MARCONI CKT TECHNOLOGY 30E D Mm 5783442 900175 7 mg OTAo-2t FAST SWITCHING & ASYM Non: Peak Surge On-state Repetitive Repetitive Off-state Mean - Current Ht Voltage Virtual Th Serles Silicon Peak Peak and On-state at Max, for Fusing at Peak Junction Res Type Diameter Voltage Voltage Reverse Current Tyj and at Max. Tyj Current Temperature Range Range Gurrent THs = 65C | 50% Vana | 10ms Value at 125C at Tyj voRM yese ine av) ITSM Ft VM ITM W Ri mm Vv Vv mA A kA As x 10 Vv A C BUTTON CAPSULE FAST TURN-OFF THYRISTORS DCR845 38.0 1200-2000 1300-2100 50 605 8.5 361 1.85 7000 125 0 DCR849 38.0 1200-2000 1300-2100 50 545 8.0 320 2.10 1000 125 0 DCR853 38.0 400-1200 500-1300 50 655 13.0 845 1.50 7000 125 0 DCR855 38.0 600-1400 700-1500 50 670 9.4 444 1.70 1000 125 0 DCR858 38.0 600-1200 700-1300 50 20 13.0 845 2.00 1000 125 0 DCR859 38.0 600-1400 700-1500 50 600 9.0 405 2.00 1000 125 0 DCOR1043 50.0 100-1200 200-1300 50 985 23.0 2645 1.80 2000 125 0 DCR1045 50.0 1200-2000 1300-2100 100 855 15.0 1125 2.0 2000 125 0 DCR1046 50.0 300-1400 400-1500 100 930 20.0 2100 1.90 2000 125 0 DCR1048 50.0 100-1200 200-1300 100 730 15.0 4125 2.30 2000 125 0 DCOR1049 50.0 1200-2000 1300-2100 100 760 13.0 840 2.70 2000 125 0 DCR1053 50.0 2000-2500 2100-2600 150 950 16.0 1280 1.90 2000 125 0 i Surge Current Rate of Rise of Rate of Voltage Mean Continuous and Fusing On-state Current Rise of Peak Peak Pe Serles Grade On-state RMS On-state at Max. Ty} to twice Itjay) Oft-state Forward | Forward Gs Type Avallable Current Current Current and 100% Vari Gate Source Voltage at Gate Gate Por at 180 at 85C 10ms Value 20V adic, 100hms 50% Voram Voltage Current half sine tp =0.5us to 1 Amp Ty = 125C VoRM Tray at Tease lams it lTsM Ft difdt dvidt VEGM !FGM PG v A C A A A As Alus Vins Vv A Vv FAST TURN-ON THYRISTORS XT2104 400- 800 8 55 12 12 at 50C 100 50 1000 100 10 2 XT2108 600-1400 25 75 40 25 370 600 2000 300 40 10 4 ASYMMETRIC THYRISTORS ACR22 400-1200 22 70 35 22 220 242 2000 500 40 10 4 ACR25 400- 800 25 75 40 25 370 600 2000 500 40 10 3 3951 B-12 MARCONI CKT TECHNOLOGY 30E D Mm 5783442 0001757 5 T3295 <0! Rate of Gate Gate ermal Rate of Rise of Minimum Maximum Trigger Trigger stance Rise of Off-state Turn-off Recovered Current Voltage Welght Clamping Outline ic. On-state Voltage Time Charge Vowm Vpwm Force Current =5V = SV Ty = 125C (1) at 25C at 25C h(-h) difdt dVvidt ty Qrr \et VeT cw Alus Vins us me) mA v Q kof 045 800 >1000 60 650 350 3.5 310 1225 G 0456 500 >1000 40 400 350 3.5 310 1225 G .045 1000 >2000 25 280 350 3.6 310 1225 G 045 1000 > 800 20 400 350 3.5 310 1225 G 045 1000 > 800 12 140 350 3.5 310 1225 G 045 1000 > 800 15 300 350 3.5 310 1225 G 028 1000 >1000 25 300 350 3.5 500 1990 F .028 700 >1000 70 1000 350 3.5 500 1990 F 028 1000 >1000 35 400 350 3.5 500 1990 F .028 1000 >1000 15 150 350 3.5 500 1990 F .028 700 >1000 50 600 350 3.6 500 1990 F .028 700 >1000 150 2500 350 3.5 500 1990 F (1) Turn-off time test conditions: Ip), = 1000A, di/idt = 60A/us, VR =50V, dwidt = 200Vius, Tj = 125C Gate Gate On-state Thermal ak Trigger Trigger Voltage Peak Peak Virtual Resistance te Voltage Current at Peak Current Off-state Reverse duaction Junction Turn-off Delay Outline ver Vows = 5V | Vows =5V Tease = 25C Current Current Temperature to Heatsink Time Time , Tease = 25C | Tcage = 25C Ott-state 180 dc. Sinusoldal iM Vet let tm tm 'pM 'AM Ti Rth(j-h) Rth(j-h) tg tg v v mA Vv A mA mA G cw *CIw HS ns 5 2.5 60 2.0 20 5 5 105 2.70 - 50 260 2 0 3.0 100 2.0 100 10 10 125 1.05 _ 60 250 3U 0 3.0 200 2.7 100 10 10 125 1.05 _ 5.5 250 3U 0 3.0 200 2.2 100 10 10 125 1.05 _ <4 250 3U % 3952 B-13 MARCONI CKT TECHNOLOGY 30E D mm S743442 0001755 0 T25s2) 1. Nomenclature Fast Turn-on and Asymmetric Thyristors The MEDL Type No. for Fast Turn-on and Asymmetric Thyristors is made up as follows: ACR 2 U 04 X G Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Position1 ACR defines asymmetric thyristor XT Fast turn-on thyristor Position 2 Gives an approximate indication of mean on-state current (IT(Ay)) of device Position 3 -U indicates basic imperial dimensions with U.N.F. thread Position 4 Defines voltage grades available according to the following table: Repetitive Non-repetitive Type peak voltages peak voltages Number | Vppm VraRM | VosM ASM X56 50 50 75 75 01 100 100 150 150 02 200 200 250 250 03 300 300 350 350 04 400 400 500 500 05 500 500 600 600 06 600 600 700 700 08 800 800 900 900 10 1000 41000 1100 1100 11 1100 1100 1200 1200 12 1200 1200 1300 1300 Position 5 Defines device dV/dt rating. The ratings and characteristics table give the nominal standard figures. means 20Vius means 500 Vius A means 1200V/ps means 50V/us means 600 Vius B means 1400V/us means 100Vius means 700 Vins CG means 1600Vius means 200Vius means 300Vius means 400Vius means 800 Vins means 900 Vius means 1000 Vius ZO-egonr xs