ANALOG DEVICES High Speed, Dual Operational Amplifier OP-271 FEATURES e@ Excellent Speed ......0.....-eccssssscesssesseesseseees 8.5V/us Typ Fast Settling (0.0196) ............csssscssecscesserserserssens 2us Typ e Unity-Gain Stable e High Gain-Bandwidth .................2:ccceessersesesers 5MHz Typ e Low Input Offset Voltage .............2-:::csesee 200uV Max e Low Offset Voltage Drift... esesecseeseees 2uVv/C Max er: 0 ee 400V/mV Min @ Outstanding CMR ..........ccsscsscssesssseseseeeseeses 106 dB Min e Industry Standard 8-Pin Dual Pinout e Available in Die Form ORDERING INFORMATION ' Ta = +25C PACKAGE OPERATING VosMAX CERDIP Lcc TEMPERATURE (uV) 8-PIN PLASTIC 20-CONTACT RANGE 200 OP271AZ* - OP271ARGC/883 MIL 200 OP271EZ - - XND 300 OP271FZ - - XND 400 - OP271GP - XND 400 - OP271GStt - XND Fordevices processed in total compliance to MIL-STD-883, add /883 after part number. Consult factory for 883 data sheet. Burn-in is available on commercial and industrial temperature range parts in CerDIP, plastic DIP, and TO-can packages. For availability and burn-in information on SO and PLCC packages, contact your local sales office. tt GENERAL DESCRIPTION a high phase margin of 62. Input offset voltage of the OP-271 is under 200uV with input offset voltage drift below 2uV/C, guaranteed over the full military tem- perature range. Open-loop gain exceeds 400,000 intoa 10kQ load ensuring outstanding gain accuracy and linearity. The input bias current is under 20nA limiting errors due to source resistance. The OP-271s outstanding CMR, over 106dB, and low PSRR, under 5.6u.V/V, reduce errors caused by ground noise and power supply fluctuations. In addition, the OP-271 exhibits high CMR and PSRR over a wide frequency range, further improving system accuracy. Continued PIN CONNECTIONS OUTA N.C. N.C. V+ N.C. N.C. OUTB N.C. 16-PIN SOL (S-Suffix) EPOXY MINI-DIP The OP-271 is aunity-gain stable monolithic dual op amp featur- (P-Suffix) ing excellent speed, 8.5V/us typical, and fast settling time, 2us 8-PIN HERMETIC DIP typical to 0.01%. The OP-271 has a gain-bandwidth of 5MHz with (Z-Suffix) SIMPLIFIED SCHEMATIC (One of the two amplifiers is shown.) -O V+ WA WA -O OUT 7x -INO4 O +IN 7% OvV-OP-271 The OP-271 offers outstanding DC and AC matching between channels. This is especially valuable for applications such as multiple gain blocks, high-speed instrumentation and ampli- fiers, buffers and active filters. The OP-271 conforms to the industry standard 8-pin dual op amp pinout. It is pin compatible with the TLO72, TLO82, LF412, and 1458/1558 dual op amps and can be used to significantly improve systems using these devices. For applications requiring lower voltage noise, see the OP- 270. For a quad version of the OP-271, see the OP-471. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 1) SUPPly Voltage oo... ccssccccetessessseseseeseseeessaeesesacseesessnsenes +18V Differential Input Voltage (Note 2)... ceceeetscetesteeeeees +1.0V Differential Input Current (Note 2)............cccecseeseeee EL25MA Input Voltage 0... csesssesessssererersrsessrestensseteces Supply Voltage Output Short-Circuit Duration .........escecereeseseeees Continuous Storage Temperature Range ...........csccees 65C to +150C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 60 sec) Junction Temperature (1) Operating Temperature Range OP-271A ooo ccccccctscsseceseceseesseceneesascesscecaeenee ~5C to +125C OP-271E, OP-271F, OP-271G 40C to +85C -PACKAGE TYPE ,, (Note 3) Be UNITS 8-Pin Hermetic DIP (Z) 134 12 C/W 8-Pin Plastic DIP (P) 96 37 C AW 20-Contact LOC (RC) 88 33 CW 8-Pin SO (S) 92 27 C/W NOTES: 1. Absolute maximum ratings apply to both DICE and packaged parts, unless otherwise noted. The OP-271's inputs are protected by back-to-back diodes. Current limiting resistors are not used in order to achieve low noise performance. If differential voltage exceeds +1.0V, the input current should be limited to +25mA. e, is specified for worst case mounting conditions, i.e., 9, is specified for device in socket for CerDIP, P-DIP, and LCC packages; Si, is specified for device soldered to printed circuit board for SOL package. 2. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at Vo = #15V, T,= +25C, unless otherwise noted. OP-271A/E OP-271F OP-271G PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX UNITS Input Offset Voltage Vos _ 75 200 - 150 300 - 200 400 yuV Input Offset Current los Vom = OV - 1 10 - 4 15 - 7 20 nA Input Bias Current lp Vom = OV - 4 20 - 6 40 - 12 60 nA Input Noise Voltage e, fg = 1kHz - 7.6 - - 7.6 - - 76 - nv/ Hz Density Large-Signal Vo =#10V Voltage Avo R. = 10kQ 400 650 - 300 500 ~ 250 400 - Vimv Gain R, = 2kQ 300 500 - 200 300 - 175 250 - "Pango IVA (Note 1) #12 125 - #12 412.5 - #12 4125 - v Osteo R, 2 2k 12413 - 212213 - 12413 - v Common-Mode Rejection CMR Vom =2t2V 106 120 - 100 4115 - 90 105 - da Power Supply Rejection PSRR Vs = +4.5V to +18BV - 0.6 3.2 - 1.8 5.6 - 2.4 7.0 pv Ratio Slew Rate SR 5.5 8.5 - 5.5 8.5 - 5.5 8.5 - Vius Phase Margin 9. Ay=+1 - 62 - - 62 - = 62 - deg Supply Current (All Amplifiers) SY No Load - 4.5 6.5 - 45 6.5 - 45 6.5 mA Gain Bandwidth Product GBw - 5 ~ - 5 - - 5 MHz Channel V,, = 20V 9 p- i - 125 175 - - 175 - dB Separation cs fg = 10Hz (Note 2) 25 175 Input Capacitance Cw - 3 - - 3 - - 3 - pF Input Resistance Differential-Mode "in ~ 0.4 ~ ~ 0.4 ~ ~ 04 ~ Ma Input Resistance _ Common-Mode Pincm ~ 20 ~ ~ 20 7 7 20 GQ Settling Time t, Ay = +1, 10V Step - 2 - ~ 2 - - 2 - us to 0.01% NOTES: 1. Guaranteed by CMR test. 2. Guaranteed but not 100% tested.OP-271 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at Vg = +15V, 55C < Ta < 125C for OP-271A, unless otherwise noted. OP-271A PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS Input Offset Voltage Vos _ 115 = 400 uv Average Input _ 0.4 2 VPC Offset Voltage Drift TCVos u Input Offset Current los Vow = OV _ 1.5 30 nA Input Bias Current lp Vom = OV _ 7 60 nA . Vo = 10V eee Avo R, = 10k0 300 600 VimvV 9 R, = 2k 200 500 Input Voltage Range IVR (Note 1) HI2 412.5 _ Vv Output Voltage Swing Vo RL = 2kQ +12 +13 _ Common-Mode CMR Vom = 12V 100 = 120 dB Rejection Power Supply 7 oe : PSRR Vg = 4.5V to 18V _ 1.0 5.6 uV/V Rejection Ratio Supply Current I _ 5.3 75 mA (All Amplifiers) sy No Load NOTE: 1. Guaranteed by CMR test. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at V, = #15V, 40C = T, = +85C, unless otherwise noted. OP-271A/E OP-271F OP-271G PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX UNITS Input Offset _ - - 700 v Voltage os 100 330 21s 560 300 B Average Input Offset Voltage TCV, - 0.4 2 - 1 4 - 2.0 5 ywViPC Drift Input Offset Current os Vom =0V - 1 30 - 5 40 - 15 50 nA Input Bias l = _ - _ A Current B Von = OV 6 60 10 70 15 80 n Large-Signal Vo = #10V Voltage Avo RA, = 10k 300 600 - 200 500 - 150 400 - VimVv Gain RL = 2kQ 200 500 - 100 400 - 90 300 ~ Input Vol nput Voltage wR (Note 1) #12 212.5 - 212 412.5 - 212 412.5 - Vv Range tput Vol Ou Pu oltage Vo R, = 2kQ 212 +13 - #12 #13 _ +12 #13 - v Swing -M Common-Mode Gwp Veg, = #12V 100 120 - 94 148 - 90 100 - dB Rejection cM Power Supply Rejection PSRR Vg = +4.5V to +18V - 0.7 5.6 - 51.8 10 - 2.0 15 aviv Ratio Supply Current No Load - 62 72 - 2 72 - $62 72 mA {All Amplifiers) SY NOTE: 1. Guaranteed by CMR test.OP-271 DICE CHARACTERISTICS OUTA -INA +INA +INB -INB OUTB V+ PN OAwON DIE SIZE 0.094 x 0.092 inch, 8,648 sq. mils (2.39 < 2.34 mm, 5.60 sq. mm) WAFER TEST LIMITS at Vs = +15V, Ta = 25C, unless otherwise noted. OP-271GBC PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS : LIMIT UNITS Input Offset Voltage Vos 300 pV MAX Input Offset Current los Vom = OV 15 nA MAX Input Bias Current Ip Vom = OV 40 nA MAX : Vo = +10V Votege gain Avo RL = 10kQ 300 Wm MIN Ry = 2kn 200 Input Voltage Range IVR (Note 1) +12 V MIN Output Voitage Swing Vo RL 2 2kn +12 V MIN Common-Moade Rejection CMR Vom = 12V 100 dB MIN "Rejection Reto PSRR Vg = 4.5V to +18V 5.6 LVN MAX Al Armpttions) lgy No: Load 6.5 mA MAX NOTES: 1. Guaranteed by CMR test. Electrical tests are performed at wafer probe to the limits shown. Due to variations in assembly methods and normal yield loss, yield after packaging is not guaran- teed for standard product dice. Consult factory to negotiate specifications based on dice lot qualification through sampie lot assembly and testing.OP-271 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS VOLTAGE NOISE DENSITY vs FREQUENCY Ta = 25C Vg = 15V Hz) VOLTAGE NOISE DENSITY (nv/ 1 10 400 FREQUENCY (Hz) CURRENT NOISE DENSITY vs FREQUENCY Ta = 25C Vg = +15V Hz ) 1/f CORNER = 40Hz CURRENT NOISE DENSITY (pA/ 10 100 1k FREQUENCY (Hz) 10k INPUT BIAS CURRENT vs TEMPERATURE 10 Vg - ey Vou = OV < Lane 5 6 34 < K 2 2 0 F -2 -7% -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 TEMPERATURE (C) 125 VOLTAGE NOISE DENSITY vs SUPPLY VOLTAGE 25 Ta = 25C E = ~< 20 z = AT 10Hz > z a a w45 Ww 2 z & 10 < 5 AT tkHz o > 5 0 +5 +10 +15 +20 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE vs TEMPERATURE 120 T T Vg = +18V 100 3 w 80 = Oo 60 - 8 ao A fo} 5 20 2 0 A 0 -7% -50 -25 Oo 25 450 7 100 125 TEMPERATURE (C) INPUT OFFSET CURRENT vs TEMPERATURE nw l = INPUT OFFSET CURRENT (nA) i o -4 -5 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 % 100 125 TEMPERATURE (C) TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION (%) 0.01 0.001 CHANGE IN OFFSET VOLTAGE (:V} INPUT BIAS CURRENT (nA) TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION vs FREQUENCY O41 Ta = 25C Vg = +15V Vo = 10Vp.p Ry, = 2k0 10 100 1k 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) WARM-UP OFFSET VOLTAGE DRIFT Ta = 25C Vg = =15V 0 1 2 3 4 5 TIME (MINUTES) INPUT BIAS CURRENT vs COMMON-MODE VOLTAGE 7 T,= 25C Vg = +15V 6 5 - Ll 3 fo 2 -12.5-10-75 - -25 0 25 5 75 COMMON-MODE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 10 12.5OP-271 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Continued CMR (dB) 1k 10k 100k FREQUENCY (Hz) PSR vs FREQUENCY Ta = 25C 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M FREQUENCY (Hz) OPEN-LOOP GAIN, PHASE SHIFT vs FREQUENCY 25 Ta = 25C 20 Vg = +15 15 10 PHASE MARGIN OPEN-LOOP GAIN (dB) 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 910 FREQUENCY (MHz) PHASE SHIFT (DEG) TOTAL SUPPLY CURRENT vs SUPPLY VOLTAGE tT =z Es e z | 3 5 _ Ta = 125C _] z i 5 Ta = 25C 2,[ | F oe LL Ta = -55C ; | 0 +5 +10 215 +20 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) OPEN-LOOP GAIN vs FREQUENCY 140 Ta = 25C Vg = +15 120 @ 100 = = g 80 a 3 3 60 z wa 3S 40 20 0 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M FREQUENCY (Hz) OPEN-LOOP GAIN vs SUPPLY VOLTAGE 2000 t Th = 25C Ry = 10k0 > 1500 = 2 z 3S a 1000 5 7 fi _ oO 500 a 0 0 45 +10 +18 +20 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) PHASE MARGIN (DEG) TOTAL SUPPLY CURRENT vs TEMPERATURE Vg = 215V o TOTAL SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) + or 3 75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 TEMPERATURE (C) CLOSED-LOOP GAIN vs FREQUENCY 80 TI Ta = 25C Vg = 215V ~ 60 8 Zz N 40 a 8 8 N a 20 8 N 3 NN 0 % -20 tk 10k 100k 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) GAIN-BANDWIDTH PRODUCT, PHASE MARGIN vs TEMPERATURE 80 s+ 70 60 50 ot GAIN-BANDWIDTH PRODUCT (MHz) 40 0 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (C)OP-271 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Continued MAXIMUM OUTPUT SWING MAXIMUM OUTPUT VOLTAGE OUTPUT IMPEDANCE vs FREQUENCY vs LOAD RESISTANCE vs FREQUENCY 26 180 Ta = 25C Ty = 25C Ta = 25C 24 Vg = +15V Vg = +15V 160 | v, = +15V 5 THD = 1% _ g RL = 10k # 140 a g w 120 2 5 z Zz 16 a & 100 = > a < 3 2 80 = E x e 3 B40 id 4 20 Ay= 100 0 0 0 1k 40k 100k 1M jom 100 1k 10k 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 40m FREQUENCY (Hz) LOAD RESISTANCE (1) FREQUENCY (Hz) SLEW RATE CHANNEL SEPERATION vs TEMPERATURE vs FREQUENCY 12 | 190 Vg = +15V 180 Ta = 25C 1 7 an 170 naaal 160 10 ZA 150 | ae as 140 f. | 130 SLEW RATE (V/ys)} eo f | sr f 38 tS ; Lf Y 5 -50 -25 0 25 50 7TH 10 125 TEMPERATURE (C) LARGE-SIGNAL TRANSIENT RESPONSE CHANNEL SEPARATION (dB) 120 110 100 30 80 70 10 100 1k 10k 10M 100k 1M FREQUENCY (Hz) SMALL-SIGNAL TRANSIENT RESPONSEOP-271 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION | CAPACITIVE LOAD DRIVING AND POWER SUPPLY CONSIDERATIONS The OP-271 is unity-gain stable and is capable of driving large capacitive loads without oscillating. Nonetheless, good supply bypassing is highly recommended. Proper supply bypassing reduces problems caused by supply line noise and improves the capacitive load driving capability of the OP-271. In the standard feedback amplifier, the op amps output resistance combines with the load capacitance to form a low- pass filter that adds phase shift in the feedback network and reduces stability. A simple circuit to eliminate this effect is shown in Figure 1. The added components, C1 and R3, decouple the amplifier from the load capacitance and provide additional stability. The values of C1 and R3 shown in Figure 8 are fora load capacitance of up to 1000pF when used with the OP-271. FIGURE 1: Driving Large Capacitive Loads PLACE SUPPLY DECOUPLING CAPACITORS AT OP-271 UNITY-GAIN BUFFER APPLICATIONS When R; = 1000 and the input is driven with a fast, large-signal pulse (>1V), the output waveform will look as shown in Figure 2. During the fast feedthrough-like portion of the output, the input protection diodes effectively short the output to the input, anda current, limited only by the output short-circuit protection, will be drawn by the signal generator. With R; = 5009, the output is capable of handling the current requirements (|, < 20mA at 10V); the amplifier will stay in its active mode and a smooth transition will occur. FIGURE 2: Pulsed Operation R; Wi A OP-271 o1 8.5V/us When RP; > 3kQ, a pole created by R; and the amplifiers input capacitance (3pF) creates additional phase shift and reduces phase margin. A small capacitor in parallel with R; helps eliminate this problem. COMPUTER SIMULATIONS Many electronic design and analysis programs include models for op amps which calculate AC performance from the location of poles and zeros. As an aid to designers utilizing such a program, major poles and zeros of the OP-271 are listed below. Their location will vary slightly between production lots. Typically, they will be within +15% of the frequency listed. Use of this data will enable the designer to evaluate gross circuit performance quickly, but should not supplant rigorous charac- terization of a breadboarded circuit. POLES ZEROS 15 Hz 2.5 MHz 1.2 MHz 4X 23 MHz 2 X 32 MHz _ 8 X 40 MHz _ APPLICATIONS LOW PHASE ERROR AMPLIFIER The simple amplifier depicted in Figure 3 utilizes a monolithic dual operational amplifier and a few resistors to substantially reduce phase error compared to conventional amplifier designs. At a given gain, the frequency range for a specified phase accuracy is over a decade greater than for a standard single op amp amplifier. The low phase error amplifier performs second-order frequency compensation through the response of op amp A2 in the feedback loop of A1. Both op amps must be extremely well matched in frequency response. At low frequencies, the A1 feedback loop forces V2/(K1 + 1) = Vin. The A2 feedback loop forces Vo/(K1 + 1) = Vo/(K1 + 1) yielding an overall transfer function of Vo/Vin = K1 + 1. The DC gain is determined by the resistor divider at the output, Vo, and is not directly affected by the resistor divider around A2. Note that, like a conventional single op amp amplifier, the DC gain is set by resistor ratios only. Minimum gain for the low phase error amplifier is 10. FIGURE 3: Low Phase Error Amplifier R2=R1 ASSUME: A1 AND A2 ARE MATCHED. Vo = (Ki +1) Vin Ao(s) = ="OP-271 FIGURE 4: Phase Error Comparison | Il ~ SINGLE OP AMP, CONVENTIONAL DESIGN [ALT CASCADED (TWO STAGES) I n I o LOW PHASE ERROR AMPLIFIER PHASE SHIFT (DEG) 4 t wn -6 -7 0.001 ' 0.1 11.0 0.005 0.05 0.5 FREQUENCY RATIO (1/8)(w/w7) 0.01 Figure 4 compares the phase error performance of the low phase error amplifier with a conventional single op amp amplifier and a cascaded two-stage amplifier. The low phase error amplifier shows a much lower phase error, particularly for frequencies where w/@w7<0.1. For example, phase error of 0.1 occurs at 0.002 w/Bw+ for the single op amp amplifier, but at 0.11 /8w7 for the low phase error amplifier. For more detailed information on the low phase error amplifier, see Application Note AN-107. FIGURE 5: Dual 12-Bit Voltage Output DAC DUAL 12-BIT VOLTAGE OUTPUT DAC The dual voltage output DAC shown in Figure 5 will settle to 12-bit accuracy from zero to full scale in 2us typically. The CMOS DAC-8222 utilizes a 12-bit, double-buffered input struc- ture allowing faster digital throughput and minimizing digital feedthrough. FAST CURRENT PUMP Maximum output current of the fast current pump shown in Figure 6 is +11mA. Voltage compliance exceeds +10V with +15V supplies. The current pump has an output resistance of over 3MQO, and maintains 12-bit linearity over its entire output range. FIGURE 6: Fast Current Pump R3 AWN 40kA RI ~Ow 10k0 RS lour Vin R2 PO tim + 10kn Vin Vin _ lout = gs = Joon = MAY I mi DAC-8222EW +10V | REFERENCE O VOLTAGE 12-BIT DATA BUS PINS 6-17 20| VrerB 18 o 4 DAC A/DAC B 19) cpa | oF WA DAC CONTROL DGND F-7 0 VoytA -15V V2 OP-271EZ