Reconfigurable Arithmetic Datapath Terms and Definitions
Infinite Technology Corporation March 1997 131
Phone: 972-437-7800
Configuration Data Word Counter
Used internally by the RAD5A4 to load the
configuration data words into the correct
memory locations.
Configuration File
File generated by RADware software for
configuring the RAD5A4. When this file is
loaded into the RAD5A4 it is configured.
Configuration Halt
Configuration status that occurs at the end of
a data packet after the last data word has been
loaded from the configuration file.
Configuration Initialization
Configurat ion status that o ccurs at the
beginning of Active Configuration Mode
before the configuration file is loaded.
Configuration Memories
RAD5A4 memories th at can be con figured or
programmed. They include the Dual PLA
memory, and a LIW, 3-port, and 1-port
memory in each of the 4 Macro S equencers.
Constant Input
see intern al signal
Command sent to the MacroSequencer
Datapath Controller from either external pins
or th e Dual PLA cont rol signals. The
Continue command resets the Send and
Await status signals and allows the program
counter to operate under control of the LIW
Control Bus
RAD5A4 internal b us for contro l signals such
as the Send and Await sign als.
Control OR
In the Dual PLA, the Control OR is an OR
array that can produce the control signals to
the Macro Sequencers.
Given two discrete time input streams A[ ]
and B[ ], a convolution may be defined as an
output stream C[ ] where
Ck An Bn k
[] []* [ ]=−
The Finite Impulse Response version of this
Ck An Bn k
[] []* [ ]=−
Counter0, Counter1
These are counters used for loops in the
MacroSequencer Controller.
Note: the above two are the same.
Count down
This is a single bit registe r in the Control
com ponent of each Index Register of the
MacroSe quence r’s Da tapath C ontroller. If it
contains a ‘1’, then the a ddress com ponent w ill
decrement every time its associated mem ory
access port is accessed. If both Count_up and
Count_down c ontain ‘ 0’, the a ddres s is he ld. It
is illega l f or both Count_up and Count_dow n to
both contain ‘ 1’.
Count up
This is a single bit registe r in the Control
com ponent of each Index Register of the
MacroSe quence r’s Da tapath C ontroller. If it
contains a ‘1’, then the a ddress com ponent w ill
increment every time its associated mem ory
access port is accessed. If both Count_up and
Count_down c ontain ‘ 0’, the a ddres s is he ld. It
is illega l f or both Count_up and Count_dow n to
both contain ‘ 1’.
Data Bus
Five buses used for carrying data to and from
the MacroSequencers named bus0, bus1,
bus2, bus3, and bus4.
Data Memory
Data Memory is the memory withi n each
RAD5A4 MacroSequencer which may be
used to store data. It is composed of the 1-
port and 3-port Memories.
See also 1-port Memory, 3-port Memory,
Index Register and MacroSequencer entries.
Datapath Controller
Located in each MacroSequencer, a datapath
controller contains the LIW memory,
sequences through the instructions, and
produces LIW control bits for the
MacroSequencer Arithmetic Datapath.