Serial/Simultaneous Data Output D0
Bit D0 of control word 1 is used
to switch the mode of DOUT
between serial and simultaneous
data entry during Control
Register writes. The default mode
(logic low) is the serial DOUT
mode. In serial mode, DOUT is
connected to the last bit (D7) of
the Control Shift Register.
Storing logic high to bit D0
changes DOUT to simultaneous
mode, which affects the Control
Register only. In simultaneous
mode, DOUT is logically
connected to DIN. This arrange-
ment allows multiple ICs to have
their Control Registers written to
simultaneously. For example, for
n ICs in the serial mode, n * 8
clock pulses are needed to load
the same data in all Control
Registers. In the simultaneous
mode, n ICs only need 8 clock
pulses to load the same data in all
Control Registers. The propaga-
tion delay from the first IC to the
last is n * tDOUTP.
External Oscillator Prescaler Bit D1
Bit D1 of Control Word 1 is used
to scale the frequency of an
external Display Oscillator. When
this bit is logic low, the external
Display Oscillator directly sets
the internal display clock rate.
When this bit is logic high, the
external oscillator is divided by 8.
This scaled frequency then sets
the internal display clock rate. It
takes 512 cycles of the display
clock (or 8 x 512 = 4096 cycles
of an external clock with the
divide by 8 prescaler) to
completely refresh the display
once. Using the prescaler bit
allows the designer to use a
higher external oscillator
frequency without extra circuitry.
This bit has no affect on the
internal Display Oscillator
Bits D2 -D6
These bits must always be
programmed to logic low.
Cascaded ICs
Figure 8 shows how two ICs are
connected within an HCMS-39XX
display. The first IC controls the
four left-most characters and the
second IC controls the four right-
most characters. The Dot
Registers are connected in series
to form a 320-bit dot shift
register. The location of pixel 0
has not changed. However, Dot
Shift Register bit 0 of IC2
becomes bit 160 of the 320-bit
dot shift register.
The Control Registers of the two
ICs are independent of each
other. This means that to adjust
the display brightness the same
control word must be entered
into both ICs, unless the Control
Registers are set to simultaneous
Longer character string systems
can be built by cascading
multiple displays together. This is
accomplished by creating a five-
line bus. This bus consists of CE,
RS, BL, Reset, and CLK. The
display pins are connected to the
corresponding bus line. Thus, all
CE pins are connected to the CE
bus line. Similarly, bus lines for
RS, BL, Reset, and CLK are
created. Then DIN is connected to
the right-most display. DOUT from
this display is connected to the
next display. The left-most
display receives its DIN from the
DOUT of the display to its right.
DOUT from the left-most display is
not used.
Each display may be set to use its
internal oscillator, or the displays
may be synchronized by setting
up one display as the master and
the others as slaves. The slaves
are set to receive their oscillator
input from the master’s oscillator