IRLG5 310X220X0.5
Category : Noise Suppressing / Magnetic Sheets
Sub Category : Noise Suppressing / Magnetic Sheets
TDK Series Name : IRLG5
Application : No Data Available.
Function : No Data Available.
Description : No Data Available.
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Property Name Property Description
Product Lifecycle Stage Production
Part Number Replacement No Data Available.
Lead (Pb) Free Yes
Surface Mount No
Body Length (L) Nom 310 mm
Body Breadth (W) Nom 220 mm
Standard Sheet Thickness Nom 0.5 mm
Recommended Frequency Range Min No Data Available.
Recommended Frequency Range Max No Data Available.
Category Temperature Range Min -40 Cel
Category Temperature Range Max 85 Cel
Initial Permeability Min No Data Available.
Initial Permeability Measuring Condition 13.56MHz
Surface Resistivity Min 10 kOhm
Thermal Conductivity Nom 1.5 W/(m.k)
Density Nom 3700 kg/m**3
Storage Temperature Range Min No Data Available.
Max No Data Available.
Country of Origin JPN
Packing Box
Minimum Package Qty Nom 1Pcs
Minimum Order Qty Nom 1Pcs
Weight Nom 111 g
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characteristics/performance for the particular part number. For product specification information, please refer to TDK's general product specification. Please
note that this standard part is not designed or warranted to meet any specifications of any intermediate or end user different from or in addition to the
specifications set fort in TDK's general product specification. Note also that this standard part has not been specially designed or manufactured for, nor is it
intended or warranted for use in , or permitted to be resold for, specialized applications such as aviation, medical, and/or governmental/military applications
(collectively, "Excluded Applications").
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- Noise Suppressing / Magnetic Sheets - Part No: IRLG5 310X220X0.5 Characterist...
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