ADC10731, ADC10732, ADC10734, ADC10738
Electrical Characteristics
The following specifications apply for V+= AV+= DV+= +5.0 VDC, VREF+ = 2.5 VDC, VREF−= GND, VIN−= 2.5V for Signed
Characteristics, VIN−= GND for Unsigned Characteristics and fCLK = 2.5 MHz unless otherwise specified. Boldface limits
apply for TA= TJ= TMIN to TMAX; all other limits TA= TJ= +25°C.(1)(2)(3)(4)
Parameter Test Conditions Typ(5) Limits(6) (Limits)
Resolution with No Missing Codes 10 + Sign Bits
TUE Total Unadjusted Error(7) ±2.0 LSB (max)
INL Positive and Negative Integral Linearity Error ±1.25 LSB (max)
Positive and Negative Full-Scale Error ±1.5 LSB (max)
Offset Error ±1.5 LSB (max)
Offset Error ±0.2 ±1.0 LSB (max)
Power Supply Sensitivity + Full-Scale Error V+= +5.0V ±10% ±0.2 ±1.0 LSB (max)
−Full-Scale Error ±0.1 ±0.75 LSB (max)
VIN+=VIN−= VIN where
DC Common Mode Error(8) ±0.1 ±0.33 LSB (max)
5.0V ≥VIN ≥0V
Multiplexer Chan to Chan Matching ±0.1 LSB
Resolution with No Missing Codes 10 Bits
TUE Total Unadjusted Error(7) VREF+ = 4.096V ±0.75 LSB
INL Integral Linearity Error VREF+ = 4.096V ±0.50 LSB
Full-Scale Error VREF+ = 4.096V ±1.25 LSB (max)
Offset Error VREF+ = 4.096V ±1.25 LSB (max)
Offset Error V+= +5.0V ±10% ±0.1 LSB
Power Supply Sensitivity Full-Scale Error VREF+ = 4.096V ±0.1 LSB
VIN+=VIN−= VIN where
DC Common Mode Error(8) ±0.1 LSB
+5.0V ≥VIN ≥0V
Multiplexer Channel to Channel Matching VREF+ = 4.096V ±0.1 LSB
VIN = 4.85 VPP, and
S/(N+D) Signal-to-Noise Plus Distortion Ratio 67 dB
fIN = 1 kHz to 15 kHz
VIN = 4.85 VPP, and
ENOB Effective Number of Bits 10.8 Bits
fIN = 1 kHz to 15 kHz
VIN = 4.85 VPP, and
THD Total Harmonic Distortion −78 dB
fIN = 1 kHz to 15 kHz
VIN = 4.85 VPP, and
IMD Intermodulation Distortion −85 dB
fIN = 1 kHz to 15 kHz
VIN = 4.85 VPP, where
Full-Power Bandwidth 380 kHz
S/(N + D) Decreases 3 dB
Multiplexer Chan to Chan Crosstalk fIN = 15 kHz −80 dB
(1) Two on-chip diodes are tied to each analog input as shown below. They will forward-conduct for analog input voltages one diode drop
below ground or one diode drop greater than V+supply. Be careful during testing at low V+levels (+4.5V), as high level analog inputs
(+5V) can cause an input diode to conduct, especially at elevated temperatures, which will cause errors In the conversion result. The
specification allows 50 mV forward bias of either diode; this means that as long as the analog VIN does not exceed the supply voltage by
more than 50 mV, the output code will be correct. Exceeding this range on an unselected channel will corrupt the reading of a selected
channel. If AV+and DV+are minimum (4.5 VDC) and full scale must be ≤+4.55 VDC. See Figure 6
(2) No connection exists between AV+and DV+on the chip.To ensure accuracy, it is required that the AV+and DV+be connected together
to a power supply with separate bypass filter at each V+pin.
(3) One LSB is referenced to 10 bits of resolution.
(4) All the timing specifications are tested at the TTL logic levels, VIL = 0.8V for a falling edge and VIH = 2.0V for a rising. TRl-STATE
voltage level is forced to 1.4V.
(5) Typicals are at TJ= TA= 25°C and represent most likely parametric norm.
(6) Tested limits are ensured to AOQL (Average Outgoing Quality Level).
(7) Total unadjusted error includes offset, full-scale, linearity, multiplexer, and hold step errors.
(8) The DC common-mode error is measured in the differential multiplexer mode with the assigned positive and negative input channels
shorted together.
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