24FJ48GA002 PIC24FJ64GA002 28 AC162088 PIC24FJ64GA004-ICE 3.6V PIC24FJ16GA004 PIC24FJ32GA004 PIC24FJ48GA004 PIC24FJ64GA004 44 AC162094 PIC24FJ64GA006 PIC24FJ64GA008 PIC24FJ64GA010 64/80/ 100 AC162065 or AC244022 PIC24FJ128GA010-ICE 3.6V Device PIC18F66J60 PIC18F66J65 PIC18F67J60 ICE/ICD Device Used VDD Max PIC18F86J60 PIC18F86J65 PIC18F87J60 PIC18F96J60 PIC18F96J65 PIC18F97J60 PIC24F08KA101 PIC24F08KA102 PIC24F16KA101 PIC24F16KA102 PIC24FJ96GA006 PIC24FJ96GA008 PIC24FJ96GA010 PIC24FJ128GA006 PIC24FJ128GA008 PIC24FJ128GA010 Note 1: VDDCORE Max 2: Header required for other devices. 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51292S-page 31 Optional Headers AC162062, AC162079, AC162087, AC162091 Header Identification The header AC number is used for ordering the header. However, this number is not on the header board, as the board is often used for multiple headers by inserting different ICE/ICD devices. To identify these header boards, use the following information. Header ICE/ICD Device AC162062 PIC18F87J10-ICE AC162079 PIC18F85J90-ICE AC162087 PIC18F87J50-ICE AC162091 PIC18F87J11-ICE Board Assembly Number 02-01830 Header Setup and Operation - AC162062 For this header, there are no jumpers/switches. MPLAB IDE will use its selected device to choose the correct device to emulate. Test points are available on this header to check the following: VDD, VDDCORE and ground. CAUTION This header cannot be plugged directly into the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Board or device damage will result. The PICDEM HPC Explorer Board is 5V, whereas the ICD device on the header is 3.6V max. Therefore, modification to the demo board is necessary before the header can be used. 1. Switch S3 should be set to ICE. 2. Jumper J2 must be connected as shown in Figure 1 to modify the operating voltage. See demo board documentation for more information. DEMO BOARD J2 CONNECTIONS +5V ADJ VIN J2 R pin1 FIGURE 1: For V = 3.3V: R = 1.18 k (1%) Header Setup and Operation - AC162079, AC162087, AC162091 For these headers, there are no jumpers/switches. MPLAB IDE will use its selected device to choose the correct device to emulate. Test points are available on this header to check the following: VDD, VDDCORE and ground. Header Limitations See the "Limitations" section in your debug tool on-line Help file for details. DS51292S-page 32 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Optional Headers Header Dimensions The figure below lists the dimensions for the header board. Dimensions are design values in inches. If the length and/or width of the header board is too large a footprint for the target board, consider using stand-offs, transition sockets or other extenders in the header connection socket to raise the header above the target. FIGURE 2: DIMENSIONS - AC162062, AC162079, AC162087, AC162091 Dimensions are in inches 6 Conductor Modular Cable Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 1.080 0.980 2.325 0.050 0.420 0.320 1.800 Top 0.335 Typical 0.560 Typical 0.062 Typical 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Side DS51292S-page 33 Optional Headers AC162064 Header Identification The header AC number is used for ordering the header. However, this number is not on the header board, as the board is often used for multiple headers by inserting different ICE/ICD devices. To identify this header board, use the following information. Header AC162064 ICE/ICD Device PIC18F97J60-ICE Board Assembly Number 02-01853 Header Setup and Operation For this header, there are no jumpers/switches. MPLAB IDE will use its selected device to choose the correct device to emulate. Test points are available on this header to check the following: VDD, VDDCORE and ground. Header Limitations See the "Limitations" section in your debug tool on-line Help file for details. DS51292S-page 34 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Optional Headers Header Dimensions The figure below lists the dimensions for the header board. Dimensions are design values in inches. If the length and/or width of the header board is too large a footprint for the target board, consider using stand-offs, transition sockets or other extenders in the header connection socket to raise the header above the target. FIGURE 3: DIMENSIONS - AC162064 Dimensions are in inches 2.250 0.795 0.895 0.995 0.555 6 Conductor Modular Cable 0.455 0.355 1.750 Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header Top 0.335 Typical 0.560 Typical 0.062 Typical 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Side DS51292S-page 35 Optional Headers AC162065, AC244022 Header Identification The header AC number is used for ordering the header. However, this number is not on the header board, as the board is often used for multiple headers by inserting different ICE/ICD devices. To identify these header boards, use the following information. Header AC162065 ICE/ICD Device PIC24FJ128GA010-ICE AC244022 Board Assembly Number 02-01856 02-01985 Header Setup and Operation For this header, there are no jumpers/switches. MPLAB IDE will use its selected device to choose the correct device to emulate. Test points are available on this header to check the following: VDD, VDDCORE and ground. Header Limitations See the "Limitations" section in your debug tool on-line Help file for details. Header Dimensions The figures below lists the dimensions for the header boards. Dimensions are design values in inches. For this device family, header AC162065 will be sold until depleted. Then only header AC244022 will remain as a Performance Pak. If the length and/or width of the header board is too large a footprint for the target board, consider using stand-offs, transition sockets or other extenders in the header connection socket to raise the header above the target. DS51292S-page 36 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Optional Headers FIGURE 4: DIMENSIONS - AC162065 Dimensions are in inches 2.250 0.795 0.895 0.995 0.555 6 Conductor Modular Cable Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 0.455 0.355 1.750 Top 0.335 Typical 0.560 Typical 0.062 Typical 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Side DS51292S-page 37 Optional Headers FIGURE 5: DIMENSIONS - AC244022 Dimensions are in inches 2.200 0.695 0.795 0.895 0.525 Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 0.425 0.325 1.850 Top 8 Conductor Single In-line Debugger Interface 0.335 Typical 0.620 0.260 Typical Typical DS51292S-page 38 Side 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Optional Headers AC162067, AC162074 Header Identification The header AC number is used for ordering the header. However, this number is not on the header board, as the board is often used for multiple headers by inserting different ICE/ICD devices. To identify these header boards, use the following information. Header AC162067 ICE/ICD Device PIC18F45J10-ICE Board Assembly Number 02-01854 02-01929 AC162074 Header Setup and Operation For these headers, you will need to connect jumpers J2 and J3 to select between the LF and F versions of devices. Device Device Type Jumper J2 Jumper J3 Function PIC18LFXXJ10 LF 1-2 1-2 Disable voltage regulator* PIC18FXXJ10 F 2-3 2-3 Enable voltage regulator * VDDCORE must be supplied externally. Header Limitations See the "Limitations" section in your debug tool on-line Help file for details. Header Dimensions The figures below lists the dimensions for the header boards. Dimensions are design values in inches. If the length and/or width of the header board is too large a footprint for the target board, consider using stand-offs, transition sockets or other extenders in the header connection socket to raise the header above the target. 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51292S-page 39 Optional Headers FIGURE 6: DIMENSIONS (28/40-PIN) - AC162067 Dimensions are in inches 0.700 40-Pin Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 0.850 28-Pin Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 1.800 6 Conductor Modular Cable 0.500 Top 0.200 2.300 0.165 Typical 0.560 Typical 0.062 Typical DS51292S-page 40 Side 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Optional Headers FIGURE 7: DIMENSIONS (44-PIN) - AC162074 Dimensions are in inches Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 6 Conductor Modular Cable 1.350 0.925 0.850 1.800 Top 0.335 Typical 0.560 Typical 0.062 Typical Side 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51292S-page 41 Optional Headers AC162078 Header Identification The header AC number is used for ordering the header. However, this number is not on the header board, as the board is often used for multiple headers by inserting different ICE/ICD devices. To identify this header board, use the following information. Header AC162078 ICE/ICD Device PIC18F1330-ICD Board Assembly Number 02-01896 Header Setup and Operation This header board can be used with the following targets: 1. Customer target board for PIC18F1230/1330 devices. The target board should have an 18-pin DIP socket to connect to the 18-pin DIP socket on the header board. 2. PICDEM MC motor control demo board. Use the 28-pin DIP socket on both boards to mount the header board on to the PICDEM MC board. 3. PICDEM MC LV motor control demo board. Use the 28-pin DIP socket on both boards to mount the header board on to the PICDEM MC LV board. The following sections detail the configuration of the jumpers on the header board for use with the above mentioned boards. CUSTOMER TARGET BOARD The default configuration is to remove all jumpers. S1 is not populated and should not be used. After the header board is set up, do the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. DS51292S-page 42 Connect the header to the target board. Power the target board. You should see the red LED on the header board turn on. Connect the debug tool to the header board. Use MPLAB IDE and the debug tool to develop your application. 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Optional Headers PICDEM MC/MC LV MOTOR CONTROL DEMO BOARDS To run a BLDC motor on the PICDEM MC board or PICDEM MC LV board using the supplied firmware, use the following jumper setup: Jumper Jumper Setting J1 J2 J3 J5 J6 J7 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 1-2 1-2 Jumper Jumper Setting JP1 Open JP2 Open JP3 Open S1 is not populated and should not be used. After the header board is set up, do the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Connect the header to the PICDEM MC/MC LV target board. Power the target board. You should see the red LED on the header board turn on. Connect the debug tool to the header board. Program the part with the demo code. Run the program. Press and release switch S2 on the target board to toggle the direction of the motor's rotation. 7. Press and release switch S1 on the target board to toggle between running and stopping the motor. 8. If the motor stops while reversing from a high speed, there could be an overcurrent condition detected by the system. Reset the system to run the program again. Header Limitations See the "Limitations" section in your debug tool on-line Help file for details. 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51292S-page 43 Optional Headers Header Dimensions The figure below lists the dimensions for the header board. Dimensions are design values in inches. If the length and/or width of the header board is too large a footprint for the target board, consider using stand-offs, transition sockets or other extenders in the header connection socket to raise the header above the target. FIGURE 8: DIMENSIONS - AC162078 Dimensions are in inches 6 Conductor Modular Cable 28-Pin Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 18-Pin Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 2.300 0.950 M 0.410 0.300 0.150 2.050 Top 0.165 Typical 0.560 Typical 0.062 Typical DS51292S-page 44 Side 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Optional Headers AC162088, AC162094 Header Identification The header AC number is used for ordering the header. However, this number is not on the header board, as the board is often used for multiple headers by inserting different ICE/ICD devices. To identify this header board, use the following information. Header ICE/ICD Device AC162088 AC162094 Board Assembly Number PIC24FJ64GA004-ICE 02-01979 02-01982 Header Setup and Operation Both 28-pin and 44-pin device headers have jumpers related to the enabling or disabling of the on-chip 2.5 volt voltage regulator. Please see the section entitled "On-Chip Voltage Regulator" in the "dsPIC33F Family Reference Manual" (DS70165) for more details. Jumper J2 Function 1-2 Disable voltage regulator 2-3 Enable voltage regulator No connection DISVREG controlled by target Test points are available on this header to check the following: Test Point Color Signal Test Point Color Signal TP1 Black Ground TP5 White DISVREG TP2 Red VDD TP6 White PGC TP3 Black AVSS TP7 White PGD TP4 Red AVDD TP8 Yellow ICRST Header Limitations See the "Limitations" section in your debug tool on-line Help file for details. Header Dimensions The figures below list the dimensions for the header boards. Dimensions are design values in inches. If the length and/or width of the header board is too large a footprint for the target board, consider using stand-offs, transition sockets or other extenders in the header connection socket to raise the header above the target. 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51292S-page 45 Optional Headers FIGURE 9: DIMENSIONS (28 PIN) - AC162088 Dimensions are in inches 6 Conductor Modular Cable Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 1.600 0.700 0.175 2.450 Top 0.165 Typical 0.560 Typical 0.062 Typical DS51292S-page 46 Side 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Optional Headers FIGURE 10: DIMENSIONS (44 PIN) - AC162094 Dimensions are in inches Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 6 Conductor Modular Cable 1.600 0.550 0.400 2.400 Top 0.335 Typical 0.560 Typical 0.062 Typical Side 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51292S-page 47 Optional Headers AC244026, AC244027 Header Identification The header AC number is used for ordering the header. However, this number is not on the header board, as the board is often used for multiple headers by inserting different ICE/ICD devices. To identify this header board, use the following information. Header ICE/ICD Device AC244026 PIC16F727-ICE AC244027 PIC16LF727-ICE Board Assembly Number 02-02105 Header Setup and Operation - AC244026 This Processor Extension Pak provides extra debugging capability not available on PIC16F727 production devices: * * * * * 3 Address / Data breakpoints (1 Address only breakpoint on production devices) Data capture (Real Time Data Streaming) No user Flash resources needed for debugging No user RAM resources needed for debugging No user pins required This header has jumpers available for MCLR pull-up and power LED control. Jumper Setting J2 Open Disable weak ICE MCLR pull-up resistor. Short Enable weak ICE MCLR pull-up resistor. This option keeps the target program running even after the tool has been disconnected from the header, i.e., the pin will not float high. Open Disable power LED indicator. This option saves power. Short Enable power LED indicator. J3 Function Additionally, this header has jumpers related to the LDO voltage regulator. Depending on the device pin used for this function, you would use either J4 (RA0), J5 (RA5) or J6 (RA6) for Vcap selection. For details on the voltage regulator, see the "PIC16F72X/PIC16LF72X Data Sheet" (DS41341). Jumper Setting Function J4 or J5 or J6 Open Use only target capacitance for VCAP. This is the standard configuration. Use both on-board and target capacitance for VCAP. This option is to provide extra margin for the voltage regulator stability/regulation in cases where there is a long lead length between the emulation header VCAP pin and the target VCAP pin. (As examples, when using long-pin DIP transition sockets or certain QFN transition sockets.) Short DS51292S-page 48 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Optional Headers Test points are available on this header to check the following: Test Point Signal Test Point Signal Pin Jumper TP1 Vss TP6 Vcap RA0 J4 TP2 VDD TP7 Vcap RA5 J5 TP3 ICD Enable TP8 Vcap RA6 J6 TP4 VDD TP5 Vss Header Setup and Operation - AC244027 This Processor Extension Pak provides extra debugging capability not available on PIC16LF727 production devices: * * * * * 3 Address/Data breakpoints (1 Address only breakpoint on production devices) Data capture (Real Time Data Streaming) No user Flash resources needed for debugging No user RAM resources needed for debugging No user pins required This header has jumpers available for MCLR pull-up and power LED control. Jumper Setting J2 Open Disable weak ICE MCLR pull-up resistor. Short Enable weak ICE MCLR pull-up resistor. This option keeps the target program running even after the tool has been disconnected from the header, i.e., the pin will not float high. Open Disable power LED indicator. This option saves power. Short Enable power LED indicator. J3 Function Test points are available on this header to check the following: Test Point Signal Test Point Signal TP1 Vss TP4 VDD TP2 VDD TP5 Vss TP3 ICD Enable Header Limitations See the "Limitations" section in your debug tool on-line Help file for details. Header Dimensions The figures below list the dimensions for the header boards. Dimensions are design values in inches. If the length and/or width of the header board is too large a footprint for the target board, consider using stand-offs, transition sockets or other extenders in the header connection socket to raise the header above the target. 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51292S-page 49 Optional Headers FIGURE 11: DIMENSIONS - AC244026, AC244027 Dimensions are in inches 40-Pin DIP Target Pin 1 located on Bottom side of Header 44-Pin TQFP Target Pin 1 located on Bottom side of Header 0.650 0.800 0.710 0.345 40 TQFP 6 Conductor Single In Line Debugger Interface Optional SPI trace 2-Pin right angle header to be installed here. (Digi-Key P/N: A32702-02-ND) 28 0.145 0.445 2.190 QFN 0.840 Mount for optional right angle socket 0.710 2.575 28-Pin DIP Target Pin 1 located on Bottom side of Header 44-Pin QFN Target Pin 1 located on Bottom side of Header Top 0.380 Typical 0.062 Typical 0.165 Typical Side 0.335 Typical DS51292S-page 50 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Optional Headers AC244033, AC244034 Header Identification The header AC number is used for ordering the header. However, this number is not on the header board, as the board is often used for multiple headers by inserting different ICE/ICD devices. To identify this header board, use the following information. Header ICE/ICD Device AC244033 PIC18F14K22-ICE AC244034 PIC18LF14K22-ICE Board Assembly Number 02-02031 Header Setup and Operation For this header, there are no jumpers/switches. MPLAB IDE will use its selected device to choose the correct device to emulate. Header Limitations See the "Limitations" section in your debug tool on-line Help file for details. Header Dimensions The figures below list the dimensions for the header boards. Dimensions are design values in inches. If the length and/or width of the header board is too large a footprint for the target board, consider using stand-offs, transition sockets or other extenders in the header connection socket to raise the header above the target. 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51292S-page 51 Optional Headers FIGURE 12: DIMENSIONS (20 PIN) - AC244033, AC244034 Dimensions are in inches 6 Conductor Single In-line Debugger Interface Target Pin 1 Located on Bottom side of Header 0.150 1.150 0.425 1.800 Top 0.165 Typical 0.062 0.182 Typical Typical DS51292S-page 52 Side 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix A. Header Target Footprints To connect a header board directly to a target board (without the use of a transition socket) the following information will be helpful. * DIP Device Footprints * TQFP/PLCC Device Footprints DIP DEVICE FOOTPRINTS DIP device adapter footprints shown will accept adapter plugs like Samtec series APA plugs. These plugs can be soldered in place during development/emulation and eliminate the need for any other sockets. FIGURE 13: DIP FOOTPRINT 0.100 0.028 DIA PLATED-THRU HOLES DIP C UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. 8-Pin 14-Pin 18-Pin 20-Pin 28-Pin 40-Pin C 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.600 Drawing of DIP is 40-pin. TQFP/PLCC DEVICE FOOTPRINTS TQFP/PLCC device adapter footprints shown will accept board stackers like Samtec series DWM 0.050 Pitch Stackers. These stackers can be soldered in place during development/emulation and eliminate the need for any other sockets. FIGURE 14: SINGLE-ROW TQFP/PLCC FOOTPRINT 0.028 DIA PLATED-THRU HOLES 0.800 0.050 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. Drawing of device is 44-pin TQFP/PLCC. 0.800 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51292S-page 53 FIGURE 15: DOUBLE AND TRIPLE-ROW TQFP/PLCC FOOTPRINT 0.028 DIA PLATED-THRU HOLES 0.960 1.160 1.360 0.050 0.960 1.160 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. 1.360 Drawing of device is 64/68-pin, 80/84-pin and 100-pin Header pin-out matches the PLCC package. PLCC will map to TQFP as follows: * * * * FIGURE 16: Header to 44-pin TQFP - one-to-one mapping. Header to 64-pin TQFP - see Figure 16 for mapping. Header to 80-pin TQFP - see Figure 17 for mapping. Header to 100-pin TQFP - one-to-one mapping. HEADER TO 64-PIN TQFP 64 49 NC = No Connection 68 1 1 9 16 52 51 NC NC NC NC 17 18 17 DS51292S-page 54 60 26 48 43 35 33 34 32 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. FIGURE 17: HEADER TO 80-PIN TQFP 80 61 NC = No Connection 84 1 20 NC 21 63 NC 21 32 60 53 43 NC 22 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. 64 NC 1 11 74 41 42 40 DS51292S-page 55 NOTES: DS51292S-page 56 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix B. Header Connections The different types of header board connectors are shown here, as well as information on connecting development tools to the header. * * * * * 6-Pin Modular Connector 8-Pin SIL Connector 6-Pin SIL Connector Modular-to-SIL Adapter Ordering Information 6-PIN MODULAR CONNECTOR Header boards with 6-pin modular (RJ-11/ICSP) connectors can connect directly with the following tools: * MPLAB REAL ICE in-circuit emulator (Standard Communication) * MPLAB ICD 2 or 3 FIGURE 1: MODULAR CONNECTION TOP TOP From Tool Header Connector J1 SIDE From Tool 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. SIDE Header Connector DS51292S-page 57 8-PIN SIL CONNECTOR Header boards with 8-pin SIL (Single In-Line) connectors can connect directly with the following tools: * MPLAB REAL ICE in-circuit emulator (High-Speed Communication) - line up pin 1 on board with pin 1 on header Using the Modular-to-SIL Adapter, you can also connect to: * MPLAB REAL ICE in-circuit emulator (Standard Communication) * MPLAB ICD 2 or 3 FIGURE 2: 8-PIN SIL CONNECTION TOP J3 TOP J1 1 1 Header Connector DAT CLK J2 MPLAB(R) REAL ICETM in-circuit emulator High-Speed Receiver Board or optional Isolation Unit DS51292S-page 58 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. 6-PIN SIL CONNECTOR Header boards with 6-pin SIL (Single In-Line) connectors can connect directly with the following tools: * MPLAB REAL ICE in-circuit emulator (High-Speed Communication) - line up pin 1 on board with pin 1 on header Note: No SPI trace is possible in this case because of the loss of DAT and CLK pins. * PICkit 2 or 3 Debug Express Using the Modular-to-SIL Adapter, you can also connect to: * MPLAB REAL ICE in-circuit emulator (Standard Communication) * MPLAB ICD 2 or 3 FIGURE 3: 6-PIN SIL CONNECTION TOP J3 TOP J1 1 1 Header Connector DAT CLK J2 MPLAB(R) REAL ICETM in-circuit emulator High-Speed Receiver Board or optional Isolation Unit TOP TOP it k C PI 1 1 Header Connector PICkit 2 or 3 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51292S-page 59 MODULAR-TO-SIL ADAPTER To adapt a 6-pin modular connector to an 8-pin SIL (Single In-Line) connector, you can use this adapter. You can also use this adapter for a 6-pin modular connector to an 6-pin SIL connector. In either case, line up pin 1 of J1 with pin 1 of the 6- or 8-pin header connector. FIGURE 4: MODULAR-TO-SIL ADAPTER CONNECTION TOP TOP TOP J2 1 From Tool 1 6- or 8-Pin Header Connector J1 Modular Connector SIL Connector J1 J2 1 2 3 4 5 6 ICRST VDD ICDT ICCK NC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ICRST VDD ICDT ICCK NC TP1 USD0 TP2 USCK ORDERING INFORMATION To order the development tools and other hardware shown here, please refer to the table below. TABLE B-1: MICROCHIP HARDWARE ORDERING NUMBERS Hardware Order # (R) DS51292S-page 60 MPLAB REAL ICETM in-circuit emulator (Standard Communication) DV244005 MPLAB REAL ICE in-circuit emulator (High-Speed Communication) - Performance Pak AC244002 MPLAB REAL ICE Isolation Unit (works with High-Speed Communication) AC244005 MPLAB ICD 2 DV164005 MPLAB ICD 3 DV164035 PICkitTM 2 Debug Express DV164121 PICkit 3 Debug Express DV164131 Modular-to-SIL Adapter AC164110 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Header Board Specification APPENDIX C: C.1 REVISION HISTORY Revision N (February 2006) * Added Appendix A: Revision History * Updated document to reflect support of additional tools * Additional minor corrections throughout document text C.2 Revision P (September 2007) * Updated document to reflect support of additional tools * Additional minor corrections throughout document text C.3 Revision Q (December 2008) * Added limitations to header setup sections as needed. * Changed "ICD Headers" and "ICE Headers" to "Required Headers" and "Optional Headers" and move sections as necessary. * Rearranged sections to organize by header (AC) number. C.4 Revision R (April 2009) * * * * * * Added board dimensions Removed header pinouts Added board identification info Added "why use a header" section Added footprint appendix Changed MPLAB ICD 2 and MPLAB ICD 3 references to generic debug tool * Added MPLAB REAL ICE in-circuit emulator and MPLAB ICD 3 as programmers C.5 Revision S (July 2010) * * * * Added AC244028 Added Header Connections chapter Added AC244033, AC244034 Moved limitations to common Limitations file and added small section referencing Help files * Added PIC12F617 to AC162083 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51292S-page 61 Header Board Specification NOTES: DS51292S-page 62 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. HEADER BOARD SPECIFICATION Index Numerics M 6-Pin Modular Connector ......................................... 57 6-Pin SIL Connector................................................. 59 8-Pin SIL Connector................................................. 58 Modular Connector................................................... 57 Modular-to-SIL Adapter............................................ 60 MPLAB ICE 2000 ..................................................... 20 A O AC162050 .................................................................. 8 AC162052 ................................................................ 10 AC162053 ................................................................ 12 AC162054 ................................................................ 12 AC162055 ................................................................ 10 AC162056 ................................................................ 10 AC162057 ................................................................ 10 AC162058 .................................................................. 8 AC162059 ................................................................ 14 AC162060 ................................................................ 16 AC162061 ................................................................ 18 AC162062 ................................................................ 32 AC162064 ................................................................ 34 AC162065 ................................................................ 36 AC162066 ................................................................ 20 AC162067 ................................................................ 39 AC162070 ................................................................ 14 AC162074 ................................................................ 39 AC162078 ................................................................ 42 AC162079 ................................................................ 32 AC162083 ................................................................ 22 AC162087 ................................................................ 32 AC162088 ................................................................ 45 AC162091 ................................................................ 32 AC162094 ................................................................ 45 AC162096 ................................................................ 14 AC244022 ................................................................ 36 AC244023 ................................................................ 24 AC244024 ................................................................ 24 AC244026 ................................................................ 48 AC244027 ................................................................ 48 AC244028 ................................................................ 26 AC244033 ................................................................ 51 AC244034 ................................................................ 51 Additional Information ................................................ 5 Ordering Hardware................................................... 60 C Calibration Bits ........................................................... 5 I ICE vs. ICD ................................................................ 2 J Jumper Settings 8, 10, 16, 20, 26, 32, 39, 43, 45, 48, 49 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. P PCM16YM0.............................................................. 20 Performance............................................................... 5 PIC10F200 ................................................................. 7 PIC10F202 ................................................................. 7 PIC10F204 ................................................................. 7 PIC10F206 ................................................................. 7 PIC10F220 ................................................................. 7 PIC10F222 ................................................................. 7 PIC12F508 ................................................................. 7 PIC12F509 ................................................................. 7 PIC12F510 ................................................................. 7 PIC12F519 ................................................................. 7 PIC12F609 ........................................................... 7, 22 PIC12F615 ........................................................... 7, 22 PIC12F617 ........................................................... 7, 22 PIC12F629 ............................................................. 7, 8 PIC12F635 ........................................................... 7, 10 PIC12F675 ............................................................. 7, 8 PIC12F683 ............................................................. 7, 8 PIC12HV609 ........................................................ 7, 22 PIC12HV615 ........................................................ 7, 22 PIC16F505 ................................................................. 7 PIC16F506 ................................................................. 7 PIC16F526 ................................................................. 7 PIC16F610 ........................................................... 7, 22 PIC16F616 ........................................................... 7, 22 PIC16F627A......................................................... 7, 12 PIC16F628A......................................................... 7, 12 PIC16F630 ........................................................... 7, 10 PIC16F631 ........................................................... 7, 18 PIC16F636 ........................................................... 7, 10 PIC16F639 ........................................................... 7, 20 PIC16F648A......................................................... 7, 12 PIC16F676 ........................................................... 7, 10 PIC16F677 ........................................................... 7, 18 PIC16F684 ........................................................... 7, 10 PIC16F685 ........................................................... 7, 18 PIC16F687 ........................................................... 7, 18 PIC16F688 ........................................................... 7, 10 PIC16F689 ........................................................... 7, 18 PIC16F690 ........................................................... 7, 18 PIC16F716 ........................................................... 8, 12 PIC16F785 ........................................................... 8, 16 DS51292S-page 63 Header Board Specification PIC16HV610 ........................................................ 7, 22 PIC16HV616 ........................................................ 7, 22 PIC16HV785 ........................................................ 8, 16 PIC18F1230 ....................................................... 29, 42 PIC18F1330 ....................................................... 29, 42 PIC18F13K22........................................................... 29 PIC18F13K50............................................................. 8 PIC18F14K22........................................................... 29 PIC18F14K50............................................................. 8 PIC18F24J10 ........................................................... 29 PIC18F25J10 ..................................................... 29, 39 PIC18F44J10 ........................................................... 29 PIC18F45J10 ..................................................... 29, 39 PIC18F63J11 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F63J90 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F64J11 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F64J16 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F64J90 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F64J95 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F65J10 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F65J11 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F65J15 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F65J16 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F65J50 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F65J55 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F65J90 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F66J10 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F66J11 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F66J15 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F66J16 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F66J50 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F66J55 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F66J60 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F66J65 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F67J10 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F67J11 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F67J50 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F67J60 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F83J11 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F83J90 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F84J11 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F84J16 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F84J90 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F84J95 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F85J10 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F85J11 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F85J15 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F85J16 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F85J50 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F85J55 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F85J90 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F86J10 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F86J11 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F86J15 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F86J16 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F86J50 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F86J55 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F86J60 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F86J65 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F87J10 ........................................................... 30 DS51292S-page 64 PIC18F87J11 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F87J50 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F87J60 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F96J60 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F96J65 ........................................................... 30 PIC18F97J60 ........................................................... 30 PIC18LF13K22......................................................... 29 PIC18LF13K50........................................................... 8 PIC18LF14K22......................................................... 29 PIC18LF14K50........................................................... 8 PIC18LF24J10 ......................................................... 29 PIC18LF25J10 ................................................... 29, 39 PIC18LF44J10 ......................................................... 29 PIC18LF45J10 ................................................... 29, 39 PIC24F04KA200 ........................................................ 8 PIC24F04KA201 ........................................................ 8 PIC24F08KA101 ...................................................... 31 PIC24F08KA102 ...................................................... 31 PIC24F16KA101 ...................................................... 31 PIC24F16KA102 ...................................................... 31 PIC24FJ128GA006 .................................................. 31 PIC24FJ128GA008 .................................................. 31 PIC24FJ128GA010 .................................................. 31 PIC24FJ16GA002 .................................................... 31 PIC24FJ16GA004 .................................................... 31 PIC24FJ32GA002 .................................................... 31 PIC24FJ32GA004 .................................................... 31 PIC24FJ48GA002 .................................................... 31 PIC24FJ48GA004 .................................................... 31 PIC24FJ64GA002 .................................................... 31 PIC24FJ64GA004 .................................................... 31 PIC24FJ64GA006 .................................................... 31 PIC24FJ64GA008 .................................................... 31 PIC24FJ64GA010 .................................................... 31 PIC24FJ96GA006 .................................................... 31 PIC24FJ96GA008 .................................................... 31 PIC24FJ96GA010 .................................................... 31 PICDEM HPC Explorer Board.................................. 32 Pin Count.............................................................. 7, 29 Programming Non-ICD Devices ................................. 3 S SIL Connector, 6 Pin ................................................ 59 SIL Connector, 8 Pin ................................................ 58 Switch Settings......................................................... 18 Switch Settings, Rotary ............................................ 22 T Transition Socket........................................................ 4 V Vdd Max ............................................................... 7, 29 Vddcore Max ........................................................ 7, 29 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: * Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet. * Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions. * There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to our knowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchip's Data Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property. * Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code. * Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product as "unbreakable." Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products. Attempts to break Microchip's code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act. Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications. MICROCHIP MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, RELATED TO THE INFORMATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ITS CONDITION, QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. Microchip disclaims all liability arising from this information and its use. Use of Microchip devices in life support and/or safety applications is entirely at the buyer's risk, and the buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Microchip from any and all damages, claims, suits, or expenses resulting from such use. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any Microchip intellectual property rights. Trademarks The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, dsPIC, KEELOQ, KEELOQ logo, MPLAB, PIC, PICmicro, PICSTART, PIC32 logo, rfPIC and UNI/O are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. FilterLab, Hampshire, HI-TECH C, Linear Active Thermistor, MXDEV, MXLAB, SEEVAL and The Embedded Control Solutions Company are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. Analog-for-the-Digital Age, Application Maestro, CodeGuard, dsPICDEM, dsPICDEM.net, dsPICworks, dsSPEAK, ECAN, ECONOMONITOR, FanSense, HI-TIDE, In-Circuit Serial Programming, ICSP, Mindi, MiWi, MPASM, MPLAB Certified logo, MPLIB, MPLINK, mTouch, Octopus, Omniscient Code Generation, PICC, PICC-18, PICDEM, PICDEM.net, PICkit, PICtail, REAL ICE, rfLAB, Select Mode, Total Endurance, TSHARC, UniWinDriver, WiperLock and ZENA are trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. SQTP is a service mark of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies. (c) 2010, Microchip Technology Incorporated, Printed in the U.S.A., All Rights Reserved. Printed on recycled paper. ISBN: 978-1-60932-377-6 Microchip received ISO/TS-16949:2002 certification for its worldwide headquarters, design and wafer fabrication facilities in Chandler and Tempe, Arizona; Gresham, Oregon and design centers in California and India. The Company's quality system processes and procedures are for its PIC(R) MCUs and dsPIC(R) DSCs, KEELOQ(R) code hopping devices, Serial EEPROMs, microperipherals, nonvolatile memory and analog products. In addition, Microchip's quality system for the design and manufacture of development systems is ISO 9001:2000 certified. 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. 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