Modulostar MSC 10 fuse holder Phase + Neutral (1 mod.) Fuse holder phase+neutral in a 17.5 mm - width compact module Compact Fuse Holder Nb. of Poles 1+N 3+N Model without blown fuse indicator light Cat. Number Ref.number Model with blown fuse indicator light Cat. Number Ref. Number MSC101N1M MSC103N3M MSC101N1MI MSC103N3MI Y201317K S218217D Nb Mod Pckg 1 3 12 4 C211050K S226612D Assembly accessories Cat. Numbrer Ref. Numbrer Pckg 2-pole pin 3-pole pin 4-pole pin MSCMSDMAASS2 MSCMSDMAASS3 MSCMSDMAASS4 G215125J Q216145J A217166J 10* 10* 10* * 10 Pins per bag 78 (3P+N) (1P+N) Fuse Holder 59 52,5 * Indicator light (120/690V)* * Wiring cross sections: - single-pole: 1 x 16mm2 - single-pole + neutral: 1 x 10 mm2 * Insulated to IP 20 standard 5 45 78 * Single-pole weight - 8x31 ; 63 g - 8x31 - Ph + N1M ; 63 g - 10x38 ; 63 g - 10x38 - Ph + N1M ; 68 g 2,5 42,5 12,5 * Direct mounting on symmetrical DIN rail 17,5 * With the indicator light a blown fuse can be quickly located if power is still on Modulostar CMS14 Size 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 for CCD configurations 1 1+N 2 3 3+N 4 N Cat. number Ref.number w/o indicator light CMS141 CMS141N CMS142 CMS143 CMS143N CMS144 CMS14N A331016F T331010C R331031C J212091B D331042A F331021A T331056F 1 Cat. number Ref.number with indicator light Pckg CMS141I CMS141NI CMS142I CMS143I CMS143NI L331049F M331050C M331004C K331071B Q331007A 6 3 3 2 1 1 6 CMS141AC F331044F 6 CMS141MI CMS142MI CMS143MI CMS143M2I CMS143NMI S331055F X331036C P331006B Y331037B Y331037A 6 3 2 2 1 fuses with striker 14 x 51 1 with microswitches 2 (2 switches) (+ pre- isolation) 3 (for fuses 3 (2 switches) with striker) 3+N 16 CMS141M CMS142M CMS143M CMS143M2 CMS143NM Z331038F A331062C F331067B H331069B E331043A Modulostar Accessories for CMS14 Description Auxiliary microswitch kit M218741 Cat.number Ref. number Nb.Modules 17,5 mm Pckg Single-pole CMS14 auxiliary microswitch kit CMS14W1 M218741 3-pole CMS14 auxiliary microswitch kit CMS14W2 C219261 3-pole CMS14 2 auxiliary microswitch kit CMS14W3 D219791 Auxiliary microswitch assembly pin (between 2 auxiliary microswitch kits) CMS1422PTH J214138 Enlargement pin for auxiliary microswitches CMS14BP F213629 Multi-pole assembly kit CMS1422PAK Z218223 Indicator light kit CMS14LIH A225653 Lock CMS14LOK M223525 Enlargement pin for auxiliary microswitch - F213629 Auxiliary microswitch assembly pin J214138 1.5 4.5 4.5 1 1 1 10 10 10 1 1 Modulostar CMS22 Size 1 1+N 2 3 3+N 4 N Cat. number Ref.number w/o indicator light CMS221 CMS221N CMS222 CMS223 CMS223N CMS224 CMS22N T331079F H331092C Q331122C E331135B A331108A Q331099A K331094F 1 fuses with striker 22 x 58 1 2 (2 switches) (+ pre- isolation) 3 (for fuses 3 (2 switches) with striker) 3+N with microswitches CMS221M CMS222M C S222 CMS223M CMS223M2 CMS223NM D219262F E219792C Q222470B H222992B P200780A Cat. number Ref.number with indicator light Pckg CMS221I CMS221NI CMS222I CMS223I CMS223NI B331086F S215158C D331134C D331134B A218224A 6 3 3 2 1 1 6 CMS22AC V331103F 6 CMS221MI CMS222MI CMS223MI CMS223M2I CMS223NMI N331074F P331098C E331112B E331112B W331104A 6 3 2 2 1 Fuse Holder 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 for CCD configurations Accessories CMS22 Description Cat.number Ref. number Single-pole CMS22 auxiliary microswitch kit 3-pole CMS22 auxiliary microswitch kit 3-pole CMS22 2 auxiliary microswitch kit Auxiliary microswitch assembly pin (between 2 auxiliary microswitch kits) Enlargement pin for auxiliary microswitches Multi-pole assembly kit Indicator light kit Lock CMS22W1 CMS22W2 CMS22W3 CMS1422PTH CMS14BP CMS1422PAK CMS14LIH CMS14LOK E211581 L212093 B212613 J214138 F213629 Z218223 A225653 M223525 Nb.Modules 17,5 mm Pckg 2 6 6 1 1 1 10 10 10 1 1 Auxiliary microswitch kit E211581 Enlargement pin for auxiliary microswitch - F213629 Auxiliary microswitch assembly pin - J214138 Drawings for CMS22 17