A Division of Allen Telecom Inc.
8635 Stemmons Freeway • P. O. Box 569610 • Dallas, Texas 75356-9610
214 / 631-0310 • Fax: 214 / 631-4706
DB8002E-Y / DB8003E-Y / DB8004E-Y / DB8005E-Y / DB8006E-Y
880-960 MHz
To Feed Antennas . . .
. . . 2 Antennas: DB8002E-Y
. . . 3 Antennas: DB8003E-Y
. . . 4 Antennas: DB8004E-Y
. . . 5 Antennas: DB8005E-Y
. . . 6 Antennas: DB8006E-Y
Frequency Range 880-960 MHz
Termination 7/16 DIN Female
Impedance 50 OHM
VSWR Tx: < 1.1:1, Rx: < 1.2:1
Insertion Loss < 0.05 dB
Material Casting: Aluminum
Ground Plane: Brass, Copper
Mounting Use steelband, supplied (Ø from 50 to 400mm).
Power Divider used to phase
several antennas together.
099030-001-B 3/98
Specifications are for reference only.