)*()70-5"(&108&301&3"5*0/"-".1-*'*&34 PA85 * PA85A )551888"1&9.*$305&$)$0. "1&9 M I C R O T E C H N O L O G Y FEATURES * HIGH VOLTAGE -- 450V (225V) * HIGH SLEW RATE -- 1000V/s * HIGH OUTPUT CURRENT -- 200mA APPLICATIONS * * * * PATENTED HIGH VOLTAGE INSTRUMENTATION PIEZO TRANSDUCER EXCITATION PROGRAMMABLE POWER SUPPLIES UP TO 430V ELECTROSTATIC TRANSDUCERS & DEFLECTION TYPICAL APPLICATION Dynamic focusing is the active correction of focusing voltage as a beam traverses the face of a CRT. This is necessary in high resolution flat face monitors since the distance between cathode and screen varies as the beam moves from the center of the screen to the edges. PA85 lends itself well to this function since it can be connected as a summing amplifier with inputs from the nominal focus potential and the dynamic correction. The nominal might be derived from a potentiometer, or perhaps automatic focusing circuitry might be used to generate this potential. The dynamic correction is generated from the sweep voltages by calculating the distance of the beam from the center of the display. DESCRIPTION The PA85 is a high voltage, high power bandwidth MOSFET operational amplifier designed for output currents up to 200mA. Output voltages can swing up to 215V with a dual supply and up to +440 volts with a single supply. The safe operating area (SOA) has no second breakdown limitations and can be observed with all types of loads by choosing an appropriate current limiting resistor. High accuracy is achieved with a cascode input circuit configuration. All internal biasing is referenced to a bootstrapped zener-MOSFET current source. As a result, the PA85 features an unprecedented supply range and excellent supply rejection. The MOSFET output stage is biased on for linear operation. External compensation provides user flexibility. This hybrid circuit utilizes thick film (cermet) resistors, ceramic capacitors and silicon semiconductor chips to maximize reliability, minimize size and give top performance. Ultrasonically bonded aluminum wires provide reliable interconnections at all operating temperatures. The 8-pin TO-3 package is hermetically sealed and electrically isolated. The use of compressible isolation washers voids the warranty. 2 $0.1 m*/ 2 2" 2 2# */ 2 $- EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS 7T 065 m74 065 5017*&8 m*/ m7T 2 3$- $- */ 2 2 % 50 '0$64 (3*% 1" 7 2 2 3$- 3*/ :48&&1 4".1-& 2 2 7 [Y Z 74 % 3' 948&&1 4".1-& % 2 3*/ %$ '0$64 EQUIVALENT SCHEMATIC 2 8-pin TO-3 PACKAGE STYLE CE $0.1 $$ $0.1 3$ PHASE COMPENSATION RC Gain CC 1 68pF 100 20 10pF 330 100 3.3pF 0 CC RATED FOR FULL SUPPLY VOLTAGE APEX MICROTECHNOLOGY CORPORATION * TELEPHONE (520) 690-8600 * FAX (520) 888-3329 * ORDERS (520) 690-8601 * EMAIL prodlit@apexmicrotech.com PA85 * PA85A ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS SPECIFICATIONS SUPPLY VOLTAGE, +VS to -VS OUTPUT CURRENT, continuous within SOA POWER DISSIPATION, continuous @ TC = 25C2 INPUT VOLTAGE, differential INPUT VOLTAGE, common mode TEMPERATURE, pin solder - 10s max TEMPERATURE, junction2 TEMPERATURE, storage OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE, case PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS 1 MIN 450V 200mA 30W 25V VS 300C 150C -65 to +150C -55 to +125C PA85 TYP MAX MIN PA85A TYP MAX INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE, initial .5 2 .25 .5 OFFSET VOLTAGE, vs. temperature Full temperature range 10 30 5 10 OFFSET VOLTAGE, vs. supply 3 10 * * OFFSET VOLTAGE, vs. time 75 * BIAS CURRENT, initial3 5 50 3 10 BIAS CURRENT, vs. supply .01 * OFFSET CURRENT, initial3 10 100 3 30 INPUT IMPEDANCE, DC 1011 * INPUT CAPACITANCE 4 * COMMON MODE VOLTAGE RANGE4 VS-15 * COMMON MODE REJECTION, DC VCM = 90V 90 110 * * NOISE 100kHz BW, RS = 1K, CC = 10pf 1 * GAIN OPEN LOOP, @ 15Hz RL = 2K, CC = OPEN 96 GAIN BANDWIDTH PRODUCT at 1MHz RL = 2K, CC = 3.3pf POWER BANDWIDTH CC = 10pf CC = 3.3pf PHASE MARGIN Full temperature range OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING4 VOLTAGE SWING4 VOLTAGE SWING4 CURRENT, continuous SLEW RATE, AV = 20 SLEW RATE, AV = 100 CAPACITIVE LOAD, AV = +1 SETTLING TIME to .1% RESISTANCE, no load THERMAL RESISTANCE, AC, junction to case5 RESISTANCE, DC, junction to case RESISTANCE, junction to air TEMPERATURE RANGE, case mV V/C V/V V/kh pA pA/V pA pF V dB Vrms * * * * * dB MHz kHz kHz IO = 200mA Vs-10 Vs-6.5 * * IO = 75mA V-8.5 Vs-6.0 * * IO = 20mA V-8.0 Vs-5.5 * * TC = 85C 200 * CC = 10pf 400 * CC = OPEN 1000 700 * Full temperature range 470 * * CC = 10pf, 2V step 1 * RCL = 0 50 * V V V mA V/s V/s pf s POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE6 Full temperature range 15 CURRENT, quiescent 111 * 100 300 500 60 UNITS 150 21 225 * 25 * * * * Full temperature range, F > 60Hz 2.5 * Full temperature range, F < 60Hz 4.2 * Full temperature range 30 * Meets full range specifications -25 +85 * * V mA C/W C/W C/W C NOTES: * The specification of PA85A is identical to the specification for PA85 in applicable column to the left. 1. Unless otherwise noted: TC = 25C, compensation = CC = 68pF, RC = 100. DC input specifications are value given. Power supply voltage is typical rating. 2. Long term operation at the maximum junction temperature will result in reduced product life. Derate internal power dissipation to achieve high MTTF. Ratings apply only to output transistors. An additional 10W may be dissipated due to quiescent power. 3. Doubles for every 10C of temperature increase. 4. +VS and -VS denote the positive and negative power supply rail respectively. 5. Rating applies if the output current alternates between both output transistors at a rate faster than 60Hz. 6. Derate max supply rating .625 V/C below 25C case. No derating needed above 25C case. CAUTION The PA85 is constructed from MOSFET transistors. ESD handling procedures must be observed. The internal substrate contains beryllia (BeO). Do not break the seal. If accidentally broken, do not crush, machine, or subject to temperatures in excess of 850C to avoid generating toxic fumes. APEX MICROTECHNOLOGY CORPORATION * 5980 NORTH SHANNON ROAD * TUCSON, ARIZONA 85741 * USA * APPLICATIONS HOTLINE: 1 (800) 546-2739 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE GRAPHS 1)"4&3&410/4& m m m m m . 4-&83"5& %*45035*0/ $ $ 5 $ $ 5 $m $$Q' , , , . '3&26&/$: ' )[ . 3-, "7 108 $$QG 3-, $0..0/.0%&3&+&$5*0/ , , '3&26&/$: ' )[ , , , . '3&26&/$: ' )[ . , , '3&26&/$: ' )[ , $633&/5-*.*5 . */165/0*4&70-5"(& 108&34611-:3&+&$5*0/ 108&34611-:3&+&$5*0/ 143 E# $0..0/.0%&3&+&$5*0/ $.3 E# )"3.0/*$%*45035*0/ &95$0.1&/4"5*0/$"1"$*503 $$ Q' 065165$633&/5 *0 N" , , , , . . '3&26&/$: ' )[ $633&/5-*.*5 *-*. N" 4-&83"5& 7c4 108&33&410/4& 505"-4611-:70-5"(& 74 7 QG , , . . . . '3&26&/$: ' )[ 06516570-5"(&48*/( 5$m$ QG m $$Q' QG $ 5 $ 5 $$ $$ $$Q' $$ $$ $$Q' . 4."--4*(/"-3&410/4& . . '3&26&/$:' )[ $"4&5&.1&3"563& 5$ $ $$Q' $ 01&/-001("*/ " E# $$Q' 5 $$Q' m 06516570-5"(& 70 711 26*&4$&/5$633&/5 */165/0*4&70-5"(& 7/ O7)[ 1)"4& /03."-*;&%26*&4$&/5$633&/5 *2 9 108&3%&3"5*/( 70-5"(&%301'30.4611-: 74m70 7 06516545"(& */5&3/"-108&3%*44*1"5*0/ 1 8 PA85 * PA85A 3&4*45037"-6& 3$- APEX MICROTECHNOLOGY CORPORATION * TELEPHONE (520) 690-8600 * FAX (520) 888-3329 * ORDERS (520) 690-8601 * EMAIL prodlit@apexmicrotech.com OPERATING CONSIDERATIONS PA85 * PA85A SAFE OPERATING CURVES GENERAL Please read Application Note 1 "General Operating Considerations" which covers stability, supplies, heat sinking, mounting, current limit, SOA interpretation, and specification interpretation. Visit www.apexmicrotech.com for design tools that help automate tasks such as calculations for stability, internal power dissipation, current limit and heat sink selection. The "Application Notes" and "Technical Seminar" sections contain a wealth of information on specific types of applications. Package outlines, heat sinks, mounting hardware and other accessories are located in the "Packages and Accessories" section. Evaluation Kits are available for most Apex product models, consult the "Evaluation Kit" section for details. For the most current version of all Apex product data sheets, visit www.apexmicrotech.com. CURRENT LIMIT For proper operation, the current limit resistor (RCL) must be connected as shown in the external connection diagram. The minimum value is 1.4 ohm, however for optimum reliability the resistor value should be set as high as possible. The value is calculated as follows; with the maximum practical value of 30 ohms. .7 RCL = ILIM - .016 SAFE OPERATING AREA (SOA) The MOSFET output stage of this power operational amplifier has two distinct limitations: 1. The current handling capability of the MOSFET geometry and the wire bonds. 2. The junction temperature of the output MOSFETs. NOTE: The output stage is protected against transient flyback. However, for protection against sustained, high energy flyback, external fast-recovery diodes should be used. 40" 065165$633&/5'30. 7403m74 N" N %$ $ %$ 5 $ POWER SUPPLY PROTECTION Unidirectional zener diode transient suppressors are recommended as protection on the supply pins. The zeners clamp transients to voltages within the power supply rating and also clamp power supply reversals to ground. Whether the zeners are used or not, the system power supply should be evaluated for transient performance including power-on overshoot and power-off polarity reversals as well as line regulation. Conditions which can cause open circuits or polarity reversals on either power supply rail should be avoided or protected against. Reversals or opens on the negative supply rail is known to induce input stage failure. Unidirectional transzorbs prevent this, and it is desirable that they be both electrically and physically as close to the amplifier as possible. STABILITY The PA85 is externally compensated and performance can be tailored to the application. Use the graphs of small signal response and power response as a guide. The compensation capacitor CC must be rated at 500V working voltage. An NPO capacitor is recommended. The compensation network CCRC must be mounted closely to the amplifier pins 7 and 8 to avoid spurious oscillation. ; 5 74 4 $ 5 Although the PA85 can withstand differential voltages up to 25V, additional external protection is recommended. Since the PA85 is a high speed amplifier, low leakage, low capacitance JFETs connected as diodes are recommended (e.g. 2N4416, Q1-Q4 in Figure 2). The differential input voltage will be clamped to 1.4V. This is sufficient overdrive to produce maximum power bandwidth. N %$ INPUT PROTECTION 4 The safe operating area curves define the maximum additional internal power dissipation the amplifier can tolerate when it produces the necessary output to drive an external load. This is not the same as the absolute maximum internal power dissipation listed elsewhere in the specification since the quiescent power dissipation is significant compared to the total. $ m*/ 2 2 $ 1" */ $ 2 2 ; m74 '*(63& 07&370-5"(&1305&$5*0/ 16-4&$637&4!%65:$:$-&."9 4611-:50065165%*''&3&/5*"- 74m70 7 This data sheet has been carefully CORPORATION checked and is believed to be NORTH reliable, however, no responsibility is assumed for possible inaccuracies omissions. All specifications HOTLINE: are subject to1change without notice. APEX MICROTECHNOLOGY * 5980 SHANNON ROAD * TUCSON, ARIZONA 85741 *orUSA * APPLICATIONS (800) 546-2739 PA85U REV N OCTOBER 2006 (c) 2006 Apex Microtechnology Corp.