Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000
115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036
LNB Supply and Control Voltage Regulator
Boost Converter/Linear Regulator. A current-mode
boost converter provides the tracking regulator a supply
voltage that tracks the requested LNB output voltage. The
converter operates at 16 times the internal tone
frequency, 352 kHz nominal.
The tracking regulator provides minimum power dissipation
across the range of output voltages, assuming the input volt-
age is less than the output voltage, by adjusting the BOOST
pin voltage 600 mV nominal above the LNB output voltage
selected. Under conditions where the input voltage is greater
than the output voltage, the tracking regulator must drop the
differential voltage. When operating in this condition, care
must be taken to ensure that the safe operating temperature
range of the A8285/A8287 is not exceeded. For additional
information, see Power Dissipation in the Application Infor-
mation section.
Note: To conserve power at light loads, the boost converter
operates in a pulse-skipping mode.
Overcurrent Protection. The A8285/A8287 is protected
against both overcurrent and short circuit conditions by lim-
iting the output current to ILIM . In the event of an overcur-
rent, the current limit can be applied indefi nitely. Alterna-
tively, if the ODT feature is enabled, and the fault current
appears for longer than the disable time tDIS, then the device
is turned off. The device can be enabled again via the I2C
interface. If the overcurrent is removed before the disable
time has elapsed, the device remains functioning. These set-
tings are made in the Control register and the Status register.
Charge Pump. Generates a supply voltage above the
internal tracking regulator output to drive the linear regula-
tor control.
Slew Rate Control. During either start-up or when the
output voltage on the BOOST pin is being changed, the
output voltage rise and fall times can be programmed by an
external capacitor located on the TCAP pin. Note that during
start-up, the BOOST pin is precharged to the input voltage
minus a diode drop. As a result, the slew rate control occurs
from this point.
The value for TCAP can be calculated using the following
TCAP = (ICAP × 8) / (ΔV/s)
where ΔV/s is required slew rate. The smallest value for
TCAP is 2.2 nF.
Modulation is unaffected by the choice of TCAP. If limit-
ing LNB output voltage rise and fall times is not required,
the TCAP terminal must have a value of at least a 2.2 nF to
minimize output noise.
External Tone Modulation. To improve design fl exibil-
ity and to allow implementation of proposed LNB remote
control standards, the logic modulation input pin EXTM
is provided. The logic signal supplied to this pin creates a
650 mV ±250 mV tone signal on the TOUT pin by control-
ling a 40 mA current pull-down device through the
DiSEqC™ fi lter. The shape of the tone waveform depends
on the fi lter components used and the LNB/cable capacitance.
Tone Detection. A 22 kHz tone envelope detector is pro-
vided in the A8287 solution. The detector extracts the tone
signal and provides it as an open-collector signal on the TDO
pin. The maximum tone out error is ±1 tone cycle, and the maxi-
mum tone out delay with respect to the input is ±1 tone cycle.
Control Register. The main functions of the A8285/
A8287 are controlled via the I2C interface by writing to the
control register. The power-up states for the control func-
tions are all zero. Control functions include the following:
• Internal Tone Modulation Enable (ENT). When the
ENT bit is set to 1, the internal tone generator controls
a 40 mA pull-down device, thus creating the tone signal
after the DiSEqC™ fi lter in a way identical to the EXTM
scheme. The internal oscillator is factory-trimmed to
provide a tone of 22 ±2 kHz. No further adjustment is
required. Burst coding of the 22 kHz tone is accomplished
due to the fast response of the serial command and rapid
tone response. This allows implementation of the
DiSEqC™ 2.0 protocols.
• Select Output Voltage Amplitude (VSEL0, VSEL1,
VSEL2, VSEL3). The LNB output voltage can be pro-
grammed to a particular voltage according to the Output Volt-
age Amplitude Selection table shown on the following page.
• Enable (ENB). When set to 1, the LNB output is enabled.
When reset to 0, the LNB output is disabled.
• Overcurrent Limit (ILIM). Selects the output overcurrent
limit. When set to 0, the limit is 500 mA. When set to 1, the
limit is 700 mA.
• Overcurrent Disable Time (ODT). When set to 1, in the
event of an overcurrent occuring for a duration exceeding
the disable time, the device is turned off. When set to 0,
Functional Description